The Protocols of Satan, Part 25: The Jewish International Bankers and the Evils of Global Capitalism

The Protocols of Satan, Part 25: The Jewish International Bankers and the Evils of Global Capitalism
We have come across a small booklet of about 54 pages titled The Jewish System Indicted by the Documentary Record, which was written by a man named Robert Edward Edmondson and published in Manhattan, New York City, on September 15th, 1937. The author gives his full address, and we wonder if he was ever visited by the Antifa of his time – but such a thing at that time was not even necessary. Even back at that time in New York, the local government was the Antifa, and in 1937 Edmondson was indicted at the instigation of the Jewish New York City mayor Fiorello LaGuardia for allegedly libelling “all persons of the Jewish religion”. The charges were not true, but Edmondson was being terrorized through the court system. He was later one of the defendants in the Roosevelt Administration’s Great Sedition Trial in 1944, and he died around the age of 87 in 1959. The copy of the booklet which we found at was preserved by the Library of the University of Texas at Austin, from which it was borrowed as recently as March 11th, 2006, and we were quite surprised that such a book could be found on any university library shelf today. Perhaps one day we will discuss both Mr. Edmondson and his career as an anti-Jewish writer in greater detail here.
We are mentioning this here this evening because in this booklet we found an interesting quote attributed to Kaiser Wilhelm II, whom we had discussed somewhat in the last segment of this series on the Protocols of Satan. This is what it says:
The following is from an interview with former Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, at Doorn, Holland, July 2, 1922, as reported in the Chicago Tribune of July 3, 1922, "by Baron Clemens von Radowitz-Nei": “The Kaiser is convinced that all the evils of the modern world originate with the Jews. ‘A Jew cannot be a true patriot’ he exclaimed. ‘He is something different – like a bad insect. He must be kept apart, out of a place where he can do mischief – even by pogroms, if necessary. The Jews are responsible for Bolshevism in Russia, and Germany too. I was far too indulgent with them during my reign, and I bitterly regret the favors I showed to prominent Jewish bankers and business men.’ The former emperor had a great respect for Dr. Walter Rathenau’s ability, but considered him a great danger to Germany. In the first place, Rathenau was a Jew, and the Kaiser has come to the firm conviction that the Jews are at the bottom of most of the troubles in Germany and Europe.”
Edmondson then writes in conclusion, that:
Hitler seems to agree with him.
We hope to discuss Walter Rathenau later. A shorter version of this quote, attributed directly to the Kaiser without admitting that it came through a third party, appeared in the book The Secret Behind Communism by Frank Britton, who also said that it appeared in The Chicago Tribune, but on July 2nd, 1922, which is a day early. The article can be found today on the Internet in the Chicago Tribune archives, where it appeared in the left-hand column on the front page of the paper under the title Kaiser Knows He Is Through, Friend States – Blames Jews For Most of Ills, and was continued on page four. We would like to reproduce it in full, but in the archived format online it is very difficult to read, since the images are in a very low resolution, so the task would be quite tedious.
In our last episode of the Protocols of Satan, we ventured to demonstrate that the Jewish and Freemasonic agitation for democracy in Europe that led to the widespread acceptance of that system of government had intended from the beginning that each and every instance of such government would fail regardless of where it was constituted. In the opening part of the Protocols, it is clear that the Jewish authors of this document understood this because they knew from the lessons of history how democracy really worked in practice, and how easily it could be undermined by whoever held the power of money. Since the Jews had been the masters of the banks and treasuries of Europe for a thousand years before the fall of Feudalism, they were destined to be the masters of the world under the democratic system.
During that same episode we had offered a collection of excerpts from Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf which explained how and why the democratic process was doomed to fail, as we had also endeavored to illustrate that from its very conception, democracy as a form of government was founded upon rhetorical ability, and not on leadership ability. Adolf Hitler understood from his own observation that this is how democracy worked in practice, and in part why it was a failure. The other part of Hitler’s understanding was that even the rhetoricians were constantly forced to compromise in the implementations of their ideas, so that nothing proposed was ever properly executed no matter the value of the initial concept.
Now, continuing that theme, here we offer one more such excerpt from Volume 1, Chapter 11 of Mein Kampf, which is subtitled Race and People. Hitler had mentioned the Protocols a little earlier in the chapter, and then he also explained the same plot of the Jews which is expressed in the Protocols, which he himself had observed as it came to fruition in the governments of Austria and Germany:
Attention may be called to the fact that, in spite of his proclaimed readiness to make personal sacrifices, the Jew never becomes poor thereby. He has a happy knack of always making both ends meet. Occasionally his benevolence might be compared to the manure which is not spread over the field merely for the purpose of getting rid of it, but rather with a view to future produce. Anyhow, after a comparatively short period of time, the world was given to know that the Jew had become a general benefactor and philanthropist. What a transformation!
This is absolutely true and it is evident to this very day. The Jew is a philanthropist only for the purpose of ingratiating himself with people who are influential enough to put him into a position where he may reap many times what he has given, and he has given from already ill-gotten riches. Continuing with Hitler:
What is looked upon as more or less natural when done by other people here became an object of astonishment, and even sometimes of admiration, because it was considered so unusual in a Jew. That is why he has received more credit for his acts of benevolence than ordinary mortals.
And something more: The Jew became liberal all of a sudden and began to talk enthusiastically of how human progress must be encouraged. Gradually he assumed the air of being the herald of a new age.
