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Negros and Negro Treachery
A Day at the Riots
We do not need to offer too much commentary here. As usual, the treatment of criminals has caused a local chimpocalypse in several American cities, this time Tulsa and Charlotte. In Charlotte, a black cop kills a black gunman, and that gives apefricans across town a license to loot Walmarts, burn down the town, oh, and beat innocent White people. But when are Whites ever going to awaken to the imminent negro threat to society? In Tulsa, a female cop shoots another negro, and while that shooting may not be considered justified, the statistics show that White suffer similar shootings all the time. But that does not matter to the negro, who for any reason will kill and destroy, hating the very concept of the rule of law.
Black "Civil Rights Attorney" Ben Crump Wants to Change the Definition of Crime
Crump only wants to change the definition of crime so that negroes will no longer be described as criminals. So perhaps he would legalize looting, rape, robbery, and even murder to attain that objective. They frame it as "black culture", but in reality, they cannot help themselves to be criminals, and Whites should judge them by the content of their character. Crump and his pals should be charged with conspiracy and thrown in jail forever. (Because lynching is no longer politically correct!)
Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Exclaims "We are Trained Marxists"
The Empire cannot be reformed. Babylon cannot be repaired.
Of course, trained Marxists acting as subversives would have no actual care for partisan American politics, so neither would they enter the democratic political process or endorse political candidates.
Yet in a special disclaimer issued by the U.S. Office of Special Counsel titled Black Lives Matter and the Hatch Act, in what can only be described as either absolute stupidity or purposeful ignorance, it has been decided that since "Black Lives Matter" is not a "partisan political" group, therefore their slogans and symbols are allowed in the workplaces of federal employees, reasoning that it does not violate the Hatch Act.
The empire is destroying itself, and we eagerly await the day.
Booty Boogie Blockparty
Perhaps this video should have been titled "Tweenie Twerkfest", but that name is far too "cute" for these disgusting brute beasts.
The Negro child is sexualized by its own family and neighbors from early childhood. This is Negro "culture" in its natural state.
So, do you think you may invite one of these "children" to your own child's birthday party one day soon? But perhaps they already sit at the same school cafeteria table each afternoon.
White children everywhere are now being desensitized and introduced to this animalistic behavior. Welcome to equality that never existed, diversity that can never be sustained, and a future that is destined for destruction.
We can't wait to see it all come unglued. These lives do NOT matter if we wish to maintain a civil society.
Celebrating Real Black History (African Culture: See How They Run)
Warning: This video is graphic. It contains scenes of brutal sexual violence. This authentically represents the behavior of African negros wherever they exist outside of the rule of the White man's law.
In spite of the Hollywood propaganda, the ancient Greeks and Romans hardly knew the African negro, except perhaps as a passing spectacle in the desert or by the surviving population of mixed races in certain places in Egypt. One literary example which demonstrates the truth of this assertion is found in the Library of History, Book 3, by the ancient Greek historian Diodorus Siculus, whose work was published around 36 BC.
After describing the cultured people of Ethiopia, who were originally not black and who had many things in common with the rest of the civilized world, Diodorus says in Book 3 chapter 8:
"1 But there are also a great many other tribes of the Ethiopians, some of them dwelling in the land lying on both banks of the Nile and on the islands in the river, others inhabiting the neighbouring country of Arabia, and still others residing in the interior of Libya. 2 The majority of them, and especially those who dwell along the river, are black in colour and have flat noses and woolly hair. As for their spirit they are entirely savage and display the nature of a wild beast, not so much, however, in their temper as in their ways of living; for they are squalid all over their bodies, they keep their nails very long like the wild beasts, and are as far removed as possible from human kindness to one another; 3 and speaking as they do with a shrill voice and cultivating none of the practices of civilized life as these are found among the rest of mankind, they present a striking contrast when considered in the light of our own customs." (Library of History, 3.8.1)
What Diodorus described sounds exactly like what is seen in this video, or today in the streets of Atlanta, New Orleans, Memphis, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit and most other American cities on a regular basis.
Criminals are not "Protestors"
According to this North Carolina official, 70 percent of the protesters who have been arrested in Charlotte are not from the State of North Carolina. Rather, they were bused in from elsewhere. These so-called "Black Lives Matter" protestors are actually criminals seeking to break down the rule of law in America. This is an age-old Marxist tactic, and most Americans still do not understand it, even after 60 years of experience.
Gas, Guns and Gorillas: Welcome to No Lives Matter
Published on Aug 23, 2016
ATLANTA (CBS46/AP) - A surveillance video shows a shooting at a the Texaco gas station on 1117 Lee Street leaving one woman injured. Units responded to a call regarding a woman being shot in her left shoulder while sitting in the passenger seat of a Dodge Charger. The driver of that Charger was involved in an altercation with another unidentified male.
