Saxon Messenger Issue No. 50, March 2018

Get your copy of the latest issue of The Saxon Messenger, an online PDF magazine and a project of Christogenea.

This issue was indeed on its way to completion two months ago, and circumstances beyond our control inhibited its publication until now, the end of May. Optimistically, we will nevertheless call it a March issue, and hope to catch up on our quarterly schedule by September.

This issue of the Saxon Messenger features:

Christian Identity: What Difference Does it Make?, James Fields did Nothing Wrong, Knock, Knock, Knoxville, The League of the South in Tallahassee and The Protocols of Satan, Part 7, all by William Finck, 5G Wireless: a ridiculous front for global control by Jon Rappoport, Tech Overlords Initiate Online Cleansing, concerning the vaccination debate, from Natural News, Sacrificing Girls to Political Correctness by Tim Dieppe of Christian Concern, Easy Meat:The Power of Political Correctness by Peter McLoughlin, The Architects of Evil: The Frankfurt School by Lasha Darkmoon et al, and more...


Click here to purchase this issue in print.