White Nationalist Cognitive Dissonance, Part 4: Jacob and Esau for Dummies

White Nationalist Cognitive Dissonance, Part 4: Jacob and Esau for Dummies

The "friend" I discuss in this podcast is David Duke. We spoke at length after the 2022 League of the South Conference in June. A few days after I finished it, I sent him a slightly redacted version of the notes. He never answered, but he is still spreading his lies and making his false arguments. Sadly, most unlearned people readily accept them.

There are one of two ways by which most people approach Scripture, and the first I will mention is the path taken by only a very small minority. One may study the entire Scripture, and eventually take the time to examine the original languages and the context of every passage, noticing who is speaking about whom and to whom it is that the words are directed. The second path is taken by the vast majority, even scholars in other or related fields who are not theologians. On that path, one reads the Scripture superficially, picking out verses or phrases that can be fit into one agenda or the other, because it seems to support some particular assertion or belief.

This past weekend, and for the first time ever, I was able to have a long conversation with a man with whom I have always been in conflict, whom I will not name here since he had indicated, even after we spoke for over an hour, that the conversation is not yet completed. So since I am not going to name him this evening, even if many of our listeners may recognize who it is to whom I am referring, and even if he is actually an acquaintance and not a personal friend, I will simply refer to him as a friend for our purposes here. I know that there are some listeners who will not even like that, but kindness and civility should be returned, and our conversation was conducted with mutual respect and free of any hostility or arrogance.

White Nationalist Cognitive Dissonance Part 3 – The Tolerance of Evil

White Nationalist Cognitive Dissonance Part 3 – The Tolerance of Evil

This presentation was, more or less, handed to me by some friends. Coming home from an event where David Duke had spoken, I wanted to find a way to once again explain and to address his cognitive dissonance. So when I got to my desk, I found that our friend Michael Watcher had already created this image advertising an article I had written in December of 2013 titled The Tolerance of Evil. Then I noticed that our friend Joe from the Christogenea Forum had posted a snippet from my commentary on Hosea explaining the failure of America. So it all came together for me and consequently I could not help but to make this presentation. For those who are new to Christogenea, White Nationalist Cognitive Dissonance parts 1 and 2 were presented here in the Spring of 2015.

Attending the annual League of the South National Conference this year, I once more had the questionably pleasurable experience of listening to a lengthy talk by David Duke, who is probably the world’s most recognizable living White Nationalist. Of course, I am not envious, as I do not reckon myself a mere White Nationalist. Being an Identity Christian, I hardly expect to be recognizable at all, even in White nationalist circles, and at such affairs I would really just prefer to blend into the background. Having attended these conferences each year since 2018, for several years I have purposely ignored Mr. Duke, even though we spent hours within proximity of one another not only at the conferences, but also in after-hours social settings. However I believe that I have done this for good reason. I am persuaded that there is a gulf between us which, perhaps for reason of our personalities, cannot be bridged. If this evokes the words of Christ in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the allusion is not accidental.

Open Forum: Some Chats With Our Friends.

At the beginning of the program I discussed some of the Deuteronomy chapter 28 curses of disobedience and how they are being fulfilled in Christendom today. Then we were joined by our friends Sonny Eanes, Travis Brady, Jerel Mosley, Danny Updegraff and others for conversations on topics such as awakening to Christian Israel Identity, David Duke, End Times prophecy and more... We thank everyone who participated.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 29: Constitutional Vanity

The Protocols of Satan, Part 29: Constitutional Vanity

In the last two segments of these Protocols of Satan, we chose to present what we had called The Nazis and the Protocols, which was a translation and discussion of the introduction to the 1938 National Socialist publication of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Some of the material in that introduction relates to later portions of the Protocols, however we wanted to present it all at once. Surely we may cite it again at the appropriate points as we continue our commentary. But our primary reason for making the presentation of The Nazis and the Protocols was in response to what the Protocols had boasted in reference to the constitutions of States which had embraced Liberalism in the recent centuries. In the first part of that introduction to the Protocols the authors had explained the degree of Jewish involvement in the creation of the various State constitutions of 19th century Germany, as well as that of the later Weimar Republic.