All of this is evident in accounts of American Jewish philanthropists such as Moses Michael Hayes, a banker and merchant in colonial New England. Hayes was an early benefactor of Harvard College, where Increase Mather and his son Cotton Mather, of Salem Witch Trial fame, had previously taught. While Cotton Mather died shortly before Hayes was born, Mather was an instrumental figure in getting the New England Puritans to lift the restrictions on usury in the first place, which paved the way for Jews such as Hayes to come to the forefront of New England business. There are many other such examples of Jewish so-called philanthropists who later gained undue influence over European and American culture as they ingratiated themselves with unsuspecting Christians. They have all begun by supporting traditional institutions, and then slowly turning them into bastions of liberalism for their own devices. But we digress, and will continue with Adolf Hitler, where he further discusses the Jewish philanthropist-turned-liberal herald of progress, where he writes:
Yet at the same time he continued to undermine the ground-work of that part of the economic system in which the people have the most practical interest. He bought up stock in the various national undertakings and thus pushed his influence into the circuit of national production, making this latter an object of buying and selling on the stock exchange, or rather what might be called the pawn in a financial game of chess, and thus ruining the basis on which personal proprietorship alone is possible. Only with the entrance of the Jew did that feeling of estrangement, between employers and employees begin which led at a later date to the political class-struggle.
This portrayal by Hitler is perfectly representative of the dichotomy in which the Jews were able to enclose all of Christendom. Their control of capital and the natural way in which they manage their capital and businesses had caused resentment between them and the working classes, and then they themselves developed and promoted Marxism as the obvious remedy to those divisions, by which the working classes would only be more deeply enslaved.
But contrary to the belief of many superficial pundits, Hitler was not a socialist in the pattern of the Jew Karl Marx. That is because Marx was not a true socialist. Marx preached a perversion of socialism which advanced the concept of state ownership of capital as an answer to the class division and the oppression of the common worker. Hitler’s alternative was personal proprietorship of industry as the answer.
In reality, personal proprietorship is how the Feudal system had functioned, and a lord who oppressed his serfs and abused his holdings was often forcibly put out of his estate by a more powerful prince or king. But Hitler’s concept of personal proprietorship respected the property rights of the individual, while Hitler also understood that ownership of capital by anonymous shareholders in international corporations meant that those responsible for misdeeds were never held personally accountable for them, and also that a nation which allowed such a system to operate within its borders also forfeited a great deal of its sovereignty to those same international corporations.
Furthermore, while one of the first things that the Jewish Marxists did when they conquered Russia was to open a Rothschild-affilated central bank, Adolf Hitler, being a Christian, believed that interest on loans was immoral and they forced the capitalist banks in Germany, which traditionally create money from nothing, to end the practice of usury, thereby freeing their entire nation from debt slavery. Contrary to popular belief which has been formulated through Jewish propaganda in the Western Press, National Socialism is a viable alternative and the complete opposite to the Jewish systems of Capitalism and Marxism.
Continuing with Adolf Hitler:
Finally the Jew gained an increasing influence in all economic undertakings by means of his predominance in the stock-exchange. If not the ownership, at least he secured control of the working power of the nation.
In order to strengthen his political position, he directed his efforts towards removing the barrier of racial and civic discrimination which had hitherto hindered his advance at every turn. With characteristic tenacity he championed the cause of religious tolerance for this purpose; and in the freemason organization, which had fallen completely into his hands, he found a magnificent weapon which helped him to achieve his ends. Government circles, as well as the higher sections of the political and commercial bourgeoisie, fell a prey to his plans through his manipulation of the masonic net, though they themselves did not even suspect what was happening.
Only the people as such, or rather the masses which were just becoming conscious of their own power and were beginning to use it in the fight for their rights and liberties, had hitherto escaped the grip of the Jew. At least his influence had not yet penetrated to the deeper and wider sections of the people. This was unsatisfactory to him. The most important phase of his policy was therefore to secure control over the people. The Jew realized that in his efforts to reach the position of public despot he would need a 'peace-maker.' And he thought he could find a peace-maker if he could whip-in sufficient extensive sections of the bourgeois. But the freemasons failed to catch the glove-manufacturers and the linen-weavers in the frail meshes of their net. And so it became necessary to find a grosser and withal a more effective means. Thus another weapon beside that of freemasonry would have to be secured. This was the Press. The Jew exercised all his skill and tenacity in getting hold of it. By means of the Press he began gradually to control public life in its entirety. He began to drive it along the road which he had chosen to reach his own ends; for he was now in a position to create and direct that force which, under the name of 'public opinion' is better known to-day than it was some decades ago.
Simultaneously the Jew gave himself the air of thirsting after knowledge. He lauded every phase of progress, particularly those phases which led to the ruin of others; for he judges all progress and development from the standpoint of the advantages which these bring to his own people. When it brings him no such advantages he is the deadly enemy of enlightenment and hates all culture which is real culture as such. All the knowledge which he acquires in the schools of others is exploited by him exclusively in the service of his own race.
Even more watchfully than ever before, he now stood guard over his Jewish nationality. Though bubbling over with 'enlightenment', 'progress', 'liberty', 'humanity', etc., his first care was to preserve the racial integrity of his own people. He occasionally bestowed one of his female members on an influential Christian; but the racial stock of his male descendants was always preserved unmixed fundamentally. He poisons the blood of others but preserves his own blood unadulterated. The Jew scarcely ever marries a Christian girl, but the Christian takes a Jewess to wife. The mongrels that are a result of this latter union always declare themselves on the Jewish side. Thus a part of the higher nobility in particular became completely degenerate. The Jew was well aware of this fact and systematically used this means of disarming the intellectual leaders of the opposite race. To mask his tactics and fool his victims, he talks of the equality of all men, no matter what their race or colour may be. And the simpletons begin to believe him.
