Revelation Chapter 12 - 02-25-2011
Revelation Chapter 12 – February 25th, 2011
In Revelation chapters 6 through 8 we have seen in prophecy both the fall of Rome and the rise of Justinian. Then in chapter 9 we saw the conquests of Islam. In chapters 10 and 11, we saw the period known to us as the Reformation, and the independence of the Saxon peoples from the Romish church. Once these prophecies are examined and their manifestation in history are realized, it is absolutely clear that Yahshua Christ related a broad panorama of future events to John, which events have been the defining moments in the history of our race over nearly 2000 years.
As an aside, it may be observed that much of the imagery seen here in Revelation chapter 12 is not new to readers of the Hebrew Bible, nor was it new to Greeks and Romans. For instance, the Greeks had many old stories about the casting down of the serpent Typhon by Zeus, or the Python by Apollo. Since it can be demonstrated that Greek origins are found in the East, and especially with the Hebrews, these stories are certainly recognizable as embellishments on the memory of the oldest Hebrew accounts.
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