In no time at all negro "victims" of alleged right-wing violence are materializing in Charlottesville. A pair of them, Tadrint and Micah Washington, have already filed a lawsuit against all of the right-wing groups which they could name. We can only imagine that some carpetbagging Jewish attorney helped to compile the list and spell the names for them. Click the image at left for a larger picture of the front page of their sham filing.
On another note, the negro who is known in the English language as "Dre Harris" has made a lot of fuss and - as of this writing - has raised over a hundred and forty thousand dollars at because he was allegedly victimized while claiming to have been an innocent by-stander during the Saturday protests. The video below, however, courtesy of SpookyLeaks at Reddit, tells a completely different story. Harris was no victim at all, but rather just another roving thug looking to beat up Whitey.
These negros all attempted to beat up Whitey, and when they got beat down by the valorous White men who defended themselves, now they are angry. Not only that, but when the White men in Charlotesville defended themselves succesfully, the establishment also became offended, and sent the police in after them.
In spite of all the mainstream media lies, the Truth shall not remain hidden, and the justice of God shall ultimately prevail.