Jim Jones: Marxist Shill
Many people to this day believe that Jim Jones was a Christian, having been misled by the mainstream media reports after Jones and 900+ of his followers killed themselves in a mass suicide ritual in Guyana. In reality, looking at Jones' real philosophies, he and his followers all did us a favor. Jim Jones was no Christian. He was a worshipper of jewish communism who sought a marxist soviet utopia. He openly promoted race-mixing and despised Christian society. Jones is the result of a mind polluted by the jewish dogmas of jewish talmudism and a he was a shill doing the work of the devil! By their fruits we know them.
To its credit, Wikipedia actually got most of the Jim Jones story right, and I was nearly impressed with their candor concerning Jones' promotion of marxist communism, his hatred of Whites, and his repudiation of Christianity. They even mention his concealment of his marxist ideology behind the mask of religion. But Wikipedia can change. Click here for a screenshot of the Wikipedia article as we have seen it, originally from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Jones.
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