Wake Up, America! (Not that anyone really expects you to...)

When are White Americans ever going to realize that their own government is not at all interested in them, except for purposes of taxation and oppression?  The government is only interested in expanding its own power, and flooding the nation with every sort of beast in order to further assure its grip on power.

See the video below, which contrasts the reactions to disasters in Iowa and Haiti, courtesy of Prothink.org.



Zionism Seemed Hopeless in 1902?

A small article from the St. Paul (Minnesota) Globe, November 10, 1902. 

The link to this old newspaper page can be found here.  If that ever disappears, the PDF file can be had here

The 1902 article states that a Rabbi Rypins of the Mount Zion Temple, Minnesota synagogue was shown a cablegram stating that France and Russia have blocked the sale of Palestine by the Sultan of Turkey.  Czar Nicholas II was ruler of Russia from 1894 until his abdication in 1917.  He and his family were murdered in 1918.  The Balfour Declaration was hatched in 1917.

For further commentary see: 
http://mybigfatanti-zionistlife.blogspot.com /2009/12/is-this- reason-czar-nicholas-ii-and-his.html

Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA

Does Richard Gage look like an enemy of these united States?

Richard Gage, a career professional architect, here on Freso, Ca. television quite courageously vindicates what so-called "right-wing conspiracy nuts" have been stating for years.  Why do Marxists want to shut down the internet and the "right-wing conspiracy nuts"?  Because just like they were in Bolshevik Russia, the Marxists of today are in the employ of the jewish Capitalist international banking crime ring!

This video was found at:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO2yT0uBQbM

Guess What Whitey: Negros Hate You: Part 2 - Erroll Southers Ranting About Christian Identity Terrorist Groups

No doubt, Buford O'Neal Furrow went on a shooting spree and killed a few people, but that was back in August of 1999. And Furrow was acting as a lone nut, not as an organized part of any Christian Identity group. He alone is responsible for his actions. If one wants to see organized religionists attacking America, just go to 911missinglinks.com and watch the jews dancing for joy in the streets of New Jersey as the World Trade Center came tumbling down. It is all on film there.

Matthew Hale was not even a Christian, never mind Christian Identity. The "World Church of the Creator" is (or was) an atheist sect started by a "Mennonite" Russian (?) named Ben Klassen. So Southers is an outright liar for associating Matt Hale with any sort of Christianity.

Ben Smith, who also went on a shooting spree in 1999, was also associated with the atheist World Church of the Creator (See http://www.cnn.com/US/9907/05/illinois.shootings.02/). So again, Southers is an outright liar.

Erroll Southers is an obvious fraud who does not know a thing about Christianity, or Christian Identity, except what he was told to say by his anti-Christ controllers from the ADL. The man is a liar and he is not fit to hold public office.

Jewish Promotion of White Sex Slavery

Israel: Sex Slavery Thrives

Julie Lesser

Calling human trafficking one of the greatest human rights abuses of our time, Canadian journalist and social activist Victor Malarek addressed the Jewish community at a Montreal synagogue last Thursday. 

Promoting a book he has written on the subject, Malarek said destitute Third World and Eastern European females as young as 12 are tricked into leaving their homelands with promises of wealth and prosperity in the West, as well as Israel. Instead, they are sold into the sex trade by organized crime, gangs, pimps and brothel owners. 

"Newspaper ads from modelling and employment agencies promise exciting jobs, but the women are duped," Malarek told the Jewish Tribune. "They must submit, or they are raped, beaten and tortured. There are between 5,000 and 10,000 trafficked women in Israel and more than 280 brothels in Tel Aviv alone. It is a human rights issue the Jewish community knows about. They have a voice and they must use it."  

How is this NOT a Tyranny?

Will someone with a spine arrest this man?  

Who in government today has the backbone to hold him accountable for these blatant crimes?  Do Americans not care about the tyranny of certain "progressive" elements in politics?

A few weeks after I posted this, John Murtha indeed met his judgement. Praise Yahweh!

The ADL IS Hate, Part Three

The ADL has pulled a new trick out of their yarmulkes in their endeavor to destroy American freedoms. Now, if one exercises his 1st amendment right to free speech in a manner which is not consistent with ADL-approved sensibilities, they are orchestrating an attempt to manipulate the various States into revoking that person's 2nd amendment right to bear arms!  It is quite sad that we have all lost sight of the fact that the founders of this nation believed our basic rights, which are partially enumerated in the original constitutional amendments, to have been granted by our Christian God, and therefore no man or government can ever lawfully take any one of them away from any other man or government!  I must say again, that in reality, the ADL's definition of "freedom" is the liberty to corrupt all of Christianity and to destroy Western Civilization: the goal of the anti-Christs in the first place! These anti-Christ jew devils have used our open society to infiltrate and corrupt it, and now they wish to deprive us all of our basic God-given rights, so that they can avoid all criticism or fear of reprisal, and maintain their ill-gotten power!  Will Christians ever learn that Christ has no concord with devils?

The USS Liberty: Interview with Survivor Ron Kukal

ISRAELI ATTACK ON THE USS LIBERTY: JUNE 8TH 1967, 1:58 PM – Guest Ron Kukal, Petty Officer, Communications Technician, USS Liberty survivor and Chaplain for the USS Liberty veteran’s association.

Click here for a facsimile of a letter from Ret. Rear Admiral Robert M. Garrick supporting Ron Kulak's work in this area.

The Perennial Struggle

The Perennial Struggle 

Every year around this time there is the same list of questions circulating among Identity Christians, and many of us have the same inward struggle. What should we do about  Christmas? For many of us it is not a struggle at all. Rather, we simply alienate our families and friends by shunning their pagan holiday. However while it is good never to compromise the truths of our faith, we are also told to love our brethren above all but God Himself. There certainly are places where we should never cross the line, and we should not violate the commandments of God even in spite of our brethren. But it may be advantageous to see Christmas as an occasion to witness to the truth, rather than as an opportunity to somehow prove that we ourselves are more holy than our kith and kin.

Genetic Proof of the Blood Relation of Palestinians and Jews

This article is a facsimile from Human Immunology, the "Official Journal of the American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics".  Evidently some Canaanite jews were offended, betrayed to find out that they are the blood kindred of the Canaanite arabs.  So much for the "chosen people" myth.

  Click here for the PDF