Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, Part 20

Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, Part 20

There are generally good Christian Identity brethren in our social circles, both near and remote, who are what we may consider to be old-time Identity Christians. This is true even if they have only been aware of Identity relatively recently, and has nothing to do with how long they have been involved with it. Many of them are Aryan Nations members. While we know them from Social Media, they frequently seem to stay away from our work here at Christogenea because we upset some of their traditions, and especially things such as the 6th & 8th Day Creation theory which was espoused by Wesley Swift and Bertrand Comparet. They also sometimes seem reluctant to embrace us into their fellowship, and they are even much more reluctant to listen to our messages, for that same reason. But these things which they cling to, these things which frequently preclude them from studying our work, are the traditions of men, and they are not necessarily what is taught by Scripture. Tonight, with Clifton's presentation, we are going to see an example and an indirect admission of this very thing which had once come from the mouth of Pete Peters.

Without an understanding of what we call Two-Seedline, and what we also think should be called Two-Treeline, and the way that we teach it at Christogenea, there is no possibly complete understanding of the true importance of the issue of race in Scripture. You cannot imagine that there are other races of so-called “people” among the creations of Yahweh our God if in the parables of Christ we are told that there are not. For example, in the net of the Kingdom of Heaven there are only Israelites which are called good fish and all others are only bad fish, which are destined to be destroyed, however nothing which Yahweh created in Genesis was designated for that particular purpose. Then these other supposed people are described elsewhere as the goat nations which shall ultimately share the same fate as “the devil and his angels”, as Christ Himself had professed in Matthew chapters 13 and 25 and as He had also illustrated differently in other parables elsewhere. So if your Genesis interpretation is not consistent with the Parables and the Revelation of Christ and the prophets of Yahweh, then you had better rethink your interpretation.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 32: The Appointed Priesthood

The Protocols of Satan, Part 32: The Appointed Priesthood

These Protocols of Satan, in my humble opinion, have discussed such a vast panorama of the history of the last several centuries that it is quite difficult to give a synopsis explaining what we have thus far presented. Some of the things we have discussed recently, however, are the inevitable failure of Democracy, the role of Jewish bankers in the enslavement of Christendom under global usury capitalism, the ascendancy of finance as the god of this world, and to accomplish this, when all else failed them, the Jewish-instigated and coordinated revolutions which removed the obstacles of the French and Russian monarchies to Jewish world supremacism. With that, it took two World Wars to remove the obstacles posed in Germany, and while we have not yet had the opportunity to discuss those here, we did make a presentation of the Nazis and the Protocols. Presenting these things, we discussed related issues such as the many warnings against Jewish treachery by traditional Roman Catholics in Britain, and the Jewish agents who were embedded into the post-Protocols American government.

All of this was presented in relation to our discussions of Protocol No. 3, which began with Part 22 of this series. Back in May we set this series aside for summer travels which had taken much longer than we initially imagined. I originally thought that this presentation may have been scheduled for August 5th. Now even though we are about to embark on yet another trip north, at least as far as Shelbyville and Bristol, Tennessee, here we shall present Part 32 of our series, which is subtitled The Appointed Priesthood.

Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 8: The Path of our Plight

1 Timothy 6:1-21

Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 8: The Path of our Plight

In our last presentation of Paul’s first epistle to Timothy, which discussed 1 Timothy chapter 5, we saw the apostle address the issue of “younger widows” who were apparently not “really widows”, referring to unmarried women who must have been married at one time, but who no longer had husbands. Paul advised such women to find husbands, and to have children and raise families, explaining that doing so, they would not be a burden on the assembly while being tempted into acting wantonly towards married men. Here it is evident that Christian mercy invites even those who may have had a sinful past to return to a natural role within the Christian community.

So if a woman who had been previously married, but who was not really a widow, has found herself alone then it is not necessarily a sin for her to remarry. Rather, it is a greater sin, as Paul explained in that same chapter, for her to turn to a lewd lifestyle because of her natural urges and her unmarried condition. Even the Law supports this to some degree, in spite of the fact that Yahweh our God despises divorce, and Yahshua Christ had indeed professed that those remarrying after divorce are committing adultery.

