The Jews themselves put their ambitions right in our faces by openly promoting things such as Tikkun Olam, which to them means "repairing the world". Of course, they would "repair" the world in their own image. The truth is that "Tikkun Olam" is only a euphemism for "Protcols of Zion".

The Protocols of Satan, Part 1: Dr. Karl Bergmeister and The World Jewish Conspiracy

Christogenea Saturdays, August 15th, 2015 - The Protocols of Satan, Part 1: Dr. Karl Bergmeister and The World Jewish Conspiracy

We are going to begin a long and multifaceted series which we are going to call the “Protocols of Satan”, and this is Part 1. The Protocols, so far as we know, have never been presented from our Christian Identity worldview, and we hope to make a thorough presentation in that manner here. However first we are going to have to establish the credibility of the Protocols, because they certainly were not some pro-Aryan conspiracy against Jews, as they are often claimed to be. Rather, they fully reflect the course of a long-running Jewish conspiracy against Aryans, against Christendom, which has with all certainty been carried out against our European races since the Emancipation of the Jews at the time of Napoleon, and even earlier than that. Henry Ford recognized this, and published The International Jew in book form and as a series in his paper, The Dearborn Independent, throughout the early 1920's.

However another book by Sergei Alexander Nilus, The Protocols and World Revolution, was translated into English and supposedly, as some sources refute the account, edited by Boris Brasol and published in Boston in 1920 by Maynard, Small & Co. The Nilus book, from its second Russian edition published in 1905, contained a copy of the Protocols, and they were apparently the first version available in English. Boris Brasol is a story in himself. He was a Russian lawyer who prosecuted a blood libel case against Jews in 1912. He was an officer in the Tsar's army during the first great war, and was fortunate to have been sent on a mission to the United States, where he was during the Jewish takeover of Russia in October 1917, and where remained thereafter, remaining a writer for several decades and writing several books against Soviet socialism.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 2: A Count, a Princess, and a Hoax as a Lifestyle

Christogenea Saturdays, August 22nd, 2015 - The Protocols of Satan, Part 2: A Count, a Princess, and a Hoax as a Lifestyle

Here we will continue our presentation of The Protocols of Satan, which to a large extent will consist of the second part of our presentation of the booklet, The World Jewish Conspiracy, written by Dr. Karl Bergmeister and published in 1938.

While only history itself, and the actions of so many Jews throughout the last two hundred years of history, can certainly establish the credibility of the so-called “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” as representing the definite plans of World Jewry in the destruction of the Christian nations, we are presenting this booklet as the central part of our objective to demonstrate that the Jewish attempts to label the Protocols as a forgery were in fact fraudulent themselves.

Our source booklet is subtitled “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion before the Court in Berne”, and it was written to show the abuse and miscarriage of justice which resulted as certain nationalist-leaning politicians were using the Protocols against the Jews in elections in Switzerland, and then in 1933 the so-called “Federation of Jewish Communities of Switzerland” and the “Berne Jewish Community” had brought a lawsuit against those politicians in Berne. Obtaining favorable results in what was basically a mockery of a trial, Jews throughout the West, and especially in Britain, France and the United States, then began to even more fervently use the fraudulent evidence produced at Berne to discredit the Protocols as an “antisemitic” forgery. They continued to do this, and they do it to this day, in spite of the fact that the trial is discredited and that its results were overturned, although because the results were overturned for rather innocuous reasons, the treachery of the original trial proceedings was never fully elucidated in the public records.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 3: Bergmeister and the Verdict at Berne

Christogenea Saturdays, August 29th, 2015 - The Protocols of Satan, Part 3: Bergmeister and the Verdict at Berne 

Here we shall conclude our presentation of the booklet, The World Jewish Conspiracy, written by Dr. Karl Bergmeister and published in 1938, which defended the authenticity of the Protocols against some of the evidence presented at the Berne trial of 1934-1935, where a lawsuit had been tried against certain Swiss politicians because they had used the Protocols as propaganda in their campaigns. While it is accepted that Bergmeister could not prove the actual origin of the Protocols, and that the actual origin of the work in the form in which we know it may never be determined, he did indeed prove that the early attempts by Jews to discredit them as fabrications, or “forgeries”, were themselves based upon lies.

