The February, 2012 Saxon Messenger is Now Available in Print

While this is quite an experimental endeavor, the February, 2012 Saxon Messenger is now available in print. Copies may be purchased at HP's new MagCloud service, at We have just received our first copies and we are quite pleased with the high quality paper and excellent color reproduction in the magazine.

The Saxon Messenger will always be available freely in PDF format, both here and at Christogenea. It is also now freely available on Scribd at We are offering a print edition for a couple of reasons, but mostly to satisfy the needs of those who have requested one. We are not going to get rich selling magazines. Small-scale color catalog, brochure and magazine printing is expensive, especially whem printed on demand. Right now the Saxon Messenger is retailing for $11.80, of which we will profit $1.60 per copy. Shipping is $2.17 for one issue, first-class within the United States. Buying a copy may also be a good way to support our work here at Christogenea.

We hope to find a similar service more convenient for our European readers, and if you know of one, please suggest it to us. Purchasing the Saxon Messenger is between the purchaser and HP MagCloud. We cannot be responsible if anything goes wrong, since it is all beyond our control.

Thank you, and praise Yahweh! - William Finck,

Addressing Universalism with Pastor Mark Downey - 2012-02-25

A general discussion addressing the evils of universalism in both mainstream "Christianity" and in Christian Identity, including some comments drawn from Mark's articles, Universalism on Trial (a series comprising three parts to date) and False Brethren. Also discussed was Pastor Don Elmore's A Few Answers to Answers in Genesis.

The Satanic, War-Crazed Jew

Michael Savage is the epitome of all of the satanic traits of the blood-thirsty, war-crazed jew. While all of the jewish-controlled media (which is only about 99.9% of the media) is frothing at the mouth for more war (where it is not jews that die, but mostly White Americans), Savage (whose real name is Weiner) is supposedly the "conservative". In this manner the jew controls all political perspectives. True American conservatives do not get involved in foreign wars!

An examination of modern history easily reveals that the jews have instigated all of our wars from the time of the French Revolution through the Bush wars against the "Axis of Evil". The Wars of White Extermination (WWX1 and WWX2) were fully instigated by the jews. Earlier than that, jewish Jesuits can be found to have been instrumental in instigating the 30 Years' War of the Romish Church against Germany in the 17th century. Jews were also responsible for the murder of tens of millions of White Christians in Russia during the Bolshevik era.

Keep blessing the devil, America, and see how you are blessed in return!

Barack Obama is a Racist (well, we knew that already)

Wanting blacks to vote for him, just because he is black. What if that were some White candidate? Remember the cries of racism directed at the Tea Party people, not because they were White, but just because they were (sort of) ? Obama's plea is blatant racism. Where is the hypocritical mass media now?

Hosea Chapters 12 through 14

Hosea Chapters 12 through 14

This is the last installment of our series of presentations on the prophecy of Hosea. Throughout the prophecy, we have seen a common theme, which is also common in the other Biblical prophets: that the children of Israel were about to suffer a great calamity, and were being cast off from the Kingdom and polity of Yahweh their God because of their sin, but that they had a promise of a later reconciliation in Christ. Here in these last chapters, Hosea continues with that same theme, allowing us to further reflect upon much of what has already been presented these past few weeks, and although his words are quite foreboding, he ends with a message of hope, a hope which we still bear to this very day.

KJV Hosea 12:1 Ephraim feedeth on wind, and followeth after the east wind: he daily increaseth lies and desolation; and they do make a covenant with the Assyrians, and oil is carried into Egypt. 

At Hosea 2:5 it is explained that Israel's national sin was related to Israel's desire for foreign trade: “For their mother hath played the harlot: she that conceived them hath done shamefully: for she said, I will go after my lovers, that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil and my drink.”

Nearly One in Ten White Americans Now Choose Beastiality (Bestiality) Over Marriage

This report is based primarily on two data sources: the Pew Research Center's analysis of demographic data about new marriages in 2008 from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) and the Pew Research Center's analysis of its own data from a nationwide telephone survey conducted from October 28 through November 30, 2009 among a nationally representative sample of 2,884 adults. For more information about data sources and methodology, see the Appendix III.

Hosea Chapters 10 and 11, and a discussion of Isaiah Chapter 56

Hosea Chapters 10 through 11

I will repeat an important concept which I discussed last week. Here is what is written in the law at Leviticus 20:10 concerning adultery: “And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.” Israel, as a nation being the wife of Yahweh, has committed fornication with every other nation and race upon the face of the earth. There are many in Christian Identity today who want to extend the mercy of God to the lovers of the whore: the other races which our Israel nations consort with unto this today. That is universalism! That is not the Scripture, where it tells us that the mercy of God is extended to Israel alone. The day shall come, when we see the words of Jeremiah fulfilled: “Go up to Lebanon, and cry; and lift up thy voice in Bashan, and cry from the passages: for all thy lovers are destroyed” (Jeremiah 22:20). The children of Israel shall indeed be spared, as Yahweh has promised, but all those consorting with her - all of her lovers - shall be destroyed by God, according to His law. Thus Yahweh warns us in Isaiah chapter 52 - which Paul repeats – to come out from among them, and touch not the unclean – so that He would receive us and be our God, and we could be His people, if indeed we are of the children of Israel.

