Revelation Chapters 14 through 16 - 03-18-2011
Revelation Chapter 13 capped off a lengthy series of prophecies which took us through Israel's 2520 years of punishment. During the first 1260 years, God's people were ruled over by a series of tyrannical empires. During the second 1260 years, by the office and institution of the papacy. We saw how this all correlates to like prophecies in Daniel chapters 2 and 7. Here we shall proceed with Revelation chapter 14.
XIV 1 And I looked, and behold! The Lamb stood upon Mount Sion, and with Him a hundred forty-four thousand having His Name and the Name of His Father written upon their foreheads. 2 And I heard a sound from out of heaven like a sound of many waters and like a sound of great thunder, and the sound which I heard like lyre-players playing on their lyres. 3 And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders, and no one was able to learn the song except the hundred forty-four thousand, those having been purchased from the earth. 4 These are they who have not been defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are they who follow the Lamb wherever He should go. These have been purchased from among men, a first-fruit for Yahweh and for the Lamb, 5 and in their mouths a lie is not found: they are blameless.
Here we see a vision of the 144,000 that were first mentioned in Revelation Chapter 7. These were those men who men were sealed by Yahweh – kept from the troubles and pollutions of this world and from the wrath that was to come upon the Roman empire, which was the context of Chapter 7, and we see them again here. Some commentators have claimed that these will be the government of the Kingdom of God, however that idea is not found in the text. Others have claimed that these are the Kingdom of God, however it is clear in the text that these are only the first-fruits of those whom He has purchased – the first-fruits of the children Israel and, as it is evident in Chapter 7 at verse 9, they are followed by an innumerable multitude who were clothed in white garments. The promise to Abraham was that his descendants would be an innumerable multitude, as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the seashore, and not a mere hundred and forty-four thousand (Genesis 22:17, 32:12 et al).
In the Book of Job, at 19:25, Job is said to have proclaimed “For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth”. Psalm 74:2 is a plea to Yahweh to “Remember thy congregation, which thou hast purchased of old; the rod of thine inheritance, which thou hast redeemed; this mount Zion, wherein thou hast dwelt.” Yahweh is described as the Redeemer of the children of Israel quite often in the prophecy of Isaiah, and also at Psalms 25:22, 49:15, 78:35 and at Jeremiah 50:34 and elsewhere. It is explained in Isaiah Chapter 50 that the Children of Israel, the “peculiar treasure” of God and His possession since the days of the Exodus, had sold themselves into sin, where it says “for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother [meaning the nation as a whole – the wife of Yahweh] put away”.
The meaning of redemption in the New Testament is that God – through Christ – would purchase His people back from their transgression, for which He had long ago put them away. Therefore at Luke 1:68 Zacharias is recorded as having said: “Blessed is Yahweh the God of Israel, that He has visited and brought about redemption for His people.” This is the fulfillment of the law of the Kinsman Redeemer, found at Leviticus 25:48-49 and elsewhere in the Old Testament. At Galatians 4:5 Paul states that Yahshua's purpose was “that he would redeem those subject to law, that we would recover the position of sons”, we meaning the children of Israel, whom the Galatians were indeed descended from. Here in the Revelation, although the Greek word used is purchased and not redeemed, that same purpose of the New Covenant is stated once more. In this same manner, Paul told the Corinthians – descendants of Dorian Greeks, the Dorians having also emigrated from ancient Israel – that “ye are bought with a price”, at 1 Corinthians 6:20 and 7:23.
6 And I saw another messenger flying in mid-air, having an eternal good message [or gospel] to announce before those sitting upon the earth and before every nation and tribe and tongue and people, 7 saying with a great voice: “You must fear Yahweh and you must give honor to Him, because the hour of His judgment has come, and you must worship He who has made the heaven and the earth and the sea and springs of water!”
Revelation chapters 14 and 15 are a warning for our present time, this era of self-government and the loosing of Satan from the pit, which we have endured since the French Revolution. This shall be discussed at length with Revelation chapter 20. The Reformation, the diminishing of the papacy, and the decentralization of power in Europe invited all of the social revolutions of the nineteenth century, from the first French Revolution to the Bolshevik, and even into America the social revolutions of more recent decades were orchestrated by the same peoples, the anti-Christ jews, who have been at the root of every single one of them, and conceal as much through the media which they have come to control.
