Assessing the Ukraine Situation - 02-28-2014

What follows are the rough notes which were prepared and employed for this presentation. They are of course incomplete, and not all of the notes were used. I thought I should post them here nevertheless. There may be a Saxon Messenger editorial which follows. These notes were made prior to the development of certain events discussed in the program.

BRIEF Discussion of Ukranian National politics, Ukranian Presidents:

1st — Leonid Kravchuk (1991–1994): A Communist Party politician all his life, he declared Ukraine independent from the crumbling Soviet Union in 1991. The Soviet bureaucratic infrastructure was retained. Kravchuk was not a freedom-lover or an innovator, but was rather a compromise between Soviet traditionalists (conservatives) and reformers.

After leaving office, Kravchuk joined a business and political group known as Kiev Holding or the Dynamo Group. This group, led by oligarchs Viktor Medvedchuk (pro-Soviet Ukranian lawyer) and Hryhoriy Surkis (Ukranian Jew businessman and politician), is formally organized as the Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (marginalized since Orange Revolution). Despite its formal centrist/social-democratic slogans, the party is widely associated with big business, organized crime, corruption, and media bias.

The Prophecy of Micah, Part 2

Micah Chapters 2 and 3

The Prophecy of Micah, Part 2

In Micah chapter 1, we saw that the prophet had been chastising Israel for their sins, among which were their intercourse with other nations and their oppression of the poor of their people. We saw parallel prophecies in the writings of the contemporary prophets Isaiah, Hosea and Amos, all of whom were announcing different aspects of the same basic messages. By the many different ways in which their prophecies corroborate one another, as well as by all of the clear fulfillments of these prophecies, we see that these men were truly prophets of God, while at the same time there were many false prophets among the people whose works have not endured. We shall see more of that here in Micah chapters 2 and 3.

Furthermore, in the opening chapter of Micah the prophet uttered oracles against Israel and Samaria and against certain cities of Judah, and then he warned that the judgment of God would come “unto the gate of Jerusalem.” It may be ascertained from the historical portions of Scripture, and from history itself, that the Assyrians who were about to invade Israel in fulfillment of these oracles would indeed take captive all but some small scattered remnants of the Northern kingdom of Israel, and also much of Judah – especially those northern towns of Judah which Micah explicitly mentioned – but that the Assyrians would indeed be stopped at the gate of the Jerusalem, and not take the city itself. Most notable, however, is that the names of the towns of Judah which Micah prophesied against also have meanings, and an understanding of those meanings adds a much greater depth to his message, because they are pertinent to the purpose of his prophecy. Here we shall repeat this portion of Micah chapter 1, from verses 10 through 15, and offer some interpretation. However we will not repeat many of the things which we offered from the Septuagint in our full presentation, although they should not be ignored if one truly wants to study the prophecy in depth:

The Prophecy of Micah, Part 1

Micah Chapter 1

The Prophecy of Micah - Part 1

The prophecy of Micah parallels those of Isaiah, Hosea, and Amos, who were all prophets of the 8th century BC. The ministries of all four of these prophets were focused on forecasting God's impending judgment of the ancient northern Kingdom of Israel, although they all also prophesied of other things, such as the sin and impending judgment of Judah and Jerusalem, of Christ, and of Israel's eventual restoration. The prophet Jonah is earlier than any of these, but he was not concerned with the destruction of Israel. Rather, Jonah sought the preservation of Israel, imagining that Yahweh would destroy the encroaching Assyrians instead. It was demonstrated in our presentation of Amos that Assyria and Israel had been struggling back-and-forth for over a hundred years before the final destruction of Samaria. For instance, we had demonstrated from correlating the Bible with certain ancient Assyrian inscriptions that the restoration to Israel of Hamath, Damascus and the northern plain by Jeroboam II which is mentioned in 2 Kings chapter 14 was in response to earlier Assyrian subjugation of that area. Even earlier than that, we saw in Assyrian inscriptions that the Israelite king Ahab had sent a force of 10,000 foot-soldiers to join a mostly Syrian coalition army against Assyrian expansion into the Levant, something which is not mentioned in the Bible. Ahab was over a hundred years before Jotham, the king of Judah when Micah began his ministry. The lesson of the gourd in Jonah is that Yahweh was indeed going to use Assyria's expanding empire to preserve Israel by taking Israel into captivity. Jonah recorded the lesson of the gourd, but he evidently did not understand it.