This Pete Hoekstra Ad is NOT Racist

Michigan Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra is catching hell for this supposedly "racist" campaign ad, with which the bleeding heart bolsheviks are having a ball. But this ad is NOT a racist ad. Rather, it only tells the truth: that the Chinese are indeed financing the over-spending of the runaway US Federal government. Every dime the Government spends above actual collected tax revenues, is a dime borrowed from China.

Of course, we are aware of the way that the global banking system works: that none of the money exists in the first place, and it is all borrowed into existence. However that is immaterial in respect to this argument: the Chinese sure as hell will one day want to collect on the dollars being piled up against the American taxpayers. The liberal bolsheviks are only clouding the real issue with false charges of "racism". We hope Pete stands by his ad.

After Pete lost the race, the Huffington Post said the ad "may have ruined any chance he had"

European Forum Call, The Parable of the Trees of the Forest, The Story of Jephthah - 2012-02-16

When men wanted earthly kings, it was only natural that the scum of the earth would rise up to rule over them. The daughter of Jephthah was not necessarily sacrificed in the literal sense of the word. Also with discussion of a couple of other topics.

The text is found here with the ten-minute excerpt: The Parable of the Trees of the Forest

Why Christians Must Unplug Hollywood


Not only is Hollywood run by the anti-Christ jews, most of the common actors and actresses are also anti-Christ jews. In this manner, Christians have been spoon-fed anti-Christ jewish propaganda with every single movie that the jews have produced for a hundred years, in nearly every single movie that has been produced. For this reason, the worldview of most Christians is an anti-Christ jewish worldview. Sanitize your mind: unplug yourself from Hollywood, and stop worshipping the beast!

If you doubt that Hollywood is run by jews, see the article from one of their own, How Jewish is Hollywood? by Joel Stein at the Los Angeles Times.  

Anderson Cooper interviewing the slut-shamed 13-year-old

So a gray-haired sexual deviant and a 13-year-old radical feminist get to set the moral standards for the nation? This is what the world has come to. This little girl is so upset about age-old double-standards among teenagers that she feels she must begin producing Youtube videos advocating for the rights of whores. And the jewish-controlled mainstream media grovels at her feet. Rather than advocate immorality for all, the little feminist should go home and plan for the sexually transmitted diseases and broken homes of her future. And her libimbo* mother is so proud of her.

* Liberal Bimbo

Worshipping the Beast

Black History Month? The manner in which American history is being taught today, one may think that every month of American history has been Black History Month. Wherever one looks, negroes are being foisted upon the public consciousness. Wherever one looks, imagined negro achievements are exalted and trumpeted while actual and tangible White accomplishments and White history are being diminished and ridiculed, and even criminalized.

Framing our history within the context of negro slavery is a very narrow and biased way to look at the founding of this great nation. Taken by the author last year at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

For instance, walking through the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, there is nothing at all of any real substance on display about the American Constitution itself. And you certainly will not find the actual text of the Constitution. Rather, there is talk about negro slavery, freedom, and civil rights at every turn. The only other topic treated at length is woman's suffrage, wherever the Center has exhibitions for the period following the Civil War. The entire purpose of the National Constitution Center seems to be the exaltation of negroes in American society, and secondarily the exaltation of women, all while White culture is denigrated and White men are marked off as hypocrites. Absolutely forgotten is the inconvenient truth, that the American Constitution was a document created by and for White men, and for those White people whom the men that created it were representing. Explicitly stated in its preamble is the declaration that it was written to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”, which means the descendants of those very same White people. It was never the plan of the founders of this nation to include anyone but Whites in its polity. Negroes were never intended to be considered as equals, as citizens, or as the recipients of this great White heritage. In taking them into the fold, so to speak, Whites have spit in the face of their ancestors, who actually had cared about them as their posterity that they left them a document whereby they could preserve their freedom and their independence - if only they'd have actually read that document.

So-called "Judge" Andrew Napolitano fired from Fox News for (nearly) telling truth about Jews and Israeli treachery.

The jews are responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. See Prothink's for all the evidence necessary to arrive at that conclusion.

The jews instigated the recent American destruction of Libya and Iraq, and the takedown of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The jews are trying to instigate American wars in Syria and Iran.

How long shall Americans be whores for the anti-Christ jews? Until America is destroyed, and the jews elevate China to take its place: something they've been in the process fo doing for forty years now! 