Before beginning, I am going to take a short digression to discuss the word forgery. I often hear the argument concerning the Protocols, that since a forgery is a copy of an original, the Jews prove that the Protocols are authentic by calling them a forgery. This might be funny, and it might even convince the simple-minded, but it should not be repeated because it is simply not true. If you examine not only the modern dictionaries, but also the original definitions for the word forgery in the first English dictionaries by Samuel Johnson and Noah Webster, you will see that the definition of the word is much broader. More precisely, a forgery is a document produced and ascribed to someone other than the person who produced it. So from a Jewish perspective, where the Protocols are disclaimed, the word forgery is appropriate. However we know better than to believe the Jews, and although certainly not all Jews are responsible for the Protocols, the Protocols do indeed represent the desires of world Jewry for the subversion of Christendom. And while all Jews are certainly not acting consciously to effect those desires, Jews do indeed act naturally towards their accomplishment. So many Jews may be able to plausibly deny the Protocols, but that does not mean that they are fraudulent.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 4: Secret Societies and the Source of the Protocols

Christogenea Saturdays, September 5th, 2015 - The Protocols of Satan, Part 4: Secret Societies and the Source of the Protocols

A few years ago I had participated in a series of programs with Sword Brethren that consisted of discussions based on Nesta Webster's book World Revolution. They could probably be greatly improved upon, as they were rather informal. We stopped with Syndicalism and chapter 9, I believe. Chapter 10 concerns primarily the Revolution of 1917, and instead we went on to present the British whitepaper on the Bolshevik Revolution known as Russia No. 1, never getting back to Nesta Webster.

Here we are not going to present the entire chapter, as our area of interest at the moment is confined to the Protocols of the so-called “Learned Elders of Zion”. Therefore it is our intention to present what Nesta Webster has to offer us in that regard. But we must also say a few things about the author herself. Nesta Webster, being very well read in the areas relevant to our study, had meticulously researched in several languages all of the primary sources that she could locate for her subject, and she offers copious citations. Often, and especially in this field of study, primary sources are impossible to obtain, so she resorted to what she believed were the most reliable and authentic secondary sources. However she was very altruistic, she was very reserved in her conclusions, and she seems not to have recognized the Jew as a truly alien character who is forever opposed to Christian society as a matter of his nature. However for us that is a benefit, because she cannot be accused of having motives which were merely based on hatred of any race or religion.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 5: Philip Graves and the Dialogue of Joly

Christogenea Saturdays, September 19th, 2015 - The Protocols of Satan, Part 5: Philip Graves and the Dialogue of Joly

Click here to read the Protocols themselves at the Mein Kampf Project at Christogenea.

In our last segment of The Protocols of Satan, we had presented those parts of Chapter 10 of Nesta Webster's book World Revolution which demonstrated that much of the underlying political philosophy found in the so-called Protocols of the “Learned Elders of Zion” was actually expressed before the Protocols were ever published, by many of the key figures in the European secret societies of the 18th and 19th centuries. To do this, Webster had compared some of the writings of Adam Weishaupt, Piccolo Tigre, Mikhail Bakunin, Vladimir Lenin and other revolutionaries to statements that had been made in the Protocols. Finding the same sentiments expressed in the Protocols in the works of so many of the secret societies and writings of the revolutionaries, one can only come to the conclusion that a conspiracy which is greater than any particular secret society or revolutionary was lurking in the background which gave fuel to them all. Webster acknowledged that such a conspiracy must have existed, but she did not readily accept the exclusively Jewish nature of that conspiracy. However she did admit later Jewish involvement in both the conspiracy and in the revolutionary movements which the underlying philosophies had generated.

