Ahmadinejad - A Friend of the Jews?

The president of Iran, Ahmadinejad has often publicly - and rightfully - denied that there ever was a Holocaust. He has consistently been labeled a madman and likened to Adolf Hitler in the jewish-controlled mainstream media. The jewish-controlled western press has consistently displayed a bellicose attitude towards Iran for at least six years now. Yet here the "monster" is seen having a love-fest with a group of jewish rabbis in New York - one of whom even solemnly mentions the Holocaust! They declare him a great leader, awarded him with gifts, and show every bit of reverence and affection for this supposedly evil man.

What gives? The truth is that the Holocaust itself is the proverbial "big lie", and it is also the real official religion of the New World Order. If you believe in the Holocaust, you gain entrance into the Synagogue of Satan. Furthermore, the jews have long been manipulating both muslims and Christians in an age-old plot for world domination and the destruction of all possible competitors - especially of Christians. Only a strong and Biblical Christianity can oppose the fiery darts of the devil!

Bolshevism After 95 Years

This October marks the 95th year since the West witnessed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which precipitated one of the most horrendously murderous eras in the history of the world. If one day we could sit in heaven and watch God's Official Version of the History of Man as recorded by His omnipotent omniscience, perhaps in exquisitely vivid holographs, then we would learn that Bolshevism has really been with us for perhaps 9,500 years, if not longer. We would also learn that Bolshevism is still with us, and that the radical Bolshevism witnessed in the last days of old Russia can break out again at any time, wherever its carriers happen to reside.

Indeed, Bolshevism has carriers, people infected with its tendencies who spread it from region to region and epoch to epoch. These carriers have called themselves by diverse names over the centuries, and are therefore difficult to trace. In the Hebrew Bible, they first appear as Kenites. The careful student of the Bible and the Classics can then trace them down through Biblical and ancient history to where they are today, and now they are known for the most part as Jews.

Cultural Marxism and The Frankfurt School

The Revelation of the Man of Sin: Exposing The Jewish Role in the Destruction of Christian American Culture.






Europe in 2029

This is not prophecy: it is inevitable.  All of the "antifa" and other so-called anti-racist organizations found throughout the West are fully controlled and funded by Jewish organizations (such as the ADL) whose real goal is the destruction of Christendom. They do what the ADL itself cannot risk doing: silence or out-shout the man in the street.  This may not be Europe in 2029, but it may well be Europe and America in 2019! Much of what this video predicts is already happening, only on a smaller and more subtle scale. As muslim numbers in Christian lands increase, we will become as Iraq, and like the Balkans we will be divided. Why do we not learn from history?

From Out of the Shadows: the new European Jewish Parliament and Jewish Supremacism

There is a wealth of articles trumpeting the inauguration of the new European Jewish Parliament in news sources which are produced for Jews, such as the European Jewish Press, Arutz Sheva, Europe-Israel.org, Chabad, the European Jewish Union website, and many other outlets, however little is known of this new parliament outside of Jewish circles. While it has been planned for quite some time, and the Jewish outlet Ynetnews reported on its formation as early as August of 2011, there is nothing about it in any major media produced for the general European public. Of course, it is already vaunted on the pages of the world's largest pro-Jewish propaganda outlet, Wikipedia, but only on a page concerning the European Jewish Union (EJU). The article states that “The EJU hopes to establish a European Jewish Parliament, comprising 120 members modeled on the Israeli Knesset This group would then represent the concerns of the Jewish community to the European Union.” Of course, there has been a European Jewish Congress for several decades, which has long been careful to downplay itself as a civic association while at the same time exerting an influence over European governments which far exceeds the proportions of the Jewish population. However this new Jewish Parliament is no civic association. Its meeting place is the very same as that of the regular European Union Parliament in Brussels, and its members are calling themselves “MEJPs”, or Members of the European Jewish Parliament. This is not merely a civic association.

Genetic Proof of the Blood Relation of Palestinians and Jews

This article is a facsimile from Human Immunology, the "Official Journal of the American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics".  Evidently some Canaanite jews were offended, betrayed to find out that they are the blood kindred of the Canaanite arabs.  So much for the "chosen people" myth.

  Click here for the PDF

Jewish Media Control

From the now-defunct jewwatch.com

6 Jewish-controlled  Media Conglomerates Own Over 95% of the Media! How are they not the "princes of this world" that Christ warned us about?  How are they not the "prince of the power of the air" which Paul so enigmatically referred to?

Click the image for larger view!

Jewish Promotion of White Sex Slavery

Israel: Sex Slavery Thrives

Julie Lesser

Calling human trafficking one of the greatest human rights abuses of our time, Canadian journalist and social activist Victor Malarek addressed the Jewish community at a Montreal synagogue last Thursday. 

Promoting a book he has written on the subject, Malarek said destitute Third World and Eastern European females as young as 12 are tricked into leaving their homelands with promises of wealth and prosperity in the West, as well as Israel. Instead, they are sold into the sex trade by organized crime, gangs, pimps and brothel owners. 

"Newspaper ads from modelling and employment agencies promise exciting jobs, but the women are duped," Malarek told the Jewish Tribune. "They must submit, or they are raped, beaten and tortured. There are between 5,000 and 10,000 trafficked women in Israel and more than 280 brothels in Tel Aviv alone. It is a human rights issue the Jewish community knows about. They have a voice and they must use it."