Chapter 14 begins to set the stage for the time of Jacob's trouble, that last period of world history before the Kingdom of Yahweh is finally established. Ever since the missionaries of the post-Reformation period, where there was witnessed the return to the Word of God by a significant number of His people, has the eternal gospel gone out into the entire world, chastising people to repent and to return to the God of the Bible. The time of great trouble which this passage introduces is mentioned in Jeremiah chapter 30, especially verse 7 which says “Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.”, and again in Daniel chapter 12.:1 where it says: “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.” This is the day of judgement, it has already been going on for many decades now, and true Israel shall be delivered. In the 19th and 20th centuries there were several Michaels, among whom were Tsar Nicholas II and Adolf Hitler, and their taking a stand against the beast and against the international merchants of world jewry did indeed cause such a time of trouble.
8 And another, second messenger followed saying: “Babylon the great has fallen, has fallen! She who has made all the nations drink from the wine of the passion of her fornication!”
One message that the original protestants professed, that men must serve God and not mammon, has been distorted. Now many of the protestant denominations, in their gospel of personal enrichment, encourage people to pursue mammon and consider it godly. Here it is announced that Babylon has fallen, and in discussing chapters 17 through 19 it shall be evident that Babylon is multifaceted, a world system centered upon international trade and the political, social and religious systems which facilitate that trade. While Babylon has not yet fallen, here it is announced that Babylon is indeed fallen, as the Scriptures often announce things prophetically, as having already happened even though it is long before the actual events transpire. In this sense Paul said of Yahweh God at Romans 4:17, that He “calls things not existing as existing”, because they shall indeed exist. It is fully evident in our recent history – that of the past century especially, that the global commercial system – particularly the international banks of London and New York – have “made all the nations drink from the wine of the passion of her fornication” by making war with all of those nations which do not join their system of central banks. All of those nations which have resisted the Rothschild-controlled central banking system have either been made to succumb over time, or outright destroyed – such as Tsarist Russia and Nazi Germany. Unto this day, even the arab nations and all the so-called “third world” nations are being forced into this jewish banking system.
9 And another, third messenger followed them saying with a great voice: “If one worships the beast and its image and receives an engraved mark upon his forehead or upon his hand, 10 then he shall drink from the wine of the wrath of Yahweh which is poured unmixed into the cup of His anger, and he shall be tormented in fire and sulfur before the holy messengers and before the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment ascends for eternal ages, and they who worship the beast and its image and one who receives the engraved mark of its name shall not have rest day and night. 12 Thus is the patience of the saints, they keeping the commandments of Yahweh and the faith of Yahshua!”
The “mark” of the beast is not necessarily a physical mark. The people described in Revelation chapter 13, those who were trapped under the power of the papacy – which describes nearly all of the Children of Israel through the later Medieval period – they had no practical choice but to worship the beast, the papacy at that time, in order that they may survive in their communities. However now the power of the papacy has eclipsed, and the nations of Europe have for the most part entered into a period of self-rule, the monarchical powers being diminished, the ancient feudal system being broken, and the parliamentary democracies being established. As the Scripture says in Jeremiah chapter 31, the children of Israel now choose their governors from among themselves. The new god of the nineteenth century is capitalism. The people are no longer compelled to worship the beast, but rather they have every opportunity to seek the Kingdom of Heaven – to seek to live by the Word of God. For those who choose the beast system over Yahweh God, they shall be punished and the smoke of their torment is everlasting. However that does not necessarily mean that they themselves are going to be eternally tormented. The smoke may only serve as an eternal remembrance of the torment, their lack of rest being attributed to their great feelings of guilt.
Revelation chapters 17 through 19 fully elucidate that the beast is related to the world mercantile system, which is controlled by jews. Likewise, bankers, merchants and criminals (such as the Borgias and the de Medicis) rose to the power of the papacy, and many of them were also jews. Therefore those worshipping the beast can only be those who have forgotten God and who have forsaken His commandments in order that they may worship and pursue the rewards of the mercantile system – the rewards of mammon - in the political, social and religious systems which facilitate the conduct of the beast system. And even more so, worship of the beast may have a greater literal meaning. Here it must be mentioned, that the demise of the papacy as an empirical authority over Europe took place in concert with the French Revolution. The French Revolution saw the jew gain an equal citizenship with the Christian in the polity of France, and with Napoleon that circumstance had been exported to the rest of Western Europe. This is referred to as the Jewish Emancipation. This is the final release of Satan from the pit, a process which had actually started three centuries sooner. With this period, a strange new religion began to gain a foothold in Europe: that which is called Secular Humanism.
