Mike is the author of several books, including America's Financial Apocalypse, written in 2006 but still every bit as important today.
We highly recommend many of the articles on Mike's site, for anyone who really wants to understand what is happening to American industry and American financial markets presently and over the past several decades.
Last week discussing Luke chapter 5 we saw at the end of that chapter that Christ pointed out the resistance of people to change from their tired old worn-out doctrines. He did so by illustrating the love of people for the old wine – representing the doctrines which they are accustomed to, over an acceptance of the new wine which is the revelation of truth in Him. He said at Luke 5:39 “And no one drinking the old desires the new, for ‘the old’, one says, ‘is good’.” We have seen for 2,000 years now the willingness of people to cling to the same old Pharisaical ideas, found also in the Roman Catholic church and wherever there is a professional priesthood, rather than read their Bibles and see the clear message of the gospel. Christ said “If you love Me, keep My commandments”. He vociferated those commandments. We must love God, our parents, and our brethren, or racial kindred. That is all that we must do. The other commandments repeated in the New Testament mostly tell us what we mustnot do, things such as steal, murder, and commit adultery. Everything else that the professional priesthood claims that we must do is a doctrine of man, and not a New Covenant commandment of our God. That is especially true of the sacramental rituals. Yet the New Testament scriptures also tell us that we do not need the priesthood itself: for we are all priests unto Yahweh our God, when we serve our brethren and our White Adamic nations. When we submit ourselves to professional priests, to do their desires, they become our masters and we are disconnected from our God, because no man can serve two masters.
Christianity is Nationalism, and in a Christian's public intercourse it must be nationalist first. Identity Christians should therefore put their kindred and their race above all things in their exterior actions and relationships, while they keep their God above all things in their hearts. Many Christians attach far too much import to public expressions of faith as an evidence of belonging. There is a difference between glorifying God, and a need to convince everyone how much you love Jesus, which is often really only a display of self-righteousness. Too many Christians, even Identity Christians, stress agreement in Christ over a love for their brethren, and consider only those who agree in Christ as their brethren. How are they different from mainstream Protestants in that respect? They fail to realize that today, the enemies of Christ have deceived the entire world, as the Scripture also tells us. The Jews have insisted on displaying a picture of a Christ who loves everybody, a Christ who hates no one, in direct contradiction to Scripture, and a Christ who accepts all sinners and all sin without a thought of repentance and conformity on behalf of the individual. Therefore since none of that resonates with the true Aryan spirit, many good White kinsmen do not know what Christ is, do not know why Christ matters, or do not even know which Jesus to believe, so they reject everything Jesus. Identity Christians above all should understand this situation, because most Identity Christians were in that very same situation themselves at one time or another.
Christ said “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” Then in John 13:34 He said “I give to you a new commandment: that you should love one another; just as I have loved you that you also should love one another.” Now it may be argued that Christ was talking only about His followers, however that is not the case. In fact, in Matthew chapter 5 Christ told those followers to “love your enemies and pray for those persecuting you, that you may be sons of your Father who is in the heavens, because His sun rises upon evil and good and rains upon righteous and unrighteous. For if you should love those loving you, what reward do you have? Do not also the tax-collectors do the same? And if you should greet your brethren only, what do you do that is extraordinary? Do not also the heathens do the same? Therefore you shall be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Of course, He was only speaking to those for whom He had come, to the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”. As Christians we are to love our brethren who are our enemies but we are never expected to love the enemies of Christ our God, which is another matter entirely. As Christians we are to love all of our racial kindred – those who are of the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”, whether or not they are still “lost”, since indeed they are all of the “family of the faith” whether they are “lost” or not.
Hampered by bad weather and a lost cable connection, this is not the half of it, but it is the best we could do this weekend in Panama City Beach. We will probably redo this program one day soon.
Prothink.org is being threatened with a shutdown notice by website host Godaddy.com, for no specific reason. It is clear to us at Christogenea, that Godaddy.com is an enemy of free speech and truly open political discourse.