We have already discussed at length the earliest attempts on the part of the Jews to discredit the Protocols as so-called “forgeries”. Nesta Webster had also aptly pointed out the obvious posturing and glaring deficiencies in these attempts which were centered around the testimonies of frauds and traitors such as Katherine Radziwill and du Chayla. Further investigation into the backgrounds and antics of both of these characters reveals that they are even far worse than what we have already presented here, although we are not so certain that we should continue to elaborate on them. As Webster had stated, there is no reason that the Jews should have continued to put them forth as witnesses against the Protocols, except to purposely distract attention from the real evidence of their most plausible source, which was buried in the secret societies themselves. So to Nesta Webster, the Jewish posturing in their attempts to discredit the protocols was the first indication that the Protocols must have been legitimate even if their original author may never be determined precisely.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 6: The Protocols of Joly Refuted

Christogenea Saturdays, September 26th, 2015 - The Protocols of Satan, Part 6: The Protocols of Joly Refuted

In our last segment of The Protocols of Satan, we had presented three articles from The London Times which were presumably written by Philip Graves and had been published on consecutive dates in August of 1921. In Part 3 of this series, we had quoted the Russian historians Lev Aronov, Henryk Baran and Dmitry Zubarev, who in their 2009 article entitled Princess Catherine Radziwill and 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion': the hoax as a lifestyle had written the following in reference to the Philip Graves articles:

Appendix 2 of the book Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, by Nesta Webster, which was evidently first published in 1924. When we first read of the Joly book in relation to the Protocols, we concluded that both works must have come from the same source, rather than the Protocols having been taken from Joly. Nesta Webster helped us to vindicate that position. In all honesty, the opinions put forth by the Russian historians, Aronov, Baran and Zubarev, and the assertions of Philip Graves may be accepted, if it is taken for granted that the Protocols did not come into existence until after 1864, but only upon the basis that the Dialogue of Joly and the Protocols are the only literature of the 19th century which contain such ideas.

Nesta Webster had also shown that in a June 12, 1920 article in a publication called the Spectator, a certain Mr. Lucien Wolf had declared that the Protocols were a forgery based upon a few parallels found in another political work of the period, Hermann Goedsche's Biarritz which was published in 1868, and that upon that basis Wolf made the declaration that “Nilus followed this pamphlet very closely.” Evidently this claim did not stick in relation to Biarritz, but it is the same claim that Graves made a year later for the Protocols and Joly's Dialogue, after which the Goedsche book was also claimed to have been a plagiarism of the Dialogue.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 7: The Supposed Ford Apology

Our purpose here this evening is to discuss a federal lawsuit against Henry Ford which was filed by a Jew lawyer named Aaron Sapiro in 1925, and lasted until it was settled in 1927. While the lawsuit and its outcome have no bearing on the legitimacy of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, it was nevertheless taken advantage of in a ploy by prominent Jews to discredit the Protocols, for which they use it to this very day, and, as we shall see, that ploy of the Jews was used in turn by Henry Ford to get out of the lawsuit. Because of the popularity of Ford's publication of The International Jew among those who realize the veracity of the material in the Protocols, and because of the way in which Jews have mischaracterized the Sapiro lawsuit as another proof against the Protocols, we feel that no discussion of the Protocols would be complete without a discussion of this lawsuit, and what really happened when Henry Ford allegedly apologized for his articles in The Dearborn Independent which were later compiled in the volumes titled The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem.

Firstly, one major misconception must be clarified. The Sapiro lawsuit against Ford really had nothing to do with The International Jew, with the Protocols of Zion, or with most of the material ever published in The Dearborn Independent. The lawsuit only involved what certain articles in The Dearborn Independent had said of the Jewish lawyer Aaron Sapiro, who was engaged in organizing farm coops. Ford smelled a rat, and believed that through agents such as Sapiro, Jews were trying to corner the agricultural industry. According to a paper found at Harvard University, Sapiro vs. Ford: The Mastermind of the Marshall Maneuver, in reference to what Ford's newspaper said about Sapiro, “the New York Times summarized the accusations: “Mr. Sapiro was accused in the articles of being a cheat, a faker and a fraud”. We would agree, even if we would not publish such accusations without some evidence. Although we do not perceive that Sapiro himself was an agent for Jews in general, that he was indeed acting out of greed and the desire for control of the production of others is a characteristic inherent among the typical members of his race.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 8: The Masters of Discourse

