Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, Part 20
Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, Part 20
There are generally good Christian Identity brethren in our social circles, both near and remote, who are what we may consider to be old-time Identity Christians. This is true even if they have only been aware of Identity relatively recently, and has nothing to do with how long they have been involved with it. Many of them are Aryan Nations members. While we know them from Social Media, they frequently seem to stay away from our work here at Christogenea because we upset some of their traditions, and especially things such as the 6th & 8th Day Creation theory which was espoused by Wesley Swift and Bertrand Comparet. They also sometimes seem reluctant to embrace us into their fellowship, and they are even much more reluctant to listen to our messages, for that same reason. But these things which they cling to, these things which frequently preclude them from studying our work, are the traditions of men, and they are not necessarily what is taught by Scripture. Tonight, with Clifton's presentation, we are going to see an example and an indirect admission of this very thing which had once come from the mouth of Pete Peters.
Without an understanding of what we call Two-Seedline, and what we also think should be called Two-Treeline, and the way that we teach it at Christogenea, there is no possibly complete understanding of the true importance of the issue of race in Scripture. You cannot imagine that there are other races of so-called “people” among the creations of Yahweh our God if in the parables of Christ we are told that there are not. For example, in the net of the Kingdom of Heaven there are only Israelites which are called good fish and all others are only bad fish, which are destined to be destroyed, however nothing which Yahweh created in Genesis was designated for that particular purpose. Then these other supposed people are described elsewhere as the goat nations which shall ultimately share the same fate as “the devil and his angels”, as Christ Himself had professed in Matthew chapters 13 and 25 and as He had also illustrated differently in other parables elsewhere. So if your Genesis interpretation is not consistent with the Parables and the Revelation of Christ and the prophets of Yahweh, then you had better rethink your interpretation.
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