Why We Need (More) Antisemitism - The Heretics’ Hour

William Finck with Carolyn Yeager on The Heretics' Hour, Monday Jan. 30, 2012 on the Voice of Reason radio network. "Why We Need (More) Antisemitism".

In the first half hour, Carolyn reads from The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940-1945; afterwards, Finck joins Carolyn in a bold discussion of the detrimental effect of Jewish influence on white, Western society and why there is no other solution but to openly oppose it, ignoring the tiresome charge of “antisemitism.”

Hosea Chapters 1 and 2

Hosea Chapter 1

I decided to present the prophecy of Hosea commencing with this week, because on the Saturday program over the next few weeks I plan to present my papers on the Scythians and their origins - God willing – and this prophet more than any other with the arguable exception of perhaps Isaiah, goes hand-in-hand with the history of the deportations of Israel and Judah.

Hosea began his prophesying, according to his own introduction, at the time when Uzziah (who is also sometimes confusingly called Azariah in the King James Version) ruled over Judah and and Jeroboam II ruled over Israel. Both of these men reigned for a long time: Uzziah, who was stricken with leprosy while he ruled, from about 791-739 BC and Jeroboam II from 793-753 BC. Therefore Hosea began to prophecy before 753 BC. He wrote until the days of Hezekiah. Hezekiah ruled Judah from about 729-698 BC and since there was no king in Israel after Hoshea's rule ended circa 722 BC, we see that Hosea did not mention any king after Jeroboam II even though six kings followed him before Israel was fully broken as a kingdom. Therefore Hosea wrote from no later than 753 BC unto at least 722 BC, a period of at least 32 years during the time described in the Bible from II Kings chapters 14 to 20, and from II Chronicles chapters 26 to 32.

James Chapters 4 and 5

With a review of Chapter 3.

James Chapters 4 and 5 - 01-20-2012

Here, because of its importance, and because of the ways in which the chapter is abused, I thought to repeat James chapter 3, and to present it in a manner a little more pointed than how it was presented last week. 

III 1 You must not produce many teachers, my brethren, knowing that we shall receive a greater judgment. 2 For we all fail often! If anyone does not fail in word, he is a perfect man able to guide with a bridle even the whole body. 3 Even if the bridles of horses are put into their mouths for which to persuade them for us, then we maneuver their whole body. 4 Behold also, there are such great ships, and being driven by severe winds, maneuvered by the smallest rudder, being driven straight where impulse desires. 5 Thusly also the tongue is a small body-part and boasts loudly. Behold how small a fire ignites so great a forest! 6 And the tongue is a fire, an ornament of injustice. The tongue sits among our body-parts soiling the whole body and setting ablaze the course of existence, and being burned by Gehenna! 

Gehenna, the destruction caused by the fiery trials of this life, the wars and strife caused by the tongue. All of these things are of course true, but we must consider how and what kind of speech causes men to slip. And in whose perception do men slip? One man may think that you have erred when he does not like what you say. But what is sin, to slip in the eyes of man? Or to slip in the eyes of God? It may well be that man's pride which causes him to think badly about you. Therefore we have only one Judge: Yahshua Christ, and one Guide, which is His Word.

The ANC: 100 Years of Marxist Deceit and Still Going Strong

by William Finck

The Bible tells us that it is the dragon which gives its power to the beast, and wherever we look into history beyond the surface, we can see that the Bible is absolutely true. Looking around the internet this past week for news out of South Africa, we see that one of the people most often mentioned in connection with the recent 100-year anniversary of the African National Congress is Joe Slovo, who died in 1995. He is celebrated on the front page of the official ANC website with the short article “Long live the memory of Joe Slovo”. On the South African Communist Party website, Slovo is figured much more prominently, even having a picture conspicuously positioned between two negroes in the website's banner. Slovo, an active member of the party since 1942, was its general secretary from 1984. For most of its existence, the ANC has been closely involved in an alliance with the SACP, and still is today. An article at South African History Online states that “In 1928 the CPSA and the African National Congress (ANC) began a close working relationship” (the CPSA was later renamed SACP).

James Chapters 2 and 3

"Respect of persons" defined.

The Epistle of James - 01-13-2012

II 1 My brethren, do not with respect of the stature of persons hold the faith of our Prince Yahshua Christ of honor. 2 For if perhaps a man should enter into your assembly hall with a gold ring in a shining garment, and a beggar should enter in a filthy garment, 3 then you should look upon he wearing the shining garment and say “You sit here comfortably”, and to the beggar you should say “You stand there”, or “Sit beneath my footstool”, 4 have you not made a distinction among yourselves and become judges of evil reasonings? 

“Respect of persons” is respect for the stature or the status of persons in judgement. The Greek word προσωπολημψία comes from πρόσωπον, literally the face, and a verb which means to receive. The use of the term by James reflects that same idea which Paul often infers where the King James Version translates the Greek word προσωπολημψία, which is literally the receiving of a man's appearance, and related words and phrases as “respect of persons”. 

A completely new website for the works of Clifton Emahiser!

Clifton's website has been completely replaced with a brand-new, cutting-edge content management system. We expect easier reading, better internal search capabilities, easier navigation, and better external search engine visibility - Yahweh willing! We also pray that the site is found to be visually more appealing.

Clifton's website is found at http://emahiser.christogenea.org

Clifton's old website will be housed at http://oldemahiser.christogenea.org until we are certain that it is no longer needed. Any and all page requests for Clifton's old links will be automatically forwarded to the correct pages on his old site, so that although the site has moved, there will be no broken links. writers who have cited Clifton, and webmasters who have linked his documents, need not scurry to make any changes - all links are valid and will remain valid so long as Yahweh wills and we keep the sites going. Praise Yahweh!

God is not mocked – of men and nations, one reaps what one sows.

Detail from King Lear: Cordelia's Farewell, by Edwin Austin Abbey [1887-1909].

Among others, John Wilson and Sharon Turner were rather brilliant men of the 19th century to whom all British and American Israel Christian Identists are indebted, whether or not those men are currently appreciated. They were among the first to examine, interpret and present the archaeological data coming out of Mesopotamia in a manner that was meaningful to serious students of the Bible and of early European history. Through them, Anglo-Saxon Christians rediscovered the meaning and gravity of their Saxon heritage. However these men also knew something that British-Israel acolytes reject even now: that the Germanic peoples of the Continent are kin with the Anglo-Saxon people of Britain, from whom they had sprung. 

James Chapter 1

The Epistle of James, Chapter 1 - 01-06-2012

I do not see how the Hebrew name Ya'aqob, the Greek Iakobos, could have possibly become James in English. At first I pondered the notion that the translators of the King James Version were purposefully flattering the king who commissioned them. However that cannot besince the spelling of this name in the 1560 Geneva Bible is Iames, which today we would write as James. Wanting instead to be faithful to the Greek, when I translated the New Testament I spelled it Iakobos, leaving it as it appears in the Greek Nominative case. The English name James seems to have come from the French word for leg, which is jambe (the 'b' is silent). A related French word jamon, refers to a leg of ham. King James Version apologists strive to connect the two terms since Iakob does come from a Hebrew word with a meaning connected to the heel of the foot. But Ya'aqob (Strong's # 3290) means "heel holder" and therefore allegorically it means "supplanter", and that has nothing to do with a pig's leg.