A Day at Panama City Beach
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Adios, Redneck Riviera!
Adios, Redneck Riviera!
Ephesians 2:1 And you, being dead in transgressions and in your errors 2 in which you had at one time walked, in accordance with the age of this Society, in accordance with the ruler of the office of the air, the spirit that is now operating within the sons of disobedience, [The sons of disobedience still have and will always have this spirit operating within them – it is them! When we follow their ways, we operate in accordance with it, but we do not have it within us – there is a big difference!] 3 among whom we also had all at one time conducted ourselves, in the desires of our flesh, acting out the wills of the flesh and of the thoughts, and we were by nature [Not by race, but because we followed our fleshly nature – we being children of God have two natures! Our nature never changes, so long as we keep the law of Kind after Kind. At 1 John 3:9 the apostle says “Each who has been born from of Yahweh does not create wrongdoing, because His seed abides in him, and he is not able to do wrong, because from of Yahweh he has been born.” Yet we are found following after wrongdoing when we follow after the flesh.] children of wrath, even like the others. [Even like the children of this world.] 4 But Yahweh, being rich in compassion, because of that great love of His with which He has loved us, 5 and we being dead in transgressions, are made alive with the Anointed (in favor are you being preserved), 6 and are raised together and are seated together in the heavenly places with Christ Yahshua, 7 in order that He would exhibit in the coming ages the surpassing riches of His favor in kindness to us among the number of Christ Yahshua. 8 For in favor you are being preserved through faith and this, Yahweh’s gift, is not of yourselves, 9 not from works, lest anyone would boast, 10 for His work we are, having been established among the number of Christ Yahshua for good works, which Yahweh before prepared in order that we would walk in them.
Through Revelation chapter 13 we saw the conditions which Israel would suffer under her prophesied 2520 years - or seven times - of punishment, after being put out of the old kingdom. These were seen in a vision of two images. The first image in chapter 12, was a vision of the woman with the twelve stars – the twelve tribes of Israel - and the nature of her persecutors, and the second was in chapter 13, a vision of the beasts which would rule over the woman, those who would tyrannize her. In chapters 10 and 11 we saw the conditions which released the woman – the collective people of Israel – from that tyranny, for they embraced the Word of God with the opening of the Little Book. So chapters 12 and 13 were a reflection of what was yet to transpire, written by John as long as 1800 years in advance, and much of it was also foretold in his visions in the earlier chapters of the Revelation. Because it was a reflection of events, some of which were in the past and some far off in the future when it was actually written, it could not possibly have been understood until after it had happened. The prophetic words of God do not come to us - except with perhaps a few exceptions - so that we may read them and see the future. Rather, they come to us that we may read them, look back at our history, and know that God is true. He is true, because He was able to reveal these things to us before they transpired – we have His record of it, and now we know it to be true even though we could not in times past see it for ourselves, even though we had His Word! This is indeed a Christian paradox.
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Revelation Chapter 13 capped off a lengthy series of prophecies which took us through Israel's 2520 years of punishment. During the first 1260 years, God's people were ruled over by a series of tyrannical empires. During the second 1260 years, by the office and institution of the papacy. We saw how this all correlates to like prophecies in Daniel chapters 2 and 7. Here we shall proceed with Revelation chapter 14.
XIV 1 And I looked, and behold! The Lamb stood upon Mount Sion, and with Him a hundred forty-four thousand having His Name and the Name of His Father written upon their foreheads. 2 And I heard a sound from out of heaven like a sound of many waters and like a sound of great thunder, and the sound which I heard like lyre-players playing on their lyres. 3 And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders, and no one was able to learn the song except the hundred forty-four thousand, those having been purchased from the earth. 4 These are they who have not been defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are they who follow the Lamb wherever He should go. These have been purchased from among men, a first-fruit for Yahweh and for the Lamb, 5 and in their mouths a lie is not found: they are blameless.
See 911missinglinks.com for the rest of the story.
Courtesy of Prothink.org
Okay, so they found some jews who managed to disagree, and they found one former politician to grouse about it, but where is the outcry? Where are the slanderous cries of "racist" and "nazi"? Where are the demonstrations? The courts in Palestine actually passed down a decision favoring racial distinctions, and there is no uproar! Imagine the media outcry if a U.S. court were to make a similar decision here in America. Let's face the facts: jews are indeed the world's foremost hypocrites - just as Yahshua Christ told them so many times in Matthew chapter 23. But when will Christians wake up?
1 Corinthians 7:1 Now concerning those things you have written: it is admirable for a man not to join to a woman; 2 but because of fornication each man must have his own wife, and each woman must have her own husband.