Here we shall once again read that latest portion from Protocol No. 3 from the text of Boris Brasol’s publication of The Protocols and World Revolution:

Protocol No. 3:

We have included in constitutions rights which for the people are fictitious and are not actual rights. All the so-called "rights of the people" can exist only in the abstract and can never be realized in practice. What difference does it make to the toiling proletarian, bent double by heavy toil, oppressed by his fate, that the babblers receive the right to talk, journalists the right to mix nonsense with reason in their writings, if the proletariat has no other gain from the constitution than the miserable crumbs which we throw from our table in return for his vote to elect our agents. Republican rights are bitter irony to the poor man, for the necessity of almost daily labor prevents him from using them, and at the same time deprives him of his guarantee of a permanent and certain livelihood by making him dependent upon strikes, organized either by his masters or by his comrades.

Dumbing Down on David Duke

Dumbing Down on David Duke

In part because of our recent appearance on radio in New Orleans, lately we have been saying a lot about David Duke, or as I would prefer to call him, Daisy Duke. In reality, Duke is practically irrelevant, except that his career as a shill has been maintained on Stormfront for years, and is now propped up by the Daily Stormer, and unfortunately, too many of our friends and listeners are readers of both Stormfront and the Daily Stormer. Don Black and David Duke have already shared wives, and it is apparent that Andrew Anglin wants in on the action. There are much better alternatives for Christian Nationalist forums and Nationalist news on the Internet.

We have several disputes with Duke. Out of one side of his mouth he basically agrees with the Jews that the Protocols of Zion are a forgery, and out of the other he attempts to raise funds by selling a book titled The Illustrated Protocols of Zion. But one thing which we have long asserted makes David Duke a shill for world Jewry is this: that he insists that the Jews are the protagonists of the Old Testament, both the Hebrews and the Israelites, as they claim. This is not only untrue, but it is a dangerous lie, because allowing them this claim allows them to continue to thrive in the deception that they are the recipients of the blessings of Abraham. So long as scores of millions of mainstream Christians believe that is true, they will continue to bless the Jews, stuck in a dichotomy between two devils: the Jews themselves and their image of a god who could possibly bless such a wicked people in such a manner so that they can never be criticized for their wickedness.

Gatekeepers of the alt-right. Or is it alt-wrong?

The opening notes to this program are published at the Christoegena Forum: Gatekeepers of the alt-right. Or is it alt-wrong?

Gatekeepers give people a little bit of truth, and steer them the wrong way on critical issues. The most glaring and blatantly deceptive example was Alex Jones’ claim that the arabs control Hollywood. To us, David Duke is a gatekeeper, because he pretends to teach about Jewish treachery, but he upholds their biggest and most dangerous lies. All of these so-called White Nationalists who embrace Jews and Sodomites, or refuse to condemn them, are even worse – which includes Jared Taylor and the whole Amren crowd. Kevin MacDonald also accepts Jewish lies, and is tolerant of sodomites. So he too is a gatekeeper. The alt-right figure Richard Spencer networks with MacDonald, the Amren crowd and the sodomite Greg Johnson. So Spencer is a gatekeeper too. Some of these clowns certainly must be gatekeeping consciously, and others are simply not as red-pilled as they think they are.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 8: The Masters of Discourse

The Protocols of Satan, Part 8: The Masters of Discourse

This evening we are really just going to make an introduction to the Protocols, offer some new commentary, and recap some of the things which we have already presented in this series, because it has been so long since we left it. To date we have presented seven parts of our Protocols of Satan, which were really only designed to establish their authenticity and refute all of their refutations. Then, because we felt we needed a firm historical basis for an understanding of the Protocols, we presented eleven parts of a series titled The Jews in Medieval Europe, and we feel that it is important to understand that material before we continued with a presentation of the actual Protocols. But for now, what we have here we hope serves as our final introduction to the Protocols themselves.