The Protocols of Satan, Part 8: The Masters of Discourse

This evening we are really just going to make an introduction to the Protocols, offer some new commentary, and recap some of the things which we have already presented in this series, because it has been so long since we left it. To date we have presented seven parts of our Protocols of Satan, which were really only designed to establish their authenticity and refute all of their refutations. Then, because we felt we needed a firm historical basis for an understanding of the Protocols, we presented eleven parts of a series titled The Jews in Medieval Europe, and we feel that it is important to understand that material before we continued with a presentation of the actual Protocols. But for now, what we have here we hope serves as our final introduction to the Protocols themselves.

The alleged scholar David Duke has labeled the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion a “literary fantasy”, along the lines of George Orwell’s 1984. Duke’s thesis as to how the Protocols came into existence merely regurgitates the long-discredited defensive Jewish claims. His comparison to 1984, however, is downright childish. George Orwell rather astutely saw what was already on the horizon, having observed the results of Bolshevism in the East and the trends of Liberalism in the West, and only then had he rather prodigiously depicted one possible result of the established political trends, some of which we now see and some of which have not yet materialized. But the Protocols are quite different, because when they were written there was nothing in the world like them that was already in place. Therefore, as the design which they described came to be plainly manifest in the world within a scant several decades of their publication, we should distinguish them as being representative of a definite plan for the undermining of society by those who would benefit from that undermining. Therefore, as crudely as they were written, the Protocols are real. It is David Duke who is a fake. He may be good at explaining Jewish power in society today, but the actual depth of his historical inquiry is severely wanting.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 9: Rule of the Brambles

We replaced the posted podcast on Tuesday August 23rd at 9:30 AM EST. Some words were truncated in diverse places throughout the original podcast, due to technical differences in the processing. The new file repairs the problems.  

The Protocols of Satan, Part 9: Rule of the Brambles

After spending eight segments of this program presenting introductory material in an endeavor to help establish the veracity of the claims of legitimacy for the so-called Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which we prefer to call the Protocols of Satan, we are finally approaching a presentation of the material in the Protocols themselves. We have chosen to do this using the translation found in the book The Protocols and World Revolution attributed to Boris Brasol, and published in Boston in 1920 by Maynard, Small & Co. [We will attach a PDF copy of the book to this program when it is posted at Christogenea.] This translation is of course somewhat different than the one which is posted at our Mein Kampf Project at Christogenea, which was made by the British journalist Victor Marsden. However when we began comparing it with the translation of Marsden, we found it preferable to read. As we proceed through the Protocols, we will make note of any significant differences in meanings between the two translations, if indeed we notice them and find them worthy of note.

But before we proceed, we would like to present just some of the material found in the Introductory Statement of The Protocols and World Revolution, which is important in order to set the historical backdrop for these publications of the Protocols. The Russian Empire had only recently been conquered from within by World Jewry, and fears in the East were that the Jews would take the rest of the world in that same manner as they had Russia. Americans, and most of the West, were kept oblivious of the real truth of the situation by their own Jewish-controlled press.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 11: The Press and the Puppets in Power

The Protocols of Satan, Part 11: The Press and the Puppets in Power

In our last segment of the Protocols of Satan, we saw their authors boast of the weakening of the governments of the West through the spread of Liberalism, a political phenomenon leading to the spread of the perceptibly democratic governments which the Jews have heralded, but which they never believed in themselves. They understood that if the West embraced democracy through liberalism, that they could then subvert democracy and seize the relinquished reins of power by the power of gold.

