Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 4, Bertrand Comparet's Sermon, with Commentary

Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 4, a continuing presentation of Bertrand Comparet's Sermon, with our own Commentary

In the first part of this series, we described the meaning and the use of the word catholic by early Christian writers, and we demonstrated that originally the term described the reception and acceptance of the Christian faith, as coming from the Scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments, the Scriptures which were handed down by the apostles of Christ. In that original sense, we then asserted that Identity Christians are the true catholics, since of all of the modern Christian denominations, only we understand that both testaments, and both covenants, apply exclusively to ourselves. And of course, saying Identity Christians we include only White Europeans, the only people for whom the apostles intended the Gospel.

Then in parts two and three, we began a presentation and critique of Bertrand Comparet’s sermon on the Christian nature of the Old Testament. Doing this, we hoped to expand somewhat on Comparet’s original sermon, while adding our own opinions and outlining the reasons for our differences wherever we may disagree with him.

Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 3, Bertrand Comparet's Sermon, with Commentary

 Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 3, a continuing presentation of Bertrand Comparet's Sermon, with our own Commentary

In the portions of this sermon which we have already presented, Bertrand Comparet addressed some of the logical fallacies which are held by those who somehow think that the Old Testament and the New are separate books addressed to different groups of people. Then he presented some of the prophecies which should prove beyond doubt that the New Covenant was to be made with the same people who were at one time subject to the Old Covenant. In this context, he then discussed Genesis 3:15, Genesis 4:1, and the sacrifices of Cain and Abel described subsequently in Genesis chapter 4. From there he cited the Book of Job, and a Christian profession made by Job himself concerning his resurrection after death and his Redeemer, an obvious reference to Yahshua Christ. While we could not agree with some of Comparet’s assertions concerning the meaning of Genesis 4:1 or the age of the Book of Job, his elucidation of the Christian promises in these passages are certainly correct.

Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 2, Bertrand Comparet's Sermon, with Commentary

 Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 2, a presentation of Bertrand Comparet's Sermon, with our own Commentary

In the first part of this series, we had a long introduction of our own which asked the question What is a Catholic? Doing that, first we gave a brief exhibition from history and the prophets in order to help explain why it matters. Then we endeavored to provide a definitive answer from both the Greek meaning of the word καθολικός and from the earliest Christian writers. From there, we provided much evidence that originally, the word was applied to the origination and the acceptance of the Christian faith, and not to its application. A true and original Catholic accepts both Old and New Testaments in relation to himself and his people, and understands that both testaments are Christian testaments. At the same time, we would assert that a true Catholic can only accept both testaments if he or she is one of those people with whom were made those “catholic covenants”, as Irenaeus called them. In order to substantiate our arguments, we mentioned the Book of Odes from the Codex Alexandrinus. We had provided a commentary on that book here three months ago. Then we cited the early Christian writers Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, and Lactantius. And then, to establish what it was that the ancients saw as the world, we cited both Irenaeus and Martin Luther.

Lastly, we made a brief exhibition showing ancient attitudes towards the negro, citing two historical sources: the first century BC historian Diodorus Siculus, and the first century AD Christian work titled The Shepherd of Hermas. There we quoted a passage from the 9th Similitude of the 3rd Book, which was subtitled “Building of the Militant and Triumphant Church”, and which explains that blacks are an unredeemable and lawless race. Therefore it should not be a stretch to imagine that a truly militant, and ultimately triumphant Christian is one who stands against race-mixing, the likes of which we see all around us this very day. In the first centuries of Christianity, blacks were excluded from the “world”, and they must continue to be excluded. However knowing the Scriptures we must also exclude all other races, which were not a part of the “world” from the time of Christ to the time of Luther. So, we said that: Christianity is only for White Europeans, and Niggers certainly are unredeemable. And any of our White brethren who do not repent, and who have not yet been blasphemers or traitors, had certainly better repent soon or they are going to end up in the Lake of Fire along with the Niggers. All blasphemers and traitors to our race and our God are already headed in that very direction.

Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 1, an Introduction: What is a Catholic?

 Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 1, an Introduction: What is a Catholic?

Here we are going to discuss Christianity in the Old Testament, and this evening’s program is going to serve as an introduction to the subject. As we commence with subsequent parts of the series, we shall present a critical review of Bertrand Comparet’s sermon, Christianity in the Old Testament. Because of its length, which is comparatively extraordinary for Comparet, the review will take at least a couple of presentations to complete, depending on how many of our own comments we choose to interject. But a lengthy introduction is necessary, because even before we begin, there are a couple of related subjects that I feel there is urgent need to discuss, and as I discuss these things, I am going to prove one bold assertion: that Identity Christians are the original and true catholics, even though what we call Christian Identity as we know is only about a hundred and eighty years old, counting it from the time that it began to develop with British exploration and archaeological discovery within the British empire. The discoveries which the British and others made in that era led to Christian Identity.

