Guess What Whitey: Negros Hate You
This writer grew up on the streets of the largest urban center in the country, and then spent 25 years in jails and prisons - not always as the bad guy. The attitude I see at is the attitude I have most seen from the negros that I came in constant contact with. So keep placating the bastards. All they really want is your money, and to rape your daughters (or even your mothers, grandmothers, sons, it doesn't matter, negros are basically omnisexual beasts).
UPDATE: In late 2013 we have found that this Wordpress blog has been shut down, however these evil beasts have now moved their operation to Blogspot. Here is the new link: It is funny, that these dumb-assed niggers cannot even create their own website, but rely on free services like Wordpress and Blogspot to spew their vitriol. It must be an extension of their welfare mentality.
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