Since when is an act of speech a "Conspiracy to Violate Civil Rights"?

Man Charged in Noose Left on Integration Statue at Ole Miss

Graeme Phillip Harris has been indicted on a trumped-up civil rights charge for tying a noose onto a statue of a negro at a Mississippi campus. No matter how distasteful some may find the act, it has long been argued that such acts fall into the category of "freedom of expression". 

The Epistles of Paul - 2 Corinthians Part 5: The Ministry of Reconciliation

2 Corinthians 5:12-19

The Epistles of Paul - 2 Corinthians Part 5: The Ministry of Reconciliation

In 2 Corinthians chapter 1 Paul had started the epistle off by writing about the sufferings and the consolation, or encouragement, which the children of Yahweh should expect to have for as long as they are in the flesh. Then while explaining the changes he had made in his own travel plans, since he was indeed on his way to visit the Corinthians, he talked about all the grief which had been caused within their assembly on account of a certain individual, who was with certainty that fornicator of his earlier epistle to the Corinthians, and whom he had addressed explicitly at 1 Corinthians chapter 5. During that discussion Paul had encouraged the Corinthians, since they chose to be forgiving of that individual, that their forgiveness be complete and that they should confirm their love for him, and also put an end to the grief which they had regarding his sin. Paul then continued to further discuss his travels, and the sufferings that Christians should expect to face in the flesh.

In chapter 3 of this epistle, Paul had asked quite rhetorically whether he should be reintroduced to the assembly at Corinth, an assembly which he himself had initiated and where he had spent over 18 months of his life. With that, in a rather esoteric manner he began to explain the differences between the Old and New Covenants, and that the Old Covenant was rendered idle in the New Covenant service of the spirit in Christ. From there he discussed the “treasure in earthen vessels” which is the spirit of the Adamic man, and the restoration of that spirit in the reconciliation to God which it has in Christ. With this Paul explained that it is the unseen rewards for which men should strive in their fleshly walk, or sojourn as he called it. Now Paul will come back around in a circle to allude to the fornicator once again, here in this latter half of 2 Corinthians chapter 5. Doing all of this, he is actually giving a quite lengthy lesson on why Christians should have forgiveness for their kindred Christians.

Even More Christogenea Podcasts Available on CD

Luke Disk 1
Our 2012 Christogenea commentary on The Gospel of Luke has just been made available on CD in a two-disk set.
Click here to buy it now!

Emahiser 1998
Audio presentations of the first 6 years of Clifton Emahiser's Watchman's Teaching Letters have also just been made available on CD as six individual disks.
Click here to buy it now!

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Watch for more information.

Goodbye, Christendom, Hello, Jungle Culture!

These negro children are only doing what negro children have been taught to do by negro adults for countless generations in the jungles of Africa. Yet such behavior has always been considered disgraceful, and has not even existed among Whites until relatively recent times.

As Whites are more frequently exposed to and forcibly integrated with negros, White society will inevitably degenerate to the level of the African jungle.

All of this is a source of glee to the international Jew, who is history's oldest panderer and the peddlar of pornography and other vices throughout all time.

The inevitable path of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" is the descent into Sodom and Gomorrah, and ultimately to the pits of Hell.


The Epistles of Paul - 2 Corinthians Part 4: Treasure in Earthen Vessels

2 Corinthians 5:1-11

I'm going to begin tonight's program with a short parable. You walk a certain route to work every day, and every day you encounter the same poor widow and you always give her $5 or $10, of which she is certainly in need. The good man praises Yahweh God that he can help the widow, and that God has chosen him through which to do so. The only reward which that man seeks for his charity is heavenly. But the man with bitter feelings in his heart is eventually vexed by his having to help the widow, and one day he chooses to take a different route, so that he no longer encounters her. So after a couple of days or weeks he falls in with robbers and loses his wallet and all of his money. That man should remember why he was traveling down that alternate road, and he should regret having changed his route, repenting because Yahweh has put him on notice. When you stop doing what it is that God wants you to do because you think better of your own agenda, you are going to run into troubles. God will not be denied what is His. We should all live every day contemplating the route which best serves our God, and not ourselves. End of message.

