The Problem with Genesis 6:1-4 - April 28th, 2012
This presentation is based on William Finck's 2007 essay The Problem With Genesis 6:1-4.
This presentation is based on William Finck's 2007 essay The Problem With Genesis 6:1-4.
Clifton Emahiser and William Finck discuss one of Clifton's latest essays: The Battle for the Priesthood
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Click here for original story The jewish-controlled mainstream media is responsible for this and for all beatings of Whites by negroes, because of the slanted way in which the media reports crime, or more importantly, either misreports or does NOT report crime.
Adolf Hitler's 123rd Birthday Party with Carolyn Yeager, Severus, and Sword Brethren.
William Finck's opening notes:
Adolf Hitler was not a Christian Identist. Like most Nationalists do even today, he also took it for granted that the Old Testament was a jewish book, and often pointed out those qualities in it which seemed to be jewish. Yet Hitler was a Christian, and Hitler understood that Christ was an Aryan if for no other reason than the fact that His very nature was so contrary to the nature of the jews, and so much like the nature of the Aryan. Hitler was not, however, a Judeo-Christian, and while he expressed the importance of the major sects of Christianity in providing a moral foundation for the people of the nation, he really had no care for the clerics, and often pointed out their faults. The major fault Hitler had with the clerics was their missionary work to non-Aryans, as they let Aryans slip into immorality. Hitler certainly understood and insisted that in order to have a healthy folk, it must be a moral folk. Like Hitler, Christian Identists also reject the professional clerics and their missionary activities to alien tribes.
The Prophecy of Joel, Part 2
We shall begin with Revelation 20:7-10, from the King James Version: “7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. 9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. 10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.”
For a thousand years in Christian Europe did the true people of God prevail over the Jew, who collectively is Satan, or the Adversary. The Jew had plotted against Christianity and the people of Europe from the time of Christ (and for thousands of years before that, if Old Testament history were truly understood). Upon the emancipation of the Jew in the early days of Napoleon, instigated by the French Revolution, the Jew became free and equal citizens of Christians in Europe. From that time, Satan has used the false ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity, in one form or another, to gather all of the world's hominid beasts into Christians lands, where they are hostile both to Christianity and to the White race which are the true people of God. That is where we are today, at Revelation 20:9. Now to read from Joel chapter 2, which is a promise of deliverance:
There is a wealth of articles trumpeting the inauguration of the new European Jewish Parliament in news sources which are produced for Jews, such as the European Jewish Press, Arutz Sheva,, Chabad, the European Jewish Union website, and many other outlets, however little is known of this new parliament outside of Jewish circles. While it has been planned for quite some time, and the Jewish outlet Ynetnews reported on its formation as early as August of 2011, there is nothing about it in any major media produced for the general European public. Of course, it is already vaunted on the pages of the world's largest pro-Jewish propaganda outlet, Wikipedia, but only on a page concerning the European Jewish Union (EJU). The article states that “The EJU hopes to establish a European Jewish Parliament, comprising 120 members modeled on the Israeli Knesset This group would then represent the concerns of the Jewish community to the European Union.” Of course, there has been a European Jewish Congress for several decades, which has long been careful to downplay itself as a civic association while at the same time exerting an influence over European governments which far exceeds the proportions of the Jewish population. However this new Jewish Parliament is no civic association. Its meeting place is the very same as that of the regular European Union Parliament in Brussels, and its members are calling themselves “MEJPs”, or Members of the European Jewish Parliament. This is not merely a civic association.
The media played down the portions of the scandal concerning body parts in its reporting, but at least it is mentioned in this video.
Why Christians Must Reject the Jews. See our essay here: Should Christians Embrace the Jews?
The Prophecy of Joel, Part 1
This program, because of technical difficulties at Talkshoe, was held on the Christogenea Chat Page and Christogenea Live! Streaming Radio, which was a necessary first at Christogenea.
The following is from the Thomas Nelson Publisher's King James Study Bible, copyright 1983 by Thomas Nelson Inc. While I would usually not read anything like this from mainstream commentaries, they do get some things right, and I read this here for it's testimony of the nature of Joel's prophecy, which is actually pretty fair and decent considering it was originally a product of Liberty University.
“Joel is a highly emotional prophecy, rich in imagery and vivid descriptions. In it two unique events, not to be forgotten, are compared. These two events are to be committed to the descendants of the people. [Oddly, they deny this of the New Covenant today!]
“Historical Setting. Joel was one of the earliest prophets of Judah. The specific place from which Joel wrote is not known. Since he was a resident of Judah and Jerusalem, he likely wrote his prophecy from there. His frequent calls to blow a trumpet in Zion, to consecrate a fast, to proclaim a solemn assembly, and to gather the people together to come before the Lord lend credence to the view that the prophecy was issued [verbally] from the temple court.
