We were recently affronted with an invitation to vote for a supposedly Christian woman going by the name of Starla Carmela in support of her endeavor to be "America's next top model". We were appalled, and here are our thoughts on the matter.
So the pretty young blonde, lithe and limber, wants to be a model, while at the same time she professes to be a Christian. The road to stardom is littered with the corpses of such women, crushed and crumpled. Those few who do make it are always compromised. The most fortunate among them, so it seems, ride the slower road to hell. Among these are women such as Heidi Klum, who has a beast for a husband and a brood of beasts as her posterity. Or Christie Brinkley, with three children from as many fathers, some of whom were Jews. Or Charlize Theron, who has been seen with a strangely ape-like creature swinging from her hip. The PETA activist has evidently confused animals for humans. Those models and actresses whose lives are not publicly corrupted nevertheless have such things as obscure pornographic movies or other obscenities buried in their pasts. Purporting to be both a Christian and an aspiring model does not lend credibility to a life spent in pursuit of worldly rewards exacted from worldly lust. One cannot succeed as a model or actress without compromising even the most basic Christian principles.
Keep a sure watch over a shameless daughter, lest she make thee a laughingstock to thine enemies, and a byword in the city, and a reproach among the people, and make thee ashamed before the multitude. Behold not every body's beauty, and sit not in the midst of women. - Sirach 42:11-12
As for modeling, acting, news and sports reporting and related vocations, at any level they are all a part of the media and entertainment industry: an industry controlled in its entirety by those eternal enemies of God and Christ. The experience of the former beauty pageant contestant and evangelical Christian Carrie Prejean very well summarizes the challenge a woman of any sort of Christian conviction faces when desiring to succeed in the world of the anti-Christ. It is not by chance that sexual deviants are set up as judges over such pageants by the people that control them. One such sexual deviant asked Prejean a question about the acceptability of certain deviant so-called "marriages". When her success in the pageant hinged upon her answer, Prejean chose to answer honestly. In her own memoir she describes the choice she faced: "I was being dared — in front of the entire world — to give a candid answer to a serious question. I knew if I told the truth, I would lose all that I was competing for: the crown, the luxury apartment in New York City, the large salary — everything that went with the Miss USA title. I also knew, or suspected, that I was the frontrunner, and if I gritted my teeth and gave the politically correct answer, I could be Miss USA."
So Carolyn Yeager invites me to a constructive discussion with Will Williams, the pretender to William Pierce's National Alliance. I think Carolyn was being sincere, but Williams turned out to be a clown. As soon as he began to speak, he became condescending towards me, and tried to lump me together with certain fools who have no similarity to me at all. Williams sterotyped me, and that was a mistake on his part. So I pissed all over his circus sideshow, and he deserved it.
Hadding Scott tried to call in and criticize my positions. Hadding needs to wake the hell up and listen to what we are saying, and break out of the mold that the Jews have hammered him into.
While presenting these gospel accounts it has often been said that the perspectives of all four gospel writers are needed in order to be able to piece together a more complete picture of the events surrounding the life, ministry and passion of Christ. That is especially true when trying to determine the chronology of the last week of His pre-Resurrection life and of the Resurrection itself.
The popular perception of the chronology of the death and resurrection of Christ comes from a calendar which was evidently made to suit the Roman church, however it does not agree with the Gospel. From John 19:31 we see of the Sabbath which was also the Passover that “that Sabbath day was an high day”. So we learn that Christ was placed into a tomb at the end of a preparation day for a high Sabbath, and not necessarily the day of the regular seventh-day Sabbath, and that He was in that tomb on a Sabbath day, and that he was found to have been arisen by dawn of the first day of the week, which is the day immediately following a Sabbath day. From three of the four gospels, from Matthew 27:55 and 61, from Mark 15:47, and from Luke 24:1, we see that the women who were with Christ had observed His death and burial right up to where He was placed into the tomb. From all four gospels, from Matthew 28:1, from Mark 16:2, from Luke 23:55 and from John 20:1, we find that the first thing Mary Magdalene and some of the other women did on the day immediately after a Sabbath – even before the sun had risen completely – was to go to the tomb of Christ and find that He had already arisen. If that day were the Passover Sabbath, it seems that they would hardly have had time to go shopping.
Back in the 1980's someone, ostensibly some Jew, was selling bumper stickers that read “The man who dies with the most toys wins.” This statement seems to be one of the more popular new-age mantras of Western materialism. The luxury sedan, the second SUV, the third Xbox, the large flat-screen television in every room, the abundance of what the merchants call consumer goods: today the stock-piling of all of these things far beyond necessity gives the individual a false sense of value, and keeps oiled the gears of the artificially constructed global economy. With this, the international Jewish bankers are happy, although they are never satiated.
Once upon a time economies were centered around the extended family, or tribe. A man's sense of self-worth came from what he could contribute to his tribe, which was his community. By making extraordinary contributions to his community, a man advanced his own status and value. In time of need all men were builders, soldiers, hunters, herders or farmers. When a man did well, the community benefited, and when the community thrived the man did well. The community could not exist without a collection of noble men, and the man could not survive without the protection of the community. If left to himself, he may well starve to death, or be robbed and enslaved, or even destroyed by outsiders from other tribal communities. The man served the interests of the community, and the shelter provided by the community protected the man. The community was governed by the tribal elders, the patriarchy, and those who were most capable among them. This was all a part of the natural order recognized by our fathers – and our mothers - as they wandered the Eurasian steppe and the forests of the north.
As those tribes began to grow and prosper, the tasks of men became specialized. While in necessity every man remained a soldier, only some men were builders, others herders, yet other farmers. But the patriarchal family and tribe remained the primary components with which Western civilization was formed. Thus was the case in Rome and Athens as well as in Hamburg and London. Pride in one's heritage meant pride in the deeds of one's fathers, those men whose sacrifices benefited their communities so that those communities could build the great cities, principalities and nations which the tribal units had eventually become. That pride is true patriotism, an idea which cannot be authentically separated from patriarchy. Two men cannot be patriotic together, if they do not have common patriarchs.
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14
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