Jim Rizoli Interviews William Finck
We have been familiar with Jim Rizoli from our Social Media circles for many years, but I have never before spoken with him. This week he wrote asking if I would like to do an interview, so I got together with him this Wednesday afternoon. While I cannot explain all of the details supporting everything which I believe in one hour, it was nevertheless an enjoyable conversation.
See Jim Rizoli's channel on Bitchute, especially for the parade of clowns he had on after this interview, and his virtue signaling ever since speaking to me. Jim is essentially a social justice warrior disguised as a holocaust denier. Jim claims to be opposed to World Jewry, yet he has accepted the entire Jewish agenda of egalitarianism and race-mixing.
EDIT 2023-3-12: Jim now denies being a race-mixer, but he is too stupid to even see how he advocates egalitarianism and race-mixing. The truth is that once a man thinks "people" of other races can be Christian, he is advocating race mixing. If he won't marry a gook, how does he think God would marry a gook? (Romans 7:1-4, Revelation 19:7-9) And once a man gets his information about Christianity or anything else based on the opinions of a woman, he is also advocating feminism! Jim, stop being a bitch.
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