In the video, the male suspect motioned toward his handgun. The driver then pulled out an AK pistol from the Charger. Gunfire was exchanged between the driver and the other unknown suspect. The woman was shot during that exchange and transported to the Atlanta Medical Center in stable condition. She has been released.
Police say the unknown suspect fled the scene in a black and red Mazda.
Thanks to Face of a dying Nation.
Goodbye, Christendom, Hello, Jungle Culture!
These negro children are only doing what negro children have been taught to do by negro adults for countless generations in the jungles of Africa. Yet such behavior has always been considered disgraceful, and has not even existed among Whites until relatively recent times.
As Whites are more frequently exposed to and forcibly integrated with negros, White society will inevitably degenerate to the level of the African jungle.
All of this is a source of glee to the international Jew, who is history's oldest panderer and the peddlar of pornography and other vices throughout all time.
The inevitable path of "diversity" and "multiculturalism" is the descent into Sodom and Gomorrah, and ultimately to the pits of Hell.
Gorillas in the Midst - of a Decadent Society
A race-mixing society is a decadent society indeed. Let this serve as a warning to all of those White men and women who think that race-mixing is acceptable behavior, when actually it is suicidal destruction!
How Niggers raise their young'uns
Video originally found at the blog of the Irate Irishman.
How to Survive a Roadblock
The Whites participating in "KKKolumbus" day demonstrations are a disgrace to their own ancestors, and need to be consumed by the Mexicans for whom they are whoring. The Mexicans, on the other hand, are so stupid that they published the video which clears the driver of any wrongdoing, and convicts the Mexicans themselves as the beasts that they truly are.
Leroy Had a Little Goat...
In their natural environment, Negroes are violent beasts which destroy everything they come into contact with, quite often for no other purpose than their own entertainment. After years of observing them in the inner cities and in the jails and prisons of the Northeast United States as well as in the Deep South, this is the type of behavior which we have come to expect from Negroes.
We only wonder when the rest of White America, and our White brethren in Europe, will finally come to the same realization. How much longer shall we attempt to civilize these beasts, until we realize that they can never be civilized? Look at the behavior of Negroes wherever they are a predominant segment of the population, in Detroit, in Chicago, in Baltimore or in a hundred other American cities. When will we finally admit that the great egalitarian experiment has failed?
If you are offended by our practical assessment of the value of Negroes to society, then you should go to one of these cities and encourage the Negroes to do better. To stop killing and robbing and stealing. To stop looking for handouts, freebies, easier tests, carelessly dumbed-down colleges, and the lowering of standards everywhere in order to be accommodated for your shortcomings. To rebuild all of the once wonderful and beautiful places which they have destroyed. Prove your worth by your deeds, not by your protest slogans or your inclination to acts of violence.
But we know better. You won't do any of that, because you cannot do any of that. We have judged you by your character. Black lives matter... for nothing.
And if this does not at least cause you to think, see another video posted here, African Culture: See How They Run
Matthew Owens - More Negro Reprisals for Trayvon
Click here for original story The jewish-controlled mainstream media is responsible for this and for all beatings of Whites by negroes, because of the slanted way in which the media reports crime, or more importantly, either misreports or does NOT report crime.
Michelle Obama: Just Another Actress Getting Her Lines Confused
It should be no wonder why the female-counterpart beast occupying the "White House", aka Michelle Obama, would refer to herself as a "single mother". They are all just harlequins anyway!
Monkeys and Mayhem in Milwaukee
NBC News reports that a Milwaukee Crowd Turns Violent After Police Fatally Shoot Armed Man. The video to the left was taken by some of the rioters themselves and found on Youtube, where it had evidently been deleted by the censors and re-uploaded.
NBC reports that "Violence and protests erupted in Milwaukee overnight after a man was fatally shot by police during a foot chase. Police said the victim, 23, was armed with a handgun and shot dead by an officer after fleeing a traffic stop on Milwaukee's north side Saturday afternoon. Hours later angry crowds took to the streets, smashing a police car and setting fire to another. One officer was injured by a flying brick; a gas station and auto-parts store were set alight. Police said gunshots were heard."
Of course, the entire "Black Lives Matter" movement is designed to leverage the beastly Negroes for the purpose of breaking down the rule of law in America, so that the current system can be replaced with an even more sinister form of tyranny. The result is the systematic destruction of White culture.
But the liberals wanted their Negroes, and now they will have to deal with them, or become their victims.
UPDATE: As it turns out, the Negro criminal was shot and killed by a Negro cop in a Negro neighborhood. So the Negros protest against Whites anyway. But the truth is that the Negroes understand that Law is a product of White Society, and they hate it. The only law for the Negro is the law of the jungle.
So the Negro rioters were dragging passing Whites from their cars and beating them, chanting "Black Power" and burning down their own 'hood. Do Whites need much more in every city before they come to their senses?
