Title Sort descending Authored on Old Website
Book of Acts Chapter 9 CHR20130712-Acts09.mp3 6032
Book of Acts Chapters 6 and 7 CHR20130621-Acts06-07.mp3 6325
Born Under Contract ChrSat20160618-BornUnderContract.mp3 6622
Broken Cisterns, the Podcast ChrSat20110827-BrokenCisterns.mp3 21584
Charlatansville, where the animals have taken control of the farm ChrSat20170819-Charlatansville.mp3 11204
Charlotte of Mecklenburg was a White Woman and Not a Mulatto ChrSat20110903-Charlotte_Emahiser.mp3 13374
Christian Expectations ChrSat20160312-ChristianExpectation.mp3 15787
Christian Foundations CHR20190719-ChristianFoundations.mp3 16389
Christian Governance, with Brother Ryan ChrSat20140705-Ryan-ChristianGovernance.mp3 11001
Christian Identity and Social Media – a glimpse into the challenges we meet on Facebook ChrSat20161231-SocialMediaChallenges.mp3 5547
Christian Identity Apologetics with White CHR20240705-Heresies_White.mp3 7362
Christian Identity Directions: Doctrines, Dogmas and Agendas CHR20140725-Ryan-DoctrinesDogmasAgendas.mp3 5238
Christian Identity Directions: Sons or Bastards ChrSat20140503-CIDirections-Sons_or_Bastards.mp3 143484
Christian Identity Liturgy in the Book of Odes ChrSat20171209-Book-of-Odes.mp3 32541
Christian Identity: What Difference Does it Make? ChrSat20180303-WhatDifference.mp3 60091
Christian Socialism (it isn't Marxism) and Anti-Christian Materialism - 01-18-2013 CHR20130118-Christian-Socialism.mp3 13735
Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 1, an Introduction: What is a Catholic? CHR20180309-Christianity-Old-Testament-01.mp3 12431
Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 2, Bertrand Comparet's Sermon, with Commentary CHR20180316-Christianity-Old-Testament-02.mp3 7240
Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 3, Bertrand Comparet's Sermon, with Commentary CHR20180323-Christianity-Old-Testament-03.mp3 7256
Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 4, Bertrand Comparet's Sermon, with Commentary CHR20180406-Christianity-Old-Testament-04.mp3 6533
Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 5, Concluding Bertrand Comparet's Sermon, with Commentary CHR20180420-Christianity-Old-Testament-05.mp3 6469
Christianity in the Old Testament, Part 6, Israel in the New Testament, by Bertrand Comparet, with Commentary CHR20180427-Christianity-Old-Testament-06.mp3 6830
Christianity is Nationalism (True White Nationalism) - December 15th, 2012 ChrSat20121215-Christianity-is-Nationalism.mp3 18737
CI in the Rust Belt - A Discussion with Some of the Friends of Clifton Emahiser ChrSat20170916-CI_Rust_Belt.mp3 5100
Classical Records and German Origins, Part 1 ChrSat20150321-GermanOrigins01.mp3 20169
Classical Records and German Origins, Part 2 ChrSat20150328-GermanOrigins02.mp3 13686
Classical Records and German Origins, Part 3 ChrSat20150404-GermanOrigins03.mp3 11937
Classical Records and German Origins, Part 4 ChrSat20150411-GermanOrigins04.mp3 12299
Classical Records and German Origins, Part 5 ChrSat20150425-GermanOrigins05.mp3 11917
Classical Records and German Origins, Part 6: Who are the English? and Who are the Huns? ChrSat20150502-GermanOrigins06.mp3 14377
Classical Records of the Origins of the Scythians, Parthians & Related Tribes - 2012-02-11 ChrSat20120211-Classical-Records-Scythian-Parthian-Origins.mp3 25190
Clifton Emahiser on his beginnings in Christian Identity CHR20161021-CliftonEmahiser.mp3 4582
Clifton Emahiser on Ted Weiland CHR20200131-Emahiser-on-Weiland.mp3 6766
Clifton Emahiser rebuts Charles Weisman CHR20180824-Emahiser_rebuts_Weisman.mp3 6380
Come Out From Among Them CHR20230106-ComeOutFromAmongThem.mp3 15387
Commentary on Isaiah Chapter 56 ChrSat20141213-Isaiah-Chapter-56.mp3 4711
Compromise is not the Path to Righteousness CHR20190201-Compromise.mp3 5052
Covenant Theology vs. Replacement Theology with Clifton Emahiser ChrSat20180609-CovenantvsReplacement-Emahiser.mp3 6647
Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School, Part One SB20091206CulturalMarxism01.mp3 15068
Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School, Part Three with Professor Kevin MacDonald SB20091220CulturalMarxism03KevinMacDonald.mp3 13665
Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School, Part Two SB20091213CulturalMarxism02.mp3 10425
Current Events and Libertarianism, Severus Niflson and Prothink - July 14th, 2012 ChrSat20120714-Niflson-Prothink-Libertarianism.mp3 5413
David Burton on Money ChrSat20170708-DavidBurton.mp3 5078
David Duke introducing Blake Sawyer Duke_intro_for_Sawyer.mp3 1274
December 2021 Open Forum Discussion CHR20211231-OpenForum.mp3 17784
