Exterminate White Men? Part Three

Yet another Negro comes forward and beckons the destruction of White people. Posing as a "professor", the Negro who is known in the English language by the rather White-sounding name of "James Harrison", and who is currently employed as a history professor at Portland Community College in Portland, Oregon, is claiming that peace in the U.S. is impossible so long as whiteness still exists. This is no trivial matter, as PCC is called "Oregon's largest college" by the popular OregonLive news site.

Ironically, in his presentation Harrison used a song written by a White man. In fact, it is wholly evident that everything in his environment was created or invented by White men. It is hard for us to imagine where this negro would be if it were not for White men. The negro is a hypocrite. He can only repent if he goes back to the savannah (the one in Africa, not the one in Georgia), exchanges his business suit for traditional tribal apparel, and gives the speech in one of the tongues of his non-white ancestors. Neither should he read it from a piece of paper, which along with the ink pen was invented and manufactured by White men.

But aside from James Harrison's obvious hypocrisy, Negro so-called "educators" are increasingly becoming emboldened to speak in such a manner as they are artificially elevated in greater numbers to positions of authority through government-enforced equality and opportunity programs. In the 1960's and 70's rhetoric such as Harrison's was more or less confined to "extremist" circles such as the so-called "Nation of Islam" and characters like Khalid Abdul Mohammed.  In 2005, another Negro "professor" who calls himself "Kamau Kambon" (but who was apparently named "Leroy Jefferson" when he was born) said during a discussion on the hurricane Katrina in an interview recorded on C-Span that "The problem on the planet is white people ... We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet, to solve this problem."

Of course, these Negros have been further emboldened by Jews such as Tim Wise and Noel Ignatiev. These are just two Jewish "academics" out of many who routinely advocate that White culture and the White race itself be forcibly and completely destroyed. Jews are not White, but they are able to pose as Whites in order to advance their long-running war of destruction against White and especially Christian culture and society.

When we get enough of these Negro and Jewish frauds out in the eye of the public, perhaps sufficient Whites may seriously ponder the necessity for their own survival, to rid the world of Negroes and Jews. Only then can we realize the heaven that, under the burden of his own Marxist indoctrination, John Lennon could never imagine. 

The Christian Identity Objective

Click here for the podcast page for Part 1.

Click here for the podcast page for Part 2.


The collective thoughts of William Finck after having presented two spoken discussions on this very topic with Pastor Mark Downey, both of which are available for listening at Christogenea.

The hour is late, and all of the formerly Christian nations are overcome with the enemies of Christ. The dusk is far too advanced for Christians to be wasting precious time arguing over the place of beasts in the kingdom of God, when it should be obvious to all that after 500 years of trying to civilize and make Christians of them, there has been little but misery and failure, and they are still nothing but beasts. The negro takes the image of Christ, remodels it in its own image, and destroys everything it touches in His Name. The Oriental takes up the image of Christ, and adds it to his collection of mystical talismans, imagining that it is just one more tool in the arsenal of idols that will help him to gratify his lusts, along with shark fins and tiger penises. The Mexican takes up the image of Christ, but only as a child, and then worships the young virgin instead, yearning for the fulfillment of its own beastly impulses.

For a thousand years the Jew had tried to destroy Christendom from the outside, and had militarized both the African and Asian beasts against the West, but they failed to destroy it. So slowly the Jew crept into Christianity and undermined Christian institutions with anti-Christian ideas. And since they initially failed to flood Europe with the beasts, it was the Jew who convinced the popes to bring Europe to the beasts. So a universal doctrine which was at one time only universal to the civilized world, was transformed into a multiracial doctrine and the churches of Europe were prepared to accept the ideologies of the humanist revolutions, once they were convinced that they should humanize the beasts.

The Camp of the Saints Revisited

In light of the most recent European immigration drama, a good friend had brought up the topic of an old book, The Camp of The Saints, a 1973 French-language apocalyptic novel by one Jean Raspail. We have not read the novel ourselves, having both an ignorance of French and the observation that the only version available in English is a translation made by a Jew as barriers to so doing. However understanding the reference, and the fact that the book portrays the end of Europe and Western Civilization as a whole in a flood of savage immigrants from Africa, we understand that the book certainly was portentous...

Dawn Magazine, December 22nd, 1923

We found this old copy of Dawn magazine, a Ku Klux Klan magazine published by Dawn Publishing Co. and based in Chicago, for $20 in an antique store in Blue Ridge, Georgia. Originally it sold for ten cents an issue. It is dated December 22nd, 1923. We have scanned it in and have posted it here. Each page image in the gallery links to the page, and each image on a page links to a higher-resolution (600 dpi) image.

White Nationalist Cognitive Dissonance

Down the audio here.


Secular White Nationalism, meaning White Nationalism that rejects or insists upon being apart from Christianity, seems to have first appeared in America in the late twentieth century with the likes of David Duke and a motley collection of other rejects from what may have been identified rather loosely as the Christian Patriot movement of the 1950's through the 1980's. It is not our purpose to dwell on the beginnings of this movement or how it has grown, however we will mention Mr. Duke again here later on and in another context. Our purpose for now is to discuss some of the shortcomings in the world-views of secular White Nationalists in general, and why they will always continue to fail.

