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November 2009
Jews and Muslims: A Match Made in Hell
Why are we propagandized to hate radical muslims in the middle east, but to embrace them in our own Christian nations? Is there not a serious dichotomy of thought in that reasoning? If one would read the koran, one may realize that islam is absolute anathema to Christendom. If one would read the talmud, the same conclusion would surely be reached concerning judaism! Jews and Muslims do indeed have a common religion, and a common fate: they are all the same antichrist children of Cain, Canaan, and Esau - with a potpourri of other biological entities mixed in.
The ADL IS Hate
The Anti-Defamation League is basically a front organization for the world's oldest crime ring, and seeks to silence all political opposition under the pretense of combatting "hate". Yet they are only covering for history's biggest haters - the anti-Christs themselves. Here Mike Delaney of confronts an ADL field operative at one of their own propaganda seminars. Visit for more of Mike's excellent work.
Hebrew-English Resources
This page is an index page to various Hebrew-English resources posted here at Christogenea and elsewhere.
Recessional, by Rudyard Kipling
God of our fathers, known of old --
Lord of our far-flung battle line --
Beneath whose awful hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine --
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget -- lest we forget!
The tumult and the shouting dies --
The Captains and the Kings depart --
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget -- lest we forget!
Pork Is Not Food
Pork Is Not Food
Pastor V.S. Herrell recently posted an article, “A Kraut of Krauts”, which not only condones, but even promotes the consumption of swine, using poor translations and interpretations of several New Testament passages in order to do so. In the article he also slanders all those who may disagree with him, by labeling them with the “Judaizer”, “mongrel” or “jew” epithets as a cunning device in order to somehow discredit his adversaries before they could even reply. Now Herrell may be full of tough talk, but if he called me a “mongrel” or a “jew” to my face I’d be willing to go out into a back lot with him at any time to settle the matter man to man. I’m not attempting threats of violence or a display of boasting or zealous bravado here, but would only like to get one thing straight up front: I will not be intimidated by Herrell’s arrogance. And my ancestors having come from a small village in the Rhineland, I am just as much of a “kraut” as he is. Herrell’s article makes many other mistakes concerning the history of the White race, and also ridiculously associates the issue of swine with race and aesthetics, as if insinuating that all beautiful White people must eat pork, or one cannot possibly be beautiful or White! However those other errors shall not be addressed here.
Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited, Part 2
Note that in Part 2, H. Rhome traces the jewish ritual murder of children back to the Israelites of the Old Testament. However it must be understood, that not only does the Old Testament sharply condemn such a practice, but it also makes it clear that the Israelites had gotten this practice from their Canaanite neighbors - those very Canaanites whom they were supposed to destroy, and yet they failed to do so. The jews of today are not descended from the Old Testament Israelites, but from Canaanites and Edomites! That is why this practice has been so consistent among them for so long!
Dumbest Quotes
Dumbest quote seen in all of 2009:
On the Forum at, in a post by a guy calling himself Dan, dated October 16th:
"I also believe Noah's wife, whom he took onto the ark, was a Serpent Seed, but, that she was NOT the mother of his three son Shem, Ham and Japheth."
Well Dan, this is DUMB. You are also accusing Noah, who was chosen by Yahweh because he was NOT a race-mixer, of BEING a race-mixer!!! How are you not a blasphemer?
The Song of the White Men
by Rudyard Kipling, 1899
Now this is the cup the White Men drink
...When they go to right a wrong,
And that is the cup of the old world's hate -
...Cruel and stained and strong.
We have drunk that cup-and a bitter, bitter cup -
...And tossed the dregs away.
But well for the world when the White Men drink
...To the dawn of the White Man's day!
The King James Version of the Bible: Why Quote it?
The King James version of the Bible has thousands of mistranslations. Some of the mistranslations are corrected by later versions, although many were not and neither can they be: for a true translation of the Greek would upset much of modern mainstream theological thinking, most of which is quite perverse. Nearly all - if not all - of the various translations of the Bible which are available were created under the auspices of one religious sect or another, and therefore each has its particular quirks reflecting various beliefs. This is apparent in my own translations of the New Testament, however I hope to have limited them to my treatment of the terms usually translated in other versions as "God" and "Lord". So, why quote the King James Version? The following explanation is from a recent email response to a friend:
Which Is It, "Lord", or "Yahweh"?
