Cooperation of Government and Freemasonry

Michael Hoffman recently wrote an article announcing that the “Prominent Washington D.C. Monument to Masonic Confederate General Albert Pike is untouched”. The issue is not new to us. However the question he may have asked is why Washington D.C. ever had a monument to a Confederate general in the first place. Of the eighteen Civil War-related monuments in the U.S. capital, there are no others dedicated to figures of the Confederacy. But why should there be one to Albert Pike?
A look into the history of the Pike monument in Washington reveals that it was planned, commissioned, and paid for by Scottish Right Freemasons. When a group representing Union soldiers found that its erection in the capital was planned, they protested to Congress, but Congress nevertheless approved of its placement within the city, “after Masons assured them it would depict Pike as a civilian, not a soldier” [Jacob, Kathryn Allamong (1998). Testament to Union: Civil War Monuments in Washington, D.C. JHU Press: JHU Press. pp. 59–62].
The description of the monument at the web page for the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s Inventory of American Sculpture for Brigadier General Albert Pike, (sculpture) reads thus:
Portrait of Albert Pike as a Masonic leader and not as a general in the military. Pike stands holding a book in his proper left hand, his proper right arm extended slightly and his proper left knee bent. He is dressed in a double-breasted vest and long coat. He has a full beard and moustache. The sculpture rests atop a tall base adorned with a bronze sculpture of a female figure representing the Goddess of Masonry. She is dressed in long classical robes and holds up a Masonic banner of the Scottish Rite on a staff with her proper right hand.
Below this description, on the same page, are listed the following under Remarks:
Albert Pike was not only a Confederate general, but also a Masonic leader. He was a leader of the Masons for 32 years and authored "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry." He was also known as a school teacher, poet, newspaper editor and publisher, lawyer, soldier in the Mexican War and a Confederate general. His wide range of interests included the Western adventures, the transcontinental railroad, and Native Americans. This sculpture was authorized by Congress on April 9, 1898 and was erected by the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. According to the Goode publication, he is the only Confederate general honored by the Masons in Washington, D.C. The sculpture was originally located at the same intersection and was moved in 1972 during construction of the subway or the Dept. of Labor building, but was returned after construction. Washington Granite Monumental Company was responsible for the construction of the base.
The Smithsonian falls all over itself to disassociate the Pike monument from his role as a Confederate general, and to justify it based on his role as a Freemason. Pike apologists did this same thing as soon as the dedication ceremony for the monument. As it is explained by Wikipedia: Frederick Webber, secretary general of the Freemasonic organization known as the Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction (SCJC), gave a speech at the dedication ceremony formally presenting the memorial to the American people, which said in part:
I am here to represent the Supreme Council, and in its name to present to the government of the United States this statue. It will long stand as a loving tribute from his brethren of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
— Frederick Webber, Evening Star, October 23, 1901
So it is evident that while the reasons for the creation of the monument were said to transcend Pike’s role in the Civil War, the Albert Pike monument represents something else that transcends his role in the Civil War. That “something else” is the cooperation between the United States government and Freemasonry. As Michael Hoffman’s article also describes, Albert Pike was an anti-Christian idolater. This is the sort of man woshipped by Freemasons, and by approved of by Congress. Hoffman writes:
Morals and Dogma, Pike’s magnum opus, was printed and distributed by the tens of thousands to Scottish Rite Freemasons in America. In this book, Pike detailed the true god — or should we say gods — of the Freemasons: the demon deities of ancient Egypt:
“...the BLAZING STAR...Originally it represented SIRIUS, or the Dogstar, the forerunner of the inundation of the Nile; the God ANUBIS, companion of ISIS in her search for the body of OSIRIS, her brother and husband. Then it became the image of HORUS, the son of OSIRIS, himself symbolized also by the Sun, the author of the Seasons, and the God of Time; Son of ISIS, who was the universal nature, himself the primitive matter, inexhaustible source of Life, spark of uncreated fire, universal seed of all beings. It was HERMES, also, the Master of Learning, whose name in Greek is that of the God Mercury. It became the sacred and potent sign or character of the Magi, the PENTALPHA, and is the significant emblem of Liberty and Freedom, blazing with a steady radiance amid the sweltering elements of good and evil of Revolutions, and promising serene skies and fertile seasons to the nations, after the storms of change and tumult…. The Blazing Star in our Lodges, we have already said, represent Sirius, Anubis, or Mercury (Hermes), Guardian and Guide of its genial influence dispenses blessings to mankind.”
We may have readily obtained one of many similar citations from Pike’s book from dozens of sources, but we shall give Hoffman credit for this one. Pike was an idolater, Freemasonry is idolatry, and politicians worldwide cooperate with it to this very day.
After we attended the demonstrations in support of the Robert E. Lee monument in New Orleans along with our friends from the League of the South this past May, described in our article The Brattle of New Orleans, we sent several Twitter messages to New Orleans mayor Mitch Landrieu. One of them, dated for May 20th, read: “Hey @MitchLandrieu I challenge you to remove the statue of 33rd degree Mason Albert Pike, or are you just a tool?” But of course I never received a response, and, of course, the memorial to Albert Pike still stands in New Orleans.