So many people are convinced for so many years that the Old Testament and the New Testament are different books, representing different covenants, and with different peoples. Nothing could be further from the truth, and as we have said in the past, this belief is absolutely contrary to the words of the books themselves. We shall soon see that the earliest Christian writers, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian and Lactantius, all agree with us in this regard.

Christian Identity: What Difference Does it Make?

Christian Identity: What Difference Does it Make?

It is no mistake that 2000 years ago, Christianity spread and was accepted by tribes of White Europeans as they encountered it. It is no mistake that for the last 1500 years Europe has been predominantly Christian. Christianity had spread not only to both Greece and Rome, but also to Britain and other points in Europe as early as the middle of the first century. Tribes in Gaul were converting to Christianity in the second century. By the third century, if not sooner, Germanic tribes of the Goths and Alans had accepted Christianity. All of this was long before the official acceptance of Christianity began with Constantine the Great, the Edict of Toleration and the Council of Nicaea.

To mock Christianity today is to mock a hundred generations of our ancestors. People who mock Christianity think they know something better about our past than their own ancestors, the people who actually lived in those times many centuries ago. The truth is that the people who mock Christianity know little-to-nothing about the world of the past and the circumstances under which their ancestors ultimately accepted Christianity.

There are many incongruities in the perception of the people who mock Christianity today. On one hand they claim that it is a “cuck” religion, and on the other they complain that their ancestors were forced into Christianity by Christians. So they admit that their own ancestors were weaker than the “cucks” they despise. On one hand they claim that Christianity is an effeminate religion, and a Jewish religion, but then they complain that their ancestors were forced into it by Christians. So they admit that their ancestors were weaker than effeminates and Jews. All the while, they proclaim the “might is right” mantra of their own neo-paganism, while professing that their weak ancestors, forced to subject to Christianity, were somehow treated unfairly! Those who mock Christianity are simply too stupid to realize all of these cognitive disconnects, and there are many more that we won’t get into here. We already presented them here a few years ago, in two podcasts titled White Nationalist Cognitive Dissonance.

A Critical Review of Bertrand Comparet’s Christianity Discriminates and We Face the Future

 A Critical Review of Bertrand Comparet’s Christianity Discriminates and We Face the Future

The subtitle to this presentation should be: What should Christians be doing now?

We received a brief email the other day from someone who had recently joined the Christogenea Forum and it read, with a few small corrections: “This is supposed to be a Christian forum website but every thread I have come across has nothing but the words bastards, niggers and spics all over the conversations. Was God or Jesus racist? In this case, what would Jesus do? I am reporting this website.” Now, we don’t know why this person decided to join our Forum before realizing that we were not the usual run-of-the-mill worldly sort of lukewarm Christian group one may see in the denominational church organizations. However this post is exemplary of the lack of discrimination in our society, and we perceive that lack as a negative quality. This message also reflects the attitude of someone who confuses the Internet with those quasi-public websites like Facebook or Twitter, where you can simply report everything you don’t like and make it go away. But in fact, Yahweh our God is a racist, He does discriminate, and He is not going to go away.

This evening, as we travel to Tallahassee to participate in some activities with the League of the South later this weekend, we are going to present two short sermons from Bertrand Comparet, entitled Christianity Discriminates, and We Face the Future. The versions we have here were typeset and edited by Clifton Emahiser, perhaps twelve or fourteen years ago. Some of Comparet’s remarks may seem dated, as the Satanic plans of world Jewry have far advanced against Christendom since he presented these sermons in the 1960’s and 70’s, however the Biblical perspectives are timeless. We shall endeavor to augment them wherever we can.

A critical review of the sermon False Prophets, by Bertrand Comparet

A critical review of the sermon False Prophets, by Bertrand L. Comparet

It has been nearly two years since we have made a presentation from the sermons of Bertrand Comparet, and doing so once again we hope to offer both constructive criticism and also some clarification and edification of Comparet's work wherever we can. Doing this, we will also present the critical notes of Clifton Emahiser from his own publication of Comparet's work. These sermons were originally digitized by Jeanne Snyder, which is where I became familiar with them back in 1998, and then again by Clifton where he was compelled to offer several of his own remarks as appendices. We may move his remarks to pertinent sections of the sermon as we present it.

As I have explained in the past, we make these occasional presentations of Comparet’s material for two reasons. First, we as Identity Christians praise Yahweh our God with much gratitude for men like him, who helped to lead us to Christian Identity truth. And secondly, since no man is perfect, we can honor our teachers but we cannot worship them, we cannot imagine that they are infallible, and we cannot place any of them upon a pedestal. We are all mere men, we can all be criticized, and at times, at least, any of us may be wrong and require correction. Therefore it is our obligation to test the work of our teachers, and, when we can, to correct, improve and build upon that work in order to bring this truth which we have at least a little closer to its perfection. That being said, we know we will never achieve perfection, but we also know that there is always space for improvement.

