The USS Liberty: Interview with survivor Ron Kukal

The USS Liberty:  Interview with survivor Ron Kukal

ISRAELI ATTACK ON THE USS LIBERTY: JUNE 8TH 1967, 1:58 PM – Guest Ron Kukal, Petty Officer, Communications Technician, USS Liberty survivor and Chaplain for the USS Liberty veteran’s association.

See the article here for more.

The audio file was replaced with one of a better quality on March 14th, 2017.

The USS Liberty: Interview with Survivor Ron Kukal

ISRAELI ATTACK ON THE USS LIBERTY: JUNE 8TH 1967, 1:58 PM – Guest Ron Kukal, Petty Officer, Communications Technician, USS Liberty survivor and Chaplain for the USS Liberty veteran’s association.

Click here for a facsimile of a letter from Ret. Rear Admiral Robert M. Garrick supporting Ron Kulak's work in this area.

The Perennial Struggle

The Perennial Struggle 

Every year around this time there is the same list of questions circulating among Identity Christians, and many of us have the same inward struggle. What should we do about  Christmas? For many of us it is not a struggle at all. Rather, we simply alienate our families and friends by shunning their pagan holiday. However while it is good never to compromise the truths of our faith, we are also told to love our brethren above all but God Himself. There certainly are places where we should never cross the line, and we should not violate the commandments of God even in spite of our brethren. But it may be advantageous to see Christmas as an occasion to witness to the truth, rather than as an opportunity to somehow prove that we ourselves are more holy than our kith and kin.

Genetic Proof of the Blood Relation of Palestinians and Jews

This article is a facsimile from Human Immunology, the "Official Journal of the American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics".  Evidently some Canaanite jews were offended, betrayed to find out that they are the blood kindred of the Canaanite arabs.  So much for the "chosen people" myth.

  Click here for the PDF

Jewish Media Control

From the now-defunct

6 Jewish-controlled  Media Conglomerates Own Over 95% of the Media! How are they not the "princes of this world" that Christ warned us about?  How are they not the "prince of the power of the air" which Paul so enigmatically referred to?

Click the image for larger view!

The Ephraim-Scepter Heresy, Part 5

December 17th, 2009:  Those who believe that Yahshua Christ descended through the tribe of Ephraim are liars and fools, and followers of the Talmud.   I have recently challenged some of them to disprove the conclusions of this paper that I wrote in 2003, and they cannot do so.  Russell Walker's incompetent response is found as an addendum at the bottom of this article.


 This is the fifth in a series on this subject, and you might not fully understand this paper unless you have read the first four. The proponents of this theory claim that the entire Tribe of Judah are corrupted with satanic seed and that the Messiah came from the Tribe of Ephraim. They manipulate many Biblical passages entirely out-of-context to contrive such an end. With this paper, we are going to address one passage they use in their malevolent agenda. That passage is Revelation 5:5, and William Finck has the following to say on the topic: 

Jim Jones: Marxist Shill

Many people to this day believe that Jim Jones was a Christian, having been misled by the mainstream media reports after Jones and 900+ of his followers killed themselves in a mass suicide ritual in Guyana.  In reality, looking at Jones' real philosophies, he and his followers all did us a favor. Jim Jones was no Christian. He was a worshipper of jewish communism who sought a marxist soviet utopia.  He openly promoted race-mixing and despised Christian society.  Jones is the result of a mind polluted by the jewish dogmas of jewish talmudism and a he was a shill doing the work of the devil!  By their fruits we know them.

To its credit, Wikipedia actually got most of the Jim Jones story right, and I was nearly impressed with their candor concerning Jones' promotion of marxist communism, his hatred of Whites, and his repudiation of Christianity. They even mention his concealment of his marxist ideology behind the mask of religion. But Wikipedia can change. Click here for a screenshot of the Wikipedia article as we have seen it, originally from

Notes Concerning Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy

If non-jews would stop listening to the jewish-controlled propaganda concerning Christianity, and actually take the time investigating Christianity that they take glued in front of their nightly sitcom, they would know that Christianity is true, and that there are many infallible proofs supporting its veracity. It was not by mistake that so many generations of our European forefathers were Christians, and dropped many of their pagan attitudes for Christian knowledge and morals even though they would not depart from certain holiday customs. Today most Europeans spit in the faces of their fathers. They do so, because their primary source of education has been the jewish-controlled media.