Last July we wrote in Philthadelphia about the corrupted revising of American history in order to wrongly give credit for the making of this society to those groups who have as of late come to dominate the city, especially Negros and Jews. We said that “Today it is their monuments which are quickly coming to dominate Philadelphia, and they are rewriting our history in order for them to make it even easier to corrupt and destroy our nation.” A display of this same phenomenon was made in our February Saxon Messenger editorial, Worshipping the Beast, where it was explained that at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, American History up to the Civil War is portrayed as little more than a debate over the issue of slavery and the plight of Negros, when in fact that debate was only an incidental part of both the history of that era and the causes of the war itself. We also attempted to illustrate how other facets of American history, such as the nature of the American air forces in World War Two Europe, were being distorted by those same groups for that very same purpose.
On another recent trip to the Philadelphia area, we now notice that the same people are up to the same shenanigans, and that they are forging history at Valley Forge. Amidst the monuments commemorating those White men who left the comfort of their homes and farms and kin in order to fight for a cause they believed in, there is now at least one large monument - relatively new compared to the others, and also quite different from all of the others - which clearly has no part with the others. While most of the roadside monuments encircling the Valley Forge grounds have the names of real men, mostly of the rankof Colonel, who had been among the officers of the regiments which camped through that historic winter during the Revolution, this one large granite monument has emblazoned in bronze on its front “Patriots of African Descent”, below a large relief of a male Negro in the regular military dress of the period. Actually, his uniform looks fairly rich compared to the accounts of the tattered condition of the troops who actually lived through that winter encampment.
The International Jew, Chapter 1, with notes by William Finck in brackets. At the end are some references from various sources which I collected for the program. Not all of the notes were used.
“Among the distinguishing mental and moral traits of the Jews may be mentioned: distaste for hard or violent physical labor; a strong family sense and philoprogenitiveness; a marked religious instinct; the courage of the prophet and martyr rather than of the pioneer and soldier; remarkable power to survive in adverse environments, combined with great ability to retain racial solidarity; capacity for exploitation, both individual and social; shrewdness and astuteness in speculation and money matters generally; an Oriental love of display and a full appreciation of the power and pleasure of social position; a very high average of intellectual ability.”
—The New International Encyclopedia.
The Jew in Character and Business
The Jew is again being singled out for critical attention throughout the world. His emergence in the financial, political and social spheres has been so complete and spectacular since the war, that his place, power and purpose in the world are being given a new scrutiny, much of it unfriendly. Persecution is not a new experience to the Jew, but intensive scrutiny of his nature and super-nationality is. He has suffered for more than 2,000 years from what may be called the instinctive anti-Semitism of the other races, but this antagonism has never been intelligent nor has it been able to make itself intelligible. Nowadays, however, the Jew is being placed, as it were, under the microscope of economic observation that the reasons for his power, the reasons for his separateness, the reasons for his suffering may be defined and understood.
2 Peter Chapter 3 - 04-06-2012
Peter wrote his first epistle to the Israelites of the ancient Assyrian and earlier dispersions, who were dwelling in western Anatolia, mostly as Greeks, Romans, Scythians and Galatians. People of other Adamic, but non-Israelite, origins also lived in western Anatolia at this time, such as Ionian Greeks and Lydians. The context of his first epistle also demonstrates that these people were already established in Christ, and that Peter was only edifying that establishment. Presenting Peter's first epistle here several weeks ago, certain statements from that first letter were illustrated in order to demonstrate just who his intended audience was. Among them were 1 Peter 2:10, 2:25 and 4:3 which all prove that Peter was not writing to Judaeans, but to the dispersion of Israel from the Assyrian deportations and beforetime, because the things which Peter cites could only refer to them, and could never refer to the Judaeans of the remnant 70-weeks' Kingdom, nor could they ever refer to people who were not descended from the ancient Israelites in the first place.
An examination of the word "world" in the Bible, and what it means to scriptural interpretation. For the article, click here: What is the World?
This video is a few years old, but we need a reminder now and then. This is a congressman? Do you still think they can be our peers in a productive society? This really is an accurate example of just how stupid niggers are. And they are sitting in Washington helping to decide your fate! Is that what you really want, White man, and woman?
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Why is this not in the national media? Because the national media instigated it! The national media, by misreporting all of the events surrounding the death of Trayvon Martin, is purposely instigating black-on-White violence in order to create a race war in America. Whites must TURN OFF the jewish-controlled media in America. Put your televisions out in the streets, and turn off the cable! Stop supporting those who are destroying White society! One of the perpetrators is the son of a well-known black radical. The attack took place in Midway, Florida, about six miles from where George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense.
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