December 2022 Open Forum Discussion CHR20221202-OpenForum.mp3 22594
December 2024 Open Forum Discussion CHR20241206-OpenForum.mp3
Destroying Many by Peace, A Critical Review of a Sermon by Bertrand Comparet CHR20230407-Comparet-DestroybyPeace.mp3 8727
Deuteronomy 23:2 - 2011-12-03 ChrSat20111203-Deuteronomy23-2.mp3 11362
Dissident Racism, Part 1 ChrSat20151017-Downey_Dissident_Racism_01.mp3 4702
Dissident Racism, Part 2 ChrSat20151024-Downey_Dissident_Racism_02.mp3 4201
Divers Seed Defiles Families, or How Angels Become Chained in Darkness CHR20190118-Diverse_Seed_Defiles_Families.mp3 12948
Does Prosperity Gospel Belong in Christian Identity? And Other Topics ChrSat20180512-ProsperityGospelEtc.mp3 7753
Dr. Joseph Goebbels, The Year 2000 - December 1st, 2012 ChrSat20121201-Goebbels-TheYear2000.mp3 4545
Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Those Damned Nazis - December 8th, 2012 ChrSat20121208-Goebbels-ThoseDamnedNazis.mp3 5091
Druids and Early Christianity in Britain - Christogenea Europe, January 18th, 2015 CHR-Euro-2015-01-18_SL.mp3 8276
Druids and Early Christianity in Britain, Part 2 - Christogenea Europe, February 1st, 2015 CHR-Euro-2015-02-01.mp3 6011
Dumbing Down on David Duke CHR20170303-Dumbing_Down_on_Duke.mp3 22996
Early Christianity in the Chronicles of England CHR-Euro-2014-11-02.mp3 5541
Early Two-Seedline - Christogenea Europe, July 19th, 2015 CHR-Euro-2015-07-19-EarlyTwoSeedline.mp3 11780
Early Two-Seedline Reiterated ChrSat20180310-Early-Two-Seedline-Reiterated.mp3 12671
Ecclesiastes, Part 1: Methods of The Preacher CHR20180105-Ecclesiastes-01.mp3 6994
Ecclesiastes, Part 2: Vanity and Deliverance CHR20180112-Ecclesiastes-02.mp3 5471
Ecclesiastes, Part 3: The Comforter CHR20180119-Ecclesiastes-03.mp3 5116
Ecclesiastes, Part 4: The Vanity of Both Wealth and Poverty CHR20180202-Ecclesiastes-04.mp3 5768
Ecclesiastes, Part 5: Wisdom and the Power of Sin CHR20180209-Ecclesiastes-05.mp3 5633
Ecclesiastes, Part 6: Wisdom and the Power of Authority CHR20180216-Ecclesiastes-06.mp3 5210
Ecclesiastes, Part 7: The Rhetoric of the Skeptic CHR20180302-Ecclesiastes-07.mp3 5924
Ecclesiastes, Part 8: Even Vanity is Vanity CHR20180413-Ecclesiastes-08.mp3 6723
Edict of Expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290 ChrSat20150808-Expulsion1290.mp3 5986
Eli James - Canaanites are "Saved"? Eli-Canaanites-Saved.mp3 9329
Eli James and Greg Howard Coddle a Mexican Eli_James_Clip_2_022413.mp3 2816
Eli James and his Gospel for the Beasts Clip04_Eli-Exterminationism-Extract-01.mp3 1857
Eli James Asserts that 85% white is White! So Eli, What is a tare? Sword Brethren corrects him soundly. Clip03_Eli-Brian.mp3 4628
Eli James does not get what WHITE is and apologizes for mongrels Clip02_Eli-Brian.mp3 1906
Eli James Lying about the Family of William Finck, Among Other Things Eli_2014-6-20_TS-872215.mp3 4960
End Times Update 10, October 2018 ChrSat20181006EndTimes-Oct2018.mp3 14462
End Times Update 11, February 2020 ChrSat20200208EndTimes-Feb2020.mp3 8857
End Times Update 3, March 2018 ChrSat20180324-EndTimesUpdate02.mp3 7819
End Times Update 4, April 2018 ChrSat20180428-EndTimes03May2018.mp3 8245
End Times Update 5, May 2018 ChrSat20180526EndTimes04May2018.mp3 8786
End Times Update 6, June 2018 ChrSat20180623EndTimes05June2018.mp3 7493
End Times Update 7, June 2018 ChrSat20180630EndTimes06June2018.mp3 6802
End Times Update 8, August 2018 ChrSat20180804EndTimes-August2018.mp3 7898
End Times Update 9, September 2018 ChrSat20180908EndTimes-Sept2018.mp3 7373
Errors Inspired by Who? Part 1 - 08-21-10 YCP20100821-ErrorsInspiredByWho.mp3 11747
Errors Inspired by Who? Part 2 - 10-23-10 YCP20101023-ErrorsInspiredByWho-2.mp3 10698
Errors Inspired by Who? Part 3 - 01-15-11 YCP20110115-ErrorsInspiredByWho-3.mp3 11771
Esther: Fraud or Fable? Part 1 ChrSat20150516-EstherFable01.mp3 10545
Esther: Fraud or Fable? Part 2 ChrSat20150523-EstherFable02.mp3 6118
Esther: Fraud or Fable? Part 3 ChrSat20150606-EstherFable03.mp3 5433
European Debt Enslavement Vindicates Hitler - The Heretic's Hour with Carolyn Yeager VoR_The_Heretics_Hour_20111121.mp3 12206
European Fellowship Forum, August 2023 ChrEuroForum20230806.mp3 15352
European Fellowship Forum, December 2022 ChrEuroForum20221211.mp3 16371
European Fellowship Forum, December 2023 ChrEuroForum20231231.mp3 30396
European Fellowship Forum, June 2022 ChrEuroForum20220626.mp3 23221
European Fellowship Forum, June 2024 ChrEuroForum202406.mp3 17470
European Fellowship Forum, March 2023 ChrEuroForum20230319.mp3 13749
European Fellowship Forum, March 2024 ChrEuroForum202403.mp3 19662
European Fellowship Forum, September 2022 ChrEuroForum20220925.mp3 15038