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On the Wisdom of Solomon, Part 9: Everlasting Contempt CHR20200828_Wisdom09.mp3 3107
Open Forum - 04-01-14 CHR20140411-OpenLines.mp3 3784
Open Forum - 2013-12-13 CHR20131213-OpenLines.mp3 3760
Open Forum - August 1st 2014 CHR20140801-OpenLines.mp3 3768
Open Forum - June 6th 2014 CHR20140606-OpenLines.mp3 5214
Open Forum - September 26th 2014 CHR20140926-OpenLines.mp3 4285
Open Forum Saturday 04-12-14 ChrSat20140412-OpenLines.mp3 3872
Open Forum Saturday 08-02-14 ChrSat20140802-OpenLines.mp3 3857
Open Forum: Acts Chapter 29? No! Pre-existence? No! CHR-20140131-Acts29-OpenLines.mp3 5117
Open Forum: All Israel Shall Be Saved - 02-28-11 ChrForumCall20110228.mp3 4623
Open Forum: All of the Offspring of the Children of Israel Shall be Saved - Isaiah 45:25 - 04-25-11 ChrForumCall20110425.mp3 9664
Open Forum: Caleb the Israelite, and other topics - 03-07-11 ChrForumCall20110307.mp3 2649
Open Forum: Christian Humility ChrSat20141227-ChristianHumility-OpenLines.mp3 4185
Open Forum: Christianity and Pharmaceuticals - 08-01-11 ChrForumCall20110801-Christianity-and-Pharmakeia.mp3 12455
Open Forum: Eight Witnesses Against Universalism, and a Discussion Concerning Geocentrism - 05-09-11 ChrForumCall20110509.mp3 8146
Open Forum: Eli James, Universalist ChrEuroForum20111117-Eli-Universalist.mp3 6672
Open Forum: Genesis Revisited, Angels and Beasts - 01-31-11 ChrForumCall20110131.mp3 24034
Open Forum: Is Christian Identity for Anti-Christs? - 04-18-11 ChrForumCall20110418.mp3 9220
Open Forum: Israel, Sin and the Law under the New Covenant, Part 1 ChrForumCall20110627-Israel-Sin-Law.mp3 8427
Open Forum: Israel, Sin and the Law under the New Covenant, Part 2 ChrForumCall20110704-Israel-Sin-Law-2.mp3 7798
Open Forum: Israel, Sin, the Law and Marriage Revisited ChrEuroForum20110804.mp3 7705
Open Forum: James 4:4 - 05-02-11 ChrForumCall20110502.mp3 7524
Open Forum: Jeremiah 31: Beasts, Sheep and Goat Nations - 02-07-11 ChrForumCall20110207.mp3 21896
Open Forum: Left Wing-nuts and babbling jewish criminals ChrForumCall20110110.mp3 3148
Open Forum: Marital Relations & 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 - 03-14-11 ChrForumCall20110314.mp3 10142
Open Forum: Marriage and Scripture - 06-20-11 ChrForumCall20110620.mp3 8007
Open Forum: My Response to Eli James' Coming Out as a Universalist - 2011-01-25 ChrForumCall20110124.mp3 2973
Open Forum: Newspaper Eschatology - 01-03-11 ChrForumCall20110103.mp3 3097
Open Forum: On Biblical Exegesis - 07-25-11 ChrForumCall20110725-On-Biblical-Exegesis.mp3 11580
Open Forum: On Psalm 137:9 - 02-21-11 ChrForumCall20110221.mp3 2843
Open Forum: Philthadelphia - 07-11-11 ChrForumCall201107114-Philthadelphia.mp3 9013
Open Forum: Philthadelphia; Discussion: Marriage in the Modern World - 05-23-11 ChrForumCall20110523.mp3 3537
Open Forum: Rioting Negroes Everywhere - 08-08-11 ChrForumCall20110808-Rioting-Negroes-Everywhere.mp3 3929
Open Forum: Sin and the First Epistle of John ChrForumCall20110718-Sin-First-Epistle-John.mp3 12754
Open Forum: Some Chats With Our Friends. ChrSat20170715-Chatting-with-Friends.mp3 5422
Open Forum: Spread the Message! ChrSat20150221-SpreadtheMessage-OpenLines.mp3 3274
Open Forum: The Call of Gideon ChrSat201411101-CallofGideon-OpenLines.mp3 4274
Open Forum: The End of Genesis Heresy - 01-17-11 ChrForumCall20110117.mp3 23626
Open Forum: The Ethiopian Eunuch - 02-14-11 ChrForumCall20110214.mp3 3395
Open Forum: The Gospel to the Beasts of the Field? - 04-04-11 ChrForumCall20110404.mp3 6286
Open Forum: The Parable of the Treasure in the Field - 04-11-11 ChrForumCall20110411.mp3 2343
Open Forum: The Two Natures of Adamic Man - 03-28-11 ChrForumCall20110328.mp3 9051
Open Forum: Who are the Peacemakers? - 05-30-11 ChrForumCall20110530.mp3 13437
Open Forum: Who are the Peacemakers? - 12-14-2013 ChrSat20131214-OpenLines.mp3 2833
Open Forum: Zechariah Sitchin, the Annunaki, 2012, Nibiru and Cro-Magnon Man: New-Age, Anti-Christ Lies - 03-21-11 ChrForumCall20110321.mp3 10930
Origins of the Dorian and Danaan Greeks ChrSat20111217-Dorian-Danaan-Greeks.mp3 19536
Our Hitler and The New Year, Dr. Joseph Goebbels ChrSat20130824-Goebbels-Our_Hitler.mp3 1790
Paganism and Christianity Today - August 31st, 2014 CHR-Euro-2014-08-31.mp3 5603
Parables Pertaining to Race - 06-19-09 CHR20090619RaceParables.mp3 6622
Paul's Epistle to the Colossians Part 1: Rescued from the Authority of Darkness CHR20160212-Col01.mp3 4801
Paul's Epistle to the Colossians Part 2: Jesus Christ is God CHR20160219-Col02.mp3 5012
Paul's Epistle to the Colossians Part 3: The Handwriting Against Us CHR20160225-Col03.mp3 4973
Paul's Epistle to the Colossians Part 4: Salvation is not by Legalism CHR20160311-Col04.mp3 5103
Paul's Epistle to the Colossians Part 5: Bad Words and “Filthy Communications” CHR20160318-Col05.mp3 4897
Paul's Epistle to the Colossians Part 6: The Indwelling Word CHR20160325-Col06.mp3 4137
Paul's Epistle to the Colossians Part 7: Christianity and Slavery, with Philemon CHR20160401-Col07.mp3 5094