Since his whole nature still retains too foreign an odour for the broad masses of the people to allow themselves to be caught in his snare, he uses the Press to put before the public a picture of himself which is entirely untrue to life but well designed to serve his purpose. In the comic papers special efforts are made to represent the Jews as an inoffensive little race which, like all others, has its peculiarities. In spite of their manners, which may seem a bit strange, the comic papers present the Jews as fundamentally good-hearted and honourable. Attempts are generally made to make them appear insignificant rather than dangerous.
During this phase of his progress the chief goal of the Jew was the victory of democracy, or rather the supreme hegemony of the parliamentary system, which embodies his concept of democracy. This institution harmonises best with his purposes; for thus the personal element is eliminated and in its place we have the dunder-headed majority, inefficiency and, last but by no means least, knavery.
The final result must necessarily have been the overthrow of the monarchy, which had to happen sooner or later.
And with this we do not know if we could so concisely write a better synopsis of the expressions and manifestations of the plans expressed in the Protocols up to this point.
One example of how the Jews could easily come to dominate the stock market and control the economy, and therefore the politics, of an entire nation is found in the Wallenberg family of Sweden. The Wallenbergs are a family of bankers and corporate raiders who have come to control most all of Sweden's major corporations over the past 50 or so years. Control without ownership is the control an interest can get over a company’s board of directors even though the interest does not own a majority of the shares of the company. Through holdings of only 8-to-10% of the shares of many large corporations, the Wallenbergs have manipulated control of the boards of directors of companies like ABB Group, Ericsson, Volvo, Electrolux, SKF, Husqvarna, Saab and others which represent over 50% of the total stock market valuation of all companies in Sweden. So it should be no wonder why Jews such as Barbara Lerner Spectre, who is funded by the Wallenbergs, are so successful in promoting their agendas of immigration, multiculturalism, and race-mixing in Sweden.
But another Jewish family which fits the description of capitalists who have turned to politics and became destructive forces within a nation is that of the Jew Walter Rathenau, who we saw mentioned in our earlier quote from Kaiser Wilhelm II. A third such family are the Warburgs, which we will discuss from the pages of The International Jew here this evening.
Rathenau was assassinated in 1922, but his death was far too late for the good Kaiser’s Germany.
From the article on Rathenau found in the Encyclopedia Britannica, which we shall repeat in its brief entirety:
Walther Rathenau, (born September 29, 1867, Berlin, Prussia [now in Germany] – died June 24, 1922, Berlin), German-Jewish statesman, industrialist, and philosopher who organized Germany’s economy on a war footing during World War I and, after the war, as minister of reconstruction and foreign minister, was instrumental in beginning reparations payments under the Treaty of Versailles obligations and in breaking Germany’s diplomatic isolation.
Rathenau was also a friend of Colonel Edward Mandell House, one of the Wilson Administration’s representatives at Versailles. It may seem odd that Rathenau was quick to surrender reparations at Versailles, only it is seen that he and most of the other representatives were working for the same Jewish interests. Germany was offered the typical Jewish bait-and-switch tactic, where the Kaiser – who was not defeated on the battlefield – accepted a peace based on Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, and that was never upheld at Versailles even though of all nations, the United States was best equipped to make certain that its promises were enforced. But the Jews who were the majority of the Versailles delegation had different interestss entirely. Back to Encyclopedia Britannica:
Rathenau was the son of Emil Rathenau, the founder of the immense Allgemeine-Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG) combine. He studied philosophy, physics, chemistry, and engineering at Berlin and Strassburg (Strasbourg) and received his doctorate in 1889. He subsequently held a number of executive positions in German industry and, at the outbreak of World War I, headed the AEG. One of the few German industrialists who realized that governmental direction of the nation’s economic resources would be necessary for victory, Rathenau convinced the government of the need for a War Raw Materials Department in the War Ministry. As its head from August 1914 to the spring of 1915, he ensured the conservation and distribution of raw materials essential to the war effort. He thus played a crucial part in Germany’s efforts to maintain its economic production in the face of the tightening British naval blockade. He then returned to business and writing, but, when the collapse of the Western front became imminent in the autumn of 1918, he proposed a desperate levée en masse (“call to arms”) to turn defeat into victory.
After the war, Rathenau helped found the middle-class German Democratic Party and advocated a policy of cooperation with the Social Democratic Party of Germany. Convinced that the days of unrestricted capitalism were over, he advocated in his Die neue Wirtschaft (1918; “The New Economy”) industrial self-government combined with employee participation and effective state control rather than the wholesale nationalization of industry by the state.
This article paints a rather kind portrait of, who was really selling Germany a canard, a choice between his own mile capitalist fascism and Marxism. Returning to Britannica:
Rathenau combined democratic convictions and a strong belief in international cooperation with economic experience and a knowledge of foreign countries. He entered the government of Karl Joseph Wirth in May 1921 as minister of reconstruction, and in that post he initially advocated a policy of fulfillment of Germany’s obligations under the Treaty of Versailles as part of a general European reconstruction scheme. [He sounds like an agent for Jewish Carpetbaggers in Germany - WRF.] On January 31, 1922, he became foreign minister. Although Western-oriented, on April 16, 1922, he negotiated with the Soviet Union the Treaty of Rapallo, which reestablished normal relations and strengthened economic ties between the two countries that had been outcasts from the concert of European powers. This affronted the Western Allies, since it marked the first time since the war’s end that Germany had asserted its position as an independent agent in international affairs.
Despite this diplomatic success, which was hailed by many Germans, Rathenau was increasingly reviled at home. To the extreme right he represented the whole German postwar system, which they hated, and he was also, as author of the Treaty of Rapallo, the promoter of “creeping communism.” The extreme nationalists’ hatred of him was intensified by his being Jewish. Rathenau was assassinated on the way to his office by right-wing fanatics. His collected works were published in 1918.
