Lambs to the Slaughter - March 31st, 2012
See the March 2012 Saxon Messenger editorial, Lambs to the Slaughter, for the text and resources employed in the research for this program.
See the March 2012 Saxon Messenger editorial, Lambs to the Slaughter, for the text and resources employed in the research for this program.
2 Peter Chapter 2 - 03-30-2012
In the first chapter, the thrust of Peter's message was in support of the truth of the Gospel accounts. Here in the second chapter, he addresses the nature of the adversaries of that Gospel.
II 1 Now there were also false prophets among the people, as even among you there shall be false teachers who shall introduce destructive systems of philosophy, even denying the Master who has bought them, bringing upon themselves quick destruction, 2 and many shall follow in their licentiousness, because of whom the way of truth shall be blasphemed, 3 and with greediness they shall make profit from you with fictitious words, for whom from of old their judgment is not idle and their destruction does not sleep!
This statement of Peter's may seem on the surface to be oriented towards a universalist type of thinking, where it can be imagined that Peter is saying that Christ purchased the false prophets with His blood, and therefore the false prophets also may be redeemed. But that is not the case which Peter is making. Rather Peter states, “from of old their judgment is not idle”, as the destruction of the ungodly had been ordained long beforetime. Peter is discussing the body of the people as a whole, who have always had false prophets among them. The false prophets and wolves in sheep’s' clothing are apparently Israel, they claim to be Israel, but they are not truly Israel and therefore their judgement is ordained from of old. Denying the Master, they must be tares, and not wheat. Peter is talking in terms of what was apparent in his day, and not in terms of genetics. The books of genealogy were long lost.
All of the world's so-called "Central Banks" operate in the same crooked way: they are all permanent pyramid schemes designed to enslave entire nations in debt. This 12-year-old girl understands it. Make certain that your neighbors do also!
The solution: "the Jews may not licitly keep those things which they have extorted from others through usury" - Saint Thomas Aquinas, from his letter to Margaret the duchess of Flanders.
For 80 years the United States did have prosperity - without a debt-incurring currency. From the days that Andrew Jackson drove Europe's jewish bankers out of the country by refusing to renew the charter of the so-called Second Bank of the United States, until the so-called Federal Reserve was founded in 1913, the United States was a prosperous nation without the artificial debt under which the Federal Reserve has enslaved the entire nation. And the Federal Reserve is actually controlled by the same international jewish bankers that controlled the bank that Jackson got rid of! They tried to kill Jackson for it, but the assassination attempt failed.
In 1932 Adolf Hitler instituted a currency in Germany which was based upon the actual economic output of the nation. It paid no interest to any bank for its use, and it was debt-free. Germany boomed while the rest of the world was in a banker-orchestrated depression. Therefore, the jews declared war on Germany, using the excuse of "anti-semitism" to destroy it! While there is more to the German story than that, it is clear that jewry attempted to enslave Germany to communism first, and Hitler also prevented that. Thus is the cause of "antisemitism", which is the refusal of non-jews to be enslaved by the jews!
White Christians must stop believing the jewish-controlled media, and only then can they begin to honestly investigate the hidden forces behind "history".
This month in The Saxon Messenger we are reprinting Chaucer's The Prioress' Tale, which is a story about young Hugh of Lincoln, who lived and died in the 13th century. Nowadays, when The Canterbury Tales are reprinted, the story is often omitted from publication. It is about a young boy killed by the Jews in what is commonly called a Jewish ritual murder. Similar circumstances surrounded the deaths of many other young boys and girls of medieval and modern Europe. It should be no wonder, with the prevalence of Jews in society now, that many children each year are still disappearing.
This news report is from Fox News, Fox 25, Seminole Co., Fl., the day after the Martin shooting.
Martin was no black "boy", as the jewish-controlled media is trying to portray him. Rather, he was a football player, and over 6 feet tall, while Zimmerman was a pudgy 5-foot-9 non-athlete. Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating the hell out of him when Zimmerman, after many cries for help, finally shot him in self-defense. That is the truth. Yet the anti-White jewish media has every negro in the country going ape over some suppossed injustice and a bunch of bad White cops who won't lock up a guy who was really only forced to defend himself from this black beast. [And Zimmerman does not appear to be actually White, but rather of mixed (mestizo) descent.]
Has ANYONE heard of the two White men in Antioch, Tennessee who were beaten, stabbed, robbed and RAPED by four black "youths" last week? Of course not, because the jewish media only puts blacks in the news when they are "victims". Yet 90% of violent inter-racial crimes have negroe perpetrators, and White victims! [See the Saxon Messenger here:]
Wake the hell up, White America, and drive the evil brute beasts away from you!
