There are many apparently well-intentioned Christians today who are promoting certain forms of political activism, wishing to reform the government of this once-great republic, and to turn it back to the interests of its natural-born citizens. For this reason we see and hear of demonstrations, “tea parties”, appeals to the original Constitution of the nation, and even state secessions, civil war and armed insurrection. Yet none of this is Scriptural, and indeed, the parasite-infested carcass that was once our body of government certainly cannot ever be reformed. While surely it is possible that the schemers on Wall Street may be able to breathe some new life into the beast, and keep its heart beating awhile longer, the final outcome is nevertheless inevitable, and Babylon shall fall.
Yes, Babylon. The root of the word means confusion, and while surely that is all that we get from our government today, the correlation is much deeper than that. Here are the telltale signs that our Western governments are indeed under the spell and control of the enigma which the Bible calls “Mystery Babylon”:
There is the far Right and there is the faux Right. True White nationalists do not kill their White brethren. Not even when they disagree with them politically or religiously do true nationalists kill their White brethren. This is because true nationalists are nationalists because they love their brethren above all else, and that love for their brethren is what led them to become nationalists. The real far Right is nationalist. And real Christianity insists that Christians love their brethren above all but God Himself.
Back in the 1980's someone, ostensibly some Jew, was selling bumper stickers that read “The man who dies with the most toys wins.” This statement seems to be one of the more popular new-age mantras of Western materialism. The luxury sedan, the second SUV, the third Xbox, the large flat-screen television in every room, the abundance of what the merchants call consumer goods: today the stock-piling of all of these things far beyond necessity gives the individual a false sense of value, and keeps oiled the gears of the artificially constructed global economy. With this, the international Jewish bankers are happy, although they are never satiated.
Once upon a time economies were centered around the extended family, or tribe. A man's sense of self-worth came from what he could contribute to his tribe, which was his community. By making extraordinary contributions to his community, a man advanced his own status and value. In time of need all men were builders, soldiers, hunters, herders or farmers. When a man did well, the community benefited, and when the community thrived the man did well. The community could not exist without a collection of noble men, and the man could not survive without the protection of the community. If left to himself, he may well starve to death, or be robbed and enslaved, or even destroyed by outsiders from other tribal communities. The man served the interests of the community, and the shelter provided by the community protected the man. The community was governed by the tribal elders, the patriarchy, and those who were most capable among them. This was all a part of the natural order recognized by our fathers – and our mothers - as they wandered the Eurasian steppe and the forests of the north.
As those tribes began to grow and prosper, the tasks of men became specialized. While in necessity every man remained a soldier, only some men were builders, others herders, yet other farmers. But the patriarchal family and tribe remained the primary components with which Western civilization was formed. Thus was the case in Rome and Athens as well as in Hamburg and London. Pride in one's heritage meant pride in the deeds of one's fathers, those men whose sacrifices benefited their communities so that those communities could build the great cities, principalities and nations which the tribal units had eventually become. That pride is true patriotism, an idea which cannot be authentically separated from patriarchy. Two men cannot be patriotic together, if they do not have common patriarchs.
While it is barely evident in Scripture, once upon a time the White Adamic race lived under the rule of something which the Bible later calls the Melchisedek priesthood. The word Melchisedek basically means Righteousness is my King. That this priesthood was represented in the natural patriarchy of man is evident in places such as 2 Peter chapter 2 where the apostle refers to Noah as “the eighth proclaimer of righteousness”, as well as in the contextual progression of the Biblical accounts in which a patriarchal society is clearly portrayed. This Melchisedekpriesthood is mentioned in Psalms and in Paul's epistle to the Hebrews, and we are informed in both the prophecy and the epistle that Jesus Christ Himself is the new Melchisedek priest. Of course, Jesus Christ being the first-born among many brethren and being Yahweh God incarnate, He alone is the ultimate patriarch of our White Adamic race.
In Genesis chapter 10, some time between the reestablishment of the Adamic oikoumenê after the flood of Noah and the call of Abraham which came over 1,200 years later, a descendant of Ham named Nimrod merited special mention among the families of Genesis 10 because he had asserted rule over the others of his kindred. There we read: “8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. 10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. 11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, 12 And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city.” The land of Nimrod's empire was later called the land of Cush in Scripture, after Nimrod's father. Ostensibly, at its height it encompassed Mesopotamia and extended to the border of Egypt. During this time, the serpent had become a symbol of kingship not only in Egypt, but also in Sumer, Akkad and among the Hittites.
The word socialism is a dirty word in many Christian Nationalist and other so-called conservative or right-wing circles today. There are two reasons for that. First, for over a hundred years and until this very day the word has been used as a euphemism for Marxism and for Bolshevik Communism – if the two may be distinguished because the practice was even much more sinister than the theory. This use of socialism as a euphemism for Marxism and Communism seems to have been preponderated by the Jewish media, in order to conceal the true nature of these Jewish ideologies. However the word socialism and the original ideas that it once represented are much older than Marxism, and bear little real resemblance to it. Secondly, many Christian Nationalists are still locked into the Jewish Capitalist-vs-Communist dichotomy and have trouble thinking on any other terms. So long as they stay there, they shall never be a threat to the intentions of the Jew since both modern Capitalism and modern Communism are inventions of the Jew. The Capitalist system has enabled World Jewry to slowly feed off of the labor and resources of the nations which admit it, while the Communist system has enabled World Jewry to rapidly subsume the resources and the lifeblood of those nations which become its victims. The Capitalist system is designed to infiltrate, corrupt and control nations with pliant rulers or other malleable systems such as parliamentary democracies, and the Communist system has seized power violently wherever firm rulers do not allow the Capitalist system to gain control. It is Capitalists, the international Jewish bankers, who have financed Communism wherever it has appeared, as retribution against nations wherever the rule of those bankers is rejected. When either system fails to seize a nation, then the international Jew wages war against it from the outside through those nations which he does control. Such was the case in Europe in the Second World War.
