The Jews in Europe: The Mask of Freemasonry, Part 1

The Jews in Europe: The Mask of Freemasonry, Part 1

Some of the denizens of the Christogenea chat server have already scolded me for procrastinating, and forestalling a continued presentation of the Protocols of Satan. However I found it necessary to do so, because in the first 7 segments of the series we went to great lengths to demonstrate that The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were indeed what they are believed to be by many of the so-called “conspiracy theorists”: a boastful outline of the plans of Jewry for the final subjugation and control over the nations of Christendom. Doing this, we showed, largely from the work of Nesta Webster, that many of the statements in the Protocols had been expressed throughout the literature of both members and founders of the various secret societies of 18th and 19th century Europe, as well as that of the early leaders of the Marxist Communists.

Doing all of this, we presented the thesis that the Jews were indeed behind the Protocols of Zion, as it is claimed, and that the secret societies were the primary vehicle through which the Jews had been able to execute the plan for world conquest which the Protocols represent. However before proceeding with a presentation of the Protocols themselves, we determined that it was necessary to provide some of the glue necessary in order to secure that thesis. So we presented the chapter on the Spanish Inquisition from E. Michael Jones’ book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History, and we did that, in part, in order to show that the mentality of the Jews of Europe in the 15th century was exactly similar to the mentality of the Jews as it is exhibited in the Protocols of Zion. Then we presented anew the Reuchlin Affair from E. Michael Jones’ perspective, with sufficient of our own comments, first in order to better elucidate the Jewish influence behind the humanist factions of the Reformation, and then to show that the naive German fascination with the Kabbalah of the sort exhibited by Reuchlin was the opportunity which the Jews took advantage of to lure men into their secret societies.

Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 3: Who Opposes True Christianity?

1 Thessalonians 3:1 – 1 Thessalonians 4:12

We took the opportunity to answer secular White Nationalist attacks on Christian Identity throughout this podcast. We hope that it did not interfere to any great extent with our presentation of this portion of Paul's first epistle to the Thessalonians.

Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 3: Who Opposes True Christianity?

At the beginning of 1 Thessalonians chapter 2, Paul had discussed the persecution which he had suffered in Philippi, where he had been jailed for upsetting certain Roman pagans. They were angry for having lost the prospect of profit they had in their control of a woman who had been taken by a spirit of divination when Paul had exorcised that spirit from her. There we took an opportunity to discuss the persecution of Christians as it was mentioned by the pagan writers Tacitus and Suetonius, and later by the Christian writers Minucius Felix and Tertullian. The point which we wanted to make is that the wide-scale persecution of Christians by both pagans and Jews in the first century is a historical fact that cannot be honestly disputed. This persecution, which is recorded as early as the time of Claudius, was also usually instigated by the Jews.

The Jews in Europe: The Reuchlin Affair Revisited, Part 3

The Jews in Europe: The Reuchlin Affair Revisited, Part 3

This is now the third, and final, segment of our presentation from chapter 7 of The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History by E. Michael Jones, which is titled Reuchlin v. Pfefferkorn. Here we see that from one of the first episodes of the Reformation, the future of academia in Europe is stuck in a dichotomy which we may describe as the self-hating Jew vs. the wannabe Jew. This is because Pfefferkorn, a Converso Jew, had made himself an advocate for the Dominican monks who wanted to rid Germany and the empire of the wicked writings of the Jews found in the Talmud, the Kabbalah, and other Medieval books. But Reuchlin, the German Christian, became fascinated with the Kabbalah and other writings of the Jews to the point of wanting to install Jews into the universities as teachers of Hebrew and Theology, while he had admittedly never even read the Talmud.

To the advantage of all Jews, the argument was quickly characterized anew as being between the humanists and the scholastics, even thought the primary issue remained centered on the Jewish literature. The scholastics, represented by the Dominican monks, wanted to eradicate the Jewish books because they saw them as an impediment to their goal of bringing the Jews as converts into the Catholic orthodoxy, naively imagining that the books themselves were the cause of historically anti-Christian Jewish behavior. While the scholastics were defenders of traditional Catholicism against the Jews, they were also traditional universalist Catholics, who would readily accept presumed converts from Judaism. The humanists rallied to the cause of the Judaizing Reuchlin because they saw an opportunity to put an end to Roman Catholic obscurantism, as they called it, which limited the studies of the universities to those books approved by the Roman Catholic theologians.

Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 2: Persecution of the Saints

1 Thessalonians 2:1-20

Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 2: Persecution of the Saints

The Roman historian Suetonius, who lived from about 69 AD to about 140 AD, had a career as the director of the imperial archives under the emperor Trajan. So he must have had a lot of first-hand information upon which to base his histories of the lives of the Roman emperors. In his Lives of the Twelve Caesars, in The Life of Cladius, chapter 25, Suetonius said of Claudius, in brief, that “Since the Judaeans constantly made disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus, he expelled them from Rome.” In spite of the bickering over this passage by modern Jews and assorted other scoffers, this brief note must be a reference to the same event which is also noted in Acts chapter 18, where it is recorded that as Paul is in Corinth, he meets Priscilla and Aquila, who were there “on account of Klaudios ordering all of the Judaeans to depart from Rome”. Those who doubt the connection of this reference in Suetonius to early Christianity conveniently assert that there must have been some other Chrestus who caused such a disturbance, among other claims. (It seems that Suetonius did write Christians where he mentioned them again in his life of Nero, 16.2.) But there were certainly Christians in Rome by this time, which is evident as Paul, writing his epistle to the Romans in 57 AD, attests that many Christian assemblies were already established in Rome, and one of the major themes of that epistle is the reasons for the divisions between Christians and Jews.

Exterminate White Men? Part Three

Yet another Negro comes forward and beckons the destruction of White people. Posing as a "professor", the Negro who is known in the English language by the rather White-sounding name of "James Harrison", and who is currently employed as a history professor at Portland Community College in Portland, Oregon, is claiming that peace in the U.S. is impossible so long as whiteness still exists. This is no trivial matter, as PCC is called "Oregon's largest college" by the popular OregonLive news site.

Ironically, in his presentation Harrison used a song written by a White man. In fact, it is wholly evident that everything in his environment was created or invented by White men. It is hard for us to imagine where this negro would be if it were not for White men. The negro is a hypocrite. He can only repent if he goes back to the savannah (the one in Africa, not the one in Georgia), exchanges his business suit for traditional tribal apparel, and gives the speech in one of the tongues of his non-white ancestors. Neither should he read it from a piece of paper, which along with the ink pen was invented and manufactured by White men.

But aside from James Harrison's obvious hypocrisy, Negro so-called "educators" are increasingly becoming emboldened to speak in such a manner as they are artificially elevated in greater numbers to positions of authority through government-enforced equality and opportunity programs. In the 1960's and 70's rhetoric such as Harrison's was more or less confined to "extremist" circles such as the so-called "Nation of Islam" and characters like Khalid Abdul Mohammed.  In 2005, another Negro "professor" who calls himself "Kamau Kambon" (but who was apparently named "Leroy Jefferson" when he was born) said during a discussion on the hurricane Katrina in an interview recorded on C-Span that "The problem on the planet is white people ... We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet, to solve this problem."

Of course, these Negros have been further emboldened by Jews such as Tim Wise and Noel Ignatiev. These are just two Jewish "academics" out of many who routinely advocate that White culture and the White race itself be forcibly and completely destroyed. Jews are not White, but they are able to pose as Whites in order to advance their long-running war of destruction against White and especially Christian culture and society.

When we get enough of these Negro and Jewish frauds out in the eye of the public, perhaps sufficient Whites may seriously ponder the necessity for their own survival, to rid the world of Negroes and Jews. Only then can we realize the heaven that, under the burden of his own Marxist indoctrination, John Lennon could never imagine. 

The Jews in Europe: The Reuchlin Affair Revisited, Part 2

In the first segment of our presentation from chapter 7 of The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History by E. Michael Jones, we saw how it was that Johannes Reuchlin, a trained lawyer and a man who in his own time was widely considered to be one of the greatest scholars in Europe – second only to Erasmus of Rotterdam – became infatuated with the Kabbalah and took upon himself the role as defender of the Talmud and the other anti-Christian writings of the Jews. However it is important to understand that this was only a part, although it was a significant and important part, of the much wider unrest within the Church itself in regard to literary and scientific studies. Jones had stated in the first part of this chapter that “Humanistic studies of the sort promoted by Erasmus of Rotterdam had suggested that a new day of Enlightened tolerance was about to dawn after the long night of scholastic obscurantism, and so the Jews were emboldened to act.”