Now this brief article omits a lot of important data concerning Rathenau, but leaves us a skeleton of understanding. While it assesses him as being friendly to private possession of capital, it almost makes him out to be what may be called a fascist, where it discusses his advocacy of state control of that capital. We believe that Britannica has represented Rathenau’s philosophy quiet poorly, and the manner in which he paved the way for conciliation with the Marxist Soviet Jews betrays that assessment.
In a chapter of The International Jew titled Germany's Reaction Against the Jew, discussing how organized Jewry and Jewish advantage in finance was dominating the German economy for the worse, Henry Ford says the following about Rathenau:
While these influences were undermining the mass of the people, higher influences of Jewish origin were operating upon the government. The advisors of the Bethmann-Hollweg government were the great ship magnate Ballin, a Jew; Theodor Wolff, of the Berliner Tageblatt and member of the Pan-Jewish press; Von Gwinner, director of the German Bank who is connected by marriage with the great Jew bankers, the Speyers; and Rathenau, the leader of Jewish Industrial-financial activities. These men were at the source of things and were bending the government as the other influences were bending the people.
By “other influences” Ford was talking about wartime subterfuge perpetrated by the Jewish Press, and manipulation of the food supply and food prices conducted by Jewish speculators, among other things.
Because it describes quite well the manner in which Jewish capital would come to rule over democracy through plutocracy, here we are going to present a chapter from The International Jew which also discusses the activities of Walter Rathenau. This also very well portrays the immediate dangers to Western Civilization which were imposed by Jewish control of capital and their ability to transcend national borders through stock-exchanges and supernational banks, and cronyism conducted in the synagogues.
How Jewish International Finance Functions
"Such has been the development of international bankers that they can no longer be regarded in their professional capacity as the nationals of any country, entitled to do business under their own government's supervision exclusively. They are really world citizens, with world-wide interests, and as such ought to be made amenable to some form of supernational control." -- George Pattullo, in Saturday Evening Post.
Not only did the Jewish financial firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company use far-sighted prudence in splitting its political support – one Warburg supporting Wilson, another Warburg supporting Taft and an unnamed member of the firm supporting Roosevelt, all at one time, as Paul M. Warburg testified – but it split its activities in several other ways also.
The international interests of the Jews comprising this firm are worthy of note. The influence which forced the United States to repudiate a commercial treaty with Russia while Russia was a friendly country (1911), and thus to compel all business between the United States and Russia to pass through German-Jewish hands, was generated by Jacob H. Schiff. Russia seems to have been the country on which he chose to focus his activities. The full story is told in The Dearborn Independent of January 15, 1921, under the title, "Taft Once Tried to Resist the Jews – and Failed," and is reprinted in Volume II of the booklet containing this series.
Mr. Schiff's activity consisted in forcing the Congress of the United States to do a thing that was repugnant to the reason and conscience of President Taft, and which he personally refused to do or to recommend. Mr. Schiff left the White House in great anger with the threat, "This means war." It did not mean as much war as it might have, for President Taft acquiesced gracefully in the Jewish victory and has since been extremely laudatory of them on the public platform.
Mr. Schiff's firm also helped finance the Japanese war against Russia, and in return desired Japan as a Jewish ally. The wily Japs, however, saw the game and kept their relations with Mr. Schiff to purely business matters. Which fact is well worth bearing in mind when reading the widespread propaganda for war with Japan. If you will give particular attention, you will observe the same interests which are just now engaged in most loudly "defending" the Jew, are most active in spreading anti-Japanese sentiments in this country.
The Japanese war with Russia, however, enabled Mr. Schiff to advance his plan to undermine the Russian Empire, as it has now been accomplished by Jewish Bolshevism. With funds provided by him, the basic principles of what is now known as Bolshevism, were sown among the Russian prisoners of war in Japan, who were sent back as apostles of destruction. Then followed the horrible murder of Nicholas Romanoff, Czar of Russia, with his wife, his crippled son, and his young daughters, the full tale of which has now been told by the Jew who managed the crime.
For the part he played in destroying Russia, Mr. Schiff was wildly hailed in New York the night the news came that the Emperor had abdicated.
Meanwhile, the Jew who was "to take the Czar's job" (as the common New York ghetto phrase ran, weeks before the event) had left New York to be in waiting.
This Jew was passed out of the United States at the request of a very high American personage whose subservience to the Jews was one of the marvels of the past seven years. Halted by the British, this Jew was released from their toils at the request of a very high American personage. And thus, the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the program of which was made in America, was set in operation without a hitch.
We may be wrong, but Ford seems to be referring to Edward Mandell House, the Rothschild agent who was planted into the control of the Wilson administration. Ford continues:
This whole firm is German Jewish, its members having originated in Germany. It had German connections. How far it maintained those connections through all subsequent events is a separate question.
Mr. Otto Kahn's allotted portion of the world seems to be Great Britain and France. Mr. Kahn is of German origin, like the rest of the firm, but he has not publicly shown such concern for Germany as have the other members. Mr. Schiff was once very active for the settlement of a peace on the basis of a victorious Germany. Mr. Paul M. Warburg also had interests, discussion of which is postponed for the present. But Mr. Kahn succeeded, through the connivance of American authority and the excessive repression of the newspapers, in conveying the impression that by some species of occult separatism he was not "German-minded."
Therefore Mr. Kahn flits lightly everywhere – except Germany. He is sufficiently French to be able to tell in the first column on the first page of Le Matin on what terms America will do business with Europe, and he speaks as one having authority. He is sufficiently British to have thought of standing for the British Parliament, when an unfortunate event made it necessary for him to remain in the United States. Mr. Kahn sometimes flits farther East into the more Jewish portions of Europe, and his comings and goings are marked by certain changes with which his name remains most ostentatiously disconnected.