The Epistles of Paul - 2 Corinthians Part 4: Treasure in Earthen Vessels

In 1 Corinthians chapters 3 and 4 Paul had made an analogy of the Old Testament “service of death in letters” in comparison to the New Testament “service of the Spirit” which he called the “service of righteousness in honor”. Doing so, he explained that the judgments of the Mosaic Law were left unemployed in Christ, and for that reason Christians should seek to keep the spirit of the Law written on their hearts. Paul then spoke of the “treasure in earthen vessels” and the unseen hope of eternal life in the face of physical death which Christians have in Christ. Paul then explained that “having the same Spirit of the faith” Christians should live to serve Yahweh their God in the knowledge of hope in that eternal life because “if our outer man is being destroyed, then our inner is being restored day by day”, ostensibly referring to that same “treasure in earthen vessels” as he had called it, which is the Adamic Spirit that exists within the children of Yahweh.

Still More Christogenea Podcasts Available on CD

The latest parts of our series on Martin Luther's On the Jews and Their Lies in a two-disk set, two separate disks from our recent Two-Seedline series, Pragmatic Genesis and the Non-Adamic Races in Scripture and Eschatology, and a two-disk set of our recent 1 Corinthians series have all just been made available on CD. More CDs will be available in the near future. Watch for more information.

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The Saxon Messenger - Edition No. 39

Get your copy of the latest issue of The Saxon Messenger, an online PDF magazine and a project of Christogenea.

The Saxon Messenger website is scheduled to be updated and will not be revised. Click the PDF icon to download the magazine. Share it with everyone that you can!

This month's Saxon Messenger features Bible? Or Bureaucracy?, and The Prophecy of Amos, Part 9, by William Finck, Race Mixing is Not Christian by Pastor Mark Downey, Return of the Jewish Protected Minority in Europe by Andrew Joyce at the The Occidental Observer, Two White Guys, Caldwell and Jorgenson, Conquer El Capitan by Kevin MacDonald of The Occidental Observer, Betrayed by the PC Cowards: 1400 Girls Abused by Sex Gangs based on an article from the Mail Online, Arthur Topham on the Zionist media’s hypocrisy surrounding
Charlie Hebdo, Jez Turner reviews Stephen Goodson on Jan Smuts, and more.

Click here to purchase this issue in print.

The Epistles of Paul - 2 Corinthians Part 3: The Old Testament is only for Christians

2 Corinthians 4:1 – 2 Corinthians 5:1

The Epistles of Paul - 2 Corinthians Part 3: The Old Testament is only for Christians

In 2 Corinthians chapter 3 we saw Paul of Tarsus change the subject of his epistle away from the grief within the assembly at Corinth. Doing that he turned to discuss the service of the New Covenant in the Spirit of Christ as opposed to the service of the Old Covenant in the letter of the Law. It must be noticed that in the course of that discussion, Paul refutes several of the claims which are commonly made by the modern denominational sects concerning both Jews and Christianity. For instance, we often hear it repeated that the New Testament alone is for Christians, while the Old Testament is for the so-called Jews. Yet in that chapter Paul had explained that there is a veil over the Old Testament, and that it cannot be properly understood unless one turns to Christ. With that statement, Paul is stating unequivocally that the Old Testament is for Christians, and that it is not at all for the so-called Jews. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 3:15 of those who rejected Christ that “until this day, whenever Moses is read a veil lies upon their hearts”, and then he says of those who accepted Christ in verse 16 “But when perhaps you should turn to the Prince, the veil is taken away.” So the Old Testament is not for the so-called Jews and the Jews are blinded as to its meaning. Rather, the Old Testament is only for Christians! Only those who have turned to Christ have the ability to understand the Old Testament, and without Christ it is left unemployed.

Oklahoma University ΣΑΕ Fraternity Chant


Some White "youths" say the word "nigger" in a chant and the Fraternity is immediately ejected from the University of Oklahoma. Two days later, two White cops are shot in Ferguson, Missouri, as niggers are once again protesting the police station. So what may be the commensurate punishment? To immediately execute all the niggers in Ferguson?

If you are black and a student at the same University, you have license to beat women unconscious while being caught on tape, and even get to keep your spot on the football team regardless of being convicted of the crime. (As Joe Mixon was able to do this past winter.)

Anti-racism is in reality anti-White racism while being favorable to non-White racism. Anti-racism is hypocritical Marxist ideology. If niggers get away with beating women silly at the University of Oklahoma, then it is no wonder that some Whites do not want to associate with them.