Matt. 19:12 For there are eunuchs who have been born thusly from the womb of a mother, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who make themselves eunuchs on account of the kingdom of the heavens! He being able to comprehend must comprehend!”
1 Corinthians 7:3 The husband must render the obligation due to the wife, and in like manner the wife also to the husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband; and in like manner also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife.
Marriage is a partnership. A wife has as much say over what the husband does with himself as the husband himself does, and vice versa. Neither husband or wife should do anything to themselves in any way, without the consent of the other. However as Paul says elsewhere, the husband is the head of the wife. Yet he patriarchal society is the Biblical model for both community and family structure, it is simply natural to our race – and the jew hates it. We must seek to keep it intact.
On Caleb the Israelite:
Okay, today I thought I would try to clear something up, which I tried to do last week in an email, but the person who wrote to me just didn't get it when I answered. I will take the blame for that, and Yahweh willing, maybe I can do better here.
Concerning the Caleb of the book of Joshua – a hero of those of the spies who searched out Jericho - I have seen this same contention many times before, that he is pointed out to be an Edomite simply because Esau had a son named Kenaz, and Caleb had a grandfather named Kenaz. They take further advantage of a part of Numbers 14:24 where it says that Caleb “had another spirit with him” to try to make their wayward case for universalism. Their attitude is generally that if an Edomite (as they claim Caleb to be) can be saved, can't everyone else be saved?
This is sort of like insisting that General George Washington and George Washington Carver must be related, simply because they shared a name. It is odd how people think of the Bible – or rather, don't think of the Bible – that they can read it and its context does not matter: if two things sound alike, they must be alike. Such a perception is quite childish, to say the least.
All Christogenea.org websites are now fully functional. We have just received delivery on the second new Christogenea server planned for the main sites and the forum, and it is now configured. This is Christogenea's backup server. When the layout reverts to the dark pages, then we will know that the DNS servers are updated to point to the new servers, and you will be reading Christogenea in its new home. Hopefully the radio streams will also be back to normal shortly. Christogenea.net and the Teamspeak chat server will not move until at least Sunday March 19th. Thank you for your support.
All three Christogenea Internet radio streams are now operating.
Praise Yahweh!
William Finck
In Revelation chapters 1 through 5 we saw the identification of the Christ as Yahweh, in the flesh, and the messages to seven assemblies, assemblies with errors and attitudes that are still with us today. The only assemblies which were not criticized were those of Smyrna, a name which refers to the oil of anointing, and Philadelphia, which means brotherly love. If we emulate those things, neither will we be condemned in the day of Christ. Then we saw the vision of Yahweh's throne, and the vision of the Lamb and the scroll with seven seals. The opening of each seal would reveal some great event in history, as told in Revelation chapters 6 through 11. The seventh seal consisted of seven trumpets, and with our interpretation of these seals and trumpets we saw history as it was revealed beforetime, from the beginnings of the Roman Empire through its fall, and then the Arab and Turkic invasions of Christendom, ending with the Reformation and the return of the people of Yahweh to the Word of Yahweh. The Eurocentricity of all of these prophecies reveals the European peoples to be the people of God, and none of these prophecies ever describe the jews – except those which reference Satan, notably Revelation 2:9, 3:9, and Chapter 12. These things can also be proven from ancient history. Revelation Chapter 12 is a prophecy with many aspects, and it is evident that it was not only a description of the fall of Satan and the birth of the Christ child, but it was also a description of the founding of the people of God on the North American continent – and the birth of this great Christian nation. Just as the adversaries of our God attempted to kill His Christ as soon as the child was born, so also they have been attempting to destroy this nation from its very inception.
All Israel Shall Indeed be Saved
1 Corinthians 2:14 Now the natural man does not accept that of the Spirit of Yahweh, for it is folly to him, and he is not able to know because it is inquired of spiritually; 15 but the spiritual inquires into all things, and it by no one is examined. 16 "For who has known the mind of Yahweh? Who will instruct Him?” But we have the perception of Christ.
(Jer 50:17-20 KJV)
17 Israel is a scattered sheep; the lions have driven him away: first the king of Assyria hath devoured him; and last this Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath broken his bones. 18 Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will punish the king of Babylon and his land, as I have punished the king of Assyria.19 And I will bring Israel again to his habitation, and he shall feed on Carmel and Bashan, and his soul shall be satisfied upon mount Ephraim and Gilead.20 In those days, and in that time, saith the LORD, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found: for I will pardon them whom I reserve.
(Jer 33:6-9 KJV)
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