Mr. Kahn has very recently been telling France on what terms the United States will help her. There apparently being no other spokesman, Mr. Kahn's word is accepted as authority. France is one of the most Judaized countries in the world, the haunt of International Jewish Financiers who exercise their power (thus saving France the trouble of passing laws) to keep the emigrant Jew out of France; so that France presents the spectacle of being Judaized by Jewish finance and not by immigrant Semitic hordes, and is thus a fit platform from which Mr. Otto Herman Kahn may utter his pronouncements.
In his last declaration to France, Mr. Kahn prepares her to expect little by stating that "America is a country of immense resources; but the actual money which the people have at their disposal is comparatively limited." True enough. It was a member of Mr. Kahn's firm who invented a monetary system which was promised to keep money in more equal relation to wealth.
But as he goes on telling what America will and will not do (the American people knowing nothing about it meanwhile) Mr. Kahn discovers with great enthusiasm a place where he thinks American capital can be placed, namely, "In the development of the vast and immensely rich colonial empire of France."
And pray where is that? Any Frenchman would tell you now, "In Syria." Syria – ah! – that part of the East where the natives are loudly complaining that the Jews are driving them out contrary to every written and moral law. The Jewish powers have already succeeded in getting French troops over there; bad blood has been caused between France and Great Britain; the Jews on both sides are playing for the middle; and here is Mr. Otto Kahn himself pledging American capital to the development of the French colonial empire! Talk to any Syrian who knows his country's present status, and he will interpret Mr. Kahn's words very vividly.
So we see that even today’s actions in Syria by the Americans on behalf of the Israelis is the continuation of a hundred-year-old policy. But this in turn was only made possible because the Levant was wrested from control of the Ottoman Empire during the First World War.
One of the nicest bits of work Mr. Kahn has done is to denounce "pro-German propaganda" which he says has exasperated Americans in favor of France. Next to committing the United States to an undying admiration for Briand, this is really his finest bit. Especially, with Partner Paul [Warburg] playing the German sympathy string! It is a great international orchestra, this Jewish financial firm; it can play The Star Spangled Banner, Die Wacht am Rhein, the Marseillaise, and God Save the King in one harmonious rendering, paying obsequious attention to the prejudices of each.
Paul Warburg was instrumental in the formation of the Federal Reserve and was a member of its board of directors when it was created. His brother Felix was also a prominent banker. His brother Max remained a prominent banker in Germany and was not only an advisor to Wilhelm II during the first world war, but also sat on the board of the Reichsbank from 1933 and during the first years of the National Socialist government in Germany. He moved to to America in 1938. Ford continues:
Next come the Warburgs. Their interest is, of course, in Germany. Paul stated in his testimony given at the beginning of the World War that he had interests in Hamburg and would dispose of them. The war came on. The Jewish government in the United States was augmented. Mr. Warburg was no mean figure, as previous articles have shown.
The Warburgs are three in number. Felix M. is the other one in America. He appears but slightly in public affairs although he is a member of the American Jewish Committee and of the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company. His retiring habit, however, does not argue lack of consequence. He was of sufficient consequence, Jewishly, to have bestowed upon him a sort of honorary rabbinical degree of "Haber" which entitles him to be known as "Haber Rabbi Baruch Ben Moshe." He is the only Jew in America upon whom the title has ever been conferred.
Max Warburg represents the family in its native land. Max Warburg had as much to do with the German war government as his family and financial colleagues in America had to do with the United States war government. As has been recounted in the press the world over, the brother from America and the brother from Germany both met at Paris as government representatives in determining the peace. There were so many Jews in the German delegation that it was known by the term "kosher," also as "the Warburg delegation," and there were so many Jews in the American delegation that the delegates from the minor countries of Europe looked upon the United States as a Jewish country which through unheard-of generosity had elected a non-Jew as its President. [Other notable so-called Americans there were the Jews Edward House, Bernard Baruch, and Louis Marshall - WRF.]
Max Warburg is an interesting character also as regards the establishment of Bolshevism in Russia. The Jews had several objectives in the war, and one of them was to "get Russia." To this end the German Jews worked very assiduously. Because Russia was a member of the Allies, the work of German Jews was made the easier. But the fact that Russia was an ally made no difference with the Jews who were resident in Allied countries. Win or lose, Russia must be destroyed. It is the testimony of history that it was not so much the German military prowess as the Jewish intrigue that accomplished the downfall of that empire.
In this work Max Warburg was a factor. His bank is noted in a dispatch published by the United States Government as being one whence funds were forwarded to Trotzky for use in destroying Russia. Always against Russia, not for German reasons, but for Jewish reasons, which in this particular instance coincided. Warburg and Trotzky – against Russia!
Poor John Spargo, who ought to know better, denies all this – while every American who comes back from Russia, even those who went over there pro-Bolshevik, yes, and returned Jews themselves, proclaim it.
John Spargo was an American Marxist, and supposedly a Methodist from England who resettled in Vermont. He has decidedly Jewish physical characteristics, including very wiry, almost negro-like hair. He was an early biographer of Karl Marx and active in the Socialist Party of America in the early 20th century. Continuing with Henry Ford:
The crushing fact is that Bolshevism is not only Jewish in Russia, and in America, but it is Jewish in the higher regions of Jewry where better things ought to exist [Here Ford gives the Jews too much credit]. Take Walter Rathenau, a German Jew on the plane of the Warburgs. Rathenau was the inventor of the Bolshevik system of centralization of industry, material and money. [So we see that Rathenau developed the economic practice of Marxism as it was conducted in Russia, so how could he, as Britannica explains, sincerely offer the Germans an alternative?] The Soviet Government asked Rathenau directly for the plans, and received them directly from him. Max Warburg's bank held the money; Walter Rathenau's mind held the plans – which makes it a pertinent question: If Bolshevism can be so Jewish outside of Russia, what hinders it being Jewish inside Russia?