Secular Humanism is a rejection of the supernatural or any spiritual authority, and therefore it seems to be a revival of the ancient religion of the Sadducees. The Sadducees, not the Pharisees, were the high priests who crucified the Christ (Acts 5:17). Secular Humanism arose from the deism and anti-clericalism of the Enlightenment, the various so-called secular movements of the 19th century, and the acceptance of science as a discipline which may explain existence, as if that idea could possibly have any merit. Secular Humanism is therefore the rejection of God and the ideal guiding philosophy for the international merchant – and it glorifies man, who without God is little but a beast, and promotes him into the position of being his own god. It is truly the worship of the beast. The word secular is from the Latin saecularis, meaning of an age, and therefore it means worldly. The Christian is told to reject the world (i.e. James 4:4; Romans 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 2:6, 12; 10:11; 11:32) because the whole world lies under the power of the evil one (1 John 5:19). Therefore Secular Humanism is an anti-Christ religion, a religion for satan, and it is also the worship of the beast.
This view of Secular Humanism is not new. The Oxford English Dictionary records the use of the word “humanism” by an English clergyman in 1812 to indicate those who believe in the “mere humanity” (as opposed to the divine nature) of Christ (The Oxford English Dictionary. VII [2nd ed.]. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1989. pp. 474–475).According to Wikipedia, “After the French Revolution, the idea that human virtue could be created by human reason alone independently from traditional religious institutions, attributed by opponents of the Revolution to Enlightenment philosophies such as Rousseau, was violently attacked by influential religious and political conservatives, such as Edmund Burke and Joseph de Maistre, as a deification or idolatry of man.” So we see the rise of the religion which deifies man, right at the same time that we see the diminishing of the tyrannical institutions of Europe – by which is meant the papacy and the monarchies – and also the emancipation of the jew. This is indeed the age of Satan.
Also according to Wikipedia, the anarchist Proudhon (best known for declaring that “property is theft” and a leading figure in revolutionary France) used the word “humanism” to describe a “culte, déification de l’humanité” (“cult, deification of humanity”) and Ernest Renan in L’avenir de la science: pensées de 1848 ("The Future of Knowledge: Thoughts on 1848") (1848–49), states: "It is my deep conviction that pure humanism will be the religion of the future, that is, the cult of all that pertains to man — all of life, sanctified and raised to the level of a moral value.“
13 And I heard a voice from out of heaven, saying: “Write: ‘Blessed are those dead among the number of the Prince who are dying from now on! Yeah’, says the Spirit, that ‘they shall have rest from their labors, for their works follow with them!’”
The use of the phrase “from now on” indicates that there is still a lot of history left in this last age, and it also supports the statement made in these comments above at verses 6 and 7, that this chapter is setting the stage for the last period in the history of this present age. If one dies a Christian in this time, one will indeed be rewarded for one's faith – and rewarded whether one is conscious of it or not, since Christianity is much more than a simple profession. It is a way of life which many of us live regardless of our confession – since the laws of our God are written on our hearts. Many of the children of God behave like perfectly good Christians, but turned off from judaized churchianity, they do not profess to be Christians.
14 And I looked, and behold, a white cloud! And he sitting upon the cloud like a son of man, having upon his head a gold crown and in his hand a sharp scythe. 15 And another messenger came out from the temple crying out with a great voice to him sitting upon the cloud: “Swing your scythe and reap, because the hour to reap has come, because parched is the harvest of the earth!” 16 And he sitting upon the cloud cast his scythe upon the earth and harvested the earth.
The King James Version has the exclamation at verse 15 as “for the harvest of the earth is ripe”, just like the second harvest which follows at verses 17-20. Yet there the Greek word for ripe is ἀκμάζω, which does indeed mean ripe when used of growing fruit. But here in verse 15 it is ἐξηράνθη, a Passive form of the verb ξηραίνω which means to be parched. Something that is parched, cannot be considered ripe, but rather describes something which is withered.
The parched grapes seem to represent those same allegorical tares, from the parable of the wheat and the tares told by Yahshua Christ at Matthew chapter 13. The ripe grapes of the harvest which follows seem to represent the wheat. In the parable of the wheat and the tares, the wheat represent the children of God – the true seed of the woman (Genesis 3:15) who are the descendants of Adam. The tares represent the seed of the serpent - children of the devil – who were planted by the enemy and descended through Cain from the serpent.