It is readily evident that at this time the limitations which the institutions within the Roman Catholic Church had long imposed upon the study and publication of profane literature were being increasingly rebelled against by men within those Church institutions, and Erasmus was a leader in that struggle. In Part 3 of our series on Martin Luther in Life and Death, we had said the following about Erasmus:

“… the celebrated Catholic priest, Erasmus, was actually a humanist and not at all a Christian. In turn, Erasmus had fostered the development of an entire collection of fellow humanists inside the Catholic church organization in Germany….”

Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 1: Mercy may be by grace, but election is by race.

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 1: Mercy may be by grace, but election is by race.

In the Christogenea New Testament, Thessalonians is spelled Thessalonikeans, as that is a transliteration of the way that it was spelled by the Greeks, and in our translations we endeavored to maintain the Greek forms of at least most of the names. But before speaking about Thessalonika, we will speak briefly about Thessaly, from whence the name of the city had originated. However Thessalonika was not properly in Thessaly, at least so far as the borders of the Hellenistic and Roman periods were defined. We spoke of these places in our Acts chapter 17 presentation two-and-a-half years ago, and noticed an error which we must correct.

Thessaly was the part of central mainland Greece north of ancient Attica, Boeotia and Euboea, with Epirus to the west and Makedonia to the north. The Aegean Sea was on the east. It must be noted, that in ancient times the Greek provinces never really had definite borders. They more or less described the somewhat fluid areas of habitat of the Greek tribes, which occupied greater or lesser territory as their populations or military strength either increased or diminished over time. As Makedonia increased in political power, the perceived territory of adjoining regions such as Thessaly and Thrace was diminished.

Strabo, in the ninth book of his Geography tells us that Thessaly was in early times populated by the same Phoenicians who built the Greek city of Thebes (9.2.3). There was even a river in the area named Phoenix. However the Pelasgians were imagined to have inhabited the area originally, even before the mythical flood of Deucalion, after which they were said to have been driven out. Strabo says later in that same book “Now the largest and most ancient composite part of the Greeks is that of the Thessalians, who have been described partly by Homer and partly by others.” Makedonia did not exist as a political entity in the period of which Homer had written. There are ancient connections between the inhabitants of Thessaly and Aeolia, a region on the coast of Anatolia near the Troad which included a group of islands in the adjoining sea. Certain peoples of Thessaly, namely the Magnesians and the Aenianians, are said to have been Aeolian in origin.

The Jews in Europe: The Reuchlin Affair Revisited, Part 1

The Jews in Europe: The Reuchlin Affair Revisited, Part 1

Over these last several months we have spent a lot of time discussing the early years of the Reformation relative to the life of Martin Luther. Discussing things such as the early humanists in Germany and the Reuchlin affair, we had frequently stated that we wanted to better quantify the role of the Jews who were indeed operating behind the scenes of these events. Since that time, we have learned that E. Michael Jones, in his book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History, has done much of that research for us. Therefore we are going to make a presentation of chapter 7 of Jones’ book, which is titled Reuchlin v. Pfefferkorn. We believe that revisiting the Reuchlin Affair from Jones’ enhanced perspective, where he focuses on aspects of the Jewish question which our German historians had neglected, will not only enhance our understanding of the nature and objectives of some of Luther’s supporters during the Reformation, but also exhibit for us the Jewish mentality that agitated the later Revolutions in Europe and produced the Protocols of Zion. Both of these topics are of great interest in relation to our presentations here over the last year, and those which we hope to make here in the near future.

So without further introduction, we shall commence with E. Michael Jones:

Roughly 270 years after Nicholas Donin persuaded Pope Gregory IX to allow him to proceed against the Talmud, another Jew converted to Christianity and had the same idea. In 1504, Josef Pfefferkorn, a Moravian Jew, converted to Christianity, along with his wife and child. After changing his name to Johannes at his baptism, Pfefferkorn spent his first years as a Christian wandering through southern German-speaking lands preaching the conversion of the Jews. In 1509 he settled in Cologne, where he made contact with the Dominicans, who had promoted Donin's efforts to convert the Jews three centuries earlier. Pfefferkorn's enthusiasm for the Christian faith was undeniable, but the results of his preaching were meager. In 1516, at the height of his fame, he claimed he had converted 14 Jews after years of effort. He claimed another five would have entered the Church if the Jews hadn't blackened his name. Pfefferkorn would become famous as a publicist, not as a preacher. The printing press was transforming the movement of information in Europe, and he made good use of this new technology.