Before we begin, however, we must first state that we do not accept denominational Judeo-Christians to be Christians at all. Rather, they have come to worship Jews rather than Jesus, and seek to advance World Jewish Supremacy rather than the Kingdom of God. The Roman Catholic Church was heavily infiltrated by presumably converted Jews and its literature became awash with truly anti-Christian, Jewish ideas from as early as the 14th century. Even the greatest of Protestant scholars such as Martin Luther were poisoned with the writings of Jews such as Lyra and Burgensis in their formal church educations, and the churches they founded retained those Jewish ideas.

The anti-Christian White Nationalists assume that the modern churches represent Christianity, and that is a bad assumption. The denominational churches had long ago been turned to the will of the internationalist merchants, and their policies have long represented the will of the merchants rather than the will of the Christian God. Many of their policies stand in direct contradiction to the Christian Bible, even in spite of the bad translations which most Bible versions have suffered partly due to these same influences. Much of this phenomenon is readily evident in Church history.

Unity and Divisions

Unity and Divisions

This presentation is really a compendium of things I have presented over the past several years. If one has read or heard my commentaries on the minor prophets, and the recently completed Romans exegesis, all of these things will be familiar, while I hope to have added a new perspective or two. This is because the grounds for Christian communion do not change, and the lines where Christian unity and divisions are drawn should indeed be very clear. Yet I find many Identity Christians who do not understand them, so I continually reiterate these same messages, and in as many ways as I can.

One of the biggest challenges which I have faced in my work is getting people to actually believe that all Israel (true Israel being our White Christian nations) shall be saved – in spite of the fact that Paul of Tarsus stated as much explicitly in his epistle to the Romans, and in spite of the fact that the prophets of Yahweh our God also stated as much. All Christians for two thousand years have suffered from a burden of doubt that was not taught by the original apostles, and that was not taught by the prophets of God. Peter said “you are a chosen race”, and not “you are a race that might be chosen”.

Christians are raised wondering whether they will be accepted by God at the end of their lives. With this, perpetual doubt is sown which causes men to turn away from the interests of their community and their race, in favor of their own interests whereby they pursue the materialistic desires of the flesh. When they face difficult times they feel abandoned by God, and because they have doubt it is just as easy for them to abandon God. By abandoning God, they are of no use to their communities and instead they work against the interest of their kinsmen because they seek to fulfill their own material needs at the expense of the needs of the community.

Since when is an act of speech a "Conspiracy to Violate Civil Rights"?

Man Charged in Noose Left on Integration Statue at Ole Miss

Graeme Phillip Harris has been indicted on a trumped-up civil rights charge for tying a noose onto a statue of a negro at a Mississippi campus. No matter how distasteful some may find the act, it has long been argued that such acts fall into the category of "freedom of expression". 

Bible? Or Bureaucracy?

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While it is barely evident in Scripture, once upon a time the White Adamic race lived under the rule of something which the Bible later calls the Melchisedek priesthood. The word Melchisedek basically means Righteousness is my King. That this priesthood was represented in the natural patriarchy of man is evident in places such as 2 Peter chapter 2 where the apostle refers to Noah as “the eighth proclaimer of righteousness”, as well as in the contextual progression of the Biblical accounts in which a patriarchal society is clearly portrayed. This Melchisedek priesthood is mentioned in Psalms and in Paul's epistle to the Hebrews, and we are informed in both the prophecy and the epistle that Jesus Christ Himself is the new Melchisedek priest. Of course, Jesus Christ being the first-born among many brethren and being Yahweh God incarnate, He alone is the ultimate patriarch of our White Adamic race.

In Genesis chapter 10, some time between the reestablishment of the Adamic oikoumenê after the flood of Noah and the call of Abraham which came over 1,200 years later, a descendant of Ham named Nimrod merited special mention among the families of Genesis 10 because he had asserted rule over the others of his kindred. There we read: “8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. 10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. 11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, 12 And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city.” The land of Nimrod's empire was later called the land of Cush in Scripture, after Nimrod's father. Ostensibly, at its height it encompassed Mesopotamia and extended to the border of Egypt. During this time, the serpent had become a symbol of kingship not only in Egypt, but also in Sumer, Akkad and among the Hittites.

Martin Luther: A Lightning Bolt May Have Changed the World—or Not

This article originally appeared in the July-August, 2008 issue of The Barnes Review

Martin Luther: A Lightning Bolt May Have Changed the World—or Not


THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION got rolling during the first half of the 16th century when Martin Luther (1483-1546), a German Catholic priest, attempted to reform the Roman Church most notably by declaring that Christians should focus upon faith as a means to salvation. He feared that through selling “indulgences,” the church came perilously close to selling salvation to the rich. Luther believed that the ultimate power of decision as to who would be saved was vested in God, not the church....

The church responded by excommunicating Luther, which only caused him to start up a new church, the Lutheran denomination, and to translate the Bible into the common speech of the German people so they could read it directly. The success of the Lutheran revolution led the Roman church to launch its own “Counterreformation,” much to the relief of those who remained Catholic. With the Council of Trent, the church doctrine was modified and unified, many of the questionable practices of the church, such as the selling of indulgences, were abolished. The Council of Trent also demanded that all Bible texts be taken literally insofar as possible. The intention was to make things as clear as possible to Catholics at a time when the Protestants were already separating into different branches amid much confusion.