It is a most significant fact that, as in Washington, the most constant and privileged visitors to the White House were Jews, so in Berlin the only private telephone wire to the Kaiser was owned by Walter Rathenau. Not even the Crown Prince could reach the Kaiser except through the ordinary telephone connections. It was the same in London. It was the same in Paris. It was the same in Petrograd – in Russia which so "persecuted" the race that controlled it then and controls it now.
Now, this sketchy outline of the internationalism of the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company is not offered as the result of keen research, for the facts are found on the very surface of the matter, for anyone to see. What is revealed by research is this: whether Mr. Schiff's interest in Russia had underground features which affected the welfare of nations; whether Mr. Kahn's flitting missions here and there, which he made with great freedom during the war, were wholly taken up with the business announced in the public notices; and whether Mr. Warburg, whose interest in Germany has not abated, to judge from his recent utterances, was able to retain complete neutrality of mind during the war. These are questions of value. Obviously, they are not easy to answer. But they can be answered.
So these Jewish bankers were operating as an international crime ring, which certainly suggests that they had every ability to carry out the plan which was laid out by their predecessors in the Protocols.
It was a family enterprise, this international campaign. Jacob Schiff swore to destroy Russia. Paul M. Warburg was his brother-in-law; Felix Warburg was his son-in-law. Max Warburg, of Hamburg, banker of the Bolsheviks, was thus the brother-in-law to Jacob Schiff's wife and daughter.
As a digression, according to an article titled The Bolsheviki, who they are and what they believe, which appeared in a pro-business publication called The World's Work, in October of 1918, the Warburgs were operating nefariously in Russia even before the Bolshevik Revolution. In that article, whose author was purposely anonymous, having pointed the fingers directly at “Jews from New York”, we read under the subtitle The Able Bolshevist Propagandists:
Pollack and Gourevitch, the identical agents who originally arranged the conference between Max Warburg, the Kaiser's financial henchman, and Protopopoff, vice-President of the Duma, when these two attempted to cook up a surrender in November, 1916. They were there with Levenson and Olaf Aschberg, selling stock and mines and supplies of every description to the Germans. They were also receiving cash from them. The whole business went through Aschberg's bank, the Nya Banken, as the whole world now knows. I saw the original German orders including a telegram from a concern in Hamburg, a step in the negotiation for the taking over of one of Russia's largest steamship companies. I tell this as a sidelight I obtained upon Trotsky's personal associations. All of this, of course, is well known.
Continuing with Henry Ford:
Speaking of the far-sighted manner in which the house of Kuhn, Loeb & Company disposes itself over world affairs, there is also the curious fact that in this Jewish firm is one who goes to a Christian church – a most heinous thing for a Jew to do. Split three ways in American politics and as many ways as international matters require, we find this firm split two ways with regard to religion. Mr. Kahn professes – at least attends – a Christian church and is accounted an adherent of it. Yet he is not ostracized. His name is not taboo. The Jews do not curse him. He is not denounced as a renegade. The Jews have not buried him out of mind, as they do others who desert the faith.
This presents a strange situation when it is considered. Not to recount again the horror and reprehension and active antagonism with which Jews view such a desertion, suffice it to say that there is no greater marvel than that of Jacob H. Schiff retaining in the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company a "renegade" Jew. He could not have done it; every fiber of his intensely Jewish nature would have rebelled against it. Yet there it is!
Without going further into this ingenious system of covering all vital points from one center, enough has been said to show one busy Jewish financial firm with which political matters, national and international, is almost a profession. The family of Warburg high in the controlling group of two countries, and enemy countries at that. The family of Warburg high in the negotiations of world peace and the discussions of a League of Nations. The family of Warburg now advising the world from both sides of the earth, what to do next. It was probably with more reason than the general public surmised that a New York paper printed during the Peace Conference an article headed, "Watch the Warburgs!"
The fact seems to be that, as Mr. Pattullo is quoted as saying at the head of this article, the international financiers have been so engrossed in world money that the sense of national responsibility sometimes becomes blurred in their minds. [But Pattrulo’s remedy to the situation is all wrong, as it advocates the creation of a supranational government in order to regulate the international Jews, leading to the desired Jewish objective of one-world government and playing right into their hands - WRF.] They desire everything – war, negotiations and peace – to be conducted in such a way as to react favorably on the money market. For that is their market: money is what they buy and sell: and because money has no fixed price, it is a market which offers the widest opportunity for the trickster and swindler. One cannot play such tricks with stone or corn or metals, but with money as the commodity everything is possible.
Mr. Warburg is already very much interested about the treatment to be accorded foreign securities in the next war. Readers of the daily newspapers may recall that recently a demand was made for the gold in the Reichsbank, which was resisted on the ground that the Reichsbank, although the central bank of Germany, was really a private concern – just as Paul Warburg said it was and just as he has insisted that our own Federal Reserve System should be, and which it is. There is far-sighted wisdom in that, with a view to possible defeat in war.
Mr. Warburg is apparently quite disapproving of the treatment accorded alien enemy property "by some countries." He quotes a French banker throughout – nationality not stated – and drives home his point. The French banker used as an illustration a possible war between England and France (this was only last year) and said that the bankers in each country would proceed to withdraw their mutual balances and securities, for fear of confiscation, and that such a course would precipitate a panic.