Many today are struggling with this very question. What other subject could be of more importance than the very name of our Creator? Maybe the following article will solve some of your uncertainties. If one wishes to find information on the term “Yahweh” it is somewhat hard to find. One reason is because in most encyclopedias it is listed under “Jehovah.” Also, in later up-to-date encyclopedias the information is rather suppressed. The following is a rather thorough, but not perfect, article on this subject found in the 11th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica printed in 1910. We will not use the entire article as toward the end they get mired in the errant criticisms of the 1800’s humanists. Otherwise this article brings to light many historical facts on the topic. But like all testimony, it must be scrutinized! (Footnotes have been changed to paragraph notes at the end of each paragraph by the use of superscript numerals inside of brackets [ ] ):
JEHOVAH (Yahweh1), in the Bible, the God of Israel. “Jehovah” is a modern mispronunciation of the Hebrew name, resulting from combining the consonants of that name, Jhvh, with the vowels of the word adonay, “Lord,” which the Jews substituted for the proper name in reading the scriptures. In such cases of substitution the vowels of the word which is to be read are written in the Hebrew text with the consonants of the word which is not to be read. The consonants of the word to be substituted are ordinarily written in the margin; but inasmuch as Adonay was regularly read instead of the ineffable name Jhvh, it was deemed unnecessary to note the fact at every occurrence. When Christian scholars began to study the Old Testament in Hebrew, if they were ignorant of this general rule or regarded the substitution as a piece of Jewish superstition, reading what actually stood in the text, they would inevitably pronounce the name Jehovah. It is an unprofitable inquiry who first made this blunder; probably many fell into it independently. The statement still commonly repeated that it originated with Petrus Galatinus (1518) is erroneous; Jehova occurs in manuscripts at least as early as the 14th century. [1This form, Yahweh, as the correct one, is generally used in the separate articles throughout this work.]
Misconceptions Concerning Paul and the Church
So many men look at the oppressive behemoth which calls itself the Roman Catholic Church, and then foolishly place the blame for the creation of this monster and its offspring upon Paul of Tarsus, as if he ever developed such a thing. In doing so, these men are only repeating the romish church’s lies by which it claims an apostolic founding, and giving them credence as if they were true, which they certainly are not!
William Finck vs. the Paul-bashers
The history of these articles is given in the Preface. This section will indeed see further improvement as time allows. The entire article is now posted here. Enjoy! - WRF
Fox News and Monsanto
Does the Media EVER Tell the Truth?
Or do they only tell you what they want you to believe?
These former Fox News reporters deserve medals. All of the others are sellouts! Monsanto would poison the entire world in the name of profits. How aren't they all in Federal prisons? Because the government is in their pockets too!
Christianity and Pharmaceuticals, Part 2
Christianity and Pharmaceuticals, Part 2
A few days ago I put out an article of this title, and many people have made further inquiry, or were even upset, because they have already been captivated by the pharmaceutical industry by one means or another. Yet I shall stand by my article, even if it does not address the immediate needs of people in general, as being wholly Scriptural. However here I will attempt to put some things into perspective: for those who are currently victims of the medical/pharmaceutical complex need not do anything rash.
Paul told the Corinthians: “ A bondman, you have been called? It must not be a concern to you, but then if you have the ability to become free, rather you use it. 22 For he who is called a bondman in the Prince is a freedman of the Prince; likewise he who is called free is a bondman of Christ.” (I Corinthians 7:21-22, CNT )
Christianity and Pharmaceuticals, Part 1
Christianity and Pharmaceuticals
The Greek words pharmakon, pharmakos, and pharmakeia are usually rendered “sorcerer” or “sorcery” in the King James Version of the Bible. That version was translated by 1611, and ever since then most theologians have followed in its footsteps, and have kept the interpretations of the medieval Englishmen of that time, while the rest of the world has become “modern”, and has updated its language. Or have we?