17 And another messenger came out from the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp scythe. 18 And another messenger came out from the altar, he having authority over the fire, and uttered with a great voice to him having the sharp scythe, saying: “Swing your sharp scythe and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, because ripe are her grapes!” 19 And the messenger cast his scythe to the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and cast it into the great wine-vat of the wrath of Yahweh. 20 And the wine-vat was trampled outside of the city and blood came out from the wine-vat, as high as the bridles of horses for a thousand six hundred stades.
The ripe grapes represent the harvest of the wheat. As it also does in the harvest of the parched grapes described above, the swinging of the scythe represents the wrath of Yahweh which is manifested in the wars and tumults of this age – which have been far greater than those of previous ages. Christians are promised that they will not suffer greatly in these wars and other disasters, so long as they do not worship the beast.
XV 1 And I saw another sign in heaven, great and wondrous, seven messengers having the seven last plagues, that in them the wrath of Yahweh is fulfilled.
2 And I saw like a glass sea mixed with fire, and those prevailing from the beast and from his image and from the number of his name standing upon the glass sea holding lyres from Yahweh.
The glass sea mixed with fire represents the trials of this life, the “fire” which each of us must pass through. That this fire represents these earthly trials which we endure is evident at 1 Peter 1:3-10, which states (from the KJV): “3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, 5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: 9 Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. 10 Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you [here it is evident that Peter is speaking only to the children of Israel, the subjects of all of these prophecies exclusively]: 11 Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.” So we see that the trials of this world are indeed the fires which we must pass through. This is also evident in 1 Corinthians chapter 3 where we find: “11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; 13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. 14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.”
3 And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of Yahweh, and the song of the Lamb, saying: “Your works are great and wonderful, Prince Yahweh Almighty! Your ways are righteous and true, King of the Nations! 4 Who should not be afraid, Prince, and honor Your Name? Because You are the only Holy One, because all the nations shall come and they shall worship before You, because Your judgments have been made manifest!”
These people are not the one hundred and forty-four thousand of chapters 7 and 14. Neither are they the innumerable multitude of chapter 7. Rather, they are a new multitude – those Israelites from among the Nations who in these last days have prevailed over the beast by not worshipping the beast. All of the Nations which worship Yahweh are, in the Biblical context, all of those nations of people which are written in the book of life – since all others shall go into the Lake of Fire. The distinction must remain between the sheep nations and the goat nations of Matthew chapter 25. The sheep nations go onto eternal reward, and the goat nations go on to eternal punishment – the Lake of Fire, which in this case is different from the trials of fire. The Lake of Fire represents permanent destruction, since the beast, the false prophet, Hell and Death also face that same fate.
5 And after these things I looked, and the temple of the tabernacle of testimony opened in heaven, 6 and the seven messengers having the seven plagues came out from the temple, clothed in clean bright linen and girt about the chest with gold belts. 7 And one from among the four living creatures had given to the seven messengers seven gold bowls filled with the wrath of Yahweh who lives for the eternal ages. 8 And the temple filled with smoke from the effulgence of Yahweh and from His power, and no one was able to enter into the temple until the seven plagues of the seven messengers are completed.
The tabernacle of testimony must be related to the “ark of His testament” mentioned at the end of Chapter 11. There it was remarked that the Word of God is the true ark of His testament, since it holds all of the promises made to Israel, and in that section of the Revelation we saw the opening of the Little Book – the Reformation and the deliverance of the Scripture into the hands of men, and the Two Witnesses, Israel and Judah, who fulfilled their testimony by fulfilling the prophecies concerning them: that they would indeed turn back to Yahweh and His Word through Christ. Their adoption of Christianity and their embrace of the Word of God in the Reformation was indeed the fulfillment of such prophecies. One example is found at Hosea 2:7, speaking of the deported Israelites: “And she shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband [Yahweh]; for then was it better with me than now.”
In Chapter 16, with the seven vials, we return to the last portions of the historical prophecies in the Revelation, which have already been accomplished, and which cover the last age leading up to the fall of Babylon.
XVI 1 And I heard a great voice from out of the temple saying to the seven messengers: “Go, and pour out the seven bowls of the wrath of Yahweh into the earth!”
Here will be discussed not definite and detailed historic events, as were witnessed in chapters 4 through 13, but an overall picture of Christian society, because it may be discerned that these prophecies are indeed a premonition of the overall state of the Christian society as it exists after the passing of the two beasts which we saw portrayed in Revelation chapter 13.