To which Mr. Warburg adds: "I think that our bankers ought carefully to study this very serious question. We have nothing to gain and much to lose by joining in a policy of disregarding the rights of private property. We shall probably, in the course of time, become the largest owners of foreign securities and properties, which would become endangered in case we were drawn into war. To me, however it is of greater interest that nothing be done that might stand in the way of making the United States the gold reserve country of the world.…"
So to the Jew war is a business, but they did not want it to interfere with their other businesses.
Such talk passes with too little scrutiny. It bears a strong reflection of recent events which should not be overlooked. Moreover, it presents a grandiose vision which is supposed to command instant agreement because of its appeal to superficial national pride and selfish ambition.
If what Mr. Warburg says is an intimation that the International Jews are planning to move their money market to the United States, it is safe to say that the United States does not want it. We have the warning of history as to what this would mean. It has meant that in turn Spain, Venice, Great Britain or Germany received the blame and suspicion of the world for what the Jewish financiers have done. It is a most important consideration that most of the national animosities that exist today arose out of resentment against what the Jewish money power did under the camouflage of national names. "The British did this," "The Germans did this," when it was the International Jew who did it, the nations being but the marked spaces on his checker board.
Today, around the world the blaming word is heard, "The United States did this. If it were not for the United States the world would be in better shape. The Americans are a sordid, greedy, cruel people." Why? Because the Jewish money power is largely centered here and is making money out of both our immunity and Europe's distress, playing one against the other; and because so many of the so-called "American business men" abroad today are not Americans at all – they are Jews, and in many cases as misrepresentative of their own race as they are of the Americans.
The United States does not want the transfer of All-Judaan to this soil. We do not desire to stand as a gold god above the nations. We would serve the nations, and we would protect them, but we would do both in the basis of real values, not in the name or under the sign of gold.
On the one hand Mr. Warburg recites pitiful facts about Germany in order to raise sympathy for her, and on the other hand he stimulates the gold lust of the United States. The plight of Germany is entirely due to the forces from which the United States has only narrowly escaped; and to harken to international Jewish plans for the rehabilitation of Germany is to be in danger of approving plans which will fasten Jewish domination more strongly on that unhappy country than it is now. Germany has paid dearly for her Jews. The Warburg voice that speaks for her would seem indeed to be the voice of Jacob, but the hand that proposes financial dealings is that of Esau.
With an adherent of the British-Israel variety of Christian Identity, William Cameron, sitting as editor of The Dearborn Independent, it is possible that Ford was aware of the Edomite nature of modern Jewry, although his persistent identification of the Jews with both Israel and Judah is often confusing. So he may not have known with certainty that today’s Jews act in such a manner because they are indeed the progeny of Esau, but certainly not of Jacob. Ford continues:
The internationalism of the Warburgs is no longer in doubt and cannot be denied. Felix Warburg hung on to the Hamburg connection longer than did Paul, but the breakage of either was probably perfunctory. At the same time that Felix left the Hamburg firm of his brother, Max, a Mr. Stern also left the Frankfort firm of Stern, and both became very active on the Allies side, taking sides against the German nation as lustily as anyone could. "Impossible!" say those who fancy that a German Jew is a German. Not at all impossible; the Jew's loyalty is to the Jewish nation; what the Jew himself refers to as his "cover nationality" may count or not as he himself elects.
This statement is always met with frothing wrath by the Jews' "gentile fronts" in the purchased pro-Jewish press. But here is an example: Do you remember "The Beast of Berlin," that lurid piece of war propaganda? You did not, perhaps, know that its producer was a German Jew, Carl Laemmle. His German birth did not prevent him making money out of his film, and his film does not prevent him annually going back in state to his birthplace. This year he goes accompanied by Abe Stern, his treasurer; Lee Kohlmar, his director; and Harry Reichenbach – a list of names duplicable in any movie group.
Carl Laemmle was an early Hollywood Jew who started in the nickelodeon business with a company that was soon thereafter reorganized into Universal Pictures. He was one of those Jews whom Thomas Edison had sued for patent infringement for refusing to pay royalties on the film-making equipment which he developed. Another war propaganda film he made is the 1918 silent film The Heart of Humanity which depicted a Prussian officer who was terrorizing a Red Cross nurse in France during the Great War. Continuing with Ford:
Messrs. Stern and Warburg, of Frankfort and Hamburg, respectively, and away from home perhaps only temporarily, were not concerned about the fate of the "Huns," but they were immensely concerned about the fate of Jewish money power in Germany.
To indicate how blind the public has been to the inter-allied Jewish character of much of the world's important international financial activity, note this from the Living Age earlier in the year:
"According to the Svensk Handelstidning, the recent American loan of $5,000,000 to Norway was really the outcome of an agreement between the Hamburg firm of Warburg & Company and the New York bankers, Kuhn and Loeb. It is regarded as a significant sign of the times that a German firm should be responsible for an American loan to a neutral country. The conditions subject to which this money was borrowed, are not regarded as very favorable to Norway, and no marked effect on the rate of exchange between the two countries has followed."
Note, in the light of all the statements made about Kuhn, Loeb & Company, and the Warburgs in particular, the assumption in the above quotation that the transaction was really between a German and an American firm. It was principally an arrangement between the Warburgs themselves in family counsel.
But the loan will pass in Norway as "an American loan," and the fact that the terms of the loan, "are not regarded as very favorable to Norway" will react upon Scandinavian opinion of this country. It goes without saying that "no marked effect on the rate of exchange between the two countries has followed," for that would not be the object of such a loan. The dislocation of exchange is not unprofitable.
It would be most interesting to know in how far Kuhn, Loeb & Company has endeavored to readjust the rate of exchange. During the war, Kuhn, Loeb & Company made a loan to the city of Paris. Considerable German comment was occasioned by this – naturally. And it is very well worthy of record that in the city of Hamburg, where Max Warburg does business, the chief of police issued this order:
"Further mention in the press of loans made by the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company to the city of Paris, and unfavorable comments thereon, are forbidden."
