Book of Acts Chapter 17

Book of Acts Chapter 17 - 10-18-2013

As a youth, it is fully evident that Paul of Tarsus had a solid education in Scripture, or at least as good an education as could be obtained in first century Judaea, as he himself professed that he was educated “at the feet of Gamaliel”. However what is not explicitly confessed in his own words, but which is certainly manifest throughout his epistles, is that Paul also had a solid education in the profane writings of the Classical world. Paul quoted writers such as Aratus and Epimenides, and possibly also Euripides and Heraclitus, and he drew analogies from Homer and from Xenophon. However this education in the Classical literature did not merely assist his rhetorical skill or his writing ability.

More importantly, Paul understood the origins of the nations of Europe in a way that only those who have deeply studied both Scripture and the Classical literature can understand. A study of the Book of Acts and Paul's epistles demonstrates as much, but one can only see it if one has also studied the things which Paul had studied. While not all of the writings which Paul had available are also available to us, many of them are indeed, and with them, we find the proofs of the Christian Identity message. Here in Acts chapter 17, and in Paul's message to the Athenians, we shall see a good part of those proofs.

The Saxon Messenger - September, 2013

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This month's Saxon Messenger features Prove All Things and The Prophecy of Amos, Part 3, by William Finck, The Holocaust™ - Organized Jewry's Psychological Weapon Against Westerners, Particularly Americans by James L. Miller, PhD, and Brave Jew World by Luke O'Farrell, a 2008 article worth another look.

The Saxon Messenger is also available in print!

Explaining Two-Seedline, Part 3: Pragmatic Genesis

Explaining Two-Seedline, Part 3: Pragmatic Genesis, Genesis Chapter 2 - Program Notes

KJV Genesis 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Here we have the end of what I would term the First Scroll of Genesis. In ancient times, they did not have books as we know them today. Rather, papyrus was cut and glued in order to form a long scroll which was then used for writing. The scrolls could be rolled up and tied to keep them together. The original writing of Moses was most likely a collection of these scrolls which, once books were developed, were later concatenated into a single volume. However it cannot be ruled out that Moses may have originally used clay tablets rather than scrolls. Clay tablets were used for writing in Mesopotamia all throughout this period, and some of them contained rather long stories. The first books made on a large scale came much later, and were made of vellum which is made from animal skins, which was cut uniformly and bound at one end. There are archaeological discoveries of small books made in part from metal sheets, and also scrolls made from metal sheets, however these were neither practical nor was their use widespread.

Book of Acts Chapter 16, Part 2

Acts 16:14-40

Book of Acts Chapter 16, Part 2 - Christogenea Internet Radio 10-18-2013

In the first part of Acts chapter 16, we saw that Paul of Tarsus departed from Antioch with his new companion Silas to embark on what would be his second recorded missionary journey. Ostensibly, however, it is really his third missionary journey, since when he departed from Jerusalem for Tarsus after the dispute with the Hellenists as it is recorded in Acts chapter 9, it is made manifest later that he had spent at least some portion of that time proselytizing in Tarsus and other places in Kilikia. This is made evident at Acts 15:41, where embarking on this journey with Silas it says there that “...they passed through Suria and Kilikia reinforcing the assemblies.” The beginning of Acts chapter 16 brought Paul and his company once again through Iconium, Lystra and Derbe. Then, being prevented by the Holy Spirit to enter either Asia Minor or Pamphylia, they traveled into the Troad and crossed into Makedonia. Here they are found in Philippi, which was a Roman colony.

Meet the Real Morris Dees: the Filthy Jew

Meet the real Morris Dees, from an appeal in his own divorce case in Alabama. While jetting around the world and living quite lavishly off of the income of the so-called "Southern Poverty Law Center", Morris Dees is evidently a pervert, a liar, a cheat, a wife-abuser, and a paedophile child-abuser, all according ro his own divorce proceedings. And he is able to enjoy such a corrupt and lascivious lifestyle by making a career of harassing White Christians and pretending to be an expert on "extremism", even at the accommodation of the U.S. Government.

Morris Dees in the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals

Explaining Two-Seedline, Part 2: Pragmatic Genesis

Explaining Two-Seedline, Part 2: Pragmatic Genesis, Genesis Chapter 1 - [rather incomplete] Program Notes

To summarize last week's program, if one is going to distinguish between Adam, eth-ha-Adam, and ha-Adam in the creation account of Genesis, assuming that these grammatical terms represent different creations of Adam, then those distinctions must hold up throughout all Scripture. However with all certainty, they do not hold up at all. They do not even hold up so far as Genesis chapter 5! In truth, they are only grammatical differences, and all references to Adam represent the same Adamic man, as Paul of Tarsus said, “the first man Adam was made a living soul”, telling us that the one and only Adam of Genesis was the FIRST MAN. While it is fully apparent that there were other hominids on earth before Adam, our mistake from the beginning was in considering them to be man.