2 And the first went out and poured his bowl out into the earth, and there came a bad and grievous sore upon the men who have the engraved mark of the beast and who worship its image.
With the French Revolution and the age of Napoleon, the end of the old feudal order had come for certain. The end of ecclesiastical control over the morals and behavior of the people, a power which was often abused under the Romish catholic church system anyway, had also come. The people would now generally be left to their own devices, under the guise of the so-called free and modern society. Yet with the introduction of mass-produced Bibles into the average home, the common person was also given a choice: to follow the Word of God, or succumb to the devices of the society. The jew – satan let out of the pit - as we shall see in Revelation chapter 20 – is now an equal in European society, and will use his new status to promote all sorts of vice and corruption, modern versions of the Canaanite idols his fathers had once used to allure the children of Israel into sin. Furthermore, free enterprise is endangered and shall succumb to an entirely usury-based economy, organized under capitalism and orchestrated by the jewish banking families of Europe, notably the Rothschilds. Under a usury-based capitalist economy, the enemies of Christ would gain more and more power and influence, enabling them to finance ever-stronger attacks against Christendom, and from within rather than from without.
In order to help understand what is being described here, a reading from Ezekiel chapter 18 shall be presented, along with a reading of part of Jeremiah chapter 31 and then a reading from the Book of Joshua. Ezekiel is writing at a time when practically all of the Israelites along with most of Judah were taken off into captivity by the Assyrians. Ezekiel is among the captives who were relocated and settled in a part of northern Syria. Those taken captive by the Assyrians would never return to Palestine. Instead, they would for the most part eventually migrate through the Caucasus mountains and eventually emerge as the Sakans and Kimmerians, forerunners of the modern Germanic peoples.
Ezekiel 18: “1 The word of the LORD came unto me again, saying, 2 What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge? 3 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel. 4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die. 5 But if a man be just, and do that which is lawful and right, 6 And hath not eaten upon the mountains, neither hath lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, neither hath defiled his neighbour's wife, neither hath come near to a menstruous woman, 7 And hath not oppressed any, but hath restored to the debtor his pledge, hath spoiled none by violence, hath given his bread to the hungry, and hath covered the naked with a garment; 8 He that hath not given forth upon usury, neither hath taken any increase, that hath withdrawn his hand from iniquity, hath executed true judgment between man and man, 9 Hath walked in my statutes, and hath kept my judgments, to deal truly; he is just, he shall surely live, saith the Lord GOD.” Among the sins which men will die for are idolatry, fornication, adultery and usury, which is what the language here is describing, along with a lack of brotherly loved – here depicted as a fair treatment of the debtor, and provision for the needy.
This admonition in Ezekiel 18 is then repeated for a son who does engage in such behavior, and for a son's son who does not, in order to demonstrate that the same family may have members who sin in this manner, and members who do not.. But from this time only the sinners will be punished, and not the entire family. That at one time entire families were punished for the sins of a man is evident in Scripture, and because it also helps to explain other aspects which are being discussed here, a passage from the story of Achan, found at Joshua 7:20-26, shall be read: “20 And Achan answered Joshua, and said, Indeed I have sinned against the LORD God of Israel, and thus and thus have I done: 21 When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it. 22 So Joshua sent messengers, and they ran unto the tent; and, behold, it was hid in his tent, and the silver under it. 23 And they took them out of the midst of the tent, and brought them unto Joshua, and unto all the children of Israel, and laid them out before the LORD. 24 And Joshua, and all Israel with him, took Achan the son of Zerah, and the silver, and the garment, and the wedge of gold, and his sons, and his daughters, and his oxen, and his asses, and his sheep, and his tent, and all that he had: and they brought them unto the valley of Achor. 25 And Joshua said, Why hast thou troubled us? the LORD shall trouble thee this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire, after they had stoned them with stones. 26 And they raised over him a great heap of stones unto this day. So the LORD turned from the fierceness of his anger. Wherefore the name of that place was called, The valley of Achor, unto this day.” So it is evident that Achan's entire family was destroyed for his transgression. If Achan were to keep his gold and his silver, and his “Babylonish garment”, it was inevitable that he was to become a banker – for that was the only use that those things would have had. In ancient Babylon, the temples of the pagan idols also served as banks, among other things. The priests of those temples would loan out the offerings which they received at usury. Achan would have had no other purpose if he kept these things.
