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The Protocols of Satan, Part 12: Jewish Press Control ChrSat20160917-Protocols_of_Satan_12.mp3 8703
The Protocols of Satan, Part 13: The Jewish "News" Agencies ChrSat20161001-Protocols_of_Satan_13.mp3 7894
The Protocols of Satan, Part 14: Bastiat for Judaism, Hitler for Christianity ChrSat20161008-Protocols_of_Satan_14.mp3 8245
The Protocols of Satan, Part 15: Power and Hypocrisy ChrSat20161015-Protocols_of_Satan_15.mp3 8388
The Protocols of Satan, Part 16: Elections and Deceptions ChrSat20161117-Protocols_of_Satan_16.mp3 8843
The Protocols of Satan, Part 17: Are These Things So? ChrSat20161119-Protocols_of_Satan_17.mp3 9856
The Protocols of Satan, Part 18: Protocol No. 2 and the Economic Plans of the Jew ChrSat20161126-Protocols_of_Satan_18.mp3 8138
The Protocols of Satan, Part 19: Protocol No. 2, Jewish Agents in Post-Protocols American Government ChrSat20161203-Protocols_of_Satan_19.mp3 8513
The Protocols of Satan, Part 1: Dr. Karl Bergmeister and The World Jewish Conspiracy ChrSat20150815-Protocols_of_Satan_01.mp3 27317
The Protocols of Satan, Part 20: The Jewish Peril and the Catholic Church ChrSat20161210-Protocols_of_Satan_20_JewishPerilCatholicChurch.mp3 13862
The Protocols of Satan, Part 21: Hitler and Nietzsche ChrSat20161224-Protocols_of_Satan_21.mp3 35736
The Protocols of Satan, Part 22: The Midgard Serpent and the Enslavement of Christendom ChrSat20170128-Protocols_of_Satan_22.mp3 9655
The Protocols of Satan, Part 23: Jewish Lies and Motivations ChrSat20170204-Protocols_of_Satan_23.mp3 8739
The Protocols of Satan, Part 24: The Inevitable Failure of Democracy ChrSat20170225-Protocols_of_Satan_24.mp3 7482
The Protocols of Satan, Part 25: The Jewish International Bankers and the Evils of Global Capitalism ChrSat20170304-Protocols_of_Satan_25.mp3 8523
The Protocols of Satan, Part 26: The New Lords of the Manor ChrSat20170318-Protocols_of_Satan_26.mp3 7858
The Protocols of Satan, Part 27: The Nazis and the Protocols ChrSat20170325-Protocols_of_Satan_27_Nazis1.mp3 7512
The Protocols of Satan, Part 28: The Nazis and the Protocols, conclusion ChrSat20170401-Protocols_of_Satan_28_Nazis2.mp3 8244
The Protocols of Satan, Part 29: Constitutional Vanity ChrSat20170422-Protocols_of_Satan_29.mp3 7797
The Protocols of Satan, Part 2: A Count, a Princess, and a Hoax as a Lifestyle ChrSat20150822-Protocols_of_Satan_02.mp3 15482
The Protocols of Satan, Part 30: Off With the Heads ChrSat20170520-Protocols_of_Satan_30.mp3 7760
The Protocols of Satan, Part 31: Jewish Revolutions, French and Bolshevik ChrSat20170527-Protocols_of_Satan_31.mp3 8076
The Protocols of Satan, Part 32: The Appointed Priesthood ChrSat20171021-Protocols_of_Satan_32.mp3 8445
The Protocols of Satan, Part 33: Corporations are People Too? ChrSat20171202-Protocols_of_Satan_33.mp3 6969
The Protocols of Satan, Part 34: Above the Law ChrSat20180113-Protocols_of_Satan_34.mp3 6995
The Protocols of Satan, Part 35: Inciting Class Warfare ChrSat20180414-Protocols_of_Satan_35.mp3 7490
The Protocols of Satan, Part 36: Judaism and Bolshevism ChrSat20180421-Protocols_of_Satan_36.mp3 125563
The Protocols of Satan, Part 37: The Menace of the Money Power ChrSat20180505-Protocols_of_Satan_37-MenaceMoneyPower.mp3 8502
The Protocols of Satan, Part 38: William Jennings Bryan, the Last Viable Political Opposition ChrSat20180519-Protocols_of_Satan_38.mp3 8084
The Protocols of Satan, Part 39: Who is your god? ChrSat20180602-Protocols_of_Satan_39.mp3 9146
The Protocols of Satan, Part 3: Bergmeister and the Verdict at Berne ChrSat20150829-Protocols_of_Satan_03.mp3 11531
The Protocols of Satan, Part 4: Secret Societies and the Source of the Protocols ChrSat20150905-Protocols_of_Satan_04.mp3 12995
The Protocols of Satan, Part 5: Philip Graves and the Dialogue of Joly ChrSat20150919-Protocols_of_Satan_05.mp3 10667
The Protocols of Satan, Part 6: The Protocols of Joly Refuted ChrSat20150926-Protocols_of_Satan_06.mp3 9188
The Protocols of Satan, Part 7: The Supposed Ford Apology ChrSat20151003-Protocols_of_Satan_07.mp3 10124
