What Christian Identity Is Not
Claims that there is no devil, when indeed they are all around us.
Zechariah Sitchin, who was a jewish fraud and a huckster.
Nibiru - an invention of the jew, Zechariah Sitchin. The ancient Sumerian word simply described a nexus in the courses of heavenly bodies.
The devil-loving New-Age freaks, like David Icke and Jordan Maxwell
Any other abuses or lies concerning ancient Mesopotamian [hence Indo-Aryan] records, or Biblical or Classical records.
Ron Wyatt, who was an adventist fraud and an adventurist huckster.
2012 - which was for false prophets, and all similar future doomsday scenarios.
Neville Goddard, Napoleon Hill, and other "prosperity gospel" schemers who are only robbing their victims.
Noon-to-noon Sabbaths and Jewish Calendar schemes.
We must NOT embrace the ungodly - or the enemies of our God.
We must NOT embrace ungodly violence, stealing, pillage - Vengeance belongs to our God!
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