Another passage which lends insight to this passage of the Revelation is found in Jeremiah Chapter 31, verses 27 through 30: “27 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast. 28 And it shall come to pass, that like as I have watched over them, to pluck up, and to break down, and to throw down, and to destroy, and to afflict; so will I watch over them, to build, and to plant, saith the LORD. 29 In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. 30 But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge.” This passage in Jeremiah precedes a passage beginning at verse 31 which promises the consummation of the New Covenant. Therefore it is a prophecy for this very time. Sour grapes are associated with the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah at Deuteronomy 32:32: “For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter”. Here it is evident that the sour grapes represent the fornication and other sins which were prominent at Sodom and Gomorrah.
The day would come when Yahweh would sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and the seed of beast, and that day began when the jew was emancipated and allowed into the community of the European nations as citizens equal to Christians. Satan was loosed from the pit, or the ghettos of Europe, in order that he may deceive the entire world. In Revelation chapter 13, we saw that it was the dragon which gave his power to the beast. This dragon is also identified with Satan in Revelation chapter 12. For many centuries the jew remained in the background, as court physician or private banker or in some other panderous capacity, attempting to compromise the nobility of Europe and often succeeding. Through the usurpation of organizations such as the Jesuits and Masonry, now the jew could overthrow and supplant the nobility of Europe, which began with the French Revolution. The capitalist system requires usury, considered to be a great evil to Yahweh God. The capitalist system has brought with it international commerce – globalism, multiculturalism, and all of the other devices of the jew used to weaken Christendom and flood the Christian nations with godless aliens, the “beasts” of Jeremiah chapter 31. It will be seen below that these ideas, along with the idea of a society without God, were first broadcast and promoted throughout the Christian world beginning with the French Revolution. The result is the modernist and mixed-race society in which we live today. Worship of the beast, and the taking of the mark of the beast, is therefore the worship of this system of man brought upon the Christian world by the enemies of God. Unlike the mark of the beast placed upon man during the period of the papacy, this time it is voluntary, and man takes it upon himself. Christians are told to despise the world, and today most of them fully embrace the world, even believing that to be Christian.
3 And the second poured his bowl out into the sea, and it became blood as if dead, and every soul of life died which was in the sea.
This represents the death of spiritual life in the Christian nations – as people began to worship the beast the aspirations of Christianity were replaced with the jewish ideals of consumerism and humanism.
4 And the third poured his bowl out into the rivers and the springs of the waters, and they became blood. 5 And I heard the messenger of the waters saying “You are righteous, He who is and who was, the Holy One, because You have judged these things! 6 Because they poured out the blood of the saints and prophets, You also gave them blood to drink. They are deserving!” 7 And I heard the altar saying “Yeah, Prince Yahweh Almighty, true and righteous are Your judgments!”
This represents all of the resulting wars stemming from humanism and the jewish influence over Christianity.
8 And the fourth poured his bowl out upon the sun, and had given to it to burn men with fire. 9 And the men had been burned by great heat and they blasphemed the Name of Yahweh who has authority over these plagues, and they did not repent to give honor to Him.
The sun in the Revelation often seems to represent the powers of worldly governments as ordained by God, who has authority over these plagues. In this age the governments of Adam-kind have become tyrannies. People curse, blaspheme and deny God when they are affected by these plagues, although they are affected by them because they worship the beast system, and not God Himself.
10 And the fifth poured his bowl out upon the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became darkened, and their tongues strove from the toil, 11 and they blasphemed the God of heaven from their toils and their sores yet they did not repent from their works.
How often do we hear “why does God permit things to be so?” Or “what kind of God would allow such a thing?” Humanism has replaced God because God is considered to be unfair. No longer do the governments of the world act as Christian governments. Because we as a people have worshipped the beast, - as we shall see in chapter 17 – our kingdom has been handed over to the beast.
Remember the trial of Job. Satan challenged Yahweh, that if Job were to be touched by adversity, he would curse Yahweh. Yahweh therefore allowed Job to be denuded of all which he had by Satan, and Job suffered greatly, but he never cursed God. In the end Job was rewarded many times over. This should continue to serve as our model today, whenever we are tried or suffer damage from this beast system.
12 And the sixth poured his bowl out upon the great river Euphrates, and its waters dried, in order that the way of the kings from the rising of the sun should be prepared.
