Warren's Shaft and Hezekiah's Tunnel

This video clip was originally archived here as a companion to the May 21st, 2010 Yahweh's Covenant People program by Eli James and William Finck, which discussed the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem with Isaiah Chapter 36.  Preparing for the siege, Hezekiah the king of Judah built a tunnel through which water was brought into the city from the Gihon Spring (see 2 Chronicles 32:30), which allowed Jerusalem to withstand the siege.

What is anti-Semitism today?

This video is posted here for information purposes only, so that what Jews think of "Anti-Semitism" may be understood. We do not necessarily agree with any of its persepctives - WRF

Israeli director Yoav Shamir embarks on a provocative – and at times irreverent – quest to answer the question, “What is anti-Semitism today?” Does it remain a dangerous and immediate threat? Or is it a scare tactic used by right-wing Zionists to discredit their critics? Speaking with an array of people from across the political spectrum (including the head of the Anti-Defamation League and its fiercest critic, author Norman Finkelstein) and traveling to places like Auschwitz (alongside Israeli school kids) and Brooklyn (to explore reports of violence against Jews), Shamir discovers the realities of anti-Semitism today. His findings are shocking, enlightening and – surprisingly – often wryly funny.

White Ancient Egypt

Of course, for many years we have been making the assertion that ancient Egyptians were White, and have a common origin with Europeans in ancient Mesopotamia. But now this is even more unquestionable. While we do not trust many claims concerning DNA evidence, because DNA scientists usually do not understand ancient history, that does not mean that they are all invalid.  

Disclaimer: Turks are mixed, and many are almost but not really White. Until the islamic invasions, all of the inhabitants of both Anatolia (modern Turkey) and Greece were White. Furthermore, the scientists do not understand history, so they really do not know how the ancient Egyptians were White.

Ancient Egypt - DNA Proves They Were Similar to Europeans

Ancient Egypt: King Tut was White, and had DNA which is similar to most Modern Europeans

White Women, Take a Taxi ... Or a Gun

There is no doubt, that the more frequently these feral negros are tolerated when they riot in the cities and run rampant on the highways, the more brazen they will get in their interactions with Whites in public places.

If White people really cared about themselves and their families, as well as the future of their children, they would shoot every rioting negro dead on site. It has never in history been considered a crime to shoot wild animals who pose a threat to the civil order.

In fact, it is a crime not to shoot them.

Who Could Believe That Islands Tip Over?

This video is a few years old, but we need a reminder now and then. This is a congressman? Do you still think they can be our peers in a productive society? This really is an accurate example of just how stupid niggers are. And they are sitting in Washington helping to decide your fate! Is that what you really want, White man, and woman?

Who is the real "hate group"?

Here an SPLC speaker admits that there are "hate groups" because people "don't like being replaced". If it were any other race being replaced, the Jews would be crying about genocide every night in their media. White man, can you see the writing on the wall? Or will you stay forever blinded by bread and circuses and material comforts, until the day when they drag your dead carcass out into the streets to be eaten by dogs and chinamen?

Whites are being replaced because with the oppressive taxes that finance that replacement, White families cannot afford to have children for themselves. This was the plan from the beginning, the Jews such as those at the SPLC are behind it, and they have organizations like the SPLC so that they can demonize the "hate groups" that oppose it.

There never was a holocaust, except the one that is coming.

Why are people afraid of the facts about Jews?


This is an excellent video, except that like most people today, the narrator does not understand that the Bible is not a Jewish book, because the Jews are neither Israelites nor Judah. In fact, the only "Jewish" book in the Bible is the book called Esther, which the narrator mentions.

We left the following comment on the Youtube page for this video:

The video is great. But the truth is that the only Jewish book in the entire Bible is Esther. The people known as Jews today infiltrated and subverted ancient Judaea 2,200 years ago. They infiltrated and began to subvert the Roman Catholic church 800 years ago, and in some ways even long before that. They infiltrated and subverted American Christianity and use it for their own purposes since the 19th century. True Christianity is 100% anti-Jewish.

Why Christians Must Unplug Hollywood


Not only is Hollywood run by the anti-Christ jews, most of the common actors and actresses are also anti-Christ jews. In this manner, Christians have been spoon-fed anti-Christ jewish propaganda with every single movie that the jews have produced for a hundred years, in nearly every single movie that has been produced. For this reason, the worldview of most Christians is an anti-Christ jewish worldview. Sanitize your mind: unplug yourself from Hollywood, and stop worshipping the beast!

If you doubt that Hollywood is run by jews, see the article from one of their own, How Jewish is Hollywood? by Joel Stein at the Los Angeles Times.