Christianity is Nationalism, and in a Christian's public intercourse it must be nationalist first. Identity Christians should therefore put their kindred and their race above all things in their exterior actions and relationships, while they keep their God above all things in their hearts. Many Christians attach far too much import to public expressions of faith as an evidence of belonging. There is a difference between glorifying God, and a need to convince everyone how much you love Jesus, which is often really only a display of self-righteousness. Too many Christians, even Identity Christians, stress agreement in Christ over a love for their brethren, and consider only those who agree in Christ as their brethren. How are they different from mainstream Protestants in that respect? They fail to realize that today, the enemies of Christ have deceived the entire world, as the Scripture also tells us. The Jews have insisted on displaying a picture of a Christ who loves everybody, a Christ who hates no one, in direct contradiction to Scripture, and a Christ who accepts all sinners and all sin without a thought of repentance and conformity on behalf of the individual. Therefore since none of that resonates with the true Aryan spirit, many good White kinsmen do not know what Christ is, do not know why Christ matters, or do not even know which Jesus to believe, so they reject everything Jesus. Identity Christians above all should understand this situation, because most Identity Christians were in that very same situation themselves at one time or another.
Christ said “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” Then in John 13:34 He said “I give to you a new commandment: that you should love one another; just as I have loved you that you also should love one another.” Now it may be argued that Christ was talking only about His followers, however that is not the case. In fact, in Matthew chapter 5 Christ told those followers to “love your enemies and pray for those persecuting you, that you may be sons of your Father who is in the heavens, because His sun rises upon evil and good and rains upon righteous and unrighteous. For if you should love those loving you, what reward do you have? Do not also the tax-collectors do the same? And if you should greet your brethren only, what do you do that is extraordinary? Do not also the heathens do the same? Therefore you shall be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Of course, He was only speaking to those for whom He had come, to the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”. As Christians we are to love our brethren who are our enemies but we are never expected to love the enemies of Christ our God, which is another matter entirely. As Christians we are to love all of our racial kindred – those who are of the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”, whether or not they are still “lost”, since indeed they are all of the “family of the faith” whether they are “lost” or not.
Michael Hoffman recently wrote an article announcing that the “Prominent Washington D.C. Monument to Masonic Confederate General Albert Pike is untouched”. The issue is not new to us. However the question he may have asked is why Washington D.C. ever had a monument to a Confederate general in the first place. Of the eighteen Civil War-related monuments in the U.S. capital, there are no others dedicated to figures of the Confederacy. But why should there be one to Albert Pike?
A look into the history of the Pike monument in Washington reveals that it was planned, commissioned, and paid for by Scottish Right Freemasons. When a group representing Union soldiers found that its erection in the capital was planned, they protested to Congress, but Congress nevertheless approved of its placement within the city, “after Masons assured them it would depict Pike as a civilian, not a soldier” [Jacob, Kathryn Allamong (1998). Testament to Union: Civil War Monuments in Washington, D.C. JHU Press: JHU Press. pp. 59–62].
My wife and I have just completed a three-week road trip which brought us through parts of nine states from the Florida panhandle to Detroit, Michigan. While admittedly most of the area we covered in our travels was rather White and rural, and most of our time was spent in small towns, even passing through some large urban areas we never spotted a single bumper sticker supporting Hillary Clinton. We did see one Bernie Sanders sticker on Interstate 75 in Kentucky. But except for some paid advertising billboards, we saw only one sign supporting Hillary along the entire route. That was seen on the outskirts of Fostoria, Ohio, on a lawn in a neighborhood where several other houses had Trump lawn signs on display.
The observations of others in these same areas may of course differ, but here we can only report on what we have seen with our own eyes.
In a community where only one member has the license to create “money”, from nothing, and demand interest for its use, the inevitable result is that the one member ends up owning everything in the community. Like the more familiar laws of physics, this should be the first law of finance, and a usury-based economy would be an easily recognized evil. But it is never taught in schools, and the true mechanisms of the usury-based economy are forever hidden from the average man, as the inevitable onset of inflation and higher and higher taxes take more and more of his wages away from him.
The God of the Bible demands that the people use just and equal weights and measures, engaging in trade fairly. A currency should not be a vehicle used to facilitate the enslavement of a people. It is only supposed to be a tool of the people, allowing them to fairly engage in commerce with one another. For a currency to be honest, a currency must be organic, home-grown and representing the production of the people that it is produced to serve.
Fascism is not the ideal political system for Christians, however it is a far better system than the two alternatives which the popular social theorists and the princes of this world offer to us today: Socialism (Marxism) or Capitalism (maybe it should be called Rothschildism).
In the capitalist system, capital is invested in an enterprise, which then functions solely fror the advantage of the “owner”, or shareholder, in a way that stresses the maximization of profits at the expense of all else. The only legal responsibility of any corporation is to work for the enrichment of the shareholder – aside from the restrictions which the government places upon it, such as tax laws and agency compliance.
In the fascist system, capital may indeed profit the owner, or shareholder, yet the State ensures that the capital is invested and functions in such a way that the nation as a whole benefits, or at least that the interests of the nation are safeguarded. In many ways, even the United States has adopted a sort of fascism, albeit a pharisaical sort, through the burdensome regulations of its many agencies. Yet these do not protect the interests of the nation in the same manner or to the extent that the fascist system would.
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14
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