The Night of the Long Knives, Part 3

The Night of the Long Knives, Part 3

Here we continue and conclude our series of articles from The Barnes Review describing the event which is known as The Night of the Long Knives. When we began to present this series, we actually ordered and have just received a copy of the book from which these articles were taken, which is Hitler, Democrat, by former Waffen SS General Leon Degrelle. The six articles we are presenting in this series were actually taken from chapters 38 through 43 of that book, and they were reprinted in Barnes Review issues through September-October, 2002. As we have already discussed, Degrelle was a Belgian journalist, politician and founder of the Rexist Party, and then later a National Socialist and Waffen SS volunteer who during the War had worked his way up the ranks from Private to Colonel. Then he was evidently promoted to General as the war came to its unfortunate end. Last week we presented articles titled The Röhm Crisis Worsens and Last Millimeters of the Fuse, which continued to describe the events leading up to the famous National Socialist purge, and which fully described its necessity, for the alternative was to send Germany down another path to civil war. This week, we shall present the next articles in the series, The Bloody End of Ernst Röhm: The Night of the Long Knives and then 38 Million Germans Make Their Voices Heard: A Landslide Victory for Adolf Hitler, which gives us an impression of how well the German people had thought of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists only weeks after the purge.

Leon Degrelle describes Ernst Röhm’s political and economic philosophy in a manner that impels us to label him as a Marxist. It is our understanding that Adolf Hitler was absolutely ambivalent towards Marxism, and that his own political and economic philosophy, as they are described in Mein Kampf, were grounded in Christian principles and absolutely antithetical to Marxism. Furthermore, Adolf Hitler’s revolution was political, and ended as soon as the National Socialist German Worker’s Party came to power in 1933. But for Ernst Röhm, the revolution had only begun and needed to continue, ostensibly until he could fulfill his own desires to bring his own form of Bolshevism to Germany. But the trouble between the two men erupted over Röhm’s promotion of the Sturmabteilung, or SA, the party’s paramilitary organization, as a replacement for the German Wehrmacht – the regular army which Röhm sought to dismantle. It is obvious to us, and evidently became obvious to Hitler, that Röhm wanted the SA to replace the Wehrmacht so that he as its commander could supplant the NSDAP leadership and execute his continued revolution.

Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 7: Women Noble and Naughty

1 Timothy 5:1-25, elaboration on 1 Timothy 2:13-15

Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 7: Women Noble and Naughty

There is a part of the story of Genesis chapter 3 that is missing, so perhaps we may fill in a few of the blanks for ourselves. The reason why Eve was so easily seduced can only be that Adam had left her alone, where she was unguarded and vulnerable. Adam was the first feminist, leaving Eve to make it on her own. Now, I can imagine that the Devil set up a football game between two teams of negros, and Adam was fascinated with how well they can run with a pigskin. So he was off watching it all while Eve was left at home. One fallen angel opened a beer concession, and another ran a gambling counter. With Eve left at home and planning her first Tupperware party, along comes the Serpent a-knocking at the door, and the rest is history…. Later, Adam came home half inebriated from a mixture of musk, testosterone and Bud Lite, and the woman “gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” The next morning, the man refused to accept any of the consequences for his actions, and when he was called into account, he tried to blame his wife for all of their sin. So he was punished “because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife,” which was yet another feminist act on his part. Then as they and their descendants toiled in their punishment, within just a few generations the bastards were everywhere and began race-mixing with their great-great grandchildren. Soon the only men left who did not have season tickets was Noah and his sons, and all of them were outcasts at the lunch rooms and office parties because they didn’t know the scores. Thus it is once again today, just it is as it was in the days of Noah.

Of course, all of this may be dismissed as a conjectural fantasy. But the core ideas expressed here are certainly true, and they are evident from Scripture. Adam did leave Eve alone, and when Adam returned to her and found her in a state of sin, he let her lead him into that sin and willfully joined her. Then Adam blamed her once he was called to account for it by Yahweh his God, rather than taking responsibility for his actions. Adam had also neglected his God, as he even attempted to elude him before being questioned for his crime. As a result, by the time of Noah the entire culture was corrupted, and even with Noah’s obedience the entire race was soon once again taken off into paganism, out of which Abraham alone was called.

Cooperation of Government and Freemasonry

Michael Hoffman recently wrote an article announcing that the “Prominent Washington D.C. Monument to Masonic Confederate General Albert Pike is untouched”. The issue is not new to us. However the question he may have asked is why Washington D.C. ever had a monument to a Confederate general in the first place. Of the eighteen Civil War-related monuments in the U.S. capital, there are no others dedicated to figures of the Confederacy. But why should there be one to Albert Pike?