The industrialization of Asia which began in the 19th century prepared the way of the kings of the east to gain power over Christendom. Today, through the industrialization of China and Japan and the other Asian states, they hold a great amount of power and influence over Christendom. They have also become militarized at the expense of Christendom. These peoples of Asia would never have been able to rise to the level where they could be any plausible threat against us if it were not for internationalist capitalism, for the jew knows no boundaries and has no allegiances to any other people. It is only natural that eventually the parasite will destroy the host.
13 And I saw from out of the mouth of the dragon and from out of the mouth of the beast and from out of the mouth of the False Prophet three unclean spirits like frogs.
[Yahweh God does indeed have a sense of humor.] Frogs have no prior allegorical use in Scripture. They are one of the plagues in Egypt, however it is certain that the reference to frogs in the Book of Exodus must be taken literally. However one clue to the use of the word here cannot be overlooked. While it is not an intention here to continually insult the French people, and they were as much victims of circumstance in the French Revolution as were the Germans, the English and the Americans in the torments to follow, the use of the term frog to describe a Frenchman has been extant throughout the English-speaking world for over 200 years. This may be an indication as to the nature of the unclean spirits which emanate from the mouth of the false prophet.
A lot of argument, rational or emotional, can be made concerning which isms or which philosophies these three unclean frogs represent. However all of the philosophies promoted and forced into our Christian society by our enemies can be summarized in and have been cloaked by the supposed ideals of the French Revolution found in the slogan, Liberté, égalité, fraternité, which is still the national motto of France today. Through these ideals have gone out all of the jewish ideas into the world, the ideas of liberty and freedom and equality and brotherhood which are contrary to the covenant relationship which Christians have with their God. Christians are not supposed to be free. They are supposed to be servants of Christ, and keep His commandments. Christians do not have equality. Wives and children are supposed to be subject to their husbands and fathers (Ephesians 5:21-33, 1 Peter 3:1-5), and each of us has an unequal portion in the diverse gifts of God (1 Corinthians 12, Matthew 25:15). Christians are supposed to have brotherhood only with those of their kin who are Christians, and are to have no community or fellowship whatsoever with non-Christians (2 John 9-11). The jewish ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity are ideals which lead to the decline of Christian society into the cesspool of human licentiousness. All of the cries for diversity, racial equality, sexual liberation, and every other philosophy detrimental to sound Christian society which has been made these past 200 years have been based upon these jewish ideals, and jews have been their chief instigators and promoters.
14 For they are the spirits of demons making signs, which go out to the kings of the whole inhabited earth to gather them to the battle of the great day of Yahweh the Almighty. 15 “Behold! I come as a thief! Blessed is he being alert and keeping his garments, that he would not walk naked and they would see his shame!” 16 And He gathered them into the place called in Hebrew “Harmagedon”.
An ar, or har, is a mountain, and Megiddo means place of crowds. The events described here can be paralleled to the events described in Ezekiel chapter 38. All of the alien nations of the world are gathered to battle against the people of God. While an actual military invasion cannot be precluded, this situation has been transpiring for at least 50 years now, since the Christian nations have begun to be overrun with massive non-European immigration by all of the world's other races, the beasts of Jeremiah 31:27, and also of Isaiah 56:9. This situation is described as culminating in Revelation chapter 19 and will be discussed at length there.
As for those keeping their garments, Christians should be covered with the blood of the Lamb. The references to shame and nakedness are a reference to Genesis chapter 3, and after the transgression in the garden, which was certainly sexual in nature, Adam and Eve realized that they were naked, and became ashamed.
17 And the seventh poured his bowl out upon the air, and a great voice came from out of the temple from the throne saying “It has happened!” 18 And there were lightnings and noises and thunders and there was a great earthquake, such as had not happened from when man had come to be upon the earth was such an earthquake so great! 19 And the great city broke into three parts and the cities of the nations fell. And the great Babylon had been remembered before Yahweh, to give to her the cup of the wine of the wrath of His anger. 20 And every island fled, and the mountains were not found. 21 And a great hailstorm like boulders descends from out of heaven upon men, and the men blasphemed Yahweh from the plague of the hailstorm, because the plague of it is exceedingly great.
These last verses describe the fall of Babylon. It cannot be commented upon yet, because it has not yet happened. Chapters 17 and 18 which follow shall discuss this same thing – the fall of Mystery Babylon - in greater detail, and also offer a poetic portrayal of Mystery Babylon itself.