Carolyn Yeager and co-host Rodney Martin filled in for William Finck on Christogenea Saturdays, March 17th, 2012. Click here for the podcast at Carolyn's website, "THE GOOD SOCIETY: Social Policy in National Socialist Germany"
The creation of the Autobahn is just one of the magnificent achievements credited to Adolf Hitler's National Socialism that benefited the people rather than the bankers. From March 1933 onward, laws were passed that changed German society from a degenerate Jewish-dominated and foreign-ruled economic basket-case to an orderly, independent and prosperous, Christian people-state once again. Rodney and Carolyn discuss these laws, policies and programs ... from anti-vivisection to Volksgemeinschaft, from religion to racial policy ... and why they brought about a healthy society.
2 Peter Chapters 1 through 3 - 03-23-2012
Here are the comments of Eusebius on 2 Peter, from his Ecclesiastical History, Book 3: Chapter III. The Epistles of the Apostles.
“1 One epistle of Peter, that called the first, is acknowledged as genuine. And this the ancient elders used freely in their own writings as an undisputed work. But we have learned that his extant second Epistle does not belong to the canon; yet, as it has appeared profitable to many, it has been used with the other Scriptures. 2 The so-called Acts of Peter, however, and the Gospel which bears his name, and the Preaching and the Apocalypse, as they are called, we know have not been universally accepted, because no ecclesiastical writer, ancient or modern, has made use of testimonies drawn from them. 3 But in the course of my history I shall be careful to show, in addition to the official succession, what ecclesiastical writers have from time to time made use of any of the disputed works, and what they have said in regard to the canonical and accepted writings, as well as in regard to those which are not of this class.” From a footnote (20): “Although disputed by many, as already remarked, and consequently not looked upon as certainly canonical until the end of the fourth century, the epistle was yet used, as Eusebius says, quite widely from the time of Origen on, e.g. by Origen, Firmilian, Cyprian, Hippolytus, Methodius, etc. The same is true, however, of other writings, which the Church afterward placed among the Apocrypha.”
1 Peter Chapter 3 - Christogenea on Talkshoe 03-16-2012
Last week we saw that in 1 Peter chapter 2 the apostle admonishes his readers: “13 You must be obedient to every authority created by mankind on account of the Prince, whether to kings as if being superior, 14 or to governors as if being sent by Him for the punishment of evil-doers but for the praise of those doing good. 15 Because thusly is the will of Yahweh: doing good to muzzle the ignorance of foolish men, 16 as free men yet not as if having freedom for a cover for evil, but as servants of Yahweh.” These words are very much like those of Paul of Tarsus in his letter to the Romans, in chapter 13.
From the Oxford Dictionary of Politics: freedom of association
The freedom of individuals to associate as an end in itself or with a view to pursuing common projects, e.g. through churches, trade unions, political parties, and sporting clubs. Freedom of association is widely seen by liberal political philosophers as a core personal liberty, warranting strict protection by the state, though the exact contours of the freedom, and how it is appropriately balanced against other values, are a matter of considerable and continuing dispute. John Stuart Mill, in On Liberty, argues that citizens should have ‘freedom to unite for any purpose not involving harm to others’, a formulation which leaves open the question of what counts as sufficient harm to others to justify state interference. John Rawls (1921-2002), in Political Liberalism (1993), argues that freedom of association is a ‘basic liberty’ because, and to the extent that, it is an extension of liberty of conscience. [An excellent assessment, and conscience must include religious conscience. – WRF]
The Preamble to The Bill of Rights
Congress of the United States begun and held at the City of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.
THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution....
All of the points Napolitano raises here are absolutely valid, and this is a surprisingly candid look at what is really going on in American politics today. No wonder he was fired. Only one thing is missing: the fact that the internationalist bankers - who are for the most part jews related to, financed by, or working for the jewish financial families of the City of London - are the real power behind it all. When corporations were allowed to participate in politics in this country, it was all downhill from there. 99% of the 1% are jews, and that is not by chance.
The Color of Crime: New Century Foundation's report on differences in crime rates by race, bias in the justice system, and interracial crime. First published as a monograph in 1999, the new 2005 edition of The Color of Crime is now available on-line as a free PDF download. Since this presentation, the book was revised yet again in 2016.
1 Peter Chapter 2 - 03-09-2012
Discussing the first chapter of 1 Peter we saw that Peter was indeed addressing the uncircumcision, who were Israelites of the Old Kingdom that were dispersed in ancient times, which Peter by this time had fully understood, even though he had not understood it at the time of the events which were described in Acts chapter 10, which actually occurred some years before the writing of this epistle. We also saw how Peter directly connected the Old Testament and the New where he wrote of things such as the “foreknowledge of Father Yahweh in a sanctification of the Spirit in obedience and a sprinkling of the blood of Yahshua Christ”, which we see in the opening lines of this epistle.