Book of Acts Chapter 16, Part 1

Acts 16:1-13

Book of Acts Chapter 16, Part 1 - Christogenea Internet Radio 10-11-2013

After the events recorded in Acts chapter 15, Paul of Tarsus is the central figure throughout the balance of the narrative of the book. This is not because the other apostles did not do anything, but rather simply, it is evident at this point that the lives and missions of the apostles diverged completely, and Luke may well have had no records concerning the others before finishing his work as we have it. In the rest of Acts, we have only one other appearance by the apostle James, where Paul meets with him in Jerusalem in Acts chapter 21.

[I had originally expressed the thought that perhaps the apostle Philip may have been the Philip mentioned in Acts chapter 21:8, however this cannot be the case. There the Philip mentioned is called “one of the seven, and therefore must be the Philip of Acts 6:5, not the apostle. I must apologize for the oversight. (WRF, 11-20-2013)]

In his epistle to the Galatians, we see that by the time that he wrote that letter, Paul had come to consider it hypocrisy for Judaean Christians to remain bound to the laws of Moses, especially those which forbid them from having communion with the uncircumcised Christians of the Nations. However two things are entirely evident. The first is that Paul, circumcising Timothy here, could not yet have challenged Peter on his following James in that respect, as we see that Paul records in Galatians chapter 2. The second is that Paul, circumcising Timothy “om account of the Judaeans”, could not yet have come to that understanding himself, or he too would have been guilty of the same hypocrisy of which he later accuses the other apostles.

Prove All Things

Christians have a clear scriptural obligation to substantiate the things which they profess. The apostle Paul admonishes us to “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good”, while the apostle John further warns us to “believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (1 Thessalonians 5:21 , 1 John 4:1). Therefore the proper acquisition of that proof requires an examination of both the message and the messenger.

The Valid Christian Ministry

Certain Christian Identity adherents have now and again come to the conclusion that they are tired of hearing about the issue of race, and that they want to concentrate on so-called spiritual things, imagining what life may be in the Kingdom of Heaven, and what our future is with our God. This attitude is not a good strategy. While we certainly should all be engaged in prayer and have our sights set upon the hope to come, we are still in the battle stage of our existence here in this life on earth, and this is where Yahweh our God wants us to be, otherwise we would not be here at all. In fact, Yahweh God did not preserve the Canaanites that the children of Israel may fantasize about how wonderful life may be without them. Rather, Yahweh preserved them “Only that the generations of the children of Israel might know, to teach them war” (Judges 3:2). Yet in spite of this, throughout scripture salvation is promised to the children of Israel.

Explaining Two-Seedline, Part 1: Pragmatic Genesis

The material for this program was not put into writing, however here are some of the notes and scripture references employed.

One Adam, multiple grammatical forms

In the following examples from Scripture, we will see instances where the word Adam appears in four forms. ADAM, the generic noun, HA-ADAM, the noun accompanied with a definite article, and ETH-HA-ADAM, the article and noun further accompanied with the Hebrew word eth, which by itself is often used as a preposition, and also AL-HA-ADAM, another preposition with the article and noun.

This word eth, according to Strong's Concordance, has other meanings, but when it is used as a prefix to a noun it is “generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition” Strong goes on to explain that for this reason it is unrepresented in English when used in this manner. Likewise, the Enhanced Strong's that is built into the BibleWorks software says that it is “an untranslatable mark of the accusative case”, which in the language of grammarians is precisely what the original Strong's says with different terms. It is a feature of grammar which has nothing to do with the nature of the object itself.

Book of Acts Chapter 15, Part 2

Acts 15:22-41, discussion of passages from Galatians chapters 1 and 2

Book of Acts Chapter 15, Part 2 - Christogenea Internet Radio 10-04-2013

In the first part of our presentation of Acts chapter 15, we saw that there was a dispute at Antioch between Paul and Barnabas, primarily, on the one side, and certain Judaizers who had come from Jerusalem on the other, who insisted that those who were turned to Christianity should be circumcised and instructed to keep the Mosaic Law. Disputing these things, Paul and Barnabas then agreed to bring their case before the elder apostles in Jerusalem for a decision concerning these matters.

Later, in Jerusalem, upon hearing their arguments the apostle Peter spoke, professing that the people of the Nations received the gift of the Holy Spirit apart from any rituals whatsoever, and therefore it was not necessary for those turned to Christianity to perform such things. For this reason, Peter's conclusion was that the Nations should not be compelled to submit to the yoke of the Mosaic Law, where he said “Therefore now why tempt Yahweh to place a yoke upon the necks of the students which neither our fathers nor us have been able to bear? ” While later in his epistles Paul gives even greater Scriptural reasons for the passing of the Mosaic Law, we can see that the Book of Acts records a religious transition, and Peter's conclusion is justified, since upon investigation it is indeed supported by the Law and the prophets.