The Jew Judaism and the Judaization of the Christian Peoples, by the Knight Gougenot des Mousseaux, 1869
This book was cited frequently by Nesta Webster, and some of those citations were used here in our series of presentations on The Jews in Medieval Europe and the Protocols of Satan. The book was also mentioned by Arnold Leese in his essay My Irrelevant Defence being Meditations Inside Gaol and Out on JEWISH RITUAL MURDER.
It has recently been brought to our attention that this formerly unattainable book has been translated into English by one "I. McGillivray, Updated Nov 2023", who is otherwise unknown to us. Evidently there is also no printed edition of this book. We do not even know if the name is a pseudonym, but we certainly look forward to reading the work, and we will compare it to Nesta Webster's citations when we do.
DISCLAIMER: Like every work of Roman Catholic literature throughout history, the original author of this book is also confused as to the distinct identities of Jew, Judaean and Judah. The Church has been ignorant of pre-Christian Judaean history, and its consequences in the New Testament, ever since its very foundation.
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