Saxon Messenger Issue No. 49, December 2017

Get your copy of the latest issue of The Saxon Messenger, an online PDF magazine and a project of Christogenea.

We are actually about 3 weeks later with this than we expecterd, but here it is.

This issue of the Saxon Messenger features:

The Gospel of Goddard? Or the Gospel of Christ?, A Report on the Shelbyville #WhiteLivesMatter Rally, The Protocols of Satan, Part 6 and Christian Identity Liturgy in the Book of Odes, all by William Finck, and Lies, Spies and Harvey Weinstein: Thoughts on Jewish Behaviour and the Pervnado by Tobias Langdon, Michael Hoffman on Martin Luther King Jr., abortion in Ireland and Poland, Turmeric and cancer, and more...

Click here to purchase this issue in print.