Clifton A. Emahiser’s Non-Universal Teaching Ministries - July-August, 2015

Clifton A. Emahiser’s Non-Universal Teaching Ministries

Announcing my most recent Watchman’s Teaching Letters #’s 207 and 208

At least many of the Identity Christians whom we have met believe that certain circumstances or events in their lives left an impression upon them that made them receptive to Biblical truths which confronted them later on in life. Clifton Emahiser understands that as well, and has decided to write about those aspects of his own life. He says: "At this juncture, I have decided to ... give the reader some of the background of my personal life ... It is my desire here to witness to how my eyes became opened to the message of Christian Israelite Identity." This endeavor will, of course, take several months for Clifton to complete.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #207   Watchman's Teaching Letter #208

Clifton continues to present his life story and his awakening to his Israelite identity as he discusses the end of the War and his short career in the US Navy, some odd jobs and false starts, the beginning of his long career as a barber, his courtship and marriage, and all of the events and thoughts that came to mind later that helped him to accept the Biblical truth of God and Race.

You will also not want to miss my latest articles:

The Real Cause of The United States Civil War

In this time of Negro uprisings and debate over the beloved Confederate battle flag, Clifton reminds us that the slavery issue was not the cause of the war.

Who Are the Jews?

So many people are confused on this issue, and here Clifton addresses the topic from yet another perspective, critiquing an American Renaissance article from a couple of years past.

Were Jeremiah & Zedekiah’s Daughters Cursed When Driven To Egypt?

Here Clifton addresses one of those difficult topics which are ignored by most commentators.

Over 75 of my Watchman's Teaching Letters are now available in a very high-quality audio format. We pray that more will be available in the near future. They are available for download here:

Clifton also recommends:

The live Talkshoe podcasts with William Finck every Friday and Saturday evening at 8PM Eastern time at: which are simulcast at

Plus hundreds of past podcasts archived at:

Explore the rest of my website to discover my 200 archived Watchman's Teaching Letters, plus over 200 of my essays (some by William Finck), plus many YouTubes and other exceptional items of interest! Christianity for the Thinking Man.
Conserving Christian Civilization

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