Here are the definitions of those words, from Liddell & Scott’s An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford University Press, Impression of 1999, First edition 1889. I will supply English transliterations in place of all of the original Greek words:
pharmakon: “a drug, medicine, Homer etc.: the pharmaka applied outwardly were christa, egchrista, epichrista (ointments), and pasta, epipasta, kataplasta (plasters), Theocritus, Aristophanes; those taken inwardly brosima, and potima, pota, pista, Aeschylus, Euripides, etc… 2. In bad sense, an enchanted potion … so a charm, spell, enchantment … also a drug, poison … II. a remedy, cure, Hesiod …. ”
pharmakeia: “the use of drugs, potions, spells, Plato. 2. poisoning, witchcraft … Demosthenes. II. remedy, cure, Aristotle.”
pharmakos: “a poisoner, sorcerer, magician, N.T.”
Classical Records and German Origins, Index
Six essays and corresponding audio presentations explaining the origins of the Germanic people, from the Classical historians, archaeology and other resources.
Classical Records of the Origins of the Scythians, Parthians & Related Tribes
© 2006 William R. Finck Jr.
In the preface to Josephus’ Wars, the historian explains that he originally wrote the book in “the language of our country”, i.e. Hebrew or perhaps Aramaic, and sent it to the “Upper Barbarians”, among whom he then names as “the Parthians ... Babylonians ... remotest Arabians ... and those of our nation beyond Euphrates, with the Adiabeni.”
Except for the Parthians, Josephus’ designations here are geographical, where it is clear from the pages of his Antiquities that many of the Israelites of the Babylonian deportation still dwelt around Babylonia in his time (15.3.1), and this would include the “remotest” part of Arabia adjacent to Babylonia (cf. Acts 2:11; 1 Pet. 5:13). Also, Josephus attests that many Israelites of the Assyrian deportations were “beyond Euphrates until now”, where they were “an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers” (11.5.2). Adiabene is that part of Assyria which, according to Strabo in his Geography, is not in Mesopotamia but which consists of the plains beyond the Tigris bordering Babylonia to the south and Armenia to the north (16.1.1, 19). Media borders Adiabene on the east.
Barack Obama is a Muslim
Barack Obama is indeed a Muslim. During the election process he denied it, and the media ran cover for him, so (at least) forty million White men and women voted for him. Suckered again, now America is descending into Marxism at a rate that would have made Lenin and Trotsky marvel.
Aliens in the Temple
Teach aliens Christianity, and this is what happens. They try to steal your inheritance. When you let devils into the Temple of Yahweh our God - which Temple we White Christians are - then the devils will steal your treasures. That is the lesson of 2 Kings 20:12-19, which sadly we still have not learned.
This video displays the results of our attempt to allow aliens - especially negroes - into the covenant of Our God. They attempt to steal our very indentity, and then use the theft against us! The jews had done this same thing in the same exact manner long ago, in the second and first centuries BC, and for that we are still victimized by our own ignorance. This is the result of the so-called "liberation theology" that most Whites are simply ignorant of, or have turned a blind eye to. If you are White, and think that the negro thinks like you, then you are not thinking at all!
Exterminate White Men? Part One
I do NOT believe, as this video's editors do, that this negro should be in jail for the comments that he is making. The First Amendment to our U.S. Constitution was designed to protect all political and religious speech, no matter how vile or disagreeable it may be to anyone who may feel offended by it. Once we begin defining acceptable forms of "free" speech, we are in danger of losing the right to free speech entirely! We will slide down that same slippery slope which we have already put our Second Amendment rights on.
Yet this must serve as a warning to White Americans everywhere, because the vitriol which this negro is spewing represents the commonly held beliefs of negros everywhere, whether they be muslims, rastafarians, gang-bangers, moorish temple dimwits, so-called liberation theologians, or of any other black sect. I have personally witnessed thousands of negros of all persuasions spout similar beliefs since the 1970's. Negros HATE Whites, and are only civil to unsuspecting Whites in order to take advantage of them! Liberalism and egalitarianism are cancers!
Exterminate White Men? Part Two
Another negro spewing the same general vitriol, this time in the name of Calypso Louie Farrakhan's "Nation of Islam" cult gang. I first ran into clowns like this in the 1970's, on the streets of Jersey City. I have seen literally thousands of negroes like this, and they all think the same thoughts concerning Whites.