The Protocols of Satan, Part 8: The Masters of Discourse ChrSat20160813-Protocols_of_Satan_08.mp3 9504
The Protocols of Satan, Part 9: Rule of the Brambles ChrSat20160820-Protocols_of_Satan_09.mp3 9117
The Race of Genesis 10 - the Podcast ChrSat20111015-TheRaceofGenesis10.mp3 51417
The Racist Right with Mike Delaney - 04-26-2013 CHR20130426-RacistRight-MikeDelaney.mp3 9308
The Rape of Europe - Christogenea Europe, September 28th, 2014 CHR-Euro-2014-09-28-SL.mp3 5455
The Real Domestic Terrorists, and Other Topics, with Dr. Michael Hill of the League of the South CHR20210813-DrMichaelHill.mp3 4772
The Recent ADL Attacks on Free Speech and What it Means to Christogenea - 07-27-2012 CHR20120727-ADLattacksonfreespeech.mp3 9671
The Right Far and Faux - the Podcast ChrSat20111022-TheRightFarAndFaux.mp3 10739
The Road to Here CHR20180622-Road-to-Here.mp3 5987
The Role of Christianity in Western Civilization - William Finck on The Realist Report with John Friend Realist_Report_2013-04-07.mp3 6035
The Role of Faith in a Successful Insurgency, Movement, or Community CHR20180907-Role-of-Faith.mp3 18771
The Roman Catholic Persecution of the Early British Christian Churches - Christogenea Europe, February 15th, 2015 CHR-Euro-2015-02-15.mp3 6315
The Scientific View of the Negro Before the Age of Political Correctness, Part 1 CHR20181228-NegroBeforePC-01.mp3 26727
The Sea and the Waves Roaring, a Critique of a Sermon by Bertrand Comparet CHR20210910-SeaWavesRoaring-Comparet.mp3 7461
The Seedline Controversy in Identity - 05-04-2012 CHR20120504-TwoSeedlineControversy.mp3 9566
The Settlement of Europe - William Finck on The Realist Report with John Friend Finck_on_The_Realist_Report_John_Friend_2013-02-04.mp3 14562
The Spurious Book of Jasher, with Sven Longshanks CHR20191011-Sven_Jasher.mp3 4739
The Statue of Liberty, an Edomite Trojan Horse, with Clifton Emahiser - 10-26-2012 CHR20121026-StatueofLiberty-TrojanHorse.mp3 6711
The Time of the Heathen – a Critical Review of a sermon by Bertrand Comparet CHR20200313-TimeofHeathen-Comparet.mp3 4549
The Unforgivable Sin CHR20200703-UnforgivableSin-Emahiser.mp3 35987
The Universalism of Eli James ChrSat20130316-EliJamesUniversalist.mp3 15795
The Unpardonable Sin CHR20200612-UnpardonableSin-Emahiser.mp3 12673
The USS Liberty: Interview with survivor Ron Kukal SB_20091230USSLiberty.mp3 8319
The Watchman, a Critical Review of a Sermon by Bertrand Comparet CHR20240712-Comparet_Watchman_REMAKE.mp3 9462
The White Friday Open Forum, November, 2023 CHR20231125-OpenForum.mp3 32755
The Whole Armor of Yahweh, a presentation and review of a sermon by Bertrand Comparet CHR20200410-WholeArmor-Comparet.mp3 4201
The Wicked Black Gentry ChrSat20130518-WickedBlackGentry.mp3 11939
The Widening Gulf and the Tolerance of Evil (UPDATE) CHR20221230_WideningGulf.mp3 10734
The Widening Gulf and the Tolerance of Evil, with Dr. Michael Hill CHR20220617_WideningGulf.mp3 10673
The Will to Secede, with Dr. Michael Hill of the League of the South CHR20210205_MichaelHill_Will-to-Secede.mp3 4656
The World of Hate vs. Love, John 15:19 CHR20200515-Hate-vs-Love-Emahiser.mp3 6649
The Wrong Stuff ChrSat20170610-TheWrongStuff.mp3 12147
The Wrong Stuff, Inside Edition, with Dasho CHR20200904-TheWrongStuff-InsideEdition.mp3 11184
The “Little Horn” of Daniel chapter 7, a review of a paper by Clifton Emahiser CHR20201120_LittleHorn-Emahiser.mp3 4977
There is No Political Solution ChrSat20150314-NoPoliticalSolution.mp3 14807
This is Not White Supremacy, It is God Supremacy CHR20200814-GodSupremacy.mp3 15894
Topical Discussions Too, September, 2015 CHR20150918-TopicalDiscussionToo.mp3 4409
Topical Discussions, December, 2023 CHR20231208-Topical.mp3 10786
Topical Discussions, July 30th, 2016 ChrSat20160730-TopicalDiscussions.mp3 5583
Topical Discussions, June 2nd, 2023 CHR20230602-TopicalDiscussions.mp3 16861
Topical Discussions, June, 2024 CHR20240621-Topical.mp3 6789
Topical Discussions, October, 2023 CHR20231020-Topical.mp3 10272
Topical Discussions, September, 2015 CHR20150911-TopicalDiscussion.mp3 4409
