Christian Identity Apologetics with White
Modern Christian apologetics often leans towards fideism. Fideism, a word which seems to have been coined by Roman Catholic apologists, may be loosely defined as faith without reason. But lines such as “Jesus changed my life so Christianity must be true” are simply a form of self-validation, circular reasoning, and they are not a true defense of the faith. A lot of false religions change people’s lives, perhaps even all of them, so that is not a measure of the truth of the faith. A faith without reason allows anyone to think what they want about Jesus, and still call themselves Christians. So fideism seems to be an excuse for Catholics to teach all of their heresies, such as transubstantiation, universalism, and other heresies which are not found in Scripture. But we would contend that Christian Identity is a faith with reason, which leads to a greater assurance, and having that assurance, there is a greater obedience to the faith.
But here our focus is not on the broader matters of Christian apologetics. Rather, I would see Christian Identity apologetics as a defense of our faith within Christianity, internal to Christian belief. It is something which must be presented to people of our own kind, White men and women of European heritage, who are already Christian or who are considering Christianity. We do not need to defend Christ Himself. But we may better defend Christ once we establish the fact that the Christian Identity view of Christianity is the only true form of the Christian faith.
The world offers a nondescript Jesus who is only focused on the world’s own concept of love, and that love which is defined and promoted by the world is actually contrary to Christian scriptures in many ways. But Christian Identity realizes that Jesus had a particular purpose for a particular people, and that purpose is indeed professed in both the prophets and the Gospel, as being His only explicit purpose. So the Jesus whom Identity Christians believe is not nondescript, but rather, He is the true fulfillment of the Word of God, conceived, perceived and defined by His Word found in the prophets of the Old Testament, and not by men.
So here we have a gentleman who will only be known to us by the pseudonym of White, who has assembled a book titled the Against Heresies Handbook. This handbook is designed to illustrate the fact that the beliefs which set Identity Christians apart from denominational, or “mainstream” Christians, are indeed found throughout Scripture, even in modern denominational translations. Once this is realized, it becomes evident that Christian Identity views must be considered valid, and that they are not merely based on our own peculiar translations, a charge with which Identity Christians are often confronted.
So the charge does not stand, in spite of the fact that our own translation, in this case, the Christogenea New Testament, does translate some verses in a manner which rectifies their meanings and brings them into harmony with all of the many passages found in the denominational translations which do support our arguments. So while we can indeed defend the few passages which are found in our translation which diverge from the same passages as they are in the denominational translations, the Handbook demonstrates that we do not require them in order to prove the veracity of our faith.
For more, see A Handbook Against Heresies for Identity Christians.