Ahmadinejad - A Friend of the Jews?
The president of Iran, Ahmadinejad has often publicly - and rightfully - denied that there ever was a Holocaust. He has consistently been labeled a madman and likened to Adolf Hitler in the jewish-controlled mainstream media. The jewish-controlled western press has consistently displayed a bellicose attitude towards Iran for at least six years now. Yet here the "monster" is seen having a love-fest with a group of jewish rabbis in New York - one of whom even solemnly mentions the Holocaust! They declare him a great leader, awarded him with gifts, and show every bit of reverence and affection for this supposedly evil man.
What gives? The truth is that the Holocaust itself is the proverbial "big lie", and it is also the real official religion of the New World Order. If you believe in the Holocaust, you gain entrance into the Synagogue of Satan. Furthermore, the jews have long been manipulating both muslims and Christians in an age-old plot for world domination and the destruction of all possible competitors - especially of Christians. Only a strong and Biblical Christianity can oppose the fiery darts of the devil!