Topical Discussions, September, 2024 CHR20240913-Topical.mp3 8180
Topical Discussions: Flat Earth and Four Corners, Philistines, and Fornicators CHR20240405-Topical.mp3 10759
Transcending Materialism with Severus Niflson - 01-25-2013 CHR20130125-TranscendingMaterialism-Severus.mp3 7163
Translating John 1:11-13 - 2012-03-03 ChrSat20120303-Translating-John-1-11-13.mp3 12613
Treasure in Earthen Vessels, A Review of a Sermon by Wesley Swift CHR20220107-Treasure-Swift.mp3 7088
Trojan-Roman-Judah - 2011-12-10 ChrSat20111210-TrojanRomanJudah.mp3 19930
True Christian Communion ChrSat20150801-TrueChristianCommunion.mp3 5761
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani - Wednesday June 1st, 2011 Truth_Hertz2011-06-01_16k.mp3 7888
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 10: 31, Evidence from Assyrian Tablets and Other Inscriptions ChrSat20201010-100Proofs-10.mp3 8239
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 11: 32, Evidence in the Works of Flavius Josephus; 33, Homer, Strabo, Polybius, Diodorus Siculus & more - Why all Greek & Roman Historians show the Israelites were White ChrSat20201017-100Proofs-11.mp3 8353
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 12: 34, Daniel's Beast Empires and Where They Ruled; 35, Jeremiah and Reunion of Israel and Judah; 36, Ezekiel's Two Sticks Prophecy; 37, Daniel, the Messiah, and the Destruction of Jerusalem ChrSat20201024-100Proofs-12.mp3 6472
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 13: 37, Isaiah's Proofs of Israel’s Destiny in Europe (misnumbering ignored) ChrSat20201107-100Proofs-13.mp3 5099
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 14: 38, Ezekiel’s Lamentations over Tyre; 39, Prophecies in Minor Prophets Only Concern Israel ChrSat20201114-100Proofs-14.mp3 5154
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 15: 40, Revelation is Eurocentric and Concerned with Twelve Tribes of Israel Alone; 41, Four Gospel Accounts Show that Israelites were White ChrSat20201121-100Proofs-15.mp3 5113
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 16: 42, Major word mistranslations or misunderstandings that occur repeatedly throughout the Bible: Nations or Gentiles?, Physical or Spiritual Seed?, Fornication and Adultery ChrSat20201128-100Proofs-16.mp3 6317
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 17: 42, Major word mistranslations or misunderstandings that occur repeatedly throughout the Bible, continued: Generations or Races?, Jew, Judah or Judaeans?, What is the World? ChrSat20201205-100Proofs-17.mp3 5548
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 18: 42, Major word mistranslations or misunderstandings that occur repeatedly throughout the Bible, continued: Adam, enosh and mamzers: Man, man and bastards, Strangers and aliens ChrSat20201212-100Proofs-18.mp3 5793
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 19: 42, Major word mistranslations or misunderstandings that occur repeatedly throughout the Bible, continued: An Arab is also a bastard, Holy is Separated, and Saint is someone who is Separated ChrSat20201219-100Proofs-19.mp3 5391
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 1: 1, Origin and Migrations of Europeans; 2, Christian Laws; 3, All Europe Christian ChrSat20200801-100Proofs-01.mp3 23052
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 20: 42, Major word mistranslations or misunderstandings that occur repeatedly throughout the Bible, continued: Satan and Devil, Nephilim and Giants, Devils, Demons and Satyrs, Salvation and ... ChrSat20201226-100Proofs-20.mp3 7519
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 21: 43, Specific OT Verse misteachings, mistranslations or corruptions, Genesis and Deuteronomy ChrSat20210102-100Proofs-21.mp3 6521
TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 22: 44, Specific NT Verse misteachings, mistranslations or corruptions, The Greek words ἴδιος, γενέσθαι, υἱοθεσία and ἐξουσία, Blood, or bloods?, Born from above ChrSat20210109-100Proofs-22.mp3 6317