We should have added this two days ago, but this is not a news bureau anyway.
Oklahoma University ΣΑΕ Fraternity Chant
Some White "youths" say the word "nigger" in a chant and the Fraternity is immediately ejected from the University of Oklahoma. Two days later, two White cops are shot in Ferguson, Missouri, as niggers are once again protesting the police station. So what may be the commensurate punishment? To immediately execute all the niggers in Ferguson?
If you are black and a student at the same University, you have license to beat women unconscious while being caught on tape, and even get to keep your spot on the football team regardless of being convicted of the crime. (As Joe Mixon was able to do this past winter.)
Anti-racism is in reality anti-White racism while being favorable to non-White racism. Anti-racism is hypocritical Marxist ideology. If niggers get away with beating women silly at the University of Oklahoma, then it is no wonder that some Whites do not want to associate with them.
Philthadephia Follow-up, Part 1
Is this the prevailing attitude of young Negroes in Philadelphia? We could imagine as much, since the many so-called "flash mob" attacks on Whites which have recently taken place there have clear racial overtones - no matter how much the police and other authorities deny it.
Savages Behead Woman in South America
Here is a woman, who is apparently not White but looks like she may be white in this video, and she is being beheaded and stabbed by savages who seem to be speaking Spanish. Of course, these are the very same savages that are trying to flood over the Southwestern United States border as "immigrants" or "refugees", and how can we expect them to act any differently once they entrench themselves in American towns and cities?
You cannot talk about these things on Facebook or many other social media sites, but we can talk about it here.... for now.
The truth about "Martin Luther" King Jr.
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." - 2 Corinthians chapter 11
Left: A page from the July 8th, 1963 issue of The August Courier picturing King and others listening to a lecture at the Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tennessee, in 1957. The school was eventually found to be a subversive communist organization, and was later closed by Tennessee state officials. Click here for an enlargement.
The truth about the incident between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman
This news report is from Fox News, Fox 25, Seminole Co., Fl., the day after the Martin shooting.
Martin was no black "boy", as the jewish-controlled media is trying to portray him. Rather, he was a football player, and over 6 feet tall, while Zimmerman was a pudgy 5-foot-9 non-athlete. Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating the hell out of him when Zimmerman, after many cries for help, finally shot him in self-defense. That is the truth. Yet the anti-White jewish media has every negro in the country going ape over some suppossed injustice and a bunch of bad White cops who won't lock up a guy who was really only forced to defend himself from this black beast. [And Zimmerman does not appear to be actually White, but rather of mixed (mestizo) descent.]
Has ANYONE heard of the two White men in Antioch, Tennessee who were beaten, stabbed, robbed and RAPED by four black "youths" last week? Of course not, because the jewish media only puts blacks in the news when they are "victims". Yet 90% of violent inter-racial crimes have negroe perpetrators, and White victims! [See the Saxon Messenger here:]
Wake the hell up, White America, and drive the evil brute beasts away from you!
Trayvon Martin Supporters Beat Innocent White Man with Hammer
Why is this not in the national media? Because the national media instigated it! The national media, by misreporting all of the events surrounding the death of Trayvon Martin, is purposely instigating black-on-White violence in order to create a race war in America. Whites must TURN OFF the jewish-controlled media in America. Put your televisions out in the streets, and turn off the cable! Stop supporting those who are destroying White society! One of the perpetrators is the son of a well-known black radical. The attack took place in Midway, Florida, about six miles from where George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense.
Two White Men Set on Fire by Black "co-workers" in Baltimore
You won't see this on national news. Just this week, two White men were set on fire by the niggers they "work" with while on their way home from a job site in Baltimore. The first White man is engulfed in flames. The second apparently escaped from his flaming clothing and is seen in his underwear, moaning in pain on the ground. All the nearby niggers wanted to do was laugh and take pictures. This should be a national news story, but apparently White lives do not matter to Jewish media.
Of course, White men should not be compelled to work with niggers.
On another note, in Versailles, Kentucky just this morning the feral nigger pictured above broke into the home of a White family and fatally stabbed a six-year old White boy while he lay sleeping in his bedroom. See the article at the WKYT website
White Women, Take a Taxi ... Or a Gun
There is no doubt, that the more frequently these feral negros are tolerated when they riot in the cities and run rampant on the highways, the more brazen they will get in their interactions with Whites in public places.
If White people really cared about themselves and their families, as well as the future of their children, they would shoot every rioting negro dead on site. It has never in history been considered a crime to shoot wild animals who pose a threat to the civil order.
In fact, it is a crime not to shoot them.
Who Could Believe That Islands Tip Over?
This video is a few years old, but we need a reminder now and then. This is a congressman? Do you still think they can be our peers in a productive society? This really is an accurate example of just how stupid niggers are. And they are sitting in Washington helping to decide your fate! Is that what you really want, White man, and woman?
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