The following story is vouched for as reliable, and if in one or two minor details it does not represent the exact fact, it is a trustworthy illustration of how certain things were done:
"A Jewish international banking corporation bought up the mining and other similar concessions of Jugo-Slavia, and consequently the policy pushed at the Peace Conference was that which was most convenient for that group. An understanding on the Fiume question was in progress between Wilson and Nitti. Certain concessions had been agreed upon and Wilson was willing to negotiate, when Oscar Straus and one of the Warburgs appeared on the scene. Wilson changed his attitude over night and afterward insisted on the Jugo-Slavia solution of the problem. The way in which concessions had been bought through that territory was a disgrace, and observers expected that it would play an important part at the Peace Conference."
The financiers are not the only International Jews in the world. The revolutionary Jews, of all countries and none, are international also. They have seized upon the idea of Christian internationalism, which means amity between nations, and have used it as a weapon with which to weaken nationality. [This is the method and objective of the Antifa today, who are basically radicals working in the interests of the Jewish establishment - WRF.] They know as well as anyone that there can be no internationalism except on the basis of strong nationalism, but they count on "cover words" to advance their plan.
Enough transpired between the lower and higher Jewish groups of every large center during the war to render it imperative that Jewry confess, repent and repudiate the madness that has ruled it, or else boldly assert and espouse it before the world.
Certainly enough has transpired to render it desirable that the American people look again into the purposes of those Jews who were instrumental in reorganizing our financial system at a most critical time in the world's history.
Max Warburg was apparently strong enough to suppress German discussion of his brothers' activity in America. The Warburgs at present resident in America must suffer it, therefore, that American comment be made as full as need be.
[The Dearborn Independent, issue of 9 July 1921]
As usual, Ford’s exhortations at the end of this article were rather idealistic. This concludes our presentation from The International Jew. Getting back to Walter Rathenau, he is not mentioned at all in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, but there is an interesting mention of him in Dr. F. K. Wiebe’s booklet Germany and the Jewish Problem, where it says:
The nineteenth century was thus dominated by the tenet of the emancipation and assimilation of the Jews. It was considered best not even to mention the Jewish question and to act as if such a question did not exist. In the countries of Western Europe the Jews themselves were animated by an intense desire for assimilation. Conversions and mixed marriages were the principal means employed by the Jews for acquiring, in the words of Heinrich Heine, himself a Jew, an "admission ticket to European culture", and thereby acquiring a preponderating influence in political, cultural, and economic life. It should be added that a number of Jews were inspired by a sincere desire to throw-off their skin and obliterate as far as possible their hereditary tracks.
This process of assimilation reached its culminating point in the first three decades of the twentieth century, during which Israel became King of the Western world. But it cannot be reasonably doubted that this epoch has come to an end. The most farsighted among the Jews had clearly perceived the inevitability of a reaction. Forty years ago a leading German Jew, Dr. Walther Rathenau, in a book entitled Höre, Israel! had criticised the policy of assimilation and uttered a warning for the benefit of those of his co-racists who occupied, or were about to occupy, prominent positions in Germany. "They apparently do not even dream." wrote Rathenau, "that only in an epoch in which all the forces of Nature are artificially enchained, can they be protected against that which their fathers endured."
So in Rathenau’s own writings, we see the truth of Hitler’s words where he wrote that “Even more watchfully than ever before, he now stood guard over his Jewish nationality. Though bubbling over with 'enlightenment', 'progress', 'liberty', 'humanity', etc., his first care was to preserve the racial integrity of his own people. He occasionally bestowed one of his female members on an influential Christian; but the racial stock of his male descendants was always preserved unmixed fundamentally. He poisons the blood of others but preserves his own blood unadulterated. The Jew scarcely ever marries a Christian girl, but the Christian takes a Jewess to wife. The mongrels that are a result of this latter union always declare themselves on the Jewish side.”
But more importantly, Adolf Hitler placed a great deal of the blame for the loss of the Great War on the actions of the trade unions, who failed to properly mediate the fractured relations between the industrialists and the workers, a class division which we have already described here as being the cause of Jewish capitalists that was exploited by Jewish Marxists. In Volume 1, Chapter 12 of Mein Kampf, subtitled the First Stage in the Development of the German National Socialist Labour Party, Hitler said the following:
In the field of national economics, whatever concessions are granted to-day to the employees are negligible when compared with the benefit to be reaped by the whole nation if such concessions contribute to bring back the masses of the people once more to the bosom of their own nation. Nothing but meanness and shortsightedness, which are characteristics that unfortunately are only too prevalent among our employers, could prevent people from recognizing that in the long run no economic improvement and therefore no rise in profits are possible unless internal solidarity be restored among the bulk of the people who make up our nation.
If the German trades unions had defended the interests of the working-classes uncompromisingly during the War; if even during the War they had used the weapon of the strike to force the industrialists – who were greedy for higher dividends – to grant the demands of the workers for whom the unions acted; if at the same time they had stood up as good Germans for the defence of the nation as stoutly as for their own claims, and if they had given to their country what was their country's due – then the War would never have been lost. How ludicrously insignificant would all, and even the greatest, economic concession have been in face of the tremendous importance of such a victory.
But Walter Rathenau was certainly one of these industrialists, and one of the more notable, who would be at least partly responsible for this situation. And as we have seen, he was also in charge of German wartime materials procurement, so a deeper investigation of his role may be instructive, but we will not do that here. This, nevertheless, will help us step into the next subject as we commence with our discussion of the Protocols in the near future.