Black Power Conference
If you have watched the video of the negro Khalid Muhammed posted here, then consider the poster from a recent "Black Power" conference below. It was dedicated to the very same negro, Khalid Muhammed (bottom right corner) !!! The double-standard held by the jews and negroes, and all of the white liberals, is absolutely incredible. Any small public display or appearance by a White "racist", and there is an immediate media uproar. BO's image and that of his wife is used to promote a racist black power conference dedicated to a man whose goal was to kill all White people, attended by many "prominent" negros (see the lists at, and the jew-controlled media says not a word! And it is evident to us that BO shares these same anti-White, anti-Christian sentimemts, being a Muslim himself and lying about it! If he did not, then there would have been an uproar and an objection and a public declaration about his picture having been used! Furthermore, that negro in the third video up above, his picture is on this poster also. When is the White man ever going to wake up? Wake up! These aliens hate you and want nothing but to destroy Christian civilization! That is what they call "justice"! Why weren't the cowards from the ARA out protesting this racist event?
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