Paul's Epistle to Titus, Part 4: The Mercy of God and Justification in Christ

Titus 2:11-15

The Epistles of Paul – Titus, Part 4: The Mercy of God and Justification in Christ

The opening remarks to the podcast have been published separately under the title Dating the Passover.

In the last portion of this commentary on Titus, we had made a few brief remarks on the closing verses of Titus chapter 2, and promised to elaborate on a few things when we resumed. So to begin this evening, we shall repeat those verses, beginning from Titus 2:11 where Paul wrote:

11 For the delivering favor of Yahweh [א interpolates “the Savior”; the text follows A, C, D, and the MT which varies slightly] has been displayed to all men, 12 teaching us that, rejecting impiety and the lusts of this Society, discreetly and righteously and piously we should live in this present age,

Paul’s words seem to take it for granted that men should understand the favor of Yahweh once they hear the message of the Gospel. But the lesson to be learned is not merely a personal lesson in admonitions to do or not to do certain things. Christ would not have had to die on the Cross for that, and it is unlikely that His enemies would have even killed Him for that. Rather, the message of the Gospel is much deeper than that: in large part it is a historic lesson, that the children of Israel were alienated from Yahweh their God for their sins, and they were oppressed and ruled over by the enemies of God and man because of their alienation. But they were reconciled to God in Christ when He died on their behalf, which made their reconciliation possible according to His law. All of the nations to which Paul had brought the Gospel were descended from those ancient Israelites who had been alienated from Yahweh their God, and who have to learn the lesson which Paul describes.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 27: The Nazis and the Protocols

The Protocols of Satan, Part 27: The Nazis and the Protocols

In our last presentation of these Protocols of Satan we took another long digression to discuss Feudalism, its counterpart in the medieval smallholder, or independent farmer, and the eventual consequences for the common man in the rise of Capitalism and the democratic revolutions of Europe. The average laborer was apparently much more of a slave to his new masters than he had ever been to the old nobility, just as the Protocols had boasted. Now we embark on a new point of discussion raised by the Protocols, and that is related to the substance of the democratic constitutions of newly “liberated” States. This latest point was raised as we continued to present Protocol No. 3 from the text of Boris Brasol’s publication The Protocols and World Revolution. Here we will read our subject paragraph once more:

Protocol No. 3:

We have included in constitutions rights which for the people are fictitious and are not actual rights. All the so-called "rights of the people" can exist only in the abstract and can never be realized in practice. What difference does it make to the toiling proletarian, bent double by heavy toil, oppressed by his fate, that the babblers receive the right to talk, journalists the right to mix nonsense with reason in their writings, if the proletariat has no other gain from the constitution than the miserable crumbs which we throw from our table in return for his vote to elect our agents. Republican rights are bitter irony to the poor man, for the necessity of almost daily labor prevents him from using them, and at the same time deprives him of his guarantee of a permanent and certain livelihood by making him dependent upon strikes, organized either by his masters or by his comrades.

Paul's Epistle to Titus, Part 3: The Cleanliness of God

Titus 1:15 – Titus 2:15

Paul's Epistle to Titus, Part 3: The Cleanliness of God

As we have already discussed at length in the opening segments of our presentation of Paul’s epistle to Titus, when the apostle arrived in the Troad he must have been informed that Titus was in Crete, and that there were some problems there among the assemblies. So in the opening verses of chapter 1 of this epistle we had observed where Paul addressed Titus as a true member of his race, according to the common belief. We interpret that statement to mean that even though Titus was a Greek by race, perceptibly he was of the race of the ancient Israelites, and therefore should be accepted as such. Then after reminding Titus of why he was sent to Crete in the first place, in order to organize the Christian assemblies there, Paul advised him to ensure that elders, which are the overseers or bishops of each assembly, were established, and that the offices be filled by men who had endeavored to maintain a virtuous way of life. The foremost of the examples of virtue which Paul gave was that they were to have been the husbands of one wife, and that they had children without the possibility that they themselves could be accused of disobedience. We also perceive this to mean that men who would be leaders of Christian assemblies should have experience raising families of their own, they should be committed to those families, and that their children in turn must also be true members of the race, since otherwise the men would be chargeable.