Last week discussing Luke chapter 4, it was made evident in more than one way that the “devil” of the temptation of Christ was most certainly an actual person. While many may believe that Satan is still in heaven, as the Romish Catholics would like for us to believe, Christ said “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven”, and He was speaking in the past tense. It is clear that He intended the past tense, since He then proceeded to liken certain people in first century Palestine as serpents and scorpions, thereby relating them to Satan just as the vision in Revelation chapter 12 describes Satan. In that chapter, the Revelation says that Satan, “that old Serpent” who is also the devil – which is representative of all those who took part in that original rebellion against God – was cast out of heaven, that his place in heaven was found no longer, and that he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Since Satan is “that old serpent”, this has already happened long ago, before the events of Genesis chapter 3, and no creative interpretation of any other Scripture may turn these words of Christ into a lie. Satan walks amongst us, in the form of his seed - as Genesis 3:15 attests - and he has done so ever since he was cast out and our Adamic race was created. The devil is not in heaven, but in his dominance of our world it is evident that he does try to create his own perverted version of heaven.
The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 4 – Christogenea on Talkshoe, June 15th, 2012
Last week I gave here an opinion on the genealogies of the Christ. I expressed the belief that the genealogy recorded in Matthew was the descent according to the succession of the throne of David, while the genealogy recorded in Luke was the natural genetic succession – that there were at least two redemptive marriages (in addition to the story of Ruth and Boaz) which are not evident in the incomplete records which we have in our Scriptures. Until firm Scriptural evidence is produced which may convince me otherwise, I shall stand by that opinion.
Before beginning with Luke chapter 4 this evening, I want to illustrate something which further highlights and substantiates my opinions not only concerning the genealogies, but also concerning the life of Mary the mother of Christ, and the children which she had after the birth of Yahshua her first-born (Luke 2:7). I have asserted that James, Joses and Jude, called “the brethren of the Lord” in several places in Scripture, were the children of Mary by a later husband, a man other than Joseph. I have caught some criticism for this assertion – but I still insist that it is correct. James the brother of Christ is called the “son of Alphaios” in three gospels, Matthew (10:3), Mark (2:14, 3:18) and Luke (6:15).
William Finck presents and adds some comments to an Adolf Hitler speech concerning labor and the May 1st holiday, along with a relevant excerpt from Mein Kampf. Click here for the text of the speech: http://der-fuehrer.org/reden/english/33-05-01.htm
The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 3 – Christogenea on Talkshoe, June 8th, 2012
Last week we demonstrated that the οἰκουμένη, the inhabited world, was the living space of the civilized White races in the eyes of the Greeks and Romans. The κόσμος was the order or arrangement, and therefore the society of the οἰκουμένη – which in the time of Christ never included the alien races. Therefore understanding that the alien races were never meant to be a part of the Biblical context, there is no impetus, and certainly no Biblical commission, to extend the grace of Yahweh our God to alien races today. It is actually detrimental, as recent history certainly proves, to the health and security of our κόσμος to do so. It is even suicidal of our race to insist upon including these aliens.
It was argued here last week, that Christ was most likely born in the late fall or early autumn of 3 BC. That argument is for the most part based upon Luke's opening statement in this chapter, that Yahshua's ministry began around His thirtieth birthday, which was in the fifteenth year of Tiberius. Many modern commentator's actually go so far as accusing Luke of error here, as if they themselves can actually know better from the incomplete records which we can muster today. A 3 BC registration, in time for the celebration of Rome's 750th year, and Augustus' 25th as emperor, coincides with this fifteenth year of Tiberius and the fact that Christ is now thirty years of age, the age when a Hebrew man may begin serving his people publicly. We should insist that Luke is true, and that the modern commentators are in error.
The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 2 – Christogenea on Talkshoe, June 1st, 2012
Over the last two weeks, we elucidated the exclusivity of Luke's gospel, and also showed that Luke's gospel was indeed the gospel of Paul as well. This must be remembered wherever Paul's epistles are considered. We also saw that claims of the scoffers, those who say that a virgin birth occurred in many ancient religions long before the time of the Hebrew promise of such a thing , and furthermore that Christianity had borrowed the idea, those claims are fully discredited by any serious and honest scholarship. Among other things, one more important aspect of this gospel that was attested here last week, is how the accounts in Luke of the promises for the people of Israel which were being fulfilled in Christ actually fit in perfectly with the teachings of Paul in his epistles, which were all written to dispersed Israelites. This will be the primary subject of a talk I shall give this Sunday at the Fellowship of God's Covenant People here in Kentucky.
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14
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