Paul's Epistle to the Philippians Part 1: Contending for the Faith CHR20160108-Php01.mp3 4648
Paul's Epistle to the Philippians Part 2: Repairers of the Breach CHR20160115-Php02.mp3 380762
Paul's Epistle to the Philippians Part 3: In Quest of a Goal - Faith versus Works CHR20160122-Php03.mp3 4244
Paul's Epistle to the Philippians Part 4: Self-sacrifice is the Way to Life CHR20160129-Php04.mp3 5354
Paul's Epistle to Titus, Part 1: Purity Spiraling in Apostolic Christianity CHR20170310-Titus1.mp3 6506
Paul's Epistle to Titus, Part 2: Leadership Morality, A Husband of One Wife CHR20170317-Titus2.mp3 5642
Paul's Epistle to Titus, Part 3: The Cleanliness of God CHR20170324-Titus3.mp3 5167
Paul's Epistle to Titus, Part 4: The Mercy of God and Justification in Christ CHR20170331-Titus4.mp3 5410
Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 1: Yahshua [Jesus] Christ is God and His Gospel is for Israel CHR20170505-1Timothy1.mp3 6565
Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 2: Gender Roles in Apostolic Christianity CHR20170519-1Timothy2.mp3 5878
Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 3: Leadership Credentials CHR20170526-1Timothy3.mp3 4979
Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 4: The Mysteries of the Faith CHR20170728-1Timothy4.mp3 5670
Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 5: Rome Pagan and Catholic CHR20170804-1Timothy5.mp3 6507
Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 6: Exercise for Piety CHR20170929-1Timothy6.mp3 5648
Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 7: Women Noble and Naughty CHR20171013-1Timothy7.mp3 5966
Paul's First Epistle to Timothy, Part 8: The Path of our Plight CHR20171020-1Timothy8.mp3 5536
Paul's Second Epistle to Timothy, Part 1: The Nullification of Death CHR20171110-2Timothy1.mp3 5804
Paul's Second Epistle to Timothy, Part 2: Rejecting the Religion of Fear CHR20171117-2Timothy2.mp3 5967
Paul's Second Epistle to Timothy, Part 3: Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth CHR20171201-2Timothy3.mp3 5433
Paul's Second Epistle to Timothy, Part 4: No Mercy for Narcissists CHR20171201-2Timothy4.mp3 7541
Paul's Second Epistle to Timothy, Part 5: Censure and Exhortation CHR20171229-2Timothy5.mp3 5795
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 10: The Eternal Inheritance Chr20161125-Hebrews10.mp3 5427
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 11: Perpetual Propitiation in Christ Chr20161202-Hebrews11.mp3 5020
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 12: The Transcendent Christ Chr20161209-Hebrews12.mp3 5180
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 13: The Substance of the Faith Chr20161216-Hebrews13.mp3 5146
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 14: The Faith of History Chr20161223-Hebrews14.mp3 6200
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 15: Sons or Bastards Chr20161230-Hebrews15.mp3 6602
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 16: The Sins of Esau: No Birthrights for Bastards Chr20170106-Hebrews16.mp3 6403
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 17: The Mountain of God Chr20170113-Hebrews17.mp3 5225
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 18: The Walk of the Faith Chr20170120-Hebrews18.mp3 5299
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 1: The Last Prophet is Christ Chr20160902-Hebrews01.mp3 7240
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 2: Angels, Spirits and Men Chr20160909-Hebrews02.mp3 5995
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 3: Christ is Head of His Own Household Chr20160916-Hebrews03.mp3 5579
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 4: The Day of Rest Chr20160923-Hebrews04.mp3 5408
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 5: The High Priest of God Chr20160930-Hebrews05.mp3 5013
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 6: Confirmation of the Promises to the Fathers Chr20161007-Hebrews06.mp3 5816
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 7: The Order of Melchizedek Chr20161014-Hebrews07.mp3 6016
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 8: The Distinction of Old and New Covenants Chr20161110-Hebrews08.mp3 5433
Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews, Part 9: Departure from Earthly Trappings Chr20161117-Hebrews09.mp3 5617
Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 1: Mercy may be by grace, but election is by race. CHR20160415-1Thess01.mp3 5150
Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 2: Persecution of the Saints CHR20160422-1Thess02.mp3 4763
Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 3: Who Opposes True Christianity? CHR20160429-1Thess03.mp3 6228
Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 4: The Rapture of the Saints? CHR20160506-1Thess04.mp3 7076
Paul’s First Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 5: The Rapture of the Wicked CHR20160513-1Thess05.mp3 6453