They knew that through their own control of money, something which they always had in Europe, once power was taken from the kings and princes of the nobility, they could control the masses through the use of money. So in the last lines which we encountered in the Protocols of Satan, their authors had first boasted that “In our day the power of gold has replaced liberal rulers.” Then, explaining how they would exercise that power, they boasted further that “Our right lies in might. The word ‘right’ is an abstract idea, unsusceptible of proof. This word means nothing more than: Give me what I desire so that I may have evidence that I am stronger than you.” The devils then asked rather rhetorically, “Where does right begin? Where does it end?”

The Protocols of Satan, Part 12: Jewish Press Control

The Protocols of Satan, Part 12: Jewish Press Control

In the last segment of our presentation of the Protocols of Satan, we discussed only a small portion of the first Protocol, which we will cite again here from the translation by Victor Marsden: “In any State in which there is a bad organization of authority, an impersonality of laws and of the rulers who have lost their personality amid the flood of rights ever multiplying out of liberalism, I find a new right - to attack by the right of the strong, and to scatter to the winds all existing forces of order and regulation, to reconstruct all institutions and to become the sovereign lord of those who have left to us the rights of their power by laying them down voluntarily in their liberalism.”

It is probably not an accident, that a movement towards parliamentary systems of government in Europe developed earliest where the Jews had the most influence, in parts of Spain as early as the 12th century, in the Netherlands during the so-called Dutch Revolt of the 16th century, neither of which early attempts had endured, and then in England where it took root and has endured. The English parliament until after the time of Cromwell was still a feudal institution which had dated from the time of William of Normandy. After the travails of the 17th century revolutions, the modern parliamentary system was instituted in England in 1707, and then in Sweden in 1721. These systems limited the power of the king and shifted power to supposed representatives of the population, or in its earlier stages, of landholders within the population.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 13: The Jewish "News" Agencies

The Protocols of Satan, Part 13: The Jewish "News" Agencies

We are slowly progressing through our presentation of the so-called Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which we prefer to call the Protocols of Satan, taking what we believe are rather necessary digressions in order to attempt to establish both the context of the Protocols, and the facts of their execution. I wouldn’t say fulfillment, but execution, as the Protocols are not a work of intuition or a prophecy of any sort. Rather, they represent the outline of a definite plan by the rabbis and money-changers of Judaism for the subversion of White Christian civilization.

In our last digression, which has run over the course of the last two of these presentations, we hope to have demonstrated that by the time of the First World War and the Bolshevik Revolution, Jews were already in control of nearly all of the major newspapers in Germany, England, and the United States. Many of the newspapers were under their control for several decades by that time, and they not only had ownership and administrative control, but they also filled many of the important editorial and reporting positions. Where we do not find Jews in those positions, we find men who nevertheless had close relationships with Jews.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 14: Bastiat for Judaism, Hitler for Christianity

The Protocols of Satan, Part 14: Bastiat for Judaism, Hitler for Christianity

For two-and-a-half segments of this series presenting the Protocols of Satan, we took a long digression to discuss Jewish control of the newspapers and glossy magazines of Europe and America from the mid-19th century and until the time of the Second World War. Excluding actual books, newspapers and magazines were of course the only media until the 1920’s and even with the advent of radio and television, they remained the most influential form of media until long after both the World Wars were concluded. But just as importantly as their control of most of the major newspapers was the Jewish control of most of the advertising and all of the major international news agencies throughout that same period. With that, they were able to control even those newspapers which they did not own or for which they did not hold positions as editors or writers.

Through their media control, Jews were the foremost creators of public opinion throughout those important decades which have shaped the modern world. Jews created the circumstances and influenced the public opinion by which Czarist Russia and both Imperial and National Socialist Germany were destroyed for the advancement of the world-wide propagation of Jewish capitalism. For the Jews who orchestrate the media, and manipulate entire national populations like marionettes in their orchestra, generations of White Christians destroyed one another in war, and today the whole world lies under the thumb of the Jewish usury oppression of international brokerages and banks. The Protocols reflect the definite and calculated plan of action by which the Jews have accomplished their world dominion.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 15: Power and Hypocrisy