Black Power Conference
If you have watched the video of the negro Khalid Muhammed posted here, then consider the poster from a recent "Black Power" conference below. It was dedicated to the very same negro, Khalid Muhammed (bottom right corner) !!! The double-standard held by the jews and negroes, and all of the white liberals, is absolutely incredible. Any small public display or appearance by a White "racist", and there is an immediate media uproar. BO's image and that of his wife is used to promote a racist black power conference dedicated to a man whose goal was to kill all White people, attended by many "prominent" negros (see the lists at, and the jew-controlled media says not a word! And it is evident to us that BO shares these same anti-White, anti-Christian sentimemts, being a Muslim himself and lying about it! If he did not, then there would have been an uproar and an objection and a public declaration about his picture having been used! Furthermore, that negro in the third video up above, his picture is on this poster also. When is the White man ever going to wake up? Wake up! These aliens hate you and want nothing but to destroy Christian civilization! That is what they call "justice"! Why weren't the cowards from the ARA out protesting this racist event?
Comments on Interracial Crime
Comments on Interracial Crime by Jared Taylor
"Because interracial rape is now overwhelmingly black on white, it has become difficult to do research on it or to find relevant statistics. The FBI keeps very detailed national records on crime, but the way it presents rape data obscures the racial element rather than clarifies it." --Source: Jared Taylor, Paved with Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America (New York: Carrol & Graf, 1992), Pages 92-93:
"When whites do violence - rape, murder, assault - how often do they choose black victims? Shouldnft a nation of bigots target blacks most of the time? At least half of the time? Of course, it does not. When whites commit violence, they do it to blacks 2.4 percent of the time. Blacks, on the other hand, choose white victims more than half the time. (n.317)
In those cases in which the race of the killer is known, blacks kill twice as many whites as whites kill blacks. Black-on-white robberies and gang assaults are twenty-one times more common than white on black. In the case of gang robbery, blacks victimize whites fifty-two times more often than whites do blacks. (n318)
The contrasts are even more stark in the case of interracial rape. Studies from the late 1950s showed that the vast majority of rapes were same-race offenses. Research in Philadelphia carried out in 1958 and 1960 indicated that of all rapes, only 3.2 percent were black-on-white assaults and 3.6 percent were white-on-black. Since that time, the proportion of black-on-white rapes has soared. In a 1974 study in Denver, 40 percent of all rapes were of whites by blacks, and not one case of white-on-black rape was found. In general, through the 1970s, black-on-white rape was at least ten times more common that white-on-black rape. (n.319)
Translating Luke 16: 8 & 9: The Parable of the Unrighteous Steward
By: William Finck © 2007
Luke 16:1-13, or the parable of the unrighteous steward, is perhaps one of the most misunderstood pericopes in the Bible. The reason for its being so misunderstood is, I believe, due to the poor translations of the text found at verses 8 and 9 of the pericope, and the entire parable must be presented and discussed here, yet these two verses shall be examined most thoroughly. I have translated Luke 16:1-13 thusly:
Sin and the First Epistle of John
And, Who Are The Modern-day Sadducees?
By: William Finck © 2007
A strange “flesh is evil” or “the devil is the flesh” theology has developed among some sects labeling themselves as “Christian Identity”. With this twisted theology, since all men sin (Rom. 3:23; 1 John 1:8), and since, as the A.V. has 1 John 3:8, “He that committeth sin is of the devil”, then all men must be of the devil! Then, taking Paul’s discourse concerning the trials of the flesh out-of-context (Rom. 7:13-25), some claim that our only enemy is the flesh. All of this certainly seems to run parallel to the typical “White-liberal” guilt-complex and self-hatred ideologies found in certain socio-political segments over the past couple of centuries: that men are evil, and especially White men. Little do they realize that Yahweh Himself created the flesh of Adamic White man, and then added His Spirit to it (Gen. 1:26-27; 2:7), and that Yahweh blessed those men and women whom He created (Gen. 1:28; 5:2; 9:1). Therefore the “flesh is the devil” theologians indirectly blame Yahweh Himself for all the world’s evil! Their theology is akin to that of “Calypso Louie” Farrakhan and the radical black “Nation of Islam”: they teach their willing listeners that the White man was created by an evil mad - black - scientist!