The alleged scholar David Duke has labeled the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion a “literary fantasy”, along the lines of George Orwell’s 1984. Duke’s thesis as to how the Protocols came into existence merely regurgitates the long-discredited defensive Jewish claims. His comparison to 1984, however, is downright childish. George Orwell rather astutely saw what was already on the horizon, having observed the results of Bolshevism in the East and the trends of Liberalism in the West, and only then had he rather prodigiously depicted one possible result of the established political trends, some of which we now see and some of which have not yet materialized. But the Protocols are quite different, because when they were written there was nothing in the world like them that was already in place. Therefore, as the design which they described came to be plainly manifest in the world within a scant several decades of their publication, we should distinguish them as being representative of a definite plan for the undermining of society by those who would benefit from that undermining. Therefore, as crudely as they were written, the Protocols are real. It is David Duke who is a fake. He may be good at explaining Jewish power in society today, but the actual depth of his historical inquiry is severely wanting.

Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 3: Who Opposes True Christianity?

1 Thessalonians 3:1 – 1 Thessalonians 4:12

We took the opportunity to answer secular White Nationalist attacks on Christian Identity throughout this podcast. We hope that it did not interfere to any great extent with our presentation of this portion of Paul's first epistle to the Thessalonians.

Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 3: Who Opposes True Christianity?

At the beginning of 1 Thessalonians chapter 2, Paul had discussed the persecution which he had suffered in Philippi, where he had been jailed for upsetting certain Roman pagans. They were angry for having lost the prospect of profit they had in their control of a woman who had been taken by a spirit of divination when Paul had exorcised that spirit from her. There we took an opportunity to discuss the persecution of Christians as it was mentioned by the pagan writers Tacitus and Suetonius, and later by the Christian writers Minucius Felix and Tertullian. The point which we wanted to make is that the wide-scale persecution of Christians by both pagans and Jews in the first century is a historical fact that cannot be honestly disputed. This persecution, which is recorded as early as the time of Claudius, was also usually instigated by the Jews.

The Camp of the Saints Revisited

Here William Finck presents his article The Camp of The Saints Revisited. There is no doubt that Jews are behind the flood of "immigration" into Europe, and that Europeans have no current political solution because the European nations are not actually democracies.

In the second half of the program, David Duke is taken to task for accepting and perpetuating the lies of the Jews concerning the Bible. (The text is posted in the Christogenea Forum.)

White Nationalist Cognitive Dissonance

Down the audio here.


Secular White Nationalism, meaning White Nationalism that rejects or insists upon being apart from Christianity, seems to have first appeared in America in the late twentieth century with the likes of David Duke and a motley collection of other rejects from what may have been identified rather loosely as the Christian Patriot movement of the 1950's through the 1980's. It is not our purpose to dwell on the beginnings of this movement or how it has grown, however we will mention Mr. Duke again here later on and in another context. Our purpose for now is to discuss some of the shortcomings in the world-views of secular White Nationalists in general, and why they will always continue to fail.

Before we begin, however, we must first state that we do not accept denominational Judeo-Christians to be Christians at all. Rather, they have come to worship Jews rather than Jesus, and seek to advance World Jewish Supremacy rather than the Kingdom of God. The Roman Catholic Church was heavily infiltrated by presumably converted Jews and its literature became awash with truly anti-Christian, Jewish ideas from as early as the 14th century. Even the greatest of Protestant scholars such as Martin Luther were poisoned with the writings of Jews such as Lyra and Burgensis in their formal church educations, and the churches they founded retained those Jewish ideas.

The anti-Christian White Nationalists assume that the modern churches represent Christianity, and that is a bad assumption. The denominational churches had long ago been turned to the will of the internationalist merchants, and their policies have long represented the will of the merchants rather than the will of the Christian God. Many of their policies stand in direct contradiction to the Christian Bible, even in spite of the bad translations which most Bible versions have suffered partly due to these same influences. Much of this phenomenon is readily evident in Church history.