The Protocols of Satan, Part 15: Power and Hypocrisy

In the last segment of our presentations of the Protocols of Satan we covered a variety of topics. First we compared the concept of the State as it was imagined by Frédéric Bastiat to the concept of a State as it was explained by Adolf Hitler. In the mind of Bastiat, the economy is greater than the State, and the state is an only a bully which may be bent to the will of one group or another who use it to gain an economic advantage for themselves over the rest of the population under its rule. This is the status quo for all of the nations of the West today. To Hitler, the State is an organism of a people, represents the people, and maintains an economy subservient to its will, in a manner which is, theoretically at least, beneficial to all of the people of the particular nation.

So to Bastiat, money comes first and the people are victims to its whims. While to Hitler, money serves the people and the people have an obligation to serve one another. The view of nation and economy which was upheld by Bastiat serves the Jewish interests, and that is the Liberalism which has prevailed throughout the West from the 19th century to this very day. The Hitlerian view of nation and economy is anathema to the Jew and had to be destroyed by the forces of Jewish capitalism which have come to dominate all nations. I do not know if we could find better models by which to contrast these important differences in economic philosophy, which have played a significant role in the events of modern history.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 16: Elections and Deceptions

The Protocols of Satan, Part 16: Elections and Deceptions

Here on the heels of the latest United States Presidential election we return to our presentation of the Protocols of Satan. Perhaps we may soon know whether this latest election result was granted to provide the world with some temporary relief from the wiles of the devil, or if it is indeed another chapter in the ultimate fulfillment of the Protocols. We should seriously doubt that Satan has ceded any control over American politics, and believe instead that the devils are indeed satisfied with the outcome. George Soros had boasted on network television that Hillary Clinton would lose the popular vote, and win the electoral college. It didn’t happen. In fact, the result was precisely the opposite. But how do you know when a Jew is telling the truth? They make war by means of deception, and they feign weakness when they have the advantage. When a Jew moves his lips, he is lying, and wherever one may see a rabbi, there has already been a crime. These adages are true, and they are always true because even when a Jew appears to be telling the truth, he is doing it with pretense, and with an ulterior motive that is much more important to him than any concession to fact. Donald Trump has said a lot of things which nationalists everywhere love to hear, and the next several months will be an indication of whether or not he really meant any them, and also of how he meant them. His interpretation of his words certainly differ from that of many of his supporters.

We have also noted that during the weeks and months preceding the election, many nationalist-leaning Trump supporters practically refused to process many things which Trump had said in his speeches. After the election, when protests broke out, some were even upset that Trump called for unity, understanding that White Americans should have no unity with the types of supposed people who were protesting. However Trump has not betrayed his supporters at all. They just didn’t hear his words during the campaign. For instance, in the opening moments of his so-called Gettysburg Address speech given in October, Trump made a reference of the divisions which Abraham Lincoln faced as president, and expressed hope that he himself may heal the “divisions we are living through right now”. Like it or not, that is a call for unity amongst Americans regardless of race or regardless of any other barriers, that the divisions among the races should somehow be healed. That is the real Donald Trump, whom too many people refuse to see. So they will express surprise and betrayal over the months and years to come.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 17: Are These Things So?

The Protocols of Satan, Part 17: Are These Things So?

This is the 17th installment of our series of The Protocols of Satan, which is a discussion of the so-called Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion from a Christian Identity perspective, both historical and religious. The first 7 of these segments only discussed the legitimacy of the Protocols, the arguments that they are a forgery, and some of the arguments that they are indeed valid documents which express ideas that have originated in Jewry. We have even further evidence of that which we hope to exhibit here in the weeks, or months, to come.