“This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.” So spewed the attackers of Melissa Coon’s 13-year-old son, as they doused him with gasoline and set him alight.
Police, they say, are “investigating” whether this is a hate crime.
When Whites are caught up in acts of violence and the victims are negroes, the media screams about it for months. So-called "hate crimes" laws are passed. The media attempts to make all Whites feel guilty. But the facts prove without a doubt that approximately (if not over) 90% of all violent inter-racial crimes have negro perpetrators and White victims. And the media usually ignores this fact, and also ignores many of these crimes....
by William Finck © 2007
Updated March 3rd 2012 for an audio presentation
Many of those who wisely reject the universalism of modern denominational churchianity unjustly blame the writings of Paul of Tarsus for the errant positions being trumpeted by those mainstream theologians. However these critics of Paul fail to realize, or at least admit, that the errors of universalism are founded in like manner upon misinterpretations of statements found in the Gospels and other New Testament scriptures, as well as in certain passages found in Paul’s letters. One pericope in the gospels which has often been misinterpreted in such a fashion is John 1:11-13, which shall be discussed at length here. Once the New Testament is translated in a proper historical and scriptural context, while maintaining the integrity of scholarly Greek exegesis, it is certain that not only the gospels, but also the letters of Paul and other New Testament scriptures are certainly not universalist, but are rather exclusivist, separatist, containing a consistent message borne only to those nations which had in ancient times descended from the Old Testament Israelites. Those nations are found in the Aryan nations of Europe, and such is fully demonstrable from both history and scripture, and especially from Paul’s letters.
Christogenea Saturdays - 2012-03-03 - Translating John 1:11-13
If indeed we care about our culture, our race, or our heritage in the first place, we may read the Bible, and other works of our historical literature. From them we formulate a weltanschauung, a world-view, based upon what we believe that those books are telling us. Many of us, too lazy to read and research for ourselves, base our world-views upon the opinions of others, and what they think those books might be saying. It is from this formulated world-view that we judge what is right, and what is wrong. Jacob was blessed, because he followed after the world-view of his parents and his God. Esau was cursed, because he had no care for his heritage and based his actions upon his own judgements. Each of us makes a choice, to be like Jacob, or to be like Esau.
1 Peter Chapter 1 - 03-2-2012
Each of the epistles of Peter are disputed by various critics. The first is rejected because its language is considered to be the highly polished work of an educated man. The second is oft rejected because it was disputed at an early time, it is not often quoted in early Christian writings, and its language is often quite rough. The differences are easily accounted if it is understood that 1 Peter, which is more or less a formal treatise, was probably related by Peter and penned by Silvanos, which is evident in 1 Peter 5:12 where it says “By Silvanos the faithful brother, as I reckon, I have written to you”, and 2 Peter was more of an informal letter that Peter may have written himself since no one else is mentioned. Both epistles are written to the same audience. While there are only what may or may not be allusions to 2 Peter in Clement and in Justin, the epistle is quoted by Hippolytus. It was later disputed by the Catholics (I use that word here with a capital C, in its more modern sense), such as Eusebius who called it one of the “disputed books”, along with Jude. While 2 Peter is little attested, that would not be alarming for a letter that is more-or-less an informal follow-up to the first longer and more formal treatise. I will offer more in its defense when presenting it later this month. As for 1 Peter, it is often quoted and always thought to have authentically belonged to Peter by significant early Christian writers. For instance, Irenaeus quotes 1 Peter 2:16 in Book 4, Chapter 16 of his Against Heresies, and 1 Peter 1:8 in Book 4, Chapter 9 and in Book 5, Chapter 7. Irenaeus also often calls Mark the “interpreter of Peter”, meaning that Mark wrote Peter's gospel. Likewise, Clement and Tertullian also quote from this first epistle of Peter on various occasions, as do other early Christian writers.
This podcast is related to the following Christogenea Forum post: Party Politics
We apologize for any inconvenience, but suffered a server crash today, due to a hardware failure on the main server which we lease. We have two larger servers on order (one was actually ordered a day before the crash). This is Christogenea's backup server. While we are on the backup server, some of our websites and services may be down. Christogenea is a large technical endeavor, and we are essentially a very small organization. We expect to be fully functional once again by Monday, March 5th. Until then, we may not be updating the website in the timely manner which we are accustomed to, however Christogenea programs will air as usual on Talkshoe this weekend.
The Teamspeak chat server is back up.
Praise Yahweh!
William Finck
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