A look into the history of the Pike monument in Washington reveals that it was planned, commissioned, and paid for by Scottish Right Freemasons. When a group representing Union soldiers found that its erection in the capital was planned, they protested to Congress, but Congress nevertheless approved of its placement within the city, “after Masons assured them it would depict Pike as a civilian, not a soldier” [Jacob, Kathryn Allamong (1998). Testament to Union: Civil War Monuments in Washington, D.C. JHU Press: JHU Press. pp. 59–62].

Not Waffling with Dinner Disappointment

Tonight my wife and I went to Waffle House for supper after shopping. We sat in a booth next to a booth containing an old guy wearing a Vietnam Veteran hat and his wife who are toting around a little mixed mongrel baby. Maybe his granddaughter or maybe even great granddaughter, I don't know. He was holding the kid and smiling and cooing with it, obviously happy with some aspect of his family's racial extinction.

I was thinking to myself, here's this Vietnam veteran, maybe he was drafted or maybe he volunteered but he fought against international Communism on the far side of the planet. He had to witness its horrors. He had to understand the tenets, the ideologies of Judeo-Communism and what they want to push on our Western world. Or did he? Did he care? Did he know that he was supporting and promoting the death of our civilization or even of his own blood line? Did he feel trapped and powerless to do anything about his family's situation and figured he'd just try to make the best of it or did he condone it? Did he love his daughter or granddaughter so much that he would tolerate her destroying his descendants? Or was this old veteran who had seen the horrors of war such a coward that he feared the label of "racist" more than he feard Communist bullets, mines and schrapnel? I couldn't understand it....

The Night of the Long Knives, Part 2


The Barnes Review had for several years run chapters or portions of chapters from the books of Leon Degrelle as articles in its bi-monthly publication. As we have already discussed, Degrelle was a Belgian journalist, politician and founder of the Rexist Party, and then later a National Socialist and Waffen SS volunteer who during the War had worked his way up the ranks from Private to Colonel. Then in the last days of combat, he had apparently attained a rank of General, if indeed the promotion was legitimate. But we shall continue to call him a General. Last week we presented two such articles from Degrelle, The Civil War Within the German National Socialist Party and Röhm Continues to Push. This week we shall present the next two articles in the series, which are The Röhm Crisis Worsens and Last Millimeters of the Fuse.

As we saw last week, Ernst Röhm was an outspoken proponent of two ideas that were completely contrary to Adolf Hitler. First, he was a Marxist. However in the capacity in which he served the party, his economic philosophy was secondary to his work. More importantly, he strongly advocated the autonomy of the SA (the Sturmabteilung or Storm Detachment of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, which was commonly called the Brownshirts) from the party itself, and once the NSDAP came to power he insisted upon the complete replacement of the Wehrmacht, the regular German army, with the SA. As we have seen Degrelle explain, the SA was designed as a paramilitary organization of men who were not formally trained as military officers and soldiers, but who were basically street-fighters, mixed with a number of thugs, and mostly patriotic defenders of the Party’s right to express itself and to hold meetings and rallies. The SA was formed out of necessity, as the violent communist thugs – Germany’s early Antifa – always sought to infiltrate and disrupt the events held by rival parties, and especially those of the political Right.

Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, Part 19

Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, Part 19

Yahshua Christ informed us in His Gospel that He came to reveal things kept secret from the foundation of the world. He uttered those words while giving us the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares, and informing us that the tares – which are evidently wicked people who cannot ever be reformed – were planted by the devil. Shortly after saying those things, Yahshua Christ declared that “Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.” Then much later, in Revelation chapter 12, we learn from Yahshua Christ that there was a rebellion against Yahweh God at some time in the past, as the description of that rebellion uses language that is explicitly in the past tense. So we learn that a third of the host of heaven were cast down to earth and that their place was found no more in heaven. The leader of that host was identified with labels such as the great dragon, that old serpent, the Devil, and Satan.

Perhaps 1,500 years before Yahshua Christ had revealed those things to us in both prophecy and parable, the Genesis account was recorded by Moses under the inspiration of Yahweh. We know that Genesis was written by Moses, because Christ Himself attributed it to Moses. That account also contains both prophecy and parable, as well as historical chronicles. In Genesis we see an entity that was already present in the Garden of Eden when Adam was first placed there, and which is identified as a serpent. This serpent of Genesis chapter 3 must be “that old serpent” of Revelation chapter 12, as the language insists upon identifying for us a particular serpent, “that old serpent”, and there is no other “old serpent” in Scripture which may be identified in such a manner.