Yet further on in Romans, in chapter 8, we find that Paul warns us that it is other forces which we must beware of, not the flesh but “... angels ... principalities ... powers ...” and “... any other creature [creation]” which would seek to separate Adamic White man from Yahshua Christ (Rom. 8:38-39). Paul clarifies this elsewhere, at Eph. 6:12: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” While all of the errors of the “devil is the flesh” crowd cannot be addressed here, we shall endeavor to examine John’s comments concerning sin, found in his epistle known as 1 John. Before beginning, however, a few of the prophecies concerning Israel and sin must be noted:
Yahweh's Anointed: The Children of Israel
The word χριστός (christos, Strong’s #5547) is defined by Liddell & Scott: “verbal Adjective of χρίω, to be rubbed on ... II. of persons, anointed: ΧΡΙΣΤΟ´Σ, ὁ, the Anointed One, the CHRIST, as a translation of the Hebrew Messiah, N.T.” The root verb, χρίω (chrio, #5548), is “... to rub or anoint with scented unguents ... to anoint ...” (L&S). So we see that when used of persons the adjective χριστός simply means anointed. Yet wherever the A.V. translators found the word, either as an adjective or used as a Substantive (a noun, usually with the Article), they, whether by habitual repetition or plain ignorance, translated the word as Christ. Therefore Christians have been led to believe that the word always refers to Yahshua Christ Himself. Most translations done since have simply followed the A.V. in this respect, and so have the lexicographers, including Liddell & Scott as is evident above. Because of this situation, and the intended demonstration of this essay, all of the translations below shall be my own unless otherwise noted. Comparing the passages supplied here with those found in the A.V., and using a concordance such as Strong’s, the reader should be able to assess the validity of the following assertions.
The verb χρίω, to anoint, is found at Luke 4:18; Acts 4:27; 10:38 and Heb. 1:9, all pertaining to Christ. Elsewhere in the N.T. we see this verb used in the same manner of the children of Israel, at 2 Cor. 1:21. Indeed the Corinthians were descendants of Israelite tribes, from whence came the Dorians, who settled in Greece over a thousand years before Christ’s birth. Note the text at 1 Cor. 10:1-11 for instance. Likewise, a related noun, χρῖσμα (chrisma, 5545), was used by John, speaking of Israelite Christians. The A.V. translated this word as “unction” at 1 John 2:20, and as “anointing” twice at 2:27.
The Divorce Discourse: Luke 16:16-18
By: William Finck ©2007
As recorded in the gospels, Yahshua Christ talked often about different aspects of the law, and the law of divorce was no exception. In Matt. 5:17-48, Yahshua is recorded as having delivered a general sermon on the law, of which divorce is a part and is mentioned at vv. 31-32. Later, in a conversation recorded at both Matt. 19:1-9 and Mark 10:1-12, Yahshua was specifically asked about divorce, and in this case the Old Testament law concerning divorce is referred to, found at Deut. 24:1-4. This law is not found in Leviticus, and surely was not – as Christ infers – added to the kingdom law in Deuteronomy because Yahweh approves of divorce: He certainly does not. Rather, it seems to have been added in order to confront an inevitable reality: disobedience and the hardness of men’s hearts, that unwanted wives may seek a redress if one is needed, and a means to remarry, being legally freed from their former obligations and so not in fear of being charged with adultery once found with another man. The intent here, however, is not to discuss common husband-wife divorce. The proper Christian perspective on that topic is found at 1 Cor. 7: 10-11, where Paul correctly follows Yahshua’s instruction on the matter. Yahshua Christ also mentions His teaching concerning divorce at Luke 16:18, yet the context of His conversation is quite different there and reveals that in this instance, neither was He speaking about common husband-wife divorce.
Should Christians Embrace the Jews?
Recently there was much media chatter concerning the current head of the Romish “church”, Herr Ratzinger (I ought not use any of the usual self-proclaimed titles, cf. Matt. 23:8-9), and his visit to the United States. One of the highlights of his trip, according to the media, was his stop at a New York City synagogue, and his embrace of the Jews there, where he gave a speech which stressed the so-called “Jewish” roots of Jesus (Yahshua) Christ and of Christianity. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. In reality – which reality shall continue to escape the notice of most people in society – Herr Ratzinger’s homage to the Jews of New York surely demonstrates the truth of such New Testament verses as Luke 4:5-6, John 14:30 and 1 Cor. 2:8, among others. For those whom we see in positions of authority are not the true wielders of power: it is the dragon (Rev. 12:7-9) which gives authority to the beast (Rev. 13:4). While this statement may seem enigmatic now, it may become clearer later, as this essay proceeds.
