White Nationalist Cognitive Dissonance, Part 4: Jacob and Esau for Dummies
White Nationalist Cognitive Dissonance, Part 4: Jacob and Esau for Dummies
The "friend" I discuss in this podcast is David Duke. We spoke at length after the 2022 League of the South Conference in June. A few days after I finished it, I sent him a slightly redacted version of the notes. He never answered, but he is still spreading his lies and making his false arguments. Sadly, most unlearned people readily accept them.
There are one of two ways by which most people approach Scripture, and the first I will mention is the path taken by only a very small minority. One may study the entire Scripture, and eventually take the time to examine the original languages and the context of every passage, noticing who is speaking about whom and to whom it is that the words are directed. The second path is taken by the vast majority, even scholars in other or related fields who are not theologians. On that path, one reads the Scripture superficially, picking out verses or phrases that can be fit into one agenda or the other, because it seems to support some particular assertion or belief.
This past weekend, and for the first time ever, I was able to have a long conversation with a man with whom I have always been in conflict, whom I will not name here since he had indicated, even after we spoke for over an hour, that the conversation is not yet completed. So since I am not going to name him this evening, even if many of our listeners may recognize who it is to whom I am referring, and even if he is actually an acquaintance and not a personal friend, I will simply refer to him as a friend for our purposes here. I know that there are some listeners who will not even like that, but kindness and civility should be returned, and our conversation was conducted with mutual respect and free of any hostility or arrogance.
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