Making these admonitions to Titus, Paul advised him that the “Cretans are always liars”, evidently quoting the Cretan poet Epimenides. Since Epimenides was a Cretan, modern commentators interpret the statement paradoxically, but we have asserted that Paul and other early Christian writers did not interpret it in that manner. Rather, they accepted it at face value. The early 2nd century Greek writer Plutarch also accepted the statement of Epimenides as being true, and it seems to have been a common observation, as he even used the term κρητισμός, or Cretan behavior, to describe the act of lying. Paul himself had said of the saying of Epimenides that “13 This testimony is true, for which cause you must censure them relentlessly, that they would be sound in the faith, 14 not giving heed to myths of Judaism and injunctions of men turning themselves away from the truth.” So Paul seems to be using the line from Epimenides as a rhetorical device in order to warn Titus of how important it is that he make certain that the most pious and virtuous men among the Christians in Crete were given the responsibility of supervising each assembly, men who exhibited piety in the conduct of their lives, and not merely men who professed piety with their lips.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 26: The New Lords of the Manor

The Protocols of Satan, Part 26: The New Lords of the Manor in the Fall of Feudalism

Over the past few episodes of these Protocols of Satan, we hope to have elucidated the fact that Democracy as a form of government has a long history of failure since ancient times, and that it was doomed to fail as soon as it developed in the modern world. Democracy fails because it is built on a foundation of empty rhetoric and compromise, and not on any firm foundation of ability and leadership qualities. But Jewry, as it conspired to overthrow the princes of Europe through the secret societies and the infiltration of other institutions, understood that the introduction of Democracy in the concept of Liberalism, spread through the false religions of humanism and egalitarianism, would most assuredly enable them to usurp power for themselves through their control of the banks and the money power, which also afforded them control of the media so that they had the tools they needed to manipulate the perception of consensus among the people. The unsuspecting people are taught to be proud of the past 200 years of democracy, but the historical record shows that it has been two hundred years of war and failure, while the International Jews have accumulated greater and greater wealth and power.

But Democracy gives the common people a false sense of empowerment, and therefore the concept is popular. Not wishing to be bound to their own marginally Christian nobility, they have become willing slaves for the Jewish bankers. The truth is that democracy is a deception, because all people are not equal, and all ideas are not equally valid. The freedom of speech and the ability to openly express oneself are wonderful, but when everyone uses that freedom to express opinions about everything, that is not good because not everyone has equally valid information or equal cognitive faculties as a basis upon which to formulate sound opinions on many subjects. Everyone caught up in the deception is drowned out by the volume of the noise. So from both political democracy and the democratic equality of ideas there can come nothing but failure and division.

Paul's Epistle to Titus, Part 2: Leadership Morality, A Husband of One Wife

Titus 1:6-14

At left: Fragment of Titus 1:11-15 from Papyrus 032 dating to circa 200 AD.

Paul's Epistle to Titus, Part 2: Leadership Morality, A Husband of One Wife

In the opening segment of this presentation of Paul’s epistle to Titus we set forth the assertion that Titus is the Titus Justus, or Titios Justus, of the older manuscripts of Acts 18:7, who became a colleague of Paul from the time when Paul had stayed in his house in Corinth, around 49 or 50 AD. We also demonstrated, by referencing Paul’s own statements concerning Titus in his second epistle to the Corinthians, that this epistle was written from the Troad as Paul left Ephesus in 56 AD, and that Titus met with Paul in Makedonia shortly thereafter, spending the winter months with him in Nicopolis of Epirus before bringing Paul’s second epistle to the Corinthians to Achaia in very early 57 AD, ahead of Paul’s planned visit there. With that we had asserted that the statement made by Paul here in this epistle, that he had left Titus in Crete, must have referred to an earlier time, to an event which happened between 52 and 55 AD, as Titus was with Paul when he travelled to Antioch after departing from Corinth in late 51 or early 52 AD, something which is evident in his epistle to the Galatians which was written just after that visit to Antioch, or perhaps in Antioch after the visit to Jerusalem which was on the way to Antioch.