A critical review of the sermon Let's Examine the Evidence, by Bertrand Comparet

Bertrand ComparetA Critical Review of Let’s Examine the Evidence, by Bertrand Comparet

This evening we are going to present a sermon by Bertrand Comparet titled Let’s Examine the Evidence. The purpose of the sermon is to prove through an assessment of certain of the parables of Yahshua Christ that the New Testament is consistent and contiguous with the Word of God in the Old Testament, and therefore that all of the promises of the Old still stand for the children of Israel under the New.

We are going to offer several of our own comments both supporting Comparet’s work, and sometimes criticizing and seeking to correct his work. As we have often said concerning Bertrand Comparet and other Christian Identity teachers of the past, we owe them a debt of gratitude for the wonderful work and excellent research which they did, blazing a trail for us in our quest for Biblical truth. But we also owe it to them and to ourselves to correct any errors they made along the way, and to further edify the work which they left us. We would be honored if in the future, others did that same thing with our own work.

If our text here varies slightly from what is posted at the Bertrand Comparet archive at Christogenea, it is only because we amended parts of Clifton’s original publication from a taped presentation made by Comparet himself, and then we realized that two different taped presentations of Comparet’s sermon exist in our archives, so the slight differences were probably made by Comparet himself.

The Jews in Europe: The Converso Problem and the Inquisition, Part 2

The Jews in Europe: The Converso Problem and the Inquisition, Part 2

Here we shall offer a summary background loosely based upon what we had seen in the first segment of this presentation, adding a few of our own opinions.

After the Visigoths of Spain had converted to Christianity, and began to regulate their kingdom with Christian principles, life for the Jews became quite intolerable. Laws were made whereby Jews could no longer lend money to Christians on usury, Jews could no longer hold office or rule over Christians, and other laws by which they could no longer live as parasites on the larger White society. Jews had thrived for centuries in pagan Spain, and the parasites were not going to let themselves be deprived of such a profitable host. So in the 7th century the Jews reacted by bringing the moslems into Spain in order to destroy the Gothic kingdom. Perhaps around two-thirds of the Iberian peninsula came to be ruled and also occupied by Arabs and Moors for over 7 centuries. But when the moslems were finally being forced out in the Reconquest, the Jews remained, their role in the moslem invasion being quite obscure to most all Spaniards, and, unfortunately, even to most Christians today.

We can search out the events leading up to the moslem invasions of North Africa and Spain, and we may find that Jews created the moslem religion for the very purpose of organizing the Arab hordes against Christendom. While that is outside of the scope of our purpose here, the result stands as the first proof of the assertion.

Paul's Epistle to the Colossians Part 7: Christianity and Slavery, with Philemon

Colossians 4:1-18, Philemon 1:1-25

Paul's Epistle to the Colossians Part 7: Christianity and Slavery, with Philemon

One of the underlying themes we have been building upon from what Paul of Tarsus has taught us in the first several chapters of this epistle to the Colossians is judgment. Paul of Tarsus began when he advised these Christians of Colossae that they should let no man judge them concerning feasts, sabbaths and other celebrations, and then he also informed them that they should not submit to the ordinances of the men, nor should they worship angels, as he called them, who would prevent them from the use of those elements of God’s Creation that are beneficial to the satisfaction of the flesh, which was basically a refutation of both Pharisaism and asceticism, or, as the King James Version translates the term, “will worship”, which describes asceticism.

However Paul also informed these Colossians that, because they had an assurance of life in Christ, they should choose to abstain from the sins of the world, fornications, evil desires, covetousness, which Paul identified as a form of idolatry, and “filthy communications”, among which are blasphemies, deceits, slanders, ribaldry, and even the wrath of men.

Saying these things, Paul explained that in Christ “one is not Greek and Judaean, circumcision and uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, slave, free, but altogether and in all ways Anointed.” Paul made a similar statement in Galatians chapter 3, where he had said, as it reads in the King James Version, “26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew [properly Judaean] nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” And here is where many supposedly pious Christians have found, or have even created much confusion.