More Christogenea Podcasts Available on CD

The latest parts of our series on the Minor Prophets, 2013 podcasts from the Mein Kampf Project, a select collection of miscellaneous assorted topics from 2013, and a two-disk set of our recent Romans series have all just been made available on CD. More CDs will be available in the near future. Watch for more information.

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Martin Luther in Life and Death, Part 6: the Indulgence Dispute

Martin Luther, In Life and Death, Part 6: the Indulgence Dispute.

Here we will continue our presentation of Martin Luther in Life and Death, and we are still in the portion of this endeavor which concerns Luther's life. Today we hope to focus upon the dispute concerning indulgences. The Roman Catholic Church dogmas on indulgences were the primary complaint against the church in Martin Luther's famous 95 theses, and these would ultimately spark the Reformation. Doing this, we shall also discuss a man named Johann Tetzel, the leading Romish Catholic indulgence preacher of this time.

In our last presentation in this series, we hope to have illustrated the humanist influences in the court of the de Medici papacy of Leo X and in the courts of the German archbishops, especially in that of Albrecht of Brandenburg, the archbishop of both Mayence and Magdeburg. These men were not only surrounded by immoral humanists who scoffed at the Christian religion, but they also led lavish and immoral lifestyles which required vast sums of money to maintain. Besides his lifestyle, we saw that Bishop Albrecht was heavily indebted to the Fuggers, the banking family of Augsburg. He was counting on the sale of indulgences in the churches of Germany to pay off the bankers, after he had split the proceeds with the pope. The pope would use his half of the indulgence money to help finance his building projects in Rome.

To sell the indulgences which both the pope and the archbishop required, the Roman Catholic Church would have to convince the German people to buy them. To do this, they needed propagandists within the Church. A man named Johann Tetzel became the leading of these propagandists, who went from church to church preaching indulgences. For this cause Tetzel should be the poster child exemplifying just how a man with a doctorate degree in Theology could be nothing more than a whore for the state. He also exemplifies the childish level at which religion is peddled to the masses of the people, and how that was just as effective five hundred years ago as it is today. In fact, the Grahams, Hagees, Warrens and Osteens of today all have their forerunner in Johann Tetzel. They are whores for the State no differently than Tetzel, except that the goals of the state have now changed.

The Epistles of Paul - 2 Corinthians Part 2: Comfort and Mercy

2 Corinthians 2:1 – 2 Corinthians 3:18

The Epistles of Paul - 2 Corinthians Part 2: Comfort and Mercy

In the opening chapter of his second epistle to the Corinthians, on several occasions Paul had referred to encouragement, or comfort as the word may alternately be rendered. He also spoke about affliction. Ostensibly, the encouragement was being referred to because of the affliction which he had described, as he told his readers that “just as you are partners of the sufferings, in that manner also of the encouragement.” As we had seen from the prophet Isaiah, the Word of Yahweh had mentioned several times that children of Israel were to be afflicted for their apostasy from Yahweh their God, and then at some point in the future they were to be comforted for their affliction. That comfort was to be manifest in the message of the Gospel of Christ. Paul's ministry is the announcement of these things to the “lost” children of Israel, and he described them in 1 Corinthians chapter 10 as they were to be found among the pagan nations of ancient Europe, which he said were “Israel according to the flesh”.

Why is it that what we call Christian Identity is such a fantastic thing to most so-called Christians if Paul of Tarsus, who was chosen by Yahshua Christ to be the minister to the nations, was teaching precisely this very thing in the first century? Paul taught this throughout his epistles, and this was his entire worldview: that his ministry was to reconcile the prophesied nations of the lost children of Israel back to Yahweh their God. The so-called Roman Catholic Church which began to develop three hundred years after Paul may have preserved Paul's epistles, but at the same time it corrupted their interpretation with a universalist and replacement theology that Paul's own words do not support.

The European Right: What are the Chances?, March 1st, 2015

The European Right: What are the Chances?

Sven Longshanks and William Finck begin a walk through some of Britain and Europe's "right wing" and "nationalist" parties to sort out which are real and which are onbly pretending. We are not really looking for a political solution, because like all Identity Chrtistians, we know well enough that There is No Political Solution. Rather, we are only looking for the actual level of racial consciousness and awareness of the devil among the political players in Europe.