Slut Shaming? Cultural Marxism and Radical Feminism are one and the same.

One of the major goals of world jewry, as outlined in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Communist Manifesto, was to liberate the women of the West. What that really meant was not only to liberate them from their fathers and husbands, but to liberate them from their clothing and from any sense of decency and morality. In many cases, it has been a smashing succcess.

Here in this video we see the ultimate disgust: yet jewry celebrates the attitudes which this 13-year-old girl repeats so unabashedly, and the jewish media crams these attitudes down our throats daily. It calls them "freedom" and "liberty" when they are really perversion and corruption. This is what 100 years of a jewish-controlled media and entertainment industry, coupled with the Frankfort School-inspired destruction of our educational systems, have brought to America: the dominance of Cultural Marxism, the jewish antithesis to Christianity. It has created a race of whores, both male and female, which is exactly what we have become.

Sodom and Gomorrah were brought to the ancient world by the Canaanite ancestors of the jews. Today, with the dissemination of jewry throughout the world, we have Sodom and Gomorrah everywhere. Is it an accident that Tel Aviv and New York are the world's top "gay" cities, being the two cities which also have the most jews? Is it an accident, that the jewish-controlled entertainment industry spouts nothing but sex and filth and trash daily? Are all of these things not frontal attacks against Christian values, morals, and principles?

This video is heavily edited. The girl speaking hardly utters more than one sentence in any given clip. This leads us to believe that she is being coached by an adult. There should be an investigation for child abuse, but are there laws against talmudic brainwashing? Would you even want your children in school with this girl? Surely she spouts this mental sewage out to all of her "friends" daily. Her parents must be proud of her.

If the video disappears, download it here.

Hosea Chapters 6 through 9

There was a break at 1:14, where the connection dropped and I was not sure where in respect to the presentation that had happened. Therefore some verses were discussed twice, and I left that in the recording but cut out almost all of the whitespace.

Hosea Chapters 6 through 9

Hosea 1:10 says: “Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God.” In order to realize the fulfillment of this prophecy, we must find the dispersed people of the children of Israel deported by the Assyrians, which Hosea is describing. The prophet Isaiah, speaking of the coming fate of these very same children of Israel, records these words of Yahweh in the 66th chapter of his prophecy: “19 And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, to Tubal, and Javan, to the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Nations.”

Tarshish is Tartessus in Spain. Pul is an allegorical name for Assyria after one of its kings, as can be ascertained in the books of Kings and Chronicles. Lud is Lydia in Anatolia. Tubal at this time lived on the Black Sea. Javan are the Ionians, and represents the lands of the Greeks. Within 300 years of the deportations of the Israelites, the Germanic people showed up in all of these places, threatening their very existence. They overthrew Assyria, sacked Lydia, and forced the people of Tubal up through the Caucasus mountains. They threatened Ionia, sacked Etruria – another land of the Lydians in northern Italy, and settled what became known as Gaul as far west as Spain, or what was once Tarshish. No other people ever showed up in all of these places in the centuries following the deportations of the Israelites. This is the “large place” where the children of Israel were to be fed by Yahweh, where he says at Hosea 4:16: “now the LORD will feed them as a lamb [Christ the lamb] in a large place.” With the spread of Christianity to Europe, every word of these prophecies has come true.

Two Papers by Joseph Goebbels with comments and discussion - 2012-02-04

William Finck presents and comments on two of the works of Joseph Goebbels: The Racial Question and World Propaganda (1933) and The Creators of the World’s Misfortunes (1945). Later Matthew Ott and Carolyn Yeager help discuss the need for our cause today to produce better propaganda of our own, and to be more proactive in its dissemination.

Hosea Chapters 3 through 5

Hosea Chapters 3 through 5

Last week, discussing Hosea chapters 1 and 2, I think that the primary lesson was summed up in the idea that the children of Israel are a nation of whores, and a whore as a nation, because they sought intercourse in commerce with all of the other nations, which they had been commanded to remain separate from. This is seen near the beginning of Hosea chapter 2, where it says “2 Plead with your mother, plead: for she is not my wife, neither am I her husband: let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight, and her adulteries from between her breasts; 3 Lest I strip her naked, and set her as in the day that she was born, and make her as a wilderness, and set her like a dry land, and slay her with thirst. 4 And I will not have mercy upon her children; for they be the children of whoredoms. 5 For their mother hath played the harlot: she that conceived them hath done shamefully: for she said, I will go after my lovers, that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil and my drink.” Today, chasing after the produce of China, Mexico, and every other race on the earth, we are whores once again. That is why, speaking of the then-future Mystery Babylon, the Revelation again depicts the nation of Israel as a whore: and that is where we are now, awaiting Babylon's fall. For her intercourse with other nations, the nation of Israel was punished and carried away by the Assyrians and later Babylonians, as a judgement from Yahweh. This message continues throughout Hosea.