Baptism - In What?
By William Finck © 2006
John the Baptist’s practice of cleansing, or “baptizing”, sinners in water was not an idea peculiar to him and, as shall be made evident below, it was done for a specific reason. It was a practice long known to not only the Judaeans but also the Greeks. This should be no surprise, since it is known that both the Danaan and Dorian Greek tribes were direct descendants of the Hebrew Israelites. It would be odd if they did not share many of the same customs.
Weiland Letter 2005
By: William Finck
The following is a reproduction of a hand written letter I sent to Ted R. Weiland, P.O. Box 248, Scottsbluff, Nebraska, 69363, dated 19th August 2005 in support of Tony Gonyer whose address will not be cited here. Tony had taken exception to some of Weiland’s audio recordings, where Weiland insists upon sharing Yahweh’s promises to Israel with Yahweh’s enemies. It is now mid-November, and Weiland has not yet responded to my letter:
Broken Cisterns
Presented in this podcast are William Finck's Broken Cisterns essays, Part 1 and Part 2.
Download the podcast here. There is only one podcast for both parts of Broken Cisterns.
Shemitic Idioms and Genesis Chapter Three
© 2007 William R. Finck Jr.
The Bible, a collection of very ancient books written in languages which have not been spoken in their original forms for many, many centuries, contains many enigmas for the average reader of modern times. This is especially true since many parts of the Bible – and it is the Old Testament being discussed here as well as the New – were written in parables and in the poetic language of prophetic vision. While it is certainly a sound practice to interpret Scripture in the context of Scripture, with the idea in mind that the Word of Yahweh our God clarifies and explains itself, the 66 books of the Protestant Bible, or 72 for the Catholics, or even 80 for the original King James Version compilers of 1611, are not by themselves a complete revelation of the history of White Man (Adam-kind). Neither should one be so arrogant as to believe that these books which we now have were the only inspired Scriptures transmitted in antiquity: for not all of the books excluded from canon by early churchmen deserved such a fate, and not all of the books of antiquity survived until the Christian era. Neither can these books be completely understood all by themselves in any language, because of their incomplete state and the antiquity of the languages they were written in. Yet with sound, thorough studies in history and archaeology, many facets of the Bible are much better understood. Not only the historical books of the Bible, but the utterances of the prophets also come to life with studies in these fields, and the certainty of the Word of Yahweh our God is surely made manifest. Furthermore, with studies of the ancient languages which the Bible was first written in, a surer understanding of that Word is acquired. Yet unless one looks outside of the Bible, to other ancient writings produced by kindred cultures during the Biblical age, a proper understanding of many of the metaphors and idioms of Biblical languages shall never be acquired, and the intended meaning of many Biblical passages shall forever remain concealed. Here we shall look at part of an ancient Mesopotamian poem, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and see that it helps us understand certain obscure, oft-debated passages found in the third chapter of Genesis.
The Problem With Genesis 6:1-4
© 2007 William Finck
Various theories have been developed around the text found at Gen. 6:1-4, and it is quite often that discussions concerning these verses, like many others in the Bible, become emotionally charged. This is because people often tend to build their own personal belief systems upon a single Biblical passage, or perhaps a couple of passages, rather than upon the entire body of Scripture accompanied with sound studies in language, archaeology, and history, which truly are necessary in order to obtain an honest understanding of Scripture. For instance, upon examining this particular passage, it is quite obvious that it contains a conflict which is irresoluble within the Masoretic Text or Septuagint alone, when compared to other passages throughout both the Old and New Testaments. Here, an explanation of this conflict shall be provided, and a resolution offered. Yet in order to do so we shall peruse Biblical literature, deemed apocryphal by many, found outside of the Masoretic Text upon which today’s popular Bible versions are based.
