Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA

Does Richard Gage look like an enemy of these united States?

Richard Gage, a career professional architect, here on Freso, Ca. television quite courageously vindicates what so-called "right-wing conspiracy nuts" have been stating for years.  Why do Marxists want to shut down the internet and the "right-wing conspiracy nuts"?  Because just like they were in Bolshevik Russia, the Marxists of today are in the employ of the jewish Capitalist international banking crime ring!

This video was found at:

See for more information on who really brought the twin towers down!

Yet Marxists in the Obama Administration would rather silence men like Gage!

For evidence that the Left-wing Marxists want to silence political opposition:

Click here for screenshot of an article about Obama staffer  Cass Sunstein from (Or click here for the original.)

Click here for a screenshot ofa summary Sunstein's article on this issue while he was at Harvard. (Or click here for the original page.)

Click here for the PDF file of Sunstein's original Harvard Law article entitled Conspiracy Theories