While the radical Jewish-supported Black Supremacist group #TakeEmDownNOLA actually placed the Albert Pike memorial in that city on its hit list, they have not garnered much support for its removal from any of the city’s leaders. The following information on the monument is taken from Wikimapia, a geographical database unrelated to Wikipedia:
This statue erected in memory of Albert Pike, a 33° Mason, can be found in New Orleans, LA at the intersection of Tulane Ave. and S. Jefferson Davis Pkwy.
The inscription reads:
Confederate States Army
Soldier - Philosopher - Scholar
Grand Commander, Supreme Council 33° Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction Usa 1859 – 1891
Erected April 27, 1957 By the Grand Consistory of La, 32° Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry to Commemorate the Session of the Supreme Council, 33° A.A.S.R. Held in New Orleans on April 25, 1857, when Gen. Albert Pike was Coroneted a 33° Mason and Inspector General Honorary.
In spite of the fact that the inscription clearly links Pike to his role in the Civil War, the monument is not being considered for removal by New Orleans politicians. And like the monument to Pike in Washington, it too was obviously erected by Freemasons.
Albert Pike did not have a significant role in the Civil War, which was perhaps fortuitous for the rest of the Confederate Army. He was sent off to administer the Confederacy’s Indian territory. Doing so, he was also charged with raising Indian troops for the Confederate Army. During the war, Pike only led the field in one battle. We read the following in the online Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture:
In the spring of 1862, General Earl Van Dorn ordered him [Pike] to bring his 2,500 Indian troops into northwestern Arkansas. Despite his opposition to the move, Pike obeyed, and his Indian force of about 900 men joined Confederate forces in northwest Arkansas. On March 7–8, 1862, they participated in the Battle of Pea Ridge (a.k.a. Elkhorn Tavern), led by Pike. Pike proved a poor leader, and he failed to keep his force engaged with the enemy or in check. Charges circulated widely that the men had stopped their advance to take scalps. After the battle, Pike and his men returned to Indian Territory.
But regardless of his lackluster record, Pike was a Confederate general, and the latest political trend has been to remove not only monuments dedicated to prominent Confederate officers, but also to remove any monuments dedicated to slave-owners in general. While the record is incomplete and we do not know whether Pike himself ever owned slaves, he was clearly a supporter of slavery. We read further on in the article for Pike from the Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture:
In the years immediately following the Mexican War, Pike’s concern with the developing sectional crisis brought on by the issue of slavery became apparent. He had long been a Whig, but the Whig Party repeatedly refused to address the slavery issue. That failure and Pike’s own anti-Catholicism led him to join the Know-Nothing Party upon its creation. In 1856, he attended the new party’s national convention, but he found it equally reluctant to adopt a strong pro-slavery platform. He joined other Southern delegates in walking out of the convention. Pike expressed a belief in states' rights and considered secession constitutional. He philosophically supported secession, demonstrating his position in 1861 when he published a pamphlet titled State or Province, Bond or Free?
We do not support the removal of any Confederate monument. We esteem even the darkest aspects of our national and ethnic history and culture to be of import, and would wipe none of it from the record or from public view. However if we were compelled to take one Confederate’s monuments down, it may be the monuments to Albert Pike, the idolater, Judaizer and Freemason.
Yes, Pike was a Judaizer as well as an idolater. We have shown in our series of essays and podcasts on The Jews in Medieval Europe that Freemasonry has Jewish roots. In one segment of that series, subtitled The Reuchlin Affair Revisited, Part 3, we cited E. Michael Jones, who wrote the following in his book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit:
In his exoteric history of Freemasonry, Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike claims ''All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it; everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all the illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and their Symbols."
The fact that Albert Pike even has a monument in Washington D.C., and that Pike monuments everywhere seem to be untouchable, is evidence that the political elites have an agenda that is different than the narrative which the media presents to the general public. The media is another vehicle in this agenda, because it ignores the glaring hypocrisy of the politicians. The bonds between Freemasons and government clearly transcend the professed national values. So we would not really be quite surprised if all Confederate monuments are removed everywhere, but the monuments to Pike still stand. We would be more startled if any of the Pike monuments are actually removed, even though that we would love to see.
On an unrelated note, another monument with Jewish connections and about which people have inquired is the Judah P. Benjamin memorial in Belle Chasse. While it is apparently on the southeast edge of New Orleans, and it is considered to be a part of the New Orleans metropolitan area, the town where this monument is located is actually in Plaquemines Parish and under a local government that is outside of the jurisdiction of Mitch Landrieu. The beasts at #TakeEmDownNOLA simply do not have the degree of influence outside of New Orleans that they have within the bounds of the corrupt city and its Tammany-style government. We would love to see the monuments to Judah Benjamin torn down as well, but here it seems that the wily, wandering Jew forestalls his judgment once again.
William Finck
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