Imprecating the Media, with Pastor Mark Downey

See Kinsman Redeemer for Pastor Mark Downey's related sermon, Christian Identity Imprecation Against Fake News

Psalms 58:3-11: “Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward, spreading lies. Their venom is like the venom of a snake, like that of a cobra that has stopped its ears, that will not heed the tune of the charmer, however skillful the enchanter may be. Break the teeth in their mouths, O God; Lord, tear out the fangs of those lions! Let them vanish like water that flows away; when they draw the bow, let their arrows fall short. May they be like a slug that melts away as it moves along, like a stillborn child that never sees the sun. Before your pots can feel the heat of the thorns, whether they be green or dry, the wicked will be swept away. The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance; He will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. Mankind will say, Surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely there is a God who judges on earth.”

Paul's Epistle to Titus, Part 1: Purity Spiraling in Apostolic Christianity

Titus 1:1-5

Here we are going to make a presentation of Paul’s epistle to Titus, and we are nearing the completion of a commentary on the apostle Paul which we had begun with the epistle to the Romans on March 28th of 2014, nearly three years ago. We have decided to put Titus in order here before Timothy not only because this epistle was written before either of the epistles to Timothy, but also because we find it appropriate to present 2 Timothy last in our presentation of Paul’s epistles.

The term “purity spiraling” began amongst denominational Christians to describe an extreme manifestation of virtue signalling, which we associate with the wayward and hypocritical form of self-righteousness that often affects Christians of all sorts. I am better than you because I don’t do this or say that, etc. etc. But recently the alt-Right has latched onto it and used it to describe the attitudes of racial purists. This evening we are going to take it back for Christians, but we are going to apply it in the way that the alt-Right uses it, to describe a need for the promotion of racial purity amongst Whites everywhere. So to the secularist Jew-lovers of the alt-Right, the term has a negative connotation. But to us it is a positive idea, because as we all know, purity is next to Godliness.

Paul's Epistle to Titus, Part 1: Purity Spiraling in Apostolic Christianity

The early manuscript evidence for the epistle to Titus is found in the papyrus designated P32, which is esteemed to date from around 200 AD; the 4th century Codex Sinaiticus (א); the 5th century Codices Alexandrinus (A), Ephraemi Syri (C) and Vaticanus 2061 (048); and the 6th century Codices Claromontanus (D) and 088, which is an unnamed manuscript that may be a little older than that, and in which survive only a few fragments, parts of the first 13 verses of this epistle as well as parts of the final chapters of 1 Corinthians. Additionally, Paul’s epistle to Titus is cited or mentioned in the epistles of Ignatius, which date to around the very beginning of the 2nd century, and also by Irenaeus and Clement of Alexandria, who are both of the late 2nd century, and by Tertullian, Origen, and Cyprian, all of whom wrote in the early half of the 3rd century. However none of these early sources add anything to our knowledge of Titus himself or his work in the ministry of Christ.

News from - March, 2017


First we must apologize for the several recent mailings announcing our new CDs which had broken links. This was due to a technical problem with our mailing software that we noticed too late, and attempts to repair it have so far failed us. We will therefore send these notices manually.

Zechariah CDRecently Released CDs from Christogenea:

Just yesterday we have made available a CD of the Christogenea Commentary on the Prophet Zechariah and the Commentaries on the Prophets Zephaniah, Haggai and Malachi

Late last month we had announced availability of our commentaries on Paul's epistle to the Hebrews, some of the works of Comparet, Swift and Emahiser, and an assorted collection of miscellaneous podcasts from 2016. We also published 6 more CDs containing audio presentations of Clifton Emahiser's Watchman's Teaching Letters, for the years 2004 through 2009. The first 12 years of Clifton's teaching letters are now available on CD.

Christogenea now has 46 titles available on CD. Of these, 43 are serial presentations containing multiple podcasts for entire subjects. These contain not only the audio files, but files for all of the written notes, so each CD is also a sort of electronic book. They can be played on any CD player that supports mp3 files, or they can be accessed and read on a computer. The remaining 3 CDs are single-podcast audio presentations of particular topics.