A critical review of the sermon Let's Examine the Evidence, by Bertrand Comparet

Bertrand ComparetA Critical Review of Let’s Examine the Evidence, by Bertrand Comparet

This evening we are going to present a sermon by Bertrand Comparet titled Let’s Examine the Evidence. The purpose of the sermon is to prove through an assessment of certain of the parables of Yahshua Christ that the New Testament is consistent and contiguous with the Word of God in the Old Testament, and therefore that all of the promises of the Old still stand for the children of Israel under the New.

We are going to offer several of our own comments both supporting Comparet’s work, and sometimes criticizing and seeking to correct his work. As we have often said concerning Bertrand Comparet and other Christian Identity teachers of the past, we owe them a debt of gratitude for the wonderful work and excellent research which they did, blazing a trail for us in our quest for Biblical truth. But we also owe it to them and to ourselves to correct any errors they made along the way, and to further edify the work which they left us. We would be honored if in the future, others did that same thing with our own work.

If our text here varies slightly from what is posted at the Bertrand Comparet archive at Christogenea, it is only because we amended parts of Clifton’s original publication from a taped presentation made by Comparet himself, and then we realized that two different taped presentations of Comparet’s sermon exist in our archives, so the slight differences were probably made by Comparet himself.

A critical review of the sermons A Faith For These Days and Lift Up Your Heads, by Bertrand Comparet

A critical review of the sermons A Faith for These Days and Lift Up Your Heads, by Bertrand Comparet, along with notes from Clifton Emahiser.

These sermons were transcribed from original recordings and prepared for publication by Clifton Emahiser several years ago, circa 2007. We are reviewing them with the hope of expounding on and edifying Comparet's work, as well as observing and hopefully even correcting some of his errors. As we have often noted, Bertrand Comparet left us many wonderful things, and we owe to him a debt of gratitude for helping to blaze the trail to Christian Identity truth well ahead of us. But we must improve upon the work of our teachers, give them credit where it is due, and honor them by correcting any mistakes they may have made, or in Comparet's case, because he dealt with prophecy in many of his sermons, correcting any interpretations which he was led to make because of the time in which he lived.

Tonight we chose these particular sermons, because we often hear exclamations of exasperation from our brethren, that for the survival of our people the peril is great, and the days certainly seem to be getting short. As Yahshua Christ Himself had said, as it is recorded in Matthew chapter 24, “22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.” So we always desire that they be shortened even further, and our Lord cometh quickly, but we may not attain our desire if it is not the will of our God. Therefore we must have patience, and we can indeed find consolation in His Word.

A review of the sermons With Healing in His Wings and A Reward for the Righteous, by Bertrand Comparet

Christogenea Internet Radio December 25th, 2015

Just this past week two members of our extended family of friends and listeners have lost spouses. Our prayers and deepest sympathies are with them. We also have some dear friends who are sick, and our prayers are with them constantly. We pray for their well-being and recovery, but of course we also understand that the will of Yahweh our God is not always what we desire. So we honor Him whether our prayers prevail or not. We grieve upon the passing of a loved one, and we should. Of course we shall miss them. But as knowing Christians we also have a sure hope that the loss is no loss at all, but is rather only a temporary separation. As we read in 1 Corinthians chapter 15: “12 Now if Christ is proclaimed, that from of the dead He has been raised, how do some among you say that there is not a restoration of the dead? 13 Then if there is not a restoration of the dead, neither has Christ been raised; 14 And if Christ has not been raised, then our proclamation is empty, and empty is your faith. 15 Then we are also found to be false witnesses of Yahweh, because we have testified concerning Yahweh, that He raises the Anointed, which He does not raise if indeed then the dead are not raised. 16 Indeed if the dead are not raised, neither has Christ been raised, 17 but if Christ has not been raised, empty is your faith; you are still in your errors. 18 And then those that have been dying in Christ have been destroyed. 19 If only in this life have we had hope in Christ, we are the most pitiable of all mankind. [Even the pagans had always believed that the spirit of a man survived the physical body.] 20 But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruit of those who are sleeping. 21 Indeed since death is through a man, restoration of the dead is also through a man. 22 Just as in Adam all die, then in that manner in Christ all shall be produced alive.”

When I first began to study Christianity, after being introduced to Christian Identity, I thought long and hard for many months, comparing in my mind the materialist worldview of life and death to the transcendental worldview expressed in Scripture. As I progressed through reading the Bible cover-to-cover for the first time, I encountered the book of Ecclesiastes and I realized that the failure of the materialist worldview was addressed 3,000 years ago by Solomon. That book was written with a purposely cynical attitude because the author in his wisdom wanted to relate to us that there is no hope without our God, and, in turn, if there is a God then indeed we have hope. I then came to realize that all is indeed vanity, unless there be a God, and since both the wonders of Creation and the marvels of prophecy have the signature of our God all over them, then all is not vain, and the promises of Christianity must be true. Now I have no doubt at all, that the confidence expressed by Paul of Tarsus is true, and to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. With this we hope to encourage our brethren.