The previous 9 segments of this series discussed the first of the 24 Protocols, titled The Basic Doctrine, and took a few digressions to present background material for various topics, such as the evidence that the Jews were in control of the press throughout the West from the mid-19th century, and were therefore in a position to do everything of which the Protocols boasts. We also took time to contrast a Jewish materialistic view of economy and government, using Frédéric Bastiat as an example, to a Christian and spiritual view of economy and government, using Adolf Hitler as an example. Of course, this last statement would be laughable in most worldly circles, and that would only prove our point concerning the undue Jewish influence on society through their control of the media and academics. Anyone who laughs without examination at our assertions proves themselves to have been brainwashed by the devil – unless they themselves are devils.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 18: Protocol No. 2 and the Economic Plans of the Jew

The Protocols of Satan, Part 18: Protocol No. 2 and the Economic Plans of the Jew

In the last segment of our presentation of the Protocols of Satan we took a digression in order to present four so-called Protocols which first appeared earlier than and independent of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. These earlier Protocols had been compiled by the Britons Publishing Company, evidently some time in the mid 1920’s, and then republished by Col. Eugene Nelson Sanctuary in 1934. Sanctuary himself published many such works, and was later a victim of the Roosevelt administration’s sedition trials.

The four Protocols published by the Britons Publishing Company were taken from the following sources: 1) A document containing advice for French Jews which was supposedly from the Jewish council of rabbis at Constantinople written in 1489, and reprinted in the French language and Jewish-owned and operated Journal of Jewish Studies in 1880. 2) A Manifesto issued in 1860 to the ‘Jews of the Universe,’ by Adolphe Cremieux, the founder of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, a member of the Provisional Government of France in 1871, and a grand master of the French Masonic Lodges. 3) A funeral oration of a Rabbi Reichhorn given at the tomb of a jew named Simeon-ben-Ihuda in 1869. And 4) A Hebrew document apparently dating from December of 1918 which was found on the body of a dead Bolshevik battalion commander and published in a Russian-language newspaper in Berlin in February, 1919. The document was addressed to the so-called Israelite International League and seems to have exposed some of the secrets of the Jews in Russia who executed the Bolshevik Revolution and the future Soviet Russia.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 19: Protocol No. 2, Jewish Agents in Post-Protocols American Government

The Protocols of Satan, Part 19: Protocol No. 2, Jewish Agents in Post-Protocols American Government

In our last presentation of the Protocols of Satan we began a discussion of Protocol No. 2, which is subtitled Economic Wars. Doing this, we presented an entire chapter from The International Jew which was in turn subtitled The Economic Plans of International Jews. The opening lines of this Protocol boasted that wars would be shifted “to an economic basis”, and they most certainly were. However that alone did not negate the need for military war, since Jewry would by necessity have to manipulate into such a war any nation which it did not fully control. So 16 years after the Protocols were first known by Christians to have existed, Europe is plunged into the First Great War. No matter the pretenses used to ignite the conflagration, we must understand that its causes were indeed economic.

Adolf Hitler understood this, and he wrote the following, in Volume 1, Chapter 10 of Mein Kampf:

Over against the innumerable drawbacks which I have mentioned here and which affected German life before the War there were many outstanding features on the positive side. If we take an impartial survey we must admit that most of our drawbacks were in great measure prevalent also in other countries and among the other nations, and very often in a worse form than with us; whereas among us there were many real advantages which the other did not have.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 20: The Jewish Peril and the Catholic Church

The Protocols of Satan, Part 20: The Jewish Peril and the Catholic Church

Here once again we have a lengthy digression, and before proceeding with our commentary on the text of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, we are going to present and discuss an article titled The Jewish Peril and The Catholic Church, which was published in a periodical called The Catholic Gazette in February of 1936. So far, we have not located a complete copy from any issue of this periodical, however we have found a few rather informative references which will add to our understanding of this article, I hope, and also of the understanding of the Jewish world conspiracy and resistance to the Jewish Peril in the 1930’s.

The Catholic Gazette has been connected by some online sources, such as Metapedia, to one Archibishop Richard Joseph Downey, who was once the Archbishop of Liverpool. Investigating this connection, Downey seems to be an interesting character, but, as we shall see, Metapedia is wrong to connect him to The Catholic Gazette, which for a want of better information may have caused us to credit Downey with the opinions expressed by that periodical in a February, 1936 article which we will present here.