The Good Society - Carolyn Yeager and Rodney Martin - March 17th, 2012

Carolyn Yeager and co-host Rodney Martin filled in for William Finck on Christogenea Saturdays, March 17th, 2012. Click here for the podcast at Carolyn's website, "THE GOOD SOCIETY: Social Policy in National Socialist Germany"
The creation of the Autobahn is just one of the magnificent achievements credited to Adolf Hitler's National Socialism that benefited the people rather than the bankers. From March 1933 onward, laws were passed that changed German society from a degenerate Jewish-dominated and foreign-ruled economic basket-case to an orderly, independent and prosperous, Christian people-state once again. Rodney and Carolyn discuss these laws, policies and programs ... from anti-vivisection to Volksgemeinschaft, from religion to racial policy ... and why they brought about a healthy society.