These CDs are very inexpensive and we believe they are a wonderful tool for spreading our Christian Identity truths. Single CDs cost $4.59 for the first copy and $3.99 for subsequent copies of the same title, provided they are in the same order. Some of our titles are double-CDs that cost $7.29 and then $6.69 for additional copies of the same titles in the same order. There is a small postage/handling charge per order, so it is more economical to buy CDs in bulk.

Our related website,, has full information for Christogenea CDs, books, and related promotional materials.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 25: The Jewish International Bankers and the Evils of Global Capitalism

The Protocols of Satan, Part 25: The Jewish International Bankers and the Evils of Global Capitalism

We have come across a small booklet of about 54 pages titled The Jewish System Indicted by the Documentary Record, which was written by a man named Robert Edward Edmondson and published in Manhattan, New York City, on September 15th, 1937. The author gives his full address, and we wonder if he was ever visited by the Antifa of his time – but such a thing at that time was not even necessary. Even back at that time in New York, the local government was the Antifa, and in 1937 Edmondson was indicted at the instigation of the Jewish New York City mayor Fiorello LaGuardia for allegedly libelling “all persons of the Jewish religion”. The charges were not true, but Edmondson was being terrorized through the court system. He was later one of the defendants in the Roosevelt Administration’s Great Sedition Trial in 1944, and he died around the age of 87 in 1959. The copy of the booklet which we found at was preserved by the Library of the University of Texas at Austin, from which it was borrowed as recently as March 11th, 2006, and we were quite surprised that such a book could be found on any university library shelf today. Perhaps one day we will discuss both Mr. Edmondson and his career as an anti-Jewish writer in greater detail here.

We are mentioning this here this evening because in this booklet we found an interesting quote attributed to Kaiser Wilhelm II, whom we had discussed somewhat in the last segment of this series on the Protocols of Satan. This is what it says:

The following is from an interview with former Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, at Doorn, Holland, July 2, 1922, as reported in the Chicago Tribune of July 3, 1922, "by Baron Clemens von Radowitz-Nei": “The Kaiser is convinced that all the evils of the modern world originate with the Jews. ‘A Jew cannot be a true patriot’ he exclaimed. ‘He is something different – like a bad insect. He must be kept apart, out of a place where he can do mischief – even by pogroms, if necessary. The Jews are responsible for Bolshevism in Russia, and Germany too. I was far too indulgent with them during my reign, and I bitterly regret the favors I showed to prominent Jewish bankers and business men.’ The former emperor had a great respect for Dr. Walter Rathenau’s ability, but considered him a great danger to Germany. In the first place, Rathenau was a Jew, and the Kaiser has come to the firm conviction that the Jews are at the bottom of most of the troubles in Germany and Europe.”

Dumbing Down on David Duke

Dumbing Down on David Duke

In part because of our recent appearance on radio in New Orleans, lately we have been saying a lot about David Duke, or as I would prefer to call him, Daisy Duke. In reality, Duke is practically irrelevant, except that his career as a shill has been maintained on Stormfront for years, and is now propped up by the Daily Stormer, and unfortunately, too many of our friends and listeners are readers of both Stormfront and the Daily Stormer. Don Black and David Duke have already shared wives, and it is apparent that Andrew Anglin wants in on the action. There are much better alternatives for Christian Nationalist forums and Nationalist news on the Internet.

We have several disputes with Duke. Out of one side of his mouth he basically agrees with the Jews that the Protocols of Zion are a forgery, and out of the other he attempts to raise funds by selling a book titled The Illustrated Protocols of Zion. But one thing which we have long asserted makes David Duke a shill for world Jewry is this: that he insists that the Jews are the protagonists of the Old Testament, both the Hebrews and the Israelites, as they claim. This is not only untrue, but it is a dangerous lie, because allowing them this claim allows them to continue to thrive in the deception that they are the recipients of the blessings of Abraham. So long as scores of millions of mainstream Christians believe that is true, they will continue to bless the Jews, stuck in a dichotomy between two devils: the Jews themselves and their image of a god who could possibly bless such a wicked people in such a manner so that they can never be criticized for their wickedness.