In the first 6 chapters of his book we see that Ezra recorded what had happened before his time, up to the building of the temple in Ezra 6. Most of these things are also recorded in Nehemiah. Then in chapter 7 we read “Now after these things...”, and Ezra records his own commission and return to Jerusalem. This is corroborated in Ezra chapter 9 where we see that the house of God and the wall of the city had already been built. It was Nehemiah who was commissioned to build that wall, and his book records that he did. In Nehemiah chapter 3, however, the wall had not yet been built and Nehemiah requests to do so. Therefore Nehemiah must have preceded Ezra, and he did, by well over 40 years.

Guess What Whitey: Negros Hate You

This writer grew up on the streets of the largest urban center in the country, and then spent 25 years in jails and prisons - not always as the bad guy. The attitude I see at is the attitude I have most seen from the negros that I came in constant contact with. So keep placating the bastards. All they really want is your money, and to rape your daughters (or even your mothers, grandmothers, sons, it doesn't matter, negros are basically omnisexual beasts).

UPDATE: In late 2013 we have found that this Wordpress blog has been shut down, however these evil beasts have now moved their operation to Blogspot. Here is the new link: It is funny, that these dumb-assed niggers cannot even create their own website, but rely on free services like Wordpress and Blogspot to spew their vitriol. It must be an extension of their welfare mentality.

Clifton Emahiser on the prophecy concerning television found in the first Book of Adam and Eve (From WTL #66)

There will probably be those who will scoff at any reference to the three books of Adam And Eve, but it should be pointed out from the start that the 1st, 2nd and 3rd books of Adam And Eve are mostly allegorical and prophetic in nature, and cannot be taken in a literal sense. If they are taken at their face value, less than 5% can be comprehended. I will give you an example of such a case. In the 27th chapter of the first book of Adam And Eve we read the following: “1 When Satan, the hater of all good, saw how they continued in prayer, and how God communed with them, and comforted them, and how He had accepted their offering — Satan made an apparition. 2 He began with transforming his hosts; in his hands was a flashing fire, and they were in a great light. 3 He then placed his throne near the mouth of the cave because he could not enter into it by reason of their prayers. And he shed light into the cave, until the cave glistened over Adam and Eve; while his hosts began to sing praises. 4 And Satan did this, in order that when Adam saw the light, he should think within himself that it was a heavenly light, and that Satan’s hosts were angels; and that God had sent them to watch at the cave, and to give him light in the darkness. 5 So that when Adam came out of the cave and saw them, and Adam and Eve bowed to Satan, then he would overcome Adam thereby, and a second time humble him before God, 6 When, therefore, Adam and Eve saw the light, fancying it was real, they strengthened their hearts; yet, as they were trembling, Adam said to Eve:— 7 ‘Look at that great light, and at those many songs of praise, and at that host standing outside that do not come in to us, do not tell us what they say, or whence they come, or what is the meaning of this light; what those praises are; wherefore they have been sent hither, and why they do not come in.’”

The ADL IS Hate, Part Two

Political opposition is now redefined as "conspiracy theory", and all who do not succumb to the anti-Christ and immoral agenda being forced upon us by the sexually deviant and godless jews are now a threat to freedom. In reality, the ADL's definition of "freedom" is the liberty to corrupt all of Christianity and to destroy Western Civilization: the goal of the anti-Christs in the first place! When are decent White Americans and decent White Europeans ever going to see the anti-Christ jew devils for what they really are?

My Irrelevant Defence being Meditations Inside Gaol and Out on JEWISH RITUAL MURDER by ARNOLD S. LEESE

My Irrelevant Defence being Meditations Inside Gaol and Out on


Click HERE for the facsimiles to a 1938 publication of this book.

Dedicated without permission to


LONDON: The I.F.L. Printing & Publishing Co., 30, Craven Street, W.C.2. -- 1938.

"Soul had they none, nor lineage;
"Nor wit, nor headmen,
"Nor crafts, nor letters,
"Nor e'en a glimpse of God." -- British Edda.

"Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning..."-- St. John, viii, 44.

"In order to destroy the prestige of heroism for political crime, we shall send it for trial in the category of thieving, murder, and every abominable and filthy crime. Public opinion will then confuse in its conception this category of crime with the disgrace attaching to every other and will brand it with the same contempt."-- Protocol 19, Protocols of the Elders of Zion.