There Goes the Neighborhood, Part 1

The hypocrisy of Liberalism: How DARE those evil rich White people not build cheap houses and flood their neighborhoods with non-Whites! It doesn't matter that they voted for Obama! They are not "doing enough"!

It is a sick world, and a Marxist world, that insists that people of any particular region are forced to use their own money and "do something" in order to make their neighborhoods "multicultural".

In China, 100% of the inhabitants are yellow! Why aren't the jews demanding as much of China? Too many yellow people live there! We demand that 200,000,000 Africans be immediately transported to China, and that Goldman-Sachs pays the bill!

Negroes Run Wild in Denver

How often does the media mention hate crimes against Whites? Hardly ever! This is one of those times, so that alone makes it noteworthy. Usually, while the slightest action by a White man against those of other races is immediately labeled as "racist", it is very rare that hatred is admitted as a motive by non-Whites against Whites. Yet, as we know from experience, race is nearly always the reason why negroes and latinos choose Whites as victims for their evil.

Guess What Whitey: Negros Hate You: Part 5 - Keep Sending Your Daughters Off to be Destroyed

That's right, you stupid Liberals and Evangelicals, keep sending your daughters off to "help" the savages - people who can never help themselves - and let them keep getting raped and murdered by savage beasts. And your own government evidently won't defend them! Only one race in the world has ever consistently maintained a civilization: the White race. Stop letting the jewish propaganda concerning equality fool you! How long before you awaken to the fact that you cannot take the jungle out of the animal?

The following is from ABC News...

Feds Convict Texan for Selling a Gun to Illegal Alien with Texas Driver’s License

What is the government telling us here? That we MUST practice what they have called "racial profiling", and if we do not, we could end up in prison for it! Therefore, according to at least one federal judge and one federal prosecutor, every single Mexican MUST be treated as an illegal alien - or one risks going to prison, losing one's constitutional rights, and wearing the scars of one's egalitarianism for life. If any White man had any sense at all, he would not be selling guns to Mexicans under any circumstances! Yet here it is also obvious, that certain government agents are purposely using these illegal alien Mexicans as a weapon against White culture. Wake up, America!

Guess What Whitey: Negros Hate You: Part 3 - No Matter Who You Elect To What, They Will Always Find a Reason

Now if this were a White group rallying - something that would be loudly protested in the first place - and the speaker said these things about Negroes, there would be a huge media outcry and a demand for the heads of the speakers for their "hate speech". But when negroes say these things, the hypocritical media never even raises an eyebrow.

When will Whites ever awaken to the hypocrisy of the jewish media?

Obama the Kenyan Illegal Immigrant

Of course this is not new, but now it's here too.  And anyone with half a brain has known it for at least two years.  But why have the other branches of government abdicated all responsibility?  Because they all play on the same team, that's why!  And as long as his jewish masters have a use for him, Obama the sock-puppet will keep his job.

Dublin Today

Jeremiah 31:27-30 27 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast. 28 And it shall come to pass, that like as I have watched over them, to pluck up, and to break down, and to throw down, and to destroy, and to afflict; so will I watch over them, to build, and to plant, saith the LORD. 29 In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. 30 But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge.

Guess What Whitey: Negros Hate You: Part 2 - Erroll Southers Ranting About Christian Identity Terrorist Groups

No doubt, Buford O'Neal Furrow went on a shooting spree and killed a few people, but that was back in August of 1999. And Furrow was acting as a lone nut, not as an organized part of any Christian Identity group. He alone is responsible for his actions. If one wants to see organized religionists attacking America, just go to and watch the jews dancing for joy in the streets of New Jersey as the World Trade Center came tumbling down. It is all on film there.

Matthew Hale was not even a Christian, never mind Christian Identity. The "World Church of the Creator" is (or was) an atheist sect started by a "Mennonite" Russian (?) named Ben Klassen. So Southers is an outright liar for associating Matt Hale with any sort of Christianity.

Ben Smith, who also went on a shooting spree in 1999, was also associated with the atheist World Church of the Creator (See So again, Southers is an outright liar.

Erroll Southers is an obvious fraud who does not know a thing about Christianity, or Christian Identity, except what he was told to say by his anti-Christ controllers from the ADL. The man is a liar and he is not fit to hold public office.