The next prophet after Micah is Nahum, a prophet of the 7th century who was indeed focused on Yahweh's revenge against the Assyrians, something which Isaiah also prophesied about at length. The prophet Joel, usually and incorrectly dated to an earlier period, was also a prophet of the 7th century BC, as the third chapter of his book demonstrates. Obadiah is also usually dated to have been written at an early time, but his prophecy could not have been written until after the fall of Jerusalem (verses 10-14). Scholars who dispute the prophecies concerning Edom do not understand who Edom is in the world today, and therefore they cannot understand Obadiah. Aside from these and a few other less significant questions, the King James translators were fair in estimating the proper order of the minor prophets.

The Saxon Messenger - December, 2013

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This month's Saxon Messenger features Slavery for a Hundred Years ... and Longer and The Prophecy of Amos, Part 6, by William Finck, The Federal Reserve: 100 Years of Tyranny, from Police State USA, The Adoption of Adaption, by Pastor Mark Downey The Origins of Political Correctness, by Bill Lind, who writes for, and The Liberation of the Death Camps, by Lasha Darkmoon but based on an article originally by Theodore O'Keefe for the IHR. Also: Michael Hoffman on the murderer Ariel Sharon. See Michael's website at

Click here to purchase this issue in print.

Slavery for a Hundred Years - and Longer

Slavery for a Hundred Years .. and Longer

In the United States the Federal Reserve turned 100 years old this December, an event which the institution itself commemorated, and which is mentioned in several articles on its own websites. While it was also celebrated to some degree in the mass media, there was little mass media criticism of the Fed's one-hundred-year history. In fact, outlets such as USA Today actually celebrated the outgoing Fed chairman, and in an article entitled “5 things you didn't know about 100-year-old Fed”, while it justly blames the institution for such events as the Great Depression, it portrays even that in the best possible light. However this USA Today article, in its last item in the list and the only one of the five which is relevant to current events, only celebrates the Fed's recent introduction of digital check clearing technology. Conservative estimates of the potential cost to taxpayers of recent bank bailouts orchestrated by the Federal Reserve run from 9 trillion (The New York Times) to over 12 trillion ( to 14 trillion ( to as much as 29 trillion dollars ( But all that USA Today has to discuss concerning the Fed in this era is the inevitable adoption of digital check clearing! If most Americans are ignorant – and it can be demonstrated that they certainly are – it is because they are too trusting of the media by which they expect to be informed. Reporting on the Fed's anniversary by most of the other major media outlets seemed sterile, to say the least, and with a few exceptions, apparently none of them ever challenge the nonsensical idea that the Federal Reserve is a legitimate institution concerned with the national interest.

Open Forum: Acts Chapter 29? No! Pre-existence? No!

Our criticism of the so-called "Lost Chapter of Acts", or "Acts 29", as it is often called, is far from complete. This is an extemporaneous discussion, which became necessary because of the inconveniences we faced while travelling this week. We may offer a more complete examination and refuttal of this fraudulent piece of literature in the near future. In the meantime, here is a page that contains the material which we were addressing:

Likewise, after the first hour or so of the program, we did not think that we would get to address the idea of pre-existence of the spirit in this program, since the other topics which we discussed had taken longer than anticipated. However we did get a chance to address that idea in brief, thanks to the efforts of Tom in Idaho, who called in and compelled us to address the issue. We thank Tom for his edifying participation, and we thank the other callers as well.