German Soldiers in the Soviet Union - Letters from the East
The booklet presented in this program is found at the German Propaganda Archive at Calvin University.
The booklet presented in this program is found at the German Propaganda Archive at Calvin University.
The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1 Part 2 – Christogenea on Talkshoe, May 25th, 2012
Last week we ended with the account of the virgin conception of Christ, in Luke chapter 1 verses 30 through 38, and that is where we shall commence this week. We must bear in mind, that if we are persuaded that God made man, then we should be just as persuaded that it is half the task for Mary to have conceived Christ without a man. While previously discussing these things, we saw that the promise of a virgin birth and of a Messiah resulting from that birth existed from at least 732 BC, when the prophet Isaiah had written his prophecies concerning them, which are found primarily in Isaiah chapters 7 and 9. We then examined some of the attacks on Christianity made by those jews who seek to belittle it, who lie about the origins of the Bible, and we saw their lies discredited. Ancient mythology was developed out of the meshing of fact and fancy, the need to pass down a heritage of knowledge and experience intertwined with the human desire for entertainment. Therefore we find that many of the myths of the related surrounding White nations had themes and stories similar to those found in the Hebrew Bible. This alone betrays the common original heritage of the White nations. The jew craftily twists all of this out of context, in order to discredit it all. In the end, it is only the jew who should be discredited. This week we shall begin with the same passage, starting at Luke 1:30, which we left off with last week and we shall discuss certain elements of it from a different perspective.
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"White folks was in the caves while we was building empires ... We taught philosophy and astrology [sic] and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." - "Rev." Al Sharpton, 1994, Wall Street Journal
What they evidently did not know very well, was grammar. Yet if negros ever really had any developments which could be classified as higher learning, where the hell have they been hiding them for these past few centuries? Culture, learning, and intelligence simply cannot be stolen.
William Finck discusses his latest Saxon Messenger editorial, The Judas Goats, with Carolyn Yeager.
The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1 – Christogenea on Talkshoe, May 18th, 2012
In order to discuss Luke, and his relationship to Paul, and his importance in preserving the Gospel, it may be better to quote Irenaeus in order to show the attitudes of the most early Christian writers, whose attitudes concerning Luke, Irenaeus represents rather well. Irenaeus was the bishop of Lugdunum, in Gaul, which is present-day Lyons, France. He died circa 202 AD, and his most famous work, Against Heresies, is generally esteemed to have been written about 180 AD, nearly 150 years after the Crucifixion and 85 years after the apostle John wrote down the vision of the Revelation. His name means peaceful in Greek. Irenaeus was a disciple of Polycarp, who in turn was said to be a disciple of the apostle John himself. Polycarp, like John, lived a very long life, from circa 65 to 155 AD.
Real "safe sex" starts with our own species!
The "misspelling" is intentional. Whoever insists it should be "bestiality" is basically an idiot. The far greater crime is that the U.S. Government is promoting race-mixing and the destruction of the White race. And through the U.S. Navy, no doubt. Yes, Negroes sat on the coasts of Africa for 20,000 or so years, and never, ever thought to build a single boat. Now the Navy promotes this filth?
A Pennsylvania jewess named , a Navy "Captain", is apparently responsible for this filth.
by William Finck
While visiting with Clifton Emahiser earlier this month, I had the good pleasure of meeting some old and dear friends of his, a long-time Christian Israel family. Barely out of the van we were greeted by several children who had been playing on the lawn. One of them was ten-year old Rebecca, bright and smiling, “Hello William”, she beamed. Rebecca, to my surprise, already knew me through the many Christogenea recordings she had listened to with her uncles, and she had been anticipating my visit. The inquisitive young lady had lots of things to tell me, and she also had lots questions. Oh, did she have questions! Having once been a father of six, I know what a treasure such an inquisitive child can be, so I was more than happy to entertain her.
“William, are you a racist?” I realized that she must have already known the answer, and that perhaps she only wanted to hear it first-hand. I also forgave the Marxist terminology, which is difficult to avoid since it has saturated the entire society by way of both the media and the educational system, where alternatives are never offered. “Yes, Rebecca, I am a racist”. With smiling approbation she announced “Well, I'm a racist too.” Oh Rebecca, that is wonderful, since God created race and people who are racists love and seek to preserve God's creation! That is the first commandment in Genesis, repeated so many times, everything after its kind. Rebecca's proud proclamation must have been formulated through her having heard such things as I have repeated in many of my programs, which shows just how impressionable such young children are.
This program is aimed at providing the Christian Identity community with an objective look at the Dead Sea Scrolls, what they are and what they contain. I feel that this is necessary, because there is so much propaganda which persists to this day concerning the scrolls, and many people even in Christian Identity abuse the Scrolls in order to promote their own pet theories concerning certain things. First, the idea that the Dead Sea Scrolls were written by the Essenes is most likely wrong, and that will be addressed here. Secondly, the idea that the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls were Christians is absolutely wrong. Thirdly, the idea that the Dead Sea Scrolls would somehow shake the foundations of Western religion or force us to change our more traditional views in reference to Christianity is absolutely wrong, and that will also be expounded upon further and hopefully become evident as we proceed.
There is no substantial evidence that the Dead Sea Scrolls were written by Essenes. Reading the professional archaeology journals, scholars and academics refer to the authors of the scrolls as the Qumran sect or the Dead Sea sect, and that is proper since a definite identification of these people with any of the historically known sects of Judaea cannot be made with any absolute certainty. Therefore here the writers – or possibly only the keepers – of the Dead Sea Scrolls shall be referred to as the Qumran sect, although I shall set forth my own ideas in reference to their identity later on in the discussion.
Epistle of Jude - 05-11-2012
This name is actually Ioudas, the Greek form of Judah as is evident in the genealogies given in Matthew and Luke. Aside from the patriarch, there were two men in the New Testament associated with Christ who had this name Ioudas, and others who also bore it were mentioned. Attempting to distinguish these men is sometimes difficult, and therefore this epistle was entitled Jude in the A.V., although where he is mentioned in Scripture he is Judas, and the spelling is the same as that given also for that infamous apostle, Judas Iscariot.
Eusebius doubted the canonicity of Jude. Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History at 6:14 discusses the work of the earlier Clement of Alexandria, and Eusebius states of Clement that “In the work called Hypotyposes, to sum up the matter briefly, he gave us abridged accounts of all the canonical Scriptures, not even omitting those that are disputed, I mean, the Book of Jude, and the other general epistles.” Unfortunately, so far as I have seen, Eusebius does not elaborate to tell us why these epistles were disputed. Fragments of the work of Clement of Alexandria found in the writings of Cassiodorus show that he esteemed this Epistle of Jude to be canonical on other occasions as well as those cited by Eusebius, and he even quoted it at length along with some commentary....
Clifton Emahiser and William Finck, this program is based on Clifton's April, 2007 article, The Problem with Genesis 4:1
Clifton Emahiser and William Finck, this program is based on Clifton's article, The Great Two Seedline Controversy War In Identity
The original Talkshoe audio recording of this program was of a very poor quality. This recording has now been replaced with one we made ourselves, except for the first 6 minutes and 23 seconds, which are from the original because our recording was started late. After the 6:23 mark, the audio quality is fine. If you are one of the first 59 people who downloaded this podcast, we apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to download it again.
Thank you, and praise Yahweh!
William Finck
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