Misogeny is “hatred of race”
There are only two possible options: one is either racial, or one is genocidal. The racist seeks to preserve the genetic heritage, the nature and the culture of his own race. The opposite is the misogenist (not to be confused with misogynist), which is one who hates his race, because miscegeny – the mixing of the races – is a cause of genocide, and is a destroyer of all races. Genesis chapter eleven, where even one race – the Adamic or White – was separated into separate nations by Yahweh their God, along with Deuteronomy 32:4 and Acts 17:26, demonstrate the fact that racial and national separatism is defined and mandated by Yahweh God. Therefore, multiculturalism is rebellion against Yahweh God. The Tower of Babel event, although only the White race which descended from Noah was involved, is nevertheless representative of a model of multi- culturalism. Babel, from which we also have the name Babylon, is a Hebrew word which means confusion.
William Finck
6/24/08 (rewritten & revised 10/06/08):
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