Herodotus, Scythians, Persians & Prophecy
© William R. Finck Jr. 2007
The purpose of this exposé is to show how, if one is not familiar with secular history (of which much is found in the Greek Classics), one will not fully understand Scripture. The Judaean nation comprised mostly of “bad figs” (today called “Jews”) was not dispersed until 70 A.D., as prophesied at Jer. 24:8-10, 26:6, 29: 17-19 et al., affirmed by Christ Himself at Luke 21:24. While James at 1:1 speaks of the “twelve tribes which are scattered abroad”, and James died before 70 A.D., as Josephus attests, James was not addressing the so-called “Jews” dispersed in 70 A.D., and neither could the “Jews” already spread abroad claim descent from tribes other than three only, Judah, Benjamin and Levi, and only a tiny fraction of those resettled Judaea on their return from Babylon.
Except for his long description of Egypt in Book 2, and his other forays into the past, Herodotus gave the history of Persia covering the reign of five kings: Cyrus (1. 46), Cambyses (2. 1), Pseudo-Smerdis (3. 67), Darius (3. 88), and Xerxes (7. 5). These kings are the same exact kings which Daniel our prophet speaks of in Daniel 11:1-2.
The men are sleeping with men, the women are sleeping with just about anybody...
... and this is the result of the judaization of Christendom. In 30 years, we are finished! Unless:
Galatians 4:27-28: "27 For it is written, 'Be gladdened, barren who is not bearing; break forth and shout, she who is not travailing; because many more are the children of the desolate than of she who has the husband.' 28 And we, brethren, down through Isaak, are children of promise."
Jordanes: The Origin and Deeds of the Goths
Translated by Charles C. Mierow
Introductory Note
Heirs of the Covenant
By William Finck - 25th May, 2009
Many commentators often construe Paul’s statements at Galatians 3:15-16 to mean that there is only a single heir of the covenant of Yahweh God, which is Yahshua Christ Himself. If this is a true interpretation, then Paul conflicts with many of his own statements, where we see several times that Paul tells us elsewhere that there is a plurality of heirs to the covenant. For instance, concerning the New Covenant Paul says at Titus 3:7: “That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.” Then again concerning the New Covenant Paul says at Hebrews 6:17: “Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath”. In Hebrews chapter 6, while discussing Yahshua Christ and the New Covenant, Paul illustrates that the heirs of that covenant were selected before the confirmation of the covenant by the Sacrifice made by Yahshua Christ. For this reason he also told the Romans at 15:8: “Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers”.
English is from Hebrew - Introduction
The historical essays offered here at attempt to demonstrate how the English, Germans, and many of the Greeks and the Romans, among others, had descended from the ancient Israelites of the Old Testament period. Just as well, the English and German languages are derived from Hebrew much more than they were influenced by Greek and Latin, which were also at least partially derived from Hebrew at a much earlier time than English and German. These pages will prove beyond all doubt that hundreds of fundamental English words have much older Hebrew counterparts. A few similarities in meaning and sound may be written off as coincidences, however hundreds of such similarities cannot possibly be so lightly dismissed.
Here is a challenge to philologists and etymologists (as well as historians, archaeologists and theologians) everywhere: take your heads out of the sand, open your eyes, and examine the words here closely, because the only real solution to the "indo-european" origins question is in the Christian Israel Identity message. If you refuse to discover it, you risk becoming fools and clowns in your own occupations, because this information cannot stay hidden forever. The history offered in the essays here is authentic and justly interpreted, and now this language comparison supports it fully, as a sure second witness to the truth. The Caucasian races of Europe are indeed descended from the ancient peoples of Mesopotamia, and especially from the Hebrews, of which the people now called jews truly do not belong.
English is from Hebrew - About this Study
The Christian Israel Identity message had found me in the autumn of 1997, as I had just been transferred to the Federal Corrections Institution at Elkton, Ohio (where I would remain until October of 2008). I had been given some booklets written by Wesley Swift, Bertrand Comparet and E. Raymond Capt, and after reading of the possibility that the Germanic and related peoples had descended from the Israelites of the Old Testament, I immediately read the entire Bible.
English is from Hebrew - Words and Definitions
The charts below contain listings of English and Hebrew word and definition comparisons.
