The Polluted Anti-Christ Mind, Part One

"But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat." (Genesis 9:4)

"It shall be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood." (Leviticus 3:17)

"Therefore I said unto the children of Israel, No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood." (Leviticus 17:12)

Ahmadinejad - A Friend of the Jews?

The president of Iran, Ahmadinejad has often publicly - and rightfully - denied that there ever was a Holocaust. He has consistently been labeled a madman and likened to Adolf Hitler in the jewish-controlled mainstream media. The jewish-controlled western press has consistently displayed a bellicose attitude towards Iran for at least six years now. Yet here the "monster" is seen having a love-fest with a group of jewish rabbis in New York - one of whom even solemnly mentions the Holocaust! They declare him a great leader, awarded him with gifts, and show every bit of reverence and affection for this supposedly evil man.

What gives? The truth is that the Holocaust itself is the proverbial "big lie", and it is also the real official religion of the New World Order. If you believe in the Holocaust, you gain entrance into the Synagogue of Satan. Furthermore, the jews have long been manipulating both muslims and Christians in an age-old plot for world domination and the destruction of all possible competitors - especially of Christians. Only a strong and Biblical Christianity can oppose the fiery darts of the devil!

Cultural Marxism and The Frankfurt School

The Revelation of the Man of Sin: Exposing The Jewish Role in the Destruction of Christian American Culture.






The Enemy Within

Jews are Jews first, and always act in the interests of Jews. Whites are Whites last, and having fully embraced individualism they always act in what they esteem to be their own interests, even when those interests are against the interests of Whites. Don't wonder why everywhere you look, you see Jews calling the shots.

Feds Convict Texan for Selling a Gun to Illegal Alien with Texas Driver’s License

What is the government telling us here? That we MUST practice what they have called "racial profiling", and if we do not, we could end up in prison for it! Therefore, according to at least one federal judge and one federal prosecutor, every single Mexican MUST be treated as an illegal alien - or one risks going to prison, losing one's constitutional rights, and wearing the scars of one's egalitarianism for life. If any White man had any sense at all, he would not be selling guns to Mexicans under any circumstances! Yet here it is also obvious, that certain government agents are purposely using these illegal alien Mexicans as a weapon against White culture. Wake up, America!

How is this NOT an invasion? Part 2

How is this not sedition? Where are the prosecutors now? This character is a "teacher" at UCLA - a supposed tax-payer-supported university. For how long will White taxpayers support this, before they support themselves to extinction? This "teacher" is publicly championing the overthrow of our society and American government - and who does the jewish media call "racist"? Read The Immigration Prophecy and Biblical Prophecy here at!