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Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Exclaims "We are Trained Marxists"
The Empire cannot be reformed. Babylon cannot be repaired.
Of course, trained Marxists acting as subversives would have no actual care for partisan American politics, so neither would they enter the democratic political process or endorse political candidates.
Yet in a special disclaimer issued by the U.S. Office of Special Counsel titled Black Lives Matter and the Hatch Act, in what can only be described as either absolute stupidity or purposeful ignorance, it has been decided that since "Black Lives Matter" is not a "partisan political" group, therefore their slogans and symbols are allowed in the workplaces of federal employees, reasoning that it does not violate the Hatch Act.
The empire is destroying itself, and we eagerly await the day.
Seeing Through "Science" - Bill Gates Conspires Against the World
I have had this video and a few sentences posted at the Saxon Messenger website for nearly 5 years. I would have posted it more prominently if I only knew what was coming here in the opening months of 2020.
At a 2010 TED Conference Bill Gates spoke about the imminent dangers of Global Warming, using all of the fake science scare tactics which usually accompany that subject, and presented as fact "the need for 'miracles' to avoid planetary catastrophe". So he made the proposition that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere had to be reduced, and to do that four factors had to be reduced, the number of people, the services used by each person, the amount of energy consumed by each service, and the amount of carbon emissions per unit of energy.
After explaining that, he said "So let's look at each one of these and see how we can get this down to zero. Probably at least one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero." Then, continuing, "First we've got population. Now the world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent...."
So here Bill Gates is exposed. While his words may sound good to the causal listener, to him vaccines can be used to lower the world population. To him, healthcare can really be a means of euthanasia. To him, reproductive health services can be a means to lower reproduction. So to him, "reproductive health services" are really abortion clinics. To Bill Gates, healthcare is a way to control the masses and exterminate people whenever the population grows larger than he likes, while keeping the people themselves ignorant of his nefarious intentions. To Bill Gates, healthcare is a way for him to play God.
Bill Gates is therefore involved in a criminal conspiracy against all mankind.... (Click here to read more!)
This is What Mind Control Looks Like
When the entire mainstream media is singing the same tune, when dozens, if not hundreds, of local television stations are repeating the same lines as if they are reading from the same script, you know that behind the scenes somewhere far away is one person who is doing all of their thinking for them. This is mind control, where everyone is a brainless drone simply repeating someone else's ideas.
CIA Admits "News" Manipulation - 1975, Operation Mockingbird
The "News" is a product of a cooperation of banker-controlled government and banker-owned corporations which only want to control you.
The "News" is Not Real - All "News" is Fake
It happened then, it never stopped happening and it is happening now. It has happened at every turn. The manufactured Iraq War, 911, the Orlando Homocaust, the Sandy Hook "shootings", the crises actors, it is all ordered up by the shadowy figures in control of the government and manipulating us all. The food you eat, the drugs you take, what the government regulates and what it does not, and all of your information comes fom those who enslave you.
This video is from FisherOfMen3 on Youtube
Anderson Cooper Admits Working for the CIA
How can an immoral sodomite who has worked for a government spy agency possibly be a reliable source of "news"? Oh, and on his off days he evidently coverts around homosexual sex bondage shops.
This video is from Mark Dice's Youtube
Swedish Media Offers Expose, But Still Apologetically Supports Left-Wing Violence
We have long known that groups such as the "Antifa" and ARA (and AFA) are tools for the support of Marxism and Jewish Supremacism. They are organized and dominated by Jews, and they radicalize naive White youth against the interests of their own race. These groups are funded and supported by Jewish organizations such as the ADL and the SPLC, in spite of the fact that the groups openly espouse violence and suppress the Constitutional rights (in the U.S.A.) or basic human rights of others who are not necessarily violent. But the problem with these groups in Europe is even more open than it is in America.
Why Christians Must Unplug Hollywood
Not only is Hollywood run by the anti-Christ jews, most of the common actors and actresses are also anti-Christ jews. In this manner, Christians have been spoon-fed anti-Christ jewish propaganda with every single movie that the jews have produced for a hundred years, in nearly every single movie that has been produced. For this reason, the worldview of most Christians is an anti-Christ jewish worldview. Sanitize your mind: unplug yourself from Hollywood, and stop worshipping the beast!
If you doubt that Hollywood is run by jews, see the article from one of their own, How Jewish is Hollywood? by Joel Stein at the Los Angeles Times.
The BBC: Broadcasting Babylon's Crash? We will wait and see, but we won't panic!
It is odd that the BBC would broadcast such a frank outlook on the condition of western financial markets. This analyst may simply be a master of the obvious. A market that makes no tangible goods cannot survive, period!
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