Classical Records of Trojan-Roman-Judah
In our Bible, at 1st Kings 4:31, the wisdom of Solomon was said to exceed that of several other men: “For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite (Zerahite), and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about.” Yet the only other place in the Bible that these apparently great men are found is at 1st Chron. 2:6, where we learn that Ethan, Heman, Chalcol, Darda, and Zimri were all sons of Zerah, the son of Judah.
At Genesis 46:12 we learn that when Jacob went to Egypt, Zerah went along also, but no sons accompanied him. While he may have had a wife, or wives, with him (46:26), and Pharez had his own two sons with him, Zerah went to Egypt without children. Much later, during the Exodus, we see that descendants of Zerah were with the Israelites (Num. 26:20). Yet while the records of the census in the desert mention the tribes of the sons of Pharez (Num. 26:21), Zerah’s sons, who must have been notable men, are not mentioned individually.
Classical Records of the Dorian & Danaan Israelite-Greeks
© William R. Finck Jr. 2007
The Corinthians were Dorian Greeks. The Dorians were a tribe said to have invaded Greece, by all ancient accounts, a short time after the Trojan wars. The Greeks who inhabited all of the Peloponnese before the Dorian invasion, as well as areas of the mainland, were called everywhere “Danaans” (Danai) and “Achaians” by Homer. Modern historians assert that the Dorians came “from the north”, and point to the Dorian Tetrapolis, four cities (Erineus, Boeum, Pindus and Cytinium, for which see Strabo 9.4.10) which lie west of Phocis and north of Delphi on the Greek mainland, as evidence of this. These historians also claim that all Aryans came “from the north” into the ancient world at one time or another, yet they are consistently in error. Homer is given much credit by Strabo for his knowledge and accuracy in describing the peoples of the οἰκουμένη and the regions where they lived, and the poet is constantly cited by the geographer. Homer described all of the people of Greece, and the peoples and places known to the Greeks in the period which he wrote about. Yet Homer makes no mention of the cities of the Tetrapolis, of Dorians in Greece, or anywhere in the north. The Dorians, who invaded Greece by sea (hardly necessary if they came from the north) and pushed the Danaans out of the Peloponnese, and who also later founded their mainland cities, are only mentioned by Homer as being on Crete (in his Odyssey, Book 19).
On Biblical Exegesis
Constantly confronted with what I believe to be poor interpretations of Scripture, people often take it personally when I disagree with them. This essay will, I hope, present what I believe are the most reliable methods for interpreting the Bible, and reflect the methods that I have endeavored to employ in my translations, my essays, and all of my studies.
All too often, interpretations of Scripture are offered where it is obvious that verses are taken out-of-context, meaning that the related statements in the rest of Scripture have not been thoroughly considered when an opinion concerning a passage in question was first formulated. If we can accept Scripture as the inspired Word of Yahweh our God, then we must realize that no passage of Scripture can be taken out of context and understood apart from all of the others, and also that no two passages of Scripture can conflict with one another. Where two passages seem to conflict, it is evident that the understanding of the person who notices the conflict is at fault, and not either of the passages of Scripture.
White People Must Pay the Price
Just another ignorant yard ape to whom some jew sold a shiny new suit. Any White man that thinks that we should "just get along" with these beasts must be absolutely blind.
The Race of Genesis 10
The Race of Genesis 10
By William R. Finck Jr. © 2006
[Essay revised for podcast presentation, October 15th, 2011; the PDF file linked below is now current. For downloading, find the podcast page here: The Race of Genesis 10 - the Podcast]
Don't let the antichrists fool you, Genesis Chapter 10 begins the historically verifiable Biblical narrative.
This is a lengthy paper which describes the nature and historicity of the Genesis 10 Nations of the Bible. It presents a Biblical weltanschauung of White origins and history.
We are only going to travel the history of this planet once. There are no second chances. One history, one Bible, one trek from the garden of Eden to the gathering of the Wheat. If we find not the foundations of our race in Genesis chapter 10, then our history – our Bible – is absolutely unreliable and we are mired in futility, with no purpose for living and no record of our origins, and no hope of a future. I often begin oral explanations of Genesis chapter 10 by quoting Epictetus, borrowed from the opening pages of Thayer’s Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament άρχὴ παιδεύσεως ἡ τῶν ỏνομάτων ἐπίσκεψις, or “the